ML Rant

ML here, the only way the revolution will come about is Marxism Leninism. that's why antifa fails and other leftist revolutions because it lacks vanguardism and democratic centralism. Marxism Leninism also has the most scientific world outlook, dialectical materialism.
prove me wrong

thats nice but when are you gonna read marx


The only way any left can win if entire left unites



Marxism-leninism sucks because it's purpose is to pave the way to a stateless society by replacing the ruling class.

I think I'd be an ML, if it didn't mean sharing an ideology with MLs.

oh fuck off tankie the eastern bloc was a meat shield for the soviet union. anarchist revolutions were either cut off by the soviets or just straight up invaded. fuck marxism leninism

Like in the spanish civil war or in the russian civil war?
Anarchists get the bullet when they work with MLs.

I don't know much about Spanish Civil War, but in Russian civil war there was no ideological conflict it was just conflict between Russian and ukrainian nationalists,

This is literally the stupidest image I have ever seen.


Read homage to catalonia's annex.

I did, but it does not give me a muh privilege of pretending to be a expert on the matter

It's the death throes of the Homo stalinus. Just ignore.

lmao at your whole life if you trust an ML to prepare ramen noodles without suffering second degree burns and lobotomizing themselves with a chopstick

I read Marx though.

Not an argument

Can you please stop posting this meme? It's making us look bad.

Grow up and stop approaching politics like teenagers approach music bands

he literally gave the names of communists to the briitish government

Except its obvious that the central planners made all the decisions and the soviet union was an undemocratic. even Cockshott who people like to use proof that the Soviet Union was socialist admits that this is true and an undesirable aspect of the Soviet Union.

That's pretty cool and all but i'd rather have one big union to lead the revolution

You know what i don't understand about tankies? Why do they hold such a big cult of personality towards Stalin even though he rejectad that all the time

the most scientific worldview 200 some fucking years ago, dialectical materialism is a cult, yall have wheels in your head about some proposition which does not honor the individual and therefore my ego rejects it.

Antifa isn't an ideology so much as an activity, people, often communists and other far leftists, engaging in antifacist action. Thinking its some big organised ideology is Holla Forums tier retardation, regardless of how effective you think it is.


Orwell is trash

revolution is a spook

No, Marxism Leninism is only a precursor to the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with Cyberalthusserian characteristics

Why are you still an anarchist then?