Based Robespierre

Will he ever be topped?

Hobbes is the GOAT liberal

What did he do that was so significant?

the french revolution and your question would be more appropriate for

Nibba are you serious?

He killed the Enragés and went after his fellow radical Jacobins instead of cracking down on the right wingers.
He is still one of the good liberals.

edgelord who killed a bunch of people to 'protect' the revolution

The more I read and learn about what the actual situation France faced, the more that the Terror is justified. For the most part, Robbie's paranoia was right.

It was justified but the terror was misdirected and it ultimately failed to protect the revolution.

Naw he just didn't go far enough. And also he opened up suspicion that anyone could be punished by the people's virtuous will, which scared the radicals enough to coalition with moderate liberals. He should have purged all of the counter revs before he implemented his divine violence "Walter Benjamin" level of terror. But he thought that virtue was more powerful than wealth and capital, thus like all liberal revolutions it was doomed.

The Cordeliers were right.

What did he do that was so significant?

He certainly got the part above his neck topped off lmao

The man will go down as GOAT



He was basically an early socdem, but at the time that was pretty extreme so he's cool I guess.

At the very least he did nothing wrong and even his political opponents felt he had been posthumously slandered.

max so kawaii

The Enrages top him several times. Robespierre compromised the ideals of the revolution too much, and I do not mean the terror.

He was a proto-Stalin.

So he was a great man?

Hero of the Revolution

some dude that shot his mouth off one too many times.