Isn't post modernism just a "tfw too smart for" wojak applied to something?

Isn't post modernism just a "tfw too smart for" wojak applied to something?

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No, it isn't.


Yes. You should hear them try to defend themselves rather than critique others. They say stuff like "Post-modernism is not an ideology but the milieu we find ourselves in" which is just a fancy way of saying "post-modernism is objectively correct because it reflects reality."

Post-modernism literally doesn't mean anything. It's pure intellectual masturbation.

It does and it doesn't. It's a term like neoliberalism, it's being thrown around so much that its general meaning is only one of vague reference to an overwhelming source.


Also No

Not at all, it is precisely the denial of the universality assumed in your second statement.

No one knows because post-modernists refuse to acknowledge the existence of post-modernism.

Just learn what it means. I swear postmodernism is the new fucking bogeyman to replace """Cultural Marxism"""

No but it is true that only brainlets are unable to understand what post-modernism is.

Mein gott. You're such a brainlet.

can you explain it for me? i'm dumb

Go take a course about it if you're interested.

This. Post-modernism is something you can only learn in a university, preferably an american one.

i'm not interested in it i just don't know what it is

Postmodernism is merely the inherent logic of the current stage of capitalism. The french post structuralists have to be understood in terms of their broader historical context. The ideas of Deleuze, Guattari and Foucault reflect what was going on at the time, cybernetics, the aftermath of mai 68, the antipsychiatry movement, LSD and the counterculture. Towards the end of his life, Foucault, became a vocal advocate of what we know as 'neoliberalism', he even talked about his admiration for Friedrich Hayek.

I am unironically interested to read Foucault simply to understand neoliberal ideology at it's core with all the memes aside.

I wouldn´t call him neoliberal for what I have read of him so far. The harshest critique I´ve read of him is he doesn´t quite well document his sources or even can just make shit up, especially talking about ancient greek sexuality.

Postmodernism is garbage that the CIA supported to undermine Marxism.

Interesting. What is he more broadly talking about in his books, anything related to leftism? I just have a general idea that Foucault is one of those figures that most normies find acceptable to quote but at the same time isn't completely retarded stuff like Solzhenitsyn.

hi Holla Forums

Foucault wasn't much of a garden variety neoliberal, like William S. Burroughs and loads of 'libertarian' post counterculture types he probably saw neoliberalism as a bulwark against the power of the postwar state. But we all know how that ended up for us. The hidden connection between the counterculture and the Reagan revolution deserves to be further explored. besides, Foucault was the MILO of his day, he made a career of going around colleges 'triggering' people, ie. he 'supported' the Iranian revolution for one.

He is interested in sex and power and how it is used as a controlling method from government institutions (jails, brothels, asylums) . He could very well might have ended friends with neoliberals but that doesn´t take from some of his books being insightful I think.

you should read him, his ideas about the creation of identity and the subject by the state are my favorite but i cant find the exact essay where he talks about "subjection" but its p good.

i also unironically love hurculine barbin.

Kind of fascinating, thanks for replies. I'll definitely read from him, probably more accessible stuff than Žižek.

As dry and awful as that book he wrote is, I Pierre Riviere, he tries to see a logic on why that guy killed his family, find some sense to it which he doesn´t find but at least he made an effort to talk about the topic which still hants us.

He tried to pick up the pieces after Stirner proved dialectically that identities are oppresive bullshit, and whatever contribution he made turned out to be pretty useless from leftist viewpoint.

haha holy shit, i've really seen it all.


Well, the philosophers commonly lumped under "Postmodernism" are among the smartest humans to ever live, so it's unsurprising that the vast majority of people can't understand it. Brainlets should stay out of the field and go to Physics or something.

But were they smarter than Marx, Engels or Kropotkin? These guys can at least express their thoughts in a understanable manner, while individuals like Adorno are merely known for their elitary intellectual masturbation.

postmodernism I think is essentially the self-aware commodity. also breaking the fourth wall in general, but in a way that previously wasn't even conceptualized. media taking the place of events, there being denied the transcendental realm because our symbols of them have been stripped of meaning - myth becomes only myth, ritual mere ritual etc. everything has already been figured out.

one day I hope I can quickly give a succinct summary of poosto maadan in japanese off the top of my head whenever, that's my j-goal fam, deal w/ it.

Postmodernism is the "deepity" (a trivial statement made in a seemingly profound way) extended by airy empires of sophistry to form an entire pseudo-philosophical doctrine, PDF related.

We'll keep calling you it until you stop being it


Uh, no, not even close


Except that's rapidly becoming the case as these terms are applied so broadly that no definable meaning can garnered from them.

No, it's anti-materialist garbage that has business being promoted or even associated with the left.

All of these terms have well-established definitions dating from their initial use, in the case of the older two, they were fixed in dictionaries and encyclopedias decades before their current wave of popularization. The fact that the people targeted by them are anti-intellectual scoundrels opposed to the entire concept of linguistic prescriptivism , adds the perfect cherry atop the sundae of their attempts to squirm away from directly defending themselves.

Yes, these things do have established definitions (except maybe postmodernism which has always been only vaguely defined), but my point is they are being applied as a label to things which don't meet the criteria for their original definitions.