How do you deal with empirical evidence and your political ideology that goes against it? Denial?

How do you deal with empirical evidence and your political ideology that goes against it? Denial?

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nice unsourced infograph

Did not know Karl Marx was a geneticist

It's all sourced, are you blind? It says RIGHT UNDER THE CHARTS. Unless the work of one of the top Stanford-educated geneticist is not enough for you, of course. I believe that's denial for you.

Stop projecting pls.

Oh yes, we are all equal. WE ARE ALL ONE RACE

Repeat after me.


No one cares if people are different, communist's conception of equality is economic, not intellectual, physical or otherwise, if you think economic inequality accurately reflects ability you're retarded.

i don't understand why people care tbh. even if it is the case what good is this information?

But some people are smarter, some are stronger, and some people are lazy and some are not.

Should everyone be given the same for the different things they do? Do you consider a hobo whose choice is alcoholism to be on the same level as you? Even if you're egoless, the economy of this is impossible. Money would become worthless if everyone had it. Even if you abolish money, other things take its place. Supply and demand my friend, ever heard of this universal, perfect mathematical-proven phenomena in human societies?

Behold the creator of socialism

Are you really this disconnected from reality? People who are homeless or otherwise screwed all ended up there because of their own decisions? One of the schisms between Left and Right is "problems are caused by the system" vs "your problems are your own", I certainly think considering the latter can be helpful but if you completely disregard the former you're an idiot. People can't "just like, pull up by bootstraps" a person's course in life is primarily deterministic. As for drug/alcohol abuse 90% of the time they're a symptom rather than the cause.
This is in part true, but in the modern day laziness is enabled by Capitalist bread and circus, if this was removed engagement would be preferable to boredom.
Central planning is quite feasible considering how quickly China and Russia industrialized compared to other countries, and the fact that mega-corporations like that scary one that runs half the world's prisons plan centrally. Additionally calling it "central" planning is somewhat misleading since there would obviously be some measure of regional planning. As for the production of the things needed for living, how much productive capacity is wasted in the world economy today on useless frivolities, and how many people don't actually contribute anything to society?

it's almost as if socialists have always acknowledged this, whoa

I learn something new every day. Thanks pol.

We know, and we don't care because history doesn't care:

Be fair, if you presented that to reddit they'd go mental, call you anti-semitic reactionary and ban you.

They call anyone who isnt a bourgoies black transgender gay feminist excellent so I dont give a fuck about reddit.

Redditors are just angsty liberals who can't handle Bakunin's authentic anarcho-national-blanquist-collectivist (ANNAZBLANCO) form.

Sad but true.

There was a thread on r/anarchism a while ago that was praising up some government security official somewhere because they were an "anarchist" and also transgender.

Wish I was making this up.

Are we not going to talk about the fact the Finns are clearly not human? WHAT ARE THEY.

Can you not read the articles you post.



No one is going to give anyone "the same"