Just posting to let you all know someone is actually gassing themselves on /k/

Just posting to let you all know someone is actually gassing themselves on /k/




what the fuck

I feel bad for him. How could he be so stupid and not even google if the gas would harm him?

oh dear

Bleach + vinegar = chlorine gas

Found this there
This is very bad safety instructions. The lack of what "it" does makes me want to put them together.

obviously fake

I hope.

Is the peroxide/hair condition TATP mix? Like that virgin with the bucket on the tube in Loldon had?

That would be some fucking nasty toothpaste holy shit.

should I actually be doing this?

You can buy toothpaste that already has baking soda in it. Baking soda acts as a whitening agent.

Yeah it works pretty good but tastes really fucking bad. I'd only do it if your teeth are bad or maybe once a week.

should I just mix it in a cup and scoop it with my brush? not really sure how to go about it.

That's how I used to do it.

First, we took your toothpaste. Next we are coming for those toothbrushes!

The "toothbrush" meme is reddit as hell, user.

Just because the first time you encountered a meme was on reddit does not mean that it is the source of said meme.


If he survives this he will become a legendary ghoul user