Capitalism and fascism are one and the same

You do realize this is ridiculous, right? Capitalism fought Nazism, Italian Fascism and the Empire of Japan. Capitalists even see those as closer to authoritarian communism and prefer to lump them together with the USSR.

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nice bait

Capitalists also aided Spanish fascists and wanted to make peace with Nazi Germany until war was unavoidable.

Fascism is capitalism in decline. It is in a "healthy" capitalist countries' best interest to reign in or get rid of a "sick" capitalist country. Otherwise people start wondering their porkies are going to start gassing and killing them too.

Don't care, no one else here (probably) cares.

im not lefty (inb4 ban lol) but one important contribution of leftism is viewpoint of capital & state as hopelessly intertwined, the pointing out of the unreality of right-libertarian ideals as far as conditions on the ground are concerned

The more important thing is that the idea that Fascist states had an all-bearing state which owned and micromanaged the economy for war is largely a misconception, as most Fascists had HUGE scale privatizations and generally left corporations to do as they pleased, with little intervention other than some favoritism here and there.

Capitalists also aided the USSR during WW2, are you this weak?

Yeah except communists fought 80% of that. Meanwhile the allies didn't do anything until WWII was unavoidable

…because by that point they were locked into the war and to not aid the USSR would have made things even more difficult for them.

They also gave permission for Nazi Germany to annex the portions of Czechoslovakia that formed the Sudetenland before the war, because the best way to deal with fascism is quite obviously to roll over to its demands even if that means betraying your allies and quite literally gifting their territory to the fascists.

I can't speak to the economies of other fascist regimes, but Nazi Germany in particular had an extremely regulated economy. Most resource usage was approved/disapproved of by government control boards. But profits still flew into capitalist hands.

Capital relations are always ultimately under the thumb of any sufficiently strong state, e.g. in Nazi Germany it's not like there were Jews allowed to profit off of industry, ie government is picking winners/losers

like I said, capital/state are hopelessly intertwined and often times the difference between the 2 is sematics

Nazi Germany was so liberal in economic policy that it basically forced into existene to coining of the word "privatisation".


Don't forget the Soviets offered to go to war to defend the Czechs but the Brits and French just went with it despite the protests of pretty much the entirety of eastern europe.
Muh percentages agreement is nothing compared to that.

Fucking this People bitch about Molotov ribbentrop all the time but conveniently forget this. Not to mention Poland itself decided to work in concert with Germany to annex Czechloslovak territory.

Capitalism is not a model of government, it is a mode of production and distribution. Nazi Germany was a capitalist country, just like the US. What you meant to say is that liberal democracies fought against totalitarian nationalist dictatorships, which isn't the same at all.

So fascism is not necessarily capitalist, and non-capitalism, if you don't wish to call it communism, isn't necessarily good. If you believe capitalism is bad, then there is no reason to call it fascism, and if you think fascism is bad, then you are not even a communist in the first place.

You have entire ideologies fucking confused as hell.

This nigga so high on trash can fumes he thinks that any society that's not capitalism is communism.

Ahahaha no

Those men truly were the greatest generation. They didn't cry for free shit under socialism, and pulled themselves out of poverty like men, instead of wanting to smoke weed, and play video games living off those of us who work.

The Great Depression was just a hiccup, man


2/3rds of them being generous, didn't know what the fuck it even was.

America has had the most violent labor history next to Russia. It's been a while, you're just asking for it back aren't you.

The percent of burgers in that era who knew what socialism was probably fits entirely on the low side of the decimal point.

I'm sorry, but this really sounds like an incoherent rant. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

This is a complicated historical matter.
In theory, it should be possible for a fascist movement to be anti-capitalist, and many claimed to be — especially in the ideology's early days. However, their anti-capitalism was often limited to criticism of finance capital as alien to the nation and of the bourgeoisie as feeble-minded pacifists, so that's a very truncated form of anti-capitalism. But many if not all of those movements quickly abandoned their "social justice" bent or were outright purged.
In practice, fascism emerged as a reaction against socialism and its success was staked on striking a deal with the traditional conservative elites who were terrified at the prospect of a socialist revolution and were willing to compromise with populist thugs in the name of anticommunism.
Fascism being chiefly concerned with a purely political and cultural revolution, it left private property and social hierarchy largely intact.

Protip: Most people calling themselves "anti-capitalist" really aren't, more often than not they support capitalism with a strong welfare state. However, there are sincere anti-capitalists who also aren't communists, yes; like primitivists, for example, even if they're also unadultered trash.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Again, fascism is a political form of government and capitalism an economic mode of production — of course they're related, but their relationship is not mechanistic. Capitalism can be administered in many forms: that could be totalitarian nationalism like it did in Nazi Germany, or that could be liberal social-democracy like it does in Sweden today.

That bit I really don't understand though…

America was such a great ground for a socialist revolution, too bad the red scare managed to fool so many retard GIs and Boomers


The relationship between IBM and Nazi Germany is historical. Are you absurd?

no, german imperialism conflicted with imperialist interests of its neighbours. it's inherent to capitalism to bring about war.
fascism is an imperialist nations openly terrorizing the working class without bourgeoise democracy.

This is basic deductive reasoning with the goal of logical consistency, it is no more than resolving any paradox within an axiom set. Fascism isn't capitalism, do you agree? Fascism can be in fact against capitalism, banking, abuse against workers, bourgeois rule, can't it? Mussolini himself was a communist. Saying they were not socialists is like saying the bolsheviks were right-wingers because they won against the peaceful mensheviks or vice versa because mensheviks were moderate. You don't want to answer a simple question with a long text here. Is fascism necessarily capitalistic? No.

Okay, next point. If you think non-capitalism isn't necessarily good, which is what you seem to believe, then Capital ceases to be the root of all evil for you. Which leads to the idea that saying socialists governments like the ones in Germany and Italy during WWII are evil just because they relied on a capital as a mode of production and distribution is wrong.

Now if you do believe that capital itself is the root of evil, and that non-capitalism is necessarily good, then you can't really associate it with a model of government, whatever it is, fascism and so on. Make it clear if you think they are the same or not.

Finally, the worst position, is to throw away all the Marxist doctrine you should have learned by now and hate fascism instead of capitalism, which would effectively classify you as not even a communist, but probably a lefty zombie, a WWII russian soldier who was taught to hate nazism.

Thus the conclusion is: you are either a communist or, say, antifa, you can't be both. Antifa and leftists in general don't like to be called "commies" so do us a favor and follow the rule.

Woah now, this is some logical consistency, deductive reasoning, and INTENSE analysis

meant to by the way

that is not even what I'm saying

What your saying is fucking gibberish.


Are you a a schizo?

Capitalists swear allegiance to no flag, they go where the money is. Many American businesses operated in Nazi Germany and had deals with its government. IBM provided the punched-card machines used for record-keeping and eventually the Holocaust, Chase provided banking service in occupied Europe and even froze the assets of Jewish clients, Standard Oil provided the tetraethyl lead gasoline without which the Luftwaffe wouldn't have been able to even fly a plane, Ford (whose owner was a noted antisemite) had no problem with its German factories using slave labor, the list goes on.

Fascism and capitalism are two different things (though they are related and can operate hand-in-hand), that's correct.

I've already answered that question. In theory and rhetoric, yes; in practice, not really.

He was part of the Socialist Party of Italy, from which he was kicked out for supporting intervention in World War I. He then abandoned socialism and endorsed a populist, militarist and totalitarian form of nationalism that was christened "fascism".

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Fascists were violently anti-socialist. Mussolini's blackshirt thugs spent most of their time ransacking left-wing publishing houses, trashing trade union meeting halls and breaking up strike actions when not straight out murdering those they perceived as commies.

Again, I've already answered that question. The answer isn't "no".

I wouldn't describe capitalism as "the root of all evil", but I do have a long series of grievances with it.

Italy and Germany during WWII didn't have "socialist governments", this is outrageously incorrect. Both boasted about their violent anticommunism and actively persecuted socialists.

Capitalism is not associated with a definitive form of government. However, the form of government with which capitalism is managed is usually determined by material conditions specific to its context — for example, the fact that the conservative elites of the Weimar Republic were willing to enable racist thugs because of their fear of socialist revolution led to Nazi Germany.

You can oppose both fascism as a form of political governance and capitalism as a mode of economic production, you know.

… Why couldn't I be both? I oppose totalitarian nationalism and private property. I support workplace democracy and collective ownership. I'm comfortable with being called a commie.

hmm, good points my incredibly coherent fellow
if I may interject with a rebuttal, however, I ask you this:

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

it's really quite a pressing issue

Fascism is just so far right and so extremely reactionary to the point that it becomes mercantilist.

Democratic Republics/Parliamentary countries fought Nazi's because they were attacked by them, they didn't care about the economic system of the Axis powers.

squares and rectangles lad

fascism is capitalist, not all capitalism is fascist

fascism is capitalism, because it's anti-communist

hierarchy is root of all evil

When France and Germany fought in WWI, that means one of them was capitalist and the other wasn't?

No, Britain and America fought Germanhy, Italy and Japan.

yes this is what i m eant to say.
a'n'h = Austria'n'Hungary.

OP is a "socialism is when the government does stuff" turbo brainlet. Stop responding


Take your horseshoe and shove it. Just because both are capitalist doesn't mean the capitalists won't fight one another - history is replete with capitalist powers fighting each other to the death! It comes with the territory; the capitalists compete with each other and seek to centralize as much of the other's capital under their own control, and will harness the powers of the state to do so whenever they can, leading eventually to clashes between different states hijacked by different groups of capitalists.

Fascism is a reaction against the petty bourgeois against the financial bourgeois; it is obvious to them that the latter doesn't do anything of productive value, and so they move to remove them from the equation. However, the institution of the bourgeois and therefore capitalism continues to exist under fascism. It's a corrupted form of capitalism, however, as the financial bourgeois is an essential part of how capitalism works. The WW2 Western Front was a conflict between liberal, proper capitalists and fascist, corrupted capitalists.

Nice argument