Has anyone worked out what National Bolshevism actually is yet?

After reading Limonov it seemed like it was a situationist-like critique of the Russian Far-Right & Putinism, but obviously you had people like Dugin taking it semi-seriously as an ideology.

Also this thread is now the meeting place for /NAZBOL/.

It is a joke ideology by design.

Why else would you have a fucking emblem that litteral is a nazi flag with a hammer and sickle that is filled with punkrockers?

How much extra does it cost to get Gordon in fatigues?

Its an ideology and a family of ideologies. Read Niekisch for the foundation, Thiriart for the evolution and Dugin for the current form. Related ideologies include but not limited to Legionism, Ramiran Falangism, Bombaccian Fascism, Strazzerism, and Social Nationalism.

Can someone give me a comprehensive list of everything and everyone that is and isn't Nazbol?

Not complete.
Ernst Jünger
Ernst Niekisch
Ernst Rohm
Gregor Straßer
Otto Straßer
Otto Remer
Karl Otto Paettel
Joseph Stalin
Gregor Zhukov
Francis Parker Yockey
Jean Thiriart
Claudio Mutti
Franco Giorgio Freda
Alexander Dugin
Eduard Limonov
Cornelia Codrianu
Mikhail Stilescu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Jose Antonio Primo De La Rivera
Gabriel D'Aunzio
Niccolo Bombacci
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Un
Mummar Ghaddafi
Said Al-Islam Ghaddafi
Martin Gormann
Hafez Assad
Bashar Assad
Dogu Perençek

i love tyrone. considering converting to nozbal now.

fuck you nigger.




Stazzerism is related to Nazbol. Also, Yockey defected in 1953 as a result of Prague Trials.

Replace Iranian with American and you got Memetic Gold.

Strasserism has literally nothing to do with National Bolshevism in any of its manifestations. Asser had nothing to do with the KPD at any point in his life so the interwar National Bolshevik/national communist line of the German communist party can be crossed off the list, and neither Limonov nor Dugin cite or show any influence by either of the Asser's whatsoever.

In addition, Asserism is barely even national (with it's disgustingly bourgeois democratic proto-European Union) and arguably not even socialist. I would argue its overly agrarian guild socialism is vulgar socialism, as it for some reason it wishes to enforce and maintain manager-worker social classes but with a somehow equal ownership between workers, "managers", and the State.

muke is nazbol?

our work is done here.


what nazbol actually is is a pan-slavic new age cult but what unironic nazbols mean when they say nazbol is actually asserism basically

An FSB game to make the opposition to Putin idiots, and then making those idiots useful.

It's not pan-Slavic. FFS read Great War of Continents.

As I've already said in another thread, there were far more apostate communists in the SA and SS than most people would presume.
Beyond anything the Assers wrote, the symbology and subjective consciousness of a socially radical nationalism was manifested in the SA and Black Front membership long before that laughable retard Dugin crawled out of a sewer and onto Pedo Putin's nasty botox chode.

Ours is just beginning :D
Wait and see, retard. Hitler purged us for a reason.


Wouldn't surprise me tbh


While Russia now might be anti-imperalist and shit. If Russia ever defeated NATO under Russia United it’d become burgerland 2.0

now he is