So what happens to bitcoin in your communist dystopia...

So what happens to bitcoin in your communist dystopia? What's to stop me from investing all my fiat into bitcoin before you can take it from me?

Communist society wont have internet so you cant connect to BTC network

Pretty much.
We all revert to a tribal society and live off the land.
Fuck consumerism

What do you thik would happen to a money in a classelesss, moneyless society?

Fuck off Varg

literally just not accepting bitcoin and forcibly taking things of actual value, like factories and the basic necessities of life? That currency would be rendered useless, frankly

In Siberia there isn't internet


Serious answer: everything's for free and/or specifically produced for use on a case by case basis. You can't trade against the same product if it's free. Theoretically, you could create something awesome and monopolize it to sell it at a price, but it would be a sole product, the money would otherwise be worthless, and there would be no state to defend your property, intellectual and physical. Fiat is saying "it has value because it has value according to a social contract" instead of even at least tying it to an actual commodity (which, as a commodity, has a use value).

I can't tell if you're serious or just joking. Why would you take away the internet in a communist society? or is the insinuation that a communist society couldn't afford internet?

They are memeing unless they are primitivists.

all digital technology must be committed towards cybernetics

Internet would be tightly regulated and censored to prevent capitalist thought.

what part of moneyless society did you not understand OP

Bitcoin is not money

no one cares about your paper
with private property and production for exchange gone no one cares.

agreed, its a commodity, but thankfully commodity production is ceased under communism as well

Tell me, what "use-value" does Bitcoin have, besides just having exchange value in today's society?

It doesn't have exchange value, it's just a stupid ponzi scheme. Bitcoin can't be used as money because it's a finite asset in a infinite economy.

They will just become computer game points that mean nothing IRL

nothing except bitcoins will be worthless since all the stores owned by the state will only take labour vouchers anyway. with possible exception of minor 'black market' items. Unless you're planning to buy unlimited quantities of drugs and illegal porn, there's basically no worth for them after that. You might as well tell me you converted all your money into world of warcraft gold

You wouldn’t be allowed to use it because there would be no opportunities for you to use it because there would be no exchange, except barter.

We don't want to take your money because socialist economics won't be based on currency. Instead, it will use labour vouchers, which could be based on some sort of blockchain (not bitcoin tho).

So OP will use bitcoin basically exactly how it's used today

keep making the same thread faggot, it only makes you seem more insecure.

And whats to prevent me from trading bitcoin from labour vouchers?

bitcoin for labour vouchers*

Read Critique of the Gotha Program.
But first read Wage, Labor and Capital

Labour vouchers are non-transferrable - they are a certificate that YOU did a certain amount of labour. If someone else holds that, they are still only holding the proof that you worked. At least, that's how my conception of them works - we need a secure identity system for socialist economics.

The fact that leftypol doesn't have a clear idea of what communism is, is concerning.

The tank guy was implying that you get a free ride to the gulag

You can only gain labor vouters by doing labor. They can only be issued to you by the state.

Communism is not one thing.