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Is that shit for real?

it is in a better reality

it is in a better reality

Fake or not, god, Hillary is insufferable
Reading her getting roast made me smile today theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/12/hillary-clintons-book-what-happened-clear-message


openly admitting that she fine with killing people to please an algorithm to get herself elected

I sincerely hope this is real but I doubt it.

sorry, you literally have autism. not surprising that a hoxhaist would.

I never expected anything that savage from the Guardian.

Are you guys seriously so autistic you think these might be real or are you just shitposting?

I honestly think stalinstache is deranged enough to believe Hillarys bus crashed into a fake tunnel painted on a big rock, Wile E. Coyote style

Does it matter? Get a sense of humor.

whoever wrote this needs to be awarded
he can leave gulag a month earlier when it's time


Reality is not a matter of empirical facts, but a matter of accurate representation.
These are real.

Are these all there is, or is there an actual parody book?




It is in a better reality

I'll read that book.