What does the statement "women should be equal to men" mean to you?

What does the statement "women should be equal to men" mean to you?
Clearly women are not identical to men, or to each other, so by what metric are you comparing different people to think it's even possible for people to BE equal, as opposed to HAVING things that are equal?

Other urls found in this thread:


Equality of opportunity.

Women don't exist.
Why do feminists cling to the woman identity? Wouldn't emancipation entail the abolition of the woman?
Isn't all "identity" limiting, and linked to the expectations society has of us? Thus inherently oppressive?


I'm too drunk to answer your bait with any substance expect that "women being equal to men" in the legal term.

But gee OP yeah you're right we should measure people's value differently by arbitrary criteria (don't pretend that's not what you were aiming for, at least in regards to women, you faggot). Therefore I propose to measure people by intelligence with only above 150 Autism Level, at least in the 10% economical bracket AND proven genetic linage of successful rulers/capitalists, to be able to vote and cast decisions on society.

Oh shit you don't qualify for that too bad hope you enjoy plowing the field.



These are always the stupidest threads in the catalog

No two people are identical. That's not the point, at all. It's about equality before the law, first of all, and an equal access to the opportunities, resources, and so on to lead a fulfilling life. Depending on your condition - woman, man, disabled, abled, smart, dumb, and so on - this implies accommodation for some, burdens on other, ideally subject to democratic decision (but currently subject to the whims of capital).

Even a hundred years passing can't cure right-wingers' retardation.

It means that neither is inherently superior or inferior to the other and neither should have power over the members of the group just because they belong to the other group.

Obviously not everyone is equal, but in most areas other than physical strength and maybe extreme intelligence women and men are equal on average. When people say they want "equality" they don't generally mean equality of outcomes OP.

muh equality

Women should be given equal treatment and held to equal standards to men, and vice versa. If for whatever reason women tend to be less well suited to a particular task then they should be assessed on their ability to complete that task regardless of their gender, but if they do not meet the standards then they should be rejected. The same goes for tasks that men are less capable of. We should also avoid making assumptions, or in any way disqualifying a woman from doing a task that is typically better suited to men based on her gender alone and not her actual capabilities.

we must totally reconceptualize our ideas of justice and freedom. No one is “equal” to everyone else in any society, whether it be in terms of our personal diminishing powers in the life-cycle or the different capacities, experiences, and knowledge that distinguish one person from another (such as physical strength, certain abilities, and the like). A new society will want to be guided by an ethics of complementarity, as I have called it, that tries to equalize the differences within and between people—in short, that will be guided by an “equality of unequals”—rather than retain the pretensions of justice that regard “all people” as equal, notably as an “inequality of equals.” Unlike justice, which works from the pretensions that all are equal in theory, despite their many differences in fact, freedom makes no pretense that all are equal but tries to compensate for the inequalities that occur with age, physical infirmity, and different abilities. - Bookchin

It means nothing to me and I disagree. Men and women are treated very differently and in ways far more complex than "women are less than men." It's about as reductionist as saying that blacks' problems are fixed because slavery is over. Our entire way of comparing women to men and their relative benefits and drawbacks is utterly tainted by cultural context that would have to be deconstructed in its entirety before we could really make the two equal. Also men have shitloads of problems specific to them and "bring women up to men's level" totally ignores this and presents all kinds of weird contradictions that any idiot can and will point out.

equal power in society

No one is equal
But that doesn't matter, I want to live in a society where everyone's equal in the eyes of the law and property is communal
One doesn't presuppose the other

And this has not yet been acheived in first-world countries because…

Pretty much. Identities and labels are negative space, that shape how you can move around the world, limiting your range of action.

Oh yeah, also this:

Who owns the means of production?

When people say "equality" in this context, what they really want is fairness.

What are you talking about? Of course two wrongs make a right!

you're quite a caricature. who's paying you?

Equality of opportunity and not letting people get away with being predatory shitheads

I'm not a feminist or MRA, but the point of that poster in your pic went over their head. It's tongue-in-cheek, they made the prices different to highlight (perceived) inequality between the sexes, so the hypocrite angle the pic is going for isn't that strong of a "gotcha!" moment.

Look up the Gender Equality paradox

…of you!