Are STEMfags the only ones who can save us from reactionary aesthetes?

Are STEMfags the only ones who can save us from reactionary aesthetes?

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STEMfag here. Idk about you guys, but the people who sit around me are extremely anti-communist and always make "hahah you starve under communism" joke all the time.

Like 99+% of reactionaries are STEMfags. The way to talk to them is to get them to realize they're LARPing and don't actually believe the mysticism shit they're talking about and moreover that there's a milieu of things science can and ought to be doing but can't because the resources that would be dedicated to making it happen is instead used to give porkies handjobs. Also copyright law.

I feel like there should be an article that sums all that up nicely. It would be nice to toss at some stemdag friends.

Speaking from experience on both sides of the coin, the greatest problem with STEMfags is that our entire lives are built around expending the minimum amount of effort for the maximum amount of on-paper performance. Rather than novels, we are drawn to sites like Reddit that erode our attention spans by providing bite-sized chunks of entertainment, never really stop to question the world around us.

This might seem like a minor point from afar, but it has dire ramifications for the individual's enrichment. Bombarded with a constant stream of meaningless novelty, they fail to comprehend and appreciate the implications of non-technical knowledge. Whereas for example I found myself enraptured by my professor's long and meandering lectures on Macreconomics, my classmates were more keen on browsing Facebook or playing Overwatch. (Interestingly, the latter activity is actually quite difficult and unenjoyable without sound, but the student still deemed it favorable over learning about fiscal and monetary policy.)

On the rare occasions we do read a book, it's usually nonfiction, and our choice of reading material is dictated by the capitalist expectation of advancing one's career. And that's really just symptomatic of the larger problem with STEM education: Rather than providing a solid foundation for understanding society and the natural world, STEM majors have essentially become glorified training courses for the next generation of service-industry peons.

I'd like to believe there's still hope for us, however. Many of us (myself included) were coerced into these fields simply because they are profitable. I've heard that academic researchers are constantly unsatisfied with funding for their experiments and adjuncts get paid pennies to teach; meanwhile the Dean takes home several hundred thousand in salary alone. And despite their automatic opposition the moment you mention "Socialism", I've noticed that many liberals or even rightists in general are receptive to lefty concepts ("Yeah, I wish I coulda worked at a charity. Sadly, in the current economic system, you don't get to eat unless you make money for -someone else-.")

Hilariously, the only person who deflected that line was a bourgie relative who said "Yeah well that's the way the world is." I'd still like to imagine I gave him somethin' to think about.

Projection - the post

Actual STEMfag here. I just can't.

jesus christ, for everyone's sake i hope you're not a fucking engineer or something thinking like that.
we're what?
maybe you dont. i literally do this every day, all the time. i'm doing it right now.
that's how i feel right now
Is this Elliot Roger's ghost shitposting right now?
not rare for me, i hope you're not a scientist
i've never read a self-help or a "how to make it" book in my entire life. I mostly read history and folklore/ancient religion.
what was your fucking major? some sort of entry-level computer sci garbage? this sounds like a 15 year old trying to be intellectual.
probably because their research is garbage and what they study isn't worthwhile to be honest. there are so many people that want to do research there is barely a way to fund even a fraction of it. academic researchers often assume that their research is as valuable and interesting as they think it is. you can't even imagine.

STEMlords tend to be the primary targets of petty bourgeois propaganda. It's especially effective on them too since they rarely the grounding in philosophy or sociology to know that what they're being fed is bullshit.

I find the -TE- part of STEM to be somewhat reactionary itself.


I think he ment technology and engineering. They are filled with pajeets and classcucks from the get go. They think they can end up earning big bucks at some start up or single handedly make and test patents but in reality they end up slaving away at some contract they made with some company so they make patents for some company instead of themselfs.

im a compsci kid, agree with what you said whole-heartedly. the more i look into leftist politics the more demotivated i get about uni lol

STEMfag here. Y'all niggas need philosophy.

STEM fag here too, and I agree, it's hopeless. Bonus points for complaining about evil corporations at the same time. Extra bonus points for being an employee at a startup and working one's ass of for someone else's dream. Maybe there should be a bingo for that.

STEMfags will actually likely be the very first to be or at least accept reactionary aesthetes tbh.

Maybe It's just me but has anyone noticed how engineers tend to be the most reactionary of all STEMfags?

I wonder which is the least reactionary, though. I was a pure math major in college.

I'm an engineer and I didn't notice it.

This is an anecdote of course but I've found biologists to be the least reactionary. Pure biologists that is, not people who are looking to go to med school.

Bio grad student here, my adviser is a Marxist.

I forgot to mention that by reactionary I meant economically reactionary.

Although I did meet a industrial ing. that was a huge falangeboo.

Skynet's minions are all soulless sociopaths, which is why they can't """get""" art or the sublime or anything involving the interior of human experience, instead they just tend to operate from a heuristic that crudely models affective behavior. They will opt for "rational" solutions as they see fit, whereas grassroots Western Left has fully degenerated into irrationalism, and further was attempting to subvert STEM enterprises, this was working ok for a little while but is now starting to crack up as the absurdities begin to become liabilities, while Holla Forums tries to grasp what they perceive as some kind of flowering of Romantic Monarchist sentiment. Your best bet really was trying to ingrain yourselves within the Climate and other global bureaucracies like UN-attached umbrella NGO's, expanding and consolidating them before neoliberalism collapses under its own incoherence as well.

I'm actually the exact opposite, I'm a STEM major because I love research but when I got an internship found out 99% of research are lab-peons doing repetitive tasks that they didn't even need a degree for and reporting computer read outs to higher ups. Like, do I really need to have a fucking masters degree and be $50k in debt to run electrophoresis for $11/hour? The profit factor is actually a major turn off, I just wanna find out cool shit.

I don't even like STEM being as a coherent grouping.
Science and Mathematics people are in my experience far less obnoxious than those in Technology and Engineering, usually. Even when they are obnoxious, it's a different sort of obnoxiousness that doesn't promote the same level of blind fury. Depending on whether you want to include them or not, I've found medical types to be the least obnoxious. (Though this may partially be because I'm British and they know they're gonna have to work in the NHS creating mutual interest in throwing money at that organ :^) )

Never have been able to reconcile liking Richard Stallman and respecting the engineers who built my favoured social democratic white elephants with my broad-based desire to wicker-man the majority of T&E types. Will have to ask


rationalwiki is shit but:
is an amusing footnote.

There's different kinds of STEMfags. Engineers tend to be pro free market capitalist retards because they think they'll all be Elon Musk or something.
Maths and science types on the other hand are generally much more open to the idea of workers controlling their own labour, since they're in the field for its own sake and know that it's held back by intellectual property and having to throw yourself at the feet of some company or justifying some economic benefit in order to get funding.

but the opposite is true tho. STEMfags are the most reactionary people.

yes of course you're a stemfag, now please go kill yourself

STEM is a really bad grouping. Each dicipline is very different and it changes greatly with geography.

Software engineering in the US and eastern Europe is full of classcucks who all want to be the new bill gates, in western europe its full of autists who like to code and maybe make a bit of money.

pretty sure that's what he said

Also what the fuck does this even mean?

anyone doing applied shit or code monkey bullshit is guaranteed reactionary. its just not that hard, its mostly busywork and being willing to do boring shit all day for a good salary. theoretical physics and maths imo tend to be more marxist. im a history grad student and my physicsfag friends all think pretty much like me

stemfag phd here, most people i meat are positivists lacking dialectical thought. but taking that leap is a lot easier than the leap from the neoliberal postmodernist idealism taught in universities. they've cucked philosophy as a science completely, and most people studying it are petty-bourg doing it for the memes.

in any case, its the internal contradictions of capitalism that will bring about its end, not some elite class of intelligentsia savior figures

The type of nigga that has a Greek bust as his profile image.

says shit like this
read nigger read. this is a mish mash of jordan peterson talking points which in actuality have little do with each other

what the actual fuck are you even trying to say?

you're a fucking retard who should drink bleach, dumb shit.
these words all have fucking meaning idiot. stringing them together and using them like a fucking pol prop infographic is stupid.
i assume you are a barely reformed poltard anyways
dis ok tho

i assume you are a barely reformed poltard anyways

ignorant garbage poster, don't post about shit you don't understand. postmodernism is by fucking definition idealist, there is no materialist postmodernism that could ever discover societal and historical causalities because its methods are never dialectical. and of course, post-modernism is a neoliberal creation that serves neoliberal agendas and was fostered by the neoliberal establishment. so yes, neoliberal postmodernism idealism is a fucking thing you dumb fucking shit.

STEM will usher in some sort of fascist "soft" authoritarianism of the Autism Level elites. People who work with digital shit think in a digital way (true/false, 1/0) and the world is analog and complex. Plus they're emotionally crippled, and you have to have some kind of empathy for leftism to take root in you. Actually the ones who do feel empathy towards their fellow man might be even worse cause they'll invest millions and billions into shitty things (Gates and charter schoools) and make things even worse.

no surprise
post modernism is neither materialist nor is it idealist in the way in which you want to connect it to neoliberalism. there is plenty to critique it for, plenty. The problem is retards like you just like to use your buzzwords as if you fucking know something.
neoliberalism is opposed to most current post modern philosophy. if anything true post modernists will be the perpetual victims of society when it starts to crack as they lack the convictions of marxist and won't whore themselves to neolibs

in any case the word post modernism is in general fucking meaningless. what are you talkinga bout you thick shit? literary post modernism, a rejection of empiricism in the humanities? Some strains of post structuralism?
This is how i know you're a polfag cucked jordan peterson wannabe. I cry everytime i think about how many former polfags like yourself have now tried to claim marxist thought

I actually literally never mentioned deans nor the humanities so I'm actually not sure what you're talking about. But, now that you mention it, i do think humanities is utterly useless trash, with rare exceptions like architecture and history, and are major wastes of potential academic research. I'm guessing you were a sociology major and now you're mad you cant get a job with a meme degree.

i did and still do history you cum mouthed stemfag

Probably since communism is one big nerddom anyway "but you're wrong, you obviously haven't read page 546 of bordiga/the warhammer guide!".

ye talk more shit out of your ass, just because I called you out on your obvious lack of dialectical understanding of postmodernism as a phenomenon.

you're a dumb piece of shit. postmodernism is IDEALIST, because its concepts and methodology for establishing "casuality" is are not based on material reality. philosophy can be either idealist or materialist you dumb fuck, there no in between no matter what your postmodernist professors tell you.

Today, postmodernist ideology of the 90s like "queer theory" is literally being used by one of the two ruling parties of the world's dominant imperialist superpower to replace class struggle, by providing a form of petty-bourgeoisie progressive pseudo-struggle.

Historically, Heidegger and his IDEALIST ideology were fostered by the nazi party, and his successors (derrida,foucault) were vital in providing philosophy that departs from the radical revolutionary nature of dialectical materialism into a conformist relativist ideology that can coexist with neoliberalism. You are obviously IGNORANT of all of this, you try to discuss philosophy without even acknowledging the material conditions in which said philosophy emerged. That tells me you are most likely a philosophy student whose head has been filled with cancerous postmodernist ideology, that lacks any semblance of dialectical critical thought.

you are the cancer infecting today's philosophical thought. you even reject the label of postmodernism itself, while claiming to be a marxist. you most likely have no idea who the true radical philosophers of our time even are, the ones that are actually at the forefront of evolving revolutionary marxist thought into its next stages. i'd tell you to google vaziulin, but you most likely don't know russian or greek to even be able to study him, or any second language for that matter you fucking piece of human garbage. i frankly feel disappointed in myself for wasting 3 minutes of my life writing this wall of text to address an imbecile like you.


no matter how good a wanking machine you engineer it will never match the entertainment value of a single Nuffield general election study.

I was an aeronautic engineer an I pin it down to autism and being too sheltered. STEM fags are often myopic in their interests yet engineerfags take it to a whole new level.


I'm not an engineer I'm a neuroscientist that studies treatments for deaf children. I guarantee you whatever job you do, it will never provide the kind of joy that comes from seeing a child weep after hearing their mother's voice for the first time. But keep it up, those i-can't-into-statistics sociological circle jerks are really making a big impact.

Wondering off the cuff, it's interesting how engineers respond to the state in general.

For British engineering for example there's a lot of "Oh, the bloody government interfered in this world beating project by cancelling it" ignoring that the government was responsible for funding it in the first place. There rarely seems to be adequate appreciation of that, even when there really ought to be more appreciation of the insanity of some of the investments the British government made. Many of them were far more romantic (and aligned with the Engineers in this respect) than practical. I mean, some of the cancellations were obscene and some of the interference downright stupid, but on the whole a lot of them found themselves cossetted while everyone else got kicked in the teeth.

At least pretend to know what a Nuffield general election study is, smart guy.
Be civil to your electoral betters or find that in light of declining birth rates, pediatric care and research is no longer a funding priority. :^)

No. Preforming visual arts magnet program is the true vangaurd.

i'm gonna stop u right there chief cuz i said this
kill yourself now, kiddo.
You dum cum rag, please tell me exactly what you mean by post modernism instead of some dog whistle jordan peterson bullshit. seriously? If you are talking about neolib sjw bullshit then say that. as for connecting that shit to derrida, foucault or even heidegger please kill yourself because your nonsense is the equivalent of when normrons say LE Not Socialism=le commies are the same horshoe theory XD
its definitely not you faggot. autism doesn't make you intelligent
speaking the language of ethnonational fascists retards who need to be spread back into turkey so their retardation is not concentrated in one area?

Kill yourself, my dude

I'm also a STEMfag, but most people are like that too, guys. Most people are retarded and full of ideology. I'm more irked by Holla Forums and the left's general hatred for anything STEM as if it was some kind of evil thing. It's almost as bad as the "hurr all Americans are bad because muh imperialism" ignoring that the vast majority of Americans have no say in this matter.

Ancom Biomedical post-doctoral STEMfag here.

Most in the biological sciences are liberal af. They all think I'm crazy that I support communism. "muh gorgillions" and all that jazz.

Yeah, and guys with a hate boner for STEMfags are just faggots that can't into math or jobs. See, I can make sweeping generalizations too, you fag.

Dunno man, I'm doing second year electronic engineering and I've met a left-leaning Irish guy as he's my lab partner.
But I agree with other posters which say that STEMfags tend not only to ignore problems in the world, but also deny their existence; any non-empirical question is immediately shuffled away and hidden, or it's laughed at. Society is never analysed by these people, it just exists.

This guy just can't into fuzzy logic

This is true. I wonder how STEM people feel in less classcucked regions, if there even are any.

Wow, reading this made me a little sad. Is specialization killing us guys? What happened to having diverse interests and enjoying life? I know it's profit and such, but it's hard to look at first hand, and then face the realization that you almost certainly are living a similarly "uncultured" life for a lack of a better term. Geez.

this this this
I love compsci but I hate the business logic associate with it

He's talking about the majority of STEM students and he's right. Stop getting offended at everything you see.

t. stem student

They have the biggest work load and they're sexually frustrated.

sociology is literally a meme degree

it's a degree studying memetics

it's a fucking meme

it isn't real

Liberals are most willing to accept fascism.
STEMlords love shit like 'race realism' and crime statistics without looking into the root cause of it.
STEMlords love authority and are accepting of anything their teacher/professor/boss says. They are the goodest goys.


Memes are the true power you muggle.

Science is a meme.
Religion is a meme.
Existence is a meme.

You are all meatpuppets populated by memes. You are nothing more than tools for meme reproduction. A meme enters your mind, hijacks your soul and forces you to spread it to other bodies. The entire world is a network of mementic infection, a writhing mass of mindless automatons that somehow gives off the illusion of consciousness. You are nothing more than the memes you eat.

Memes are the most real thing there is.

i know what memes are you faggot, i was just saying that sociology is a meme degree, in contrast to math which isn't

You are an impudent peasant who doesn't know his terms. Go back to plowing the fields and being dominated by the meme magic you oaf.

fuck off idealist peasant.


Do you not understand the power of memes? MEME SORCERY is the power of the gods themselves! While you earthly peasants till the same patch of earth for eternity, I WILL WALK AMONG THE STARS on a cloud of memes. The entire world shall fall to the power of my memes, and NONE will be the wiser thanks to TOOLS like you. PEASANT. YOUR KING COMMANDS YOU TO BOW.

Bend the knee before I bring down a memepocalypse on your house.


STEMfag here. Specifically electrical engineering. In my experience, most engineers are profit-driven. Most of my classmates only joined the program because they thought it would get them fat stacks. A good deal of them didn't care about what they're learning, some even going as far as spouting off high-school tier complaints like "Ugh, when are we even going to use frequency-domain analysis? I just want to get a job at [insert shit silicon-valley company here]." This attitude also seems to persist into the workplace. They are soulless, and are therefore natural classcucks.

On the flip side, most of them seem apolitical. I think they could be just as easily swayed to the left as the right once you explain to them they don't actually own any of the things they design. Based on how much they bitch about patent law, I think the concept of worker-ownership would intrigue them.

Losing the rights to something that is still inside your head (I mean the positive right to use it yourself, not the negative right to forbid someone else doing it) is pretty damn alienating. Similar thing is in academia, where most (if not all) journals require signing off copyrights.

Basically, the gayest thing ever. Like, think about something really, really, really fucking gay and just keep making it gayer and gayer until your surrounded by sculptures of male underwear models with enormous "aesthetic" crotch bulges and beautiful noses.

Memes are the smallest unit of thought, comparable to a gene. Saying "science is a meme" is like saying "blue eyes is a gene."

Memes are so much greater than that you filthy materialist. Truly dank memes transcend the pitiful categories you atheist priests try to contain them in. Meme magic spooks blue screens the world in an exponential tide of viral amphibians.