

Attached: 522c4c69b521e30e5818a8d385ce227d645aa53f.jpg (850x1214, 207.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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This is fun.

Attached: 77dcc77d92f58271915a336285fe45ccdd41e500.jpg (942x1200, 119.63K)

I know right, I love 'em

Attached: antarc30.png (1000x796, 170.39K)

I saw it

I bet something weird is going to happen at the end of super

Attached: hitto de sicario verga.jpg (572x462, 56.76K)

Kind of want to try LSD.

Attached: DW9WmthVMAAp8Zs.jpg (899x1200, 110.04K)

shitpost harder

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

I will, when I get a few more Luna pics/caps.

Attached: a4deaee0fac6a05ce9636afd004b7b769576d4b2.png (850x1240, 531.03K)

Thanks Soto that means a lot to me


Attached: hatsune miku00161.jpg (850x1105, 155.93K)

si, si.
muy bien.

Attached: 140.jpg (480x480, 26.41K)

huh? about what

Attached: 111yz.jpg (480x800, 379.9K)

Super weird?

You mean it won't be Android boat memes?

Attached: 67805368_p0 - 【ラノベ】魔王の娘は世界最強だけどヒキニート!2.png (1579x2167, 2.26M)

ur dick size

Literal fact.

Me three.

Hes probably gonna get his boat

i'm gonna be real sad when the mexican memes stop coming


Attached: 1521557956139.jpg (1045x1068, 511.1K)

Attached: .jpg (818x1024, 107.06K)

final fantasy 15 is driving sim the final fantasy game

Attached: antarc24.png (540x303, 266.25K)

that's the best part

Attached: 127.jpg (1049x950, 106.08K)

pretty much this

I mean people have always done that

Attached: XPGOiet.jpg (751x957, 71.6K)

I'm betting that it's either going to be one of the top 4 universes or something to do with universe 6 for the movie.

Omg, I'm going to miss this too.
I keep seeing tier lists inspired from the gohan blanco / el hermando tier list.

Attached: 67691890_p0 - 神風ちゃんバニー.png (1000x1611, 1.13M)

Pretty much ever since the panty posts

yee george says so! it looks really pretty

Attached: antarc12.png (540x618, 64.92K)


This guy even made a video about it

Attached: Jiren an gohan clvo blanco vs el Hermono.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

not constantly

how did u irritate the masses today

i asked why my 6gb file wouldn't fit on a flash drive with 11gb free space

answer: because fat32 doesn't support files over 5gb or some shit (thanks hu)

Attached: yurucamp 4.jpg (1000x800, 88.09K)


Attached: 1497365962273.gif (480x270, 1.24M)

ye filsystems can be turdy

Cummie on the tummy

Attached: 1521557956139.jpg (1045x1068, 511.1K)


W-What the fuck am I watching?

Attached: 67752223_p0 - 銀子ちゃん.png (1000x1483, 646.95K)

This is what super has become.

Its the funnest part of it.

Attached: hitto de sicario verga.jpg (572x462, 56.76K)

btw hi Emma

Attached: 1498701981166.png (254x713, 163.15K)

squashie is a cucko

Attached: tumblr_oraire5AEb1uut8fyo1_540.jpg (515x507, 56.7K)

You know what? I don't hate it at all.

Attached: 67737375_p0 - クイーン・エリザベス.jpg (750x1200, 452.54K)

does a straw have one hole or two holes?

Attached: 69.jpg (593x796, 60.18K)




there are 1.5 holes
dispute settled

I wanted to post "3" but got cucked by the captcha picking the worst time.

one hole you doof

A straw should have no holes in it, else it will leak.

Attached: IMG_0147.JPG (570x712, 155.16K)

I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see me beat the shit out of a noodle.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x281, 26.1K)

Straws and holes?
Sounds like it's time for a field trip!

Attached: screen_shot_2015-11-16_at_4.48.02_pm.png (620x392, 305.27K)

I hate that I laughed.

wowee almost all my favorite UK boys are here
time to flirt with EVERYONE >:3

omg perfect
thanks woco

hi loafie

hewwo yamz

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-29-58.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

hi peegirl
I go to sleep now goodnight

Attached: 58.jpg (850x1481, 274.26K)

0 fuckin' idiot

Hey you. Wassup?

Attached: new do.png (464x305, 233.52K)


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 29.58K)

I'm not even British

Attached: IMG_0134.JPG (400x283, 49.92K)

Can confirm. Loco is an Irish Traveler.

That explains how and why he keeps stealing our hearts.

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)

really ?
night night sweetheart

im drinkin waaater :3
then im gonna drink some teaaaaaaa

whats up with youu ?

i dunno
it says uk on your post.....

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-25-01.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

Why are you repeating all the vowels like that?

Attached: i just wanted to try it on.jpg (1397x1997, 797.62K)

Liliana. Gimme a mwah!

Don't do it PissLass, it's a trick! He'll eat you!

I prefer Roma.


Just... a kiss...

Attached: 708CFACB-838B-4215-BC95-8E6508C490E8.jpeg (1200x617, 110.38K)

PissLass is an 8/10 nickname tbh

You're not East European though.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x281, 26.1K)

because i caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :3


whats roma


Just a little smoosh

Attached: E8B57FA8-BC19-4EEA-8C40-6263B2BC77F7.gif (412x360, 95.15K)

Also Roma don't steal nearly as often as Pikeys do.

thank god

I don't know if we could still talk if you did

Attached: 1521463888415.png (1024x544, 568.67K)

now that's people food

Attached: 132.jpg (1280x720, 239.04K)

(((Mwah smoosh)))

ive eaten chocolate and chips all shift amd gotten paid for it

Did I do good, my little wonton?

Well alright then, seems a fair enough reason.

Attached: i just wanted to try it on.jpg (1397x1997, 797.62K)

Lip smackin

neck cracking

Roma is a blanket term for peoples generally called Gypsies. Gypsy isn't a misnomer coming from the word Egypt, which nation Europeans mistakenly believed Romani peoples to be from (they originally came from northern India).

Priv checkin

Our relationship means that little to you..?

That's a pretty legit hit photoshop.

Attached: 65987658_p0 - ハムマン.jpg (1462x1600, 1.01M)


omg share some with me


i know nothing of anything tbh
thanks doctor loco


ass wreckin



you wanna get married ?

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

Thai sweet chilli and some CHOMCHlate. Its so good, -emails half to you-

Attached: DF6A72C3-3348-4774-BE6E-B269FBEA9A31.gif (498x259, 21.74K)

thank u for the email scootsy

22:14 - Halcyonic Yams: Also that planet seems kind of Polish
22:16 - Halcyonic Yams: GIANT GREEN DILDO
22:16 - Madeleine: blue*

Truly, this is what conversation is supposed to be.

Attached: wait, whut.jpg (540x320, 191.09K)

Got to share the goodies. ITS PLAIN COMMUNISM.

Are you drunk? Or high? Or both?

Attached: u wot m8.jpg (1920x1080, 105.88K)

better dead than red

Attached: 139.png (750x720, 283.53K)


Yeah sure, yolo

Attached: 65822394_p0 - ❤.jpg (1181x1748, 1.35M)

I’m high, high on gay communism hormones

Communism you say?

No u


Attached: B9BC6999-B9C6-4ACB-85FC-92E01A1F17C2.jpeg (750x500, 87.83K)

Oh great

now i'm stuck with you

Attached: gothic_neko_by_xendlesssorrow-d4i1wyc.png (684x1167, 706.59K)

i dont smoke or drink so

Communism is second only to US imperialism on the list of history's greatest death machines

Attached: IMG_0134.JPG (400x283, 49.92K)

You could trip. That was fun the few times I tried it.

Attached: HARLEYWOOD.jpg (1920x1080, 197.17K)

you fucking potato shagging fenian wop

what are you fucking gay?

Could be worse tbh

Attached: 67831554_p0 - えりり誕.jpg (1000x1412, 180.2K)

scoots is going to send the thought crime police after us all

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

Would be nice if we could liquidate Loco. Fucking kulak sympathizers

I am noting down all of your names, doxxing you all, the gulag will be an interesting meet up

The only MP here who is even remotely communist is Corbyn and literally nobody listens to that fag so it's cool.

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)

nope !
no thank uu :3

yes you already knew all three of these facts

Stalin and henrpison camp system was a justifiable means to a gloriois end

Why not? I'll trip with you.

Attached: 754824cb3545029d9e170f2aa6dd87b617189e26f9d88f6c2c9e85dbf9000b2d.jpg (700x996, 110.41K)

just remember
refugees are toxic

Attached: 108.gif (480x270, 1.02M)


Yams just mad he gets shagged in the ass by the surgeon
Get ducked

not my thing stinker


what could make it worse ?

Attached: d71.png (499x591, 161.25K)

Liliana is pure flower

Aw. Laaame. ;~;



Hewwo friends!!
I'm back threadpostin again

Attached: antarc52.png (700x400, 75.48K)

I want to corrupt this one, DooP. You never let me have any fun.

Attached: tumblr_o7gnhyp0dO1t2cu2qo1_1280.jpg (800x800, 500.08K)

-writes sinni down-


not lame at all !!
i dont ever feel the need to do something like that

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-27-25.png (386x748, 430.01K)

im literally uncorruptable :p

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-33-10.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

is that a fucking challenge?

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

You'd love the rainbows though. For real it was like everything was a foil trading card.

Attached: tumblr_o847oqviKw1uo0fqno1_1280.jpg (1280x1579, 534.19K)

No greedy yams

Imagine if it was next poster...

Attached: 67836032_p0 - 縁側で果南ちゃんと.jpg (860x1214, 602.18K)

Attached: 127.jpg (1049x950, 106.08K)

What a waste.

Attached: xfhxghd.png (500x323, 196.76K)

Honest lil

Pff. Fine. But one of these days...

Attached: tumblr_o6e6exVux91ut7kl5o1_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 292.63K)

Lilianas are for pets and hair ruffles only

Attached: E4B4AFEC-11CD-45F7-ACE4-E93C0E9B0CEC.jpeg (720x404, 52.24K)

And peeing on;.

Attached: 03276e8712b30f5ff45f110da44cdbde.jpg (800x725, 82.38K)

sounds uncomfortable and not in like
trying new things uncomfortable

i just dont really like to warp my perspective like that

Attached: 1170336_187130561665251_944871700_n.jpg (480x480, 75.48K)

You trying to say something mister? Wait until I tell your mother about this. I swear to god, this on top of the timble dryer.

How are you doin today?

Attached: antarc64.png (690x978, 109.13K)

Square. We're gonna have to do something about that.

N-no..! I didn't say anything!

Pretty swell. all things considered. And you?

Attached: tumblr_nojpt4bM6e1shgfc0o1_500.jpg (412x683, 235.57K)

Yeah, I thought as much. Now. Keep the ruckus to a minimum. Father has “Trap meme” projections to analyze.

Attached: DEACC0B7-CB63-40C1-A163-3F44A2773B31.png (500x1198, 303.43K)

nothing can be done and nothing will be done :p
sowwy sweetie

I'm good! What do you mean all things considered? everythin ok?

also fuck I always love the pictures you post.

ur uwu

Attached: antarc55.png (600x946, 509.54K)

>not wanting to watch Mulan with liliana as you eat popcorn and she giggles excitedly 0w0

...And you are Gulag’d


That would be pretty awful actually.

Attached: This is mine.jpg (602x946, 334.85K)

i luv moolan

Attached: 1497654034174.jpg (1920x1080, 259.06K)

Best disney
Hands down

I have been thoroughly defeated. How humiliating.

My life is a constant stream of "wut" and "nothx".

Attached: tumblr_motl7k6bW11qmm87po1_500.png (500x694, 242.74K)

Exactly! You're welcome for saving you from that :3

Attached: 67820036_p0 - のじり響.png (1240x1754, 1.38M)

I wish I could describe the sound my headphones make when there's no other sound. It's fucking otherworldly.

Attached: tumblr_nkxsa6UliB1rmirydo1_540.png (540x405, 171.88K)

thank god.

hehe same, though I'm glad things are pretty swell!!

any plans for today or?

Attached: z20.png (540x554, 86.74K)

Every defeat is a lesson, every lesson a turning point, every turning point an opportunity, moms spaghetti

Attached: 17472592-256E-425C-93DF-3B08B7ABA59D.gif (500x283, 47.64K)


Attached: 4BD31DA9-97AA-417F-871B-CCFFE2B96D59.jpeg (544x604, 120.34K)

I have a gallon of fireball and my classes got cancelled

Attached: 633.png (663x326, 268.88K)

Most of my day is done now so I'm just winding down and fucking around. Also have you ever seen the videos about the Draken/Nier series by a guy called Clemps?

Attached: tumblr_nhazbvHLZQ1r47ck2o1_1280.png (1280x1024, 204.72K)

best ?

its up there though

what will you do now bubber ?

nice blood and cuts
i like blood

ye, how are you doin?

nah I haven't, is it good?

Attached: z15.png (540x720, 369.31K)

You into bloodplay?

I kinda have a mancrush on Clemps so I might be biased... but I really enjoy his Draken/Nier analysiseses...es.

Attached: hahaha her legs look furry.png (362x615, 109.2K)

Well what do you consider better?
I’ll wait
Hm hm

Lazy at work
Thinking about Communism

Attached: 1AAEA2A6-42AB-44B5-B731-B2FD2811F9E1.jpeg (1800x1252, 346.28K)

Where is Maddie??

Fatal motorcycle accident in 'Nam. There may have been a shark.

Attached: tumblr_o6e6exVux91ut7kl5o1_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 292.63K)

can't believe they let sharks drive in that shithole smh

I'll check 'em out! I really like nier n drakengard is really uwu imo.

hanging with yorg, thinkin about daeth

Attached: z17.png (540x694, 75.68K)



Mmm Valhalla.

Attached: D76191EA-5F10-4AC7-BD8C-64BE9DB76380.jpeg (1000x671, 165.04K)

whats bloodplay

i like blood

im not too sure
am playin 2 much pubg to think about disney movie titles
maybe i'll try later

He's pretty cute and has a fun sense of humour. I might be a bit gay for him.

Bloodplay is when you play with blood, often (maybe always?) in a sexual context.

Attached: tumblr_o73673S6ve1ttnc2fo1_1280.jpg (600x838, 430.17K)

Well. Send menyour list of disney in order of greatness. So i can analyse your application for housewife more thoroughly.

Attached: FA69C205-698B-4C3A-9D2F-B4A9D5DF56A6.jpeg (225x225, 38.63K)

Well fuck, man. I was riding Haley's through the jungle of nam. Rest in pieces.

Mandy, I take it? Been a while.

Attached: tumblr_nl68hqWM6J1rjqwzso1_1280.png (992x1441, 586.28K)


n o

no sexual context here


Wow, that's pretty hardcore.

Attached: 67832130_p0 - 暁ちゃん!.jpg (4000x3541, 5.71M)


Ura! There’s a good girl~

Attached: C1837254-41B1-4FFA-BFC3-2DBB27A8A3D5.jpeg (1920x1080, 367.81K)


as always

-thinks you might summon Bloodchan and looks around-

I am a doubtful person.

Attached: 4B11A828-2CDD-4418-B661-B23335AE89BD.png (500x280, 263.31K)

-wonders if its that easy to do-

a lotta non doubtful people doubt me so getting to know me should be fun :p


How do you get Mandy from that??

I was right, then?

Attached: tumblr_o3zq1egwQ51qj0qimo1_1280.png (1280x1600, 313.1K)

.... Maybe :( am I that easy to spot?

Very few people like blood for reasons other than a sexual thrill.

Attached: tumblr_o7gnhyp0dO1t2cu2qo1_1280.jpg (800x800, 500.08K)

updated list

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1212x1884, 2.12M)

Acquisition of the poultry meal done?

Attached: 82CF8B87-A863-4089-A8A7-BCDE7CC2B760.jpeg (811x1200, 318.65K)

It was actually you calling her "Maddie." Only you do that.

Attached: eye see you in the icu.jpg (1280x1749, 338.21K)

Well fuck balls....

okay well
very few is still an amount of people
an amount of people im in


i stink

Mandy, you called~?

I'm exploring space with Amy rn what's up?

Attached: HEYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (500x375, 608.48K)

wow welcome

Same here, sister.

Attached: tumblr_nw90jywjEC1uob4eao1_1280.jpg (803x1187, 342.25K)

Do your best
And have fun
That is all that really matters

Attached: 27111AFF-0E5F-4399-9A79-EC92A00D9896.jpeg (1800x1252, 346.28K)

Oh. Well now I feel bad for taking your attention away from fun times.

I suppose I can't complain much. Or shouldn't anyway. But that doesn't stop me. How have you been, legs?

idk i'm just streaming lol

how goes it?

Attached: pew pew pew.gif (510x287, 363.26K)

are you saying you also like blood in a nons*xual context ?

if so could you cut open my stomach and let my insides fall out

im ALWAYS havin fun

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-43-44.png (478x986, 678.7K)

also steam just died x_x

I've been well, thanks. And you should always complain.

I like it in both ways soooooo...

Attached: tumblr_nwt8qe4MnD1reigyho1_1280.png (804x1000, 341.75K)

so then cut me open

Yea yea
Lets see that when we duo
and you team kill me

Attached: 9537ABC0-68C9-4221-9151-98C35102D2FA.jpeg (225x225, 38.63K)

I DONT TEAM KILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't possibly.

Dang it.

Attached: coverpic.jpg (862x1255, 273.39K)

Liliana gets off to full on penetration of the skin and flesh

Beginning to wonder if she's even capable of arousal.

You steam? Where at?

Yeah but nobody listens.

Well! Tell that to the stream!

Attached: 933A0E41-B7D7-4EEB-A1C6-C73AB6A96EAB.jpeg (236x386, 25.5K)

You don't know that. You can only know that nobody has responded.

Attached: i'm gonna look after you.png (334x311, 108.13K)

Liliana is beyond such base desires.

I think it's on again now.


here use my knife
*puts in your hand and presses it against my soft tummy*
do it


uh huh

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-48-45.jpg (1920x1080, 790.83K)

Oh thank goodness I was beginning to flounder somewhat.

Attached: ehh, what's wrong.png (329x657, 189.05K)

Now, wheres my smooch?

Attached: 60A5EB50-DE78-4AA2-9D90-2DA9DEA4F27B.jpeg (280x180, 28.08K)

No. I know it. Unfortunately my.... Disappointment, has gone on so long that I am calling wolf at this point.

Also I had a video to upload to you but it won't on here.




Got an extra 120 in the bank that I wasn't expecting.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

Cow ticky. And stop trying to out-pessimist me because it cannot be done.

Attached: You disgust me (165).jpg (1920x1080, 135.79K)

do not ignore me

I have a problem.

Attached: You disgust me (176).jpg (427x607, 65.81K)

^w^ thank ya
Is time for sleep
Have fun
Time 4 relax

Attached: BA39C8B7-ED43-4A96-BFD4-A37B94F590B7.jpeg (210x240, 29.01K)

Save it.

Please. My family is getting tired of me saying I'm going to kill myself. They don't even believe I want to die at this point.

nini bubber
time 2 fn

I didn't have an answer that wasn't either tremendously inappropriate or a total buzzkill so I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

Nobody wants to die, silly. You're oversimplifying how you feel.

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)

Already spent like 30 of it.

Attached: JKkbgYj.jpg (500x417, 32.13K)

ofcourse i'd notice
just stab me im getting antsy

No stabbing.

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-05-28-14h40m30s850.png (640x480, 271.06K)

stab me loco

I would be content if I ceased to exist.

What? Stop!

I spent it on food.

Attached: tumblr_p063uc6YPu1wc86yeo1_1280.png (1280x1160, 500.73K)

*boops your small intestine*

Attached: tumblr_o847oqviKw1uo0fqno1_1280.jpg (1280x1579, 534.19K)

Ok..... Fair

Though I'd rather snack on you~

Attached: 03276e8712b30f5ff45f110da44cdbde.jpg (800x725, 82.38K)

i wuv being booped with a blade as sharp as that

boop me again !!
again !!

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-32-15.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Do you intend to set the wheels in motion or do you just intend not to stop them if they start?

Attached: the solution to every problem is tea.jpg (1200x800, 101.3K)

Only with my cock.

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-05-28-14h31m55s677.png (640x480, 267.08K)

Attached: bba388faf5ae96076b45e09709fbf752.jpg (548x640, 54.11K)

ew dont be grose

i want to see blood drain from my body and spill onto the floor

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_08-02-36.png (517x936, 613.28K)

Pretty sure that isn't a normal fantasy to have. Source: I have that one regularly.

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)

But... I'm living

Depends. I won't take my own life. Ever. But I will put myself in a situation where I would die if i saved somebody else in the process.

I'm going to hold you close and push inside of you so you feel filled up with myself, then I'm going to gently make love to you and push into your love button so you squirm and moan and make a mess on the bed that I'll rub into your cute chest and hair.

Nothing gross about that.

Attached: vlcsnap-2016-09-09-11h21m05s262.png (1280x738, 693.63K)

are you saying you want to be stabbed

or can you quit talking and cut me open

Attached: M9ExOb9.jpg (500x469, 16.17K)

okay seems grose but
one question
whats a love button

raid this freighter y/n?

Attached: 20180320193319_1.jpg (1920x1080, 346.34K)

kill them all

Attached: 135.jpg (363x409, 26.11K)

It's your prostate.

Attached: vlcsnap-2016-04-20-18h40m52s599.png (1920x1090, 1.4M)

Why? For all you know you're the only conscious being and the effort would be wasted on a mindless automaton.

I mean why not both?

What the boner said.

Attached: psh.jpg (540x320, 167.21K)

Laughed way too hard

I didn't even make out with the drink girl I walked home and spent a good hour or so in her house.

If you're the little orange ship.... No.

Then I'll use force.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p558kfkZkw1s2erbr_540.png (540x428, 112.64K)

grose woco

how is star vs the forces of evil
i've been meaning to watch it

okay but me first pls :3

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-22-12.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Very true. But from my point of view, that mindless automaton is worthy of life. And I don't want it. Win win.

-shrugs, depends on the moon cycle-

I like it.

Attached: tumblr_ovbie2qZim1vte5kqo4_1280.jpg (1000x791, 219.12K)

-what cycle is it in ?- :o

well duh you like it
its right up your alley
i dont really know why i asked the question tbh
how long is it

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-25-01.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)



Attached: i am intrigued.jpg (600x400, 51.49K)

I've actually only seen a few episodes. The porn is cute though.

Attached: tumblr_owx2xxzWkk1vte5kqo2_r1_1280.jpg (1280x1265, 327.73K)

Why not?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x281, 26.1K)

my sister wanted to learn how to do eyeshadow and she and my mom are trying to watch a youtube video on it and are both like
how the heck does this work/this is tuff

i started to say i could help but quickly realized that would not be an optimal choice

quit laffin u bafoon


Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-19-48.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)


Why not what?

Hey Yams did you watch the new Batman and Harley Quinn animated movie?

Attached: ♥ (12).png (600x800, 571.43K)

Experience tells us that the most adamant prudes around here are generally the kinkiest in secret.

Attached: aaahhhhhhh wtf is that face.jpg (564x815, 61.31K)

bang them both

Attached: the fist.png (480x640, 341.28K)

Why do you not want it?

I haven't. Is it good?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x281, 26.1K)

No buts.

Attached: 074bbe2467706983167e37784027ea5b0369b80a71b7ade372602cdb4649648f.png (981x822, 392.74K)

Forget the fist, there's a fucking bowling pin on that nightstand.



Goodnight. Dream of me.

Attached: 1505464922496.jpg (1000x967, 211.85K)

Because life is largely pain and misery. And I have little interest in bringing more life into it.

She rapes Nightwing and I'm pretty sure there's heavy Poison Ivy shipping with her since that's the main antagonist.

Attached: ♥ (41).jpg (630x866, 341.89K)

night sweetie
have a nice rest :3

*traces your lips with my finger*

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-32-15.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)


Pretty sure they both wanted it.

ok wassup mandy.

Attached: 20180320175325_1.jpg (1920x1080, 287.67K)

nini bubber
rest nice

and bloody

But that's not what you really think.

Well nothing, I guess. I had some a little bit for you, but I can't upload it here so meh.

ooh, got a link?

Attached: 20180307115631_1.jpg (1920x1080, 377.25K)

I don't know where I could upload it

the bartender at dinner shook my hand several times with a really firm grip

hurt a lot but I didn't wanna say anything

Attached: 11aaq.jpg (818x1500, 115.37K)

oooh.. hmm idk

Attached: not boobs now available in 3D (3D glasses not available in all areas).png (456x438, 232.29K)

why is he shaking your hand and not drinks?

Attached: DW9WmthVMAAp8Zs.jpg (899x1200, 110.04K)

well he was really personable and friendly, which I appreciate

firm handshake is another bonus but for me it's just painful cause mah hands are dun fucked

Attached: DS0ix-BU0AAMSam.jpg (1200x675, 86.15K)



why you being weird? you okay?

this is me and you

Attached: XPGOiet.jpg (751x957, 71.6K)

Attached: 25.png (173x310, 40.4K)

I'm just weird.


Attached: ♥ (43).jpg (800x800, 132.74K)


Sorry. I'm just in a mood where I want attention and someone to validate me but I only know how to be sexual.

Attached: 77.png (431x397, 143.91K)

Attached: ♥ (125).jpg (512x384, 100.32K)

I don't really know how to do that though. I'm just drunk and depressed. Not so much a fungi right now.

I know it doesn't mean much but I still like you. Even when you're in the dumps.
I hope things get better for you, Mandy.

Attached: 130.png (394x410, 193K)

you know consuming depressants doesn't really help depression, righ?

I don't really see why anybody likes me. And I almost wish they wouldn't.

What? No. Your crazy. That's why they are named depressants. They help.

js :(

Attached: 838.jpg (800x805, 307.38K)

Tough shit.
You're stuck with me~

Attached: B6o_qRFCIAA_sRB.jpg (768x1024, 155.99K)

lmao is that a real sequel?

I like you mandy

I know, but I did too numb the pain.


What? No. Stop that.

We can dream.

Attached: B1mMDneCUAEKfaA.jpg (768x1024, 117.63K)

Someday I want to cuddle you and play with your hair with one hand and rest the other on your tummy until I fall asleep.

Attached: Cs8chOWUAAAVAzH.jpg (766x1024, 134.76K)

Attached: tiny dildo 241419.webm (480x272, 6.77M)

Attached: 1497379754420.jpg (848x480, 51.6K)

But why? I'll not a nice dude.

Stop that.

who are you

who is this user

Just an user.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

Attached: zdfhz.png (273x420, 97.82K)

i like you mandy

don't think nobody likes you

cause it ain't true

He is an experienced professional

Attached: RVawFJq.png (1280x720, 954.49K)

I watched that a lot longer than I should have

Just remember, Mandy: suicide is painless.


it brings on many changes

Attached: 23.jpg (600x842, 309.44K)

Attached: bang-silver-fang-one-punch-man-7.53.jpg (210x240, 19.42K)

hihi bd

wanna smonk with me?

i already am, im also watching this with Maxi


sounds like his gurl


Friends I have a problem.

my birthday's coming up, and I don't want anything cause I don't wanna be rude and selfish and shit y'know? I haven't done anything to like deserve a present this year, but at the same time like george & mig are the kinda dicks that'll insist on stuff no matter what so it's like aaaaa.

so I have them pick something without telling me which is rude to like assume they'd even want to get me anything but at the same time like being really nosy as to like 'uwu what are they gonna get me' and the idea that someone is getting me something because they appreciate me and it's something of their choosing is like uwu in and of itself.

is this weird or am I just truly crazy

Attached: z15.png (540x720, 369.31K)

also I'm really loving the zero thinkin pic, it sums up my soul

I think you're overthinking it. I never want gifts it presents, but my family always gives me something. Even if it is just a beer. It's for them, not you. A way for them to show you that you are cared about.

I agree but like the act of picking something makes my skin crawl, they're wasting money on something and what if I don't appreciate it 100%??

an ex got me a game that didn't even run on my computer it's like fuck dude. it's vile birthdays for yourself are vile

Attached: z11.png (1280x1811, 359.45K)



Savage, Test.

Attached: coraline.jpg (691x470, 380.17K)


it was way before test, he got me uh, grow up?

the sequel to grow home or w/e.

launching it made my computer eat a brick

Attached: z6.png (540x650, 173.46K)

Attached: Fuck you marie.webm (972x556, 2.47M)

you're not crazy, you just have hella low self esteem

its fine tho
you have good people who care about you so theres nothing wrong with accepting their love

Attached: 1497939367096.png (979x1200, 875.54K)

and uwu

Attached: z2.png (540x782, 83.15K)

that's good.
you have a really pretty avvy.

Attached: 1498585684327.jpg (1920x1080, 133.26K)

Damn. I was actually going to respect him being that savage.

Attached: coraline.jpg (691x470, 380.17K)

There's not an ounce of vengefullness in my soul.

Attached: 61248701_p0.png (890x1488, 617.59K)

is it irony that you're posting someone so vengeful they came back from the dead to try to possess you and kill everyone

It's zero from dod/drak3

that man can pinpoint dio's voice actor in a gay dad anime, he's earned my respect.

how u do

Attached: z13.png (400x533, 113.87K)

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Attached: 1126.gif (389x259, 992.12K)

Attached: z1.png (540x699, 74.88K)

Test is the thread's best girl.




No u

Attached: Chara.(Undertale).full.2054079.jpg (740x1095, 582.25K)

so does that mean people in the thread get him drunk and do things to him?


Attached: z14.png (540x496, 213.84K)


Attached: 1497654034174.jpg (1920x1080, 259.06K)

I can get myself drunk thank you.

My grandma is out of the hospital and I've had to entertain my redneck Georgian family whom I have not seen for a decade and have nothing in common with for the past 5 hours.

Imagine if 5 Boomhauers walked into your room and you were expected by the rules of common courtesy to entertain them.

Attached: 56714432_p0.png (435x823, 398.33K)

for the purpose of people doing things to you (of whatever sort)?

Attached: 1516912235-3.jpg (1920x1080, 219.29K)

For no reason at all.


Attached: image (1).gif (800x657, 3.76M)

sounds like true hellfire, are they fun at least? I remember boomhauer bein fun.

I'm glad your grandma is ok, sincerely.

Attached: z23.png (422x750, 114.39K)

my friend made me take this bs shit so now you have to do it too.


Attached: E5szMN[1].png (806x710, 486.78K)

.///. are you serenading me good sir??

Attached: [wiggles intensify].png (412x426, 198.4K)

I...well...I just felt like singing.

if you get death you can reroll but if u get it 2x ur stuck w it.

Attached: bloodtypes.png (450x1012, 698.77K)

I liked it. Very soothing and peaceful.

Thanks for sharing^^ Are you feeling any better?

Attached: ctrl v face.png (368x322, 152.08K)

Excellent test, probed really deep into my personality, understands me perfectly.

Attached: awful test.PNG (721x635, 403.96K)

Meh. No better or worse than normal. Except my shoulder has been killing me.

Also sorry that my hair was a mess. Just got out of the shower.

well, it does fit you nicely.

Attached: lucky.jpg (610x610, 347.94K)

I got death and i'll stick with it

Attached: 219433.jpg (240x240, 16.58K)

I bet the result is entirely based on the quote question.

Attached: I guess.png (500x423, 178.59K)

am I cool yet guys

Attached: 132.jpg (1280x720, 239.04K)

I got the tower

Attached: z17.png (540x694, 75.68K)

the coolest

Attached: 28 - wmw8RQ7.jpg (675x1080, 495.18K)


Attached: I'm going to fucking dust you.png (635x635, 103.53K)

post the blurb.

probably the colors and style of things you pick too.


Attached: 29468658_2023478111226674_5535596181729574912_n.jpg (684x664, 69.24K)

so is manaka secretly an evil emotional vampire or not i never really got the consensus that was arrived at

Attached: 094.png (571x498, 20.33K)

Attached: QFIR4wo.png (655x525, 395.62K)

death seems to be the most common choice because the quiz maker is not good at what they do


Attached: kaching.png (598x723, 421.44K)

isnt tarot one of those surprising for the sake of being mysterious where death means happiness and happy rabbit means very bad luck

twisted hairy hobbit sociopath if I remembered correctly

oh and probably missing an eye

Attached: 41b161603e105f94adf03b57026f799d.png (345x500, 369.89K)

lol idfk

my first guess is this appeared on snapchat and you are a share victim

Attached: 9a3c05ff37ba19c14f88a8790629f3df.png (700x697, 399.56K)

I heard you're a vampire

can I be edgy just like you?

Attached: 123.jpg (1116x896, 185.43K)

nah my friend Natalie linked it to me.
I dont ever look at the snapchat ad story things.

You'll never be quite AS edgy.

Attached: idiot.png (800x482, 365.05K)

yea but i suck attention with human teeth instead of fangs and I dont glow under moonlight

yeaaaaaaaaaaa shared by her!
which makes you a share victim :D

Attached: sample-a7fb05dad9403a55bf28af468918287a.jpg (850x1180, 153.74K)

Attached: depression1.png (170x185, 27.83K)

wanna fight over the crown?

where does semen fit into your diet?

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

Homosexuality is banned in countries under Sharia Law.


I'm not gonna roleplay teleporting behind you and drawing my katana.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p08h22brNH1uge13q_1280.png (1200x1300, 767.3K)

oosten called me on discord the other day

weekly check up, directly injected

Attached: e12c18e0b547d253632f46a8045b5988.png (435x612, 428.35K)

was he drunk

He didnt say, but I had a feeling he was

Attached: tumblr_mbpeb5oS2J1rc2avgo1_500.jpg (500x700, 126.09K)

he hasn't let that stop him before

and you call yourself edgy

want to make it twice a week?
no homo

Attached: 16.jpg (850x945, 178.98K)

I have a bad feeling about this

Attached: 7Fj4O4[1].png (1289x727, 1.16M)

Attached: gaaaaaaaaaay.gif (284x284, 110.01K)

Attached: jakajakajakajaka[1].webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

but that will bring hormone imbalance
besides those injection hurt

Nah it was nice, he called me the realest niga

Attached: !Alice a nd the.jpg (790x1200, 963.38K)

you could always eat it

Attached: 121.jpg (1000x563, 56.76K)

people eat those..?

Attached: cc7377f4579f306351de4ae993352c75.jpg (392x540, 65.59K)

Attached: t.jpg (363x354, 26.11K)

don't pretend like you don't know, you semen demon.

Attached: 105.jpg (830x1086, 500.95K)

Attached: fuckin invincible.jpg (600x639, 33.13K)

I know they put it in their mouth but dont they spit it out after that..

Attached: !Alice and the.jpg (846x1200, 1.18M)

vid related

was he ok

Attached: 368ec338e862861c7cdeeb1da7a7bc9d6c67b2fc8a1876ff9ca4c7bfd3906485.webm (427x320, 3.81M)

he told me he run miles and lost a lot of weight, he's awesome

Attached: sample-a7fb05dad9403a55bf28af468918287a.jpg (850x1180, 153.74K)

Attached: sweet chariot.png (857x758, 688.02K)

if you spit it out
you're a coward


Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

u n me both

waddup my ni🅱️🅱️a

Attached: huemaximum.jpg (235x210, 7.26K)


that boy has some mega man tiddies

das gut

Attached: g1.png (540x304, 138.97K)


Attached: g2.png (540x304, 161.43K)


Attached: minigun.jpg (900x506, 60.38K)

so.. i suppose you've eaten some too?

he said he still play games, I miss the old times when we play together


Attached: sample-c0659f7c70fd544aa60238bb0ff846ce.jpg (850x721, 130.06K)

and buttholes

a close friend told me that if you eat lots of protein, your semen will taste bad
but if you eat a lot of fruit like pineapple mango and stuff your semen becomes sweet

thats incredible

Attached: dead.png (459x879, 129.33K)

no buttholes are for homos

what an expert

i dont know if i should be disgusted or amazed

Attached: Touhou.full.1927988.jpg (646x800, 354.91K)

tak if u dont have these, save them

and then the fire nation attacked

Attached: feeling bad or alone.png (480x639, 268.48K)

not once

Attached: 109.gif (480x270, 1.71M)

It works 100%

I dont even remember why we stopped

Attached: sample-cad0f5e831fae9a6c70fe1ad171af4af.jpg (850x702, 162.13K)

she has experience

Attached: 70435b900f3f09cd3363ae1642c73a7cccd3463aef976d3a0f7d973e022537f0.jpg (900x900, 130.1K)


Attached: pathetic.jpg (960x960, 67.15K)

we out here eating right
getting plenty of exercise and
staying hydrated
real gang shit

Attached: 148.jpg (1405x4585, 745.18K)

why? are you a coward?
hehe ex dee

where do people get this knowledge is there a seminar about this

Ph.D in semenology

give me another chance i have better internet now
do you guys still even touch league?

Attached: Touhou.600.1931295.jpg (428x600, 76.64K)

it's because I have no friends

Attached: 137.jpg (507x650, 48.84K)

No you have to suck local penises

rarely ya

ive been aving bad luck in leegu tonight

nig I just bought delectable choclate frosted donuts, honey roasted peanuts, and fuckloads of arizona, fuck that

Attached: 9cc.png (680x730, 390.78K)

what am I chop liver

Attached: ahue.png (599x527, 153.12K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (713x960, 672.46K)

I can be pretty gay, the only problem is that gay porn is terrible.

yeah but you don't want your dick sucked
that's what we're talking about grim

the succ

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

my hair is now dry, see you later guys

am i not?
tak, i am outraged
i've always thought we were frands

see you around tak

but they're always hiding and protected by smacky hands

I dare you to play on garena indonesian league

i mean
even oosten gave it a try, gotta admire his spirit

see you grim

Attached: 866b8fe5558471d39a739cd2443f0f6e.jpg (532x757, 132.16K)

I want mine sucked, just by my gf LOL

one day

bye manaka have a good1

Attached: Moneti-(Daifuku)-Anime-Art-Anime-Hong-Meiling-4222177.jpeg (811x1114, 855.67K)

Australia is full of faggots.

Attached: 0dec658d954355e1fd3bfe67b0649d1012a25589f6f5fb39512ff2217dff841a.jpg (480x360, 170.36K)

I bet it's big

no homo

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

Attached: triggered.gif (320x320, 3.49M)

Attached: coraline.jpg (691x470, 380.17K)

pineapple juice yo

ye she lives in maryland

Attached: monikapng.png (2000x2000, 526.79K)

Attached: death.PNG (707x646, 545.39K)

generic af

Attached: test.jpg (224x347, 19.29K)

I know where you live now, gonna doxx u l0l

please com visit

Attached: get in the fucking closet.jpg (750x800, 78.79K)

me too ruka

Attached: 127.jpg (1049x950, 106.08K)


im death


I got that too

Im too broke for that

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (703x642, 471.53K)

lol i have a dark side


I guess thats the card for sane people


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