Rate an excerpt from a Marxist book I'm currently writing

The flaws in materialist philosophies are evident when you take into account that they mix two separate concepts of immaterialism and intangibility. Science is immaterial, the very concept of science is immaterial of observing the material world. The relationships of materials are actually immaterial and if it isn't then it is not science. Immaterialism does not mean non-existent either. Now onto concepts, you cannot experience concepts yet they exist in some fashion. What is thought is not also material. Mathematics is an example of this. Numbers have a relation with materials however they are not material themselves. Numbers do not stop existing simply because you cannot feel them. They measure materials, but they themselves are immaterial. Symbols are transcribed into material, if you take a symbol out of materials then that symbol is not represented in a material form. Ultimately the very concept or thought of the symbol lies not in the material world. The very text I write this with is material. What the text itself means is not formed on this screen. Numbers are based upon material properties but they are not based upon them. The interaction of the brain matter to create the thought is material yet the concept they formulate is based off of something that would exist even without your brain. Therefore the concept is not material. Do not intend to be content that they are simply translation from other parts of the material world. They most certainly CAN be immaterial, they have a relation with materials but they are not material. They do not cease existing if the material they are translated onto ceases to exist. If the universe stopped existing, numbers would still exist. They would lose their function but they would not cease being. As for general concepts, the immaterial is conceptual. Words are any given thing we can think of that is tied to the world yet is above it or out of it. I contend that the consciousness, or what can be reckoned by the conscious, is not material. Some people have deemed me as an immaterialist with materialist characteristics however I am not that because I am neither materialist nor immaterialist. I am a materialist immaterialist. I combine both to create the synthesis between two contraditions, two contradictions that sum up to make a single, absolute truth.

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brainlet here, what did you mean by this

Does it cite Bordiga or am I wasting my time reading this

it does, but only if you read it to the very end

Materialist philosophies consider immaterialism to equate to intangibility. Science is actually immaterial itself because it is an immaterial concept of observing the material world. There is a dualist relationship between immaterialism and materialism yet too many philosophies seem to consider there a divide.

you sure??

i could just ctrl + f tbh

Sure thing, Plato. Anyway, take out the "can" in all caps, it's bad form in a serious text.

Pretty sure you're strawmanning materialism and any materialism worthy of the name must have already taken into account all you said.

Either numbers arise from matter or numbers exist outside the universe, make up your mind

If I understand what you're saying you made a weird logical jump here, since reality exists independently of the observer, that means the consciousness of the observer… exists independently from him??? Unironically not an argument.

In any case the premise I think you're trying to reach (that any materialism that doesn't take into account information is incomplete) is something I would agree with, but your philosophy still needs a lot of work for anyone to take it seriously.

if you want to critique materialism, you should critique it as explained by another writer, not the understanding that you yourself have cobbled together from many writers.


Read up on cybernetics, second order cybernetics, object oriented ontology and Marx' The German Ideology (in which petty bourgeois eccentric Stirner is thorougly BTFO) and the Theses on Feuerbach.

he's asking for citations, not for OP to copy other people's opinions.


philosophy only exists as a practice because people actively participate in its development by synthesizing the works of past philosophers into something new. that's the reason philosophy is "footnotes to Plato" and not just Plato repeated verbatim for 2000 years.

this shit failed already you are not philosopher or leader – all of these –ist and –ism titles were created by the same group of people so you can drink the marx flavor of koolaide. faggot

You do know materialist philosophy deals with the material conditions people are in.


I think you can still be a historical materialist if you feel that way. I don't see how that sentiment has any practical consequences whatsoever. We have invented notation systems for numbers that are so big they are bigger than the amount of atoms in the universe. Some take that to mean numbers exist on some higher plane and are more real than our universe, others look at it at that as pointless wank about things that don't exist. I don't really care either way, it seems to make no difference other than this or that person being more or less annoyed by this or that way of phrasing things.

Listen to especially on the cybernetics part. Read chapters on signal and their definition of information. What is the absolute condition of the existence of information.

Classical introductory textbook into cybernetics. I have personally read it and it opened a new world to me that 5 years of studying physics at university kept me away from.


If you have no engineering education then this book looks quite good from a didactic standpoint.


If economics is your preferred path rather than going on to unknown path of engineering, then Oskar Lange has a great book on Economic Cybernetics.


Keeping notes which expand on the topic are a great way to get into writing as such. But it is best to be humble so you do not end up reinventing the wheel, or the steam engine or radio transmission in your case.

When concept of information is introduced into materialism, it is obvious that information cannot exist without matter. Thoughts cannot exist without brains, pictures cannot exist without pigments, and so on.

inb4 Anal Water and his insufferable Hegelianism shows up.

This obviously is Anal Water writing. I can recognize his inferiority complex anywhere. now he's had to go so far to try and prove science and mathematics are just as worthless as the worthless education he chose to pursue.

He claims ridiculous shit like, materialism is an idealism, conflicts are not dialectics, etc. Is he a sophist or a mega sophist?

Or someone unaware that the chinese person assembling his computer in China is far more important for society than he with whatever amounts of text he can write, elaborating on philosophy. That is the plight of those educated only in the humanities. When there is more of them than it is needed, of course the pressing feeling of uselessness and its vehement denial are what are at play.

Little does he know, he can make up for it by cooking some meal for himself or for his friends.

If one feels useless, cooking from scratch a homecooked meal is THE labour for the reproduction of society that one can do for oneself. Or for others if one gets a practice and is a good cook.

This sounds eerily like that "materialism is really idealism" argument.

Anal Water has proven himself to be a massive sophist time and time again. Look at his most recent.
