Why do people here hate Orwell again?

-Review of The British Way in Warfare

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Does that invalidate everything he's ever written? I'm reading through the "collected essays, journalism and letters" and he can't go a few pages without mentioning how much he'd like for britain to be socialist.

Tankies will scream bloody murder that Orwell ratted out other lefties (while under late stage tuberculosis which is known to cause mental degradation) but will write a whole book on why Stalin didn't kill anybody but he definitely should have.

You think you could back that up with a non-imperialist source?


We don't. Homage to Catalonia is posted here fairly often

We dont hate him. Its just that we don't worship and kiss his ass like le rationale skeptics do.

He said some unwoke stuff in Rod To Wigan Pier, and he hated Stalinism. That's more than enough to send your typical twitter-tankie into fits of rage.

I've read 1984 and Animal Farm and I liked them.

On that basis the main thing I'm grateful to Orwell for is the fact that American conservatives and libertarians love to cite those two books as arguments against socialism.

They kinda out themselves as people who can't even be bothered to read high school-level novels, let alone comprehend it lol


Because he was a weak writter. Huxley was the superior author and will be remembered for centuries to come, unlike this plagiarist asshole which will be forgotten in the upcoming decades.

This, besides he say first hand how retard tankies ruin everything. Remember tankies aren't your comrade, MLs states destroyed organic socialism everywhere and was no where near as worker friendly as they presented themselves and are bureaucratic mercantilists with socdem characteristics

the shit he wrote was anti-communist propaganda though. so he was a snitch and anti-communist.

The fact that you equate anti-authoritarianism with anti-communist says a lot.

Orwell didn't write anti-communist propaganda. He wrote anti-stalinist literature that was appropriated as anti-communist propaganda.

because he told the truth about how evil the tankies were in spain

"Authoritarianism" is a bullshit meme made up by porky, and Orwell was one of the honorary porkies who helped push it.

If you're anti-Stalin, you're anti-communism.

this is just the dumbest shit tankies say

thats what their >implying though

yeah because Stalin was the only person to ever write about socialism

Maybe if you spent more time reading Marx and less time sucking big daddy Stalin's ghostly cock you might learn that Stalinism is anti-communist.

Most tankies probably could have become fascists if they read fantasists literature first tbh

whats wrong with pointing right wing nutters out to each other?

this was something i didn't know i needed but am so happy to have now

please go offline and read a book you sicken me. mods: please autoban all namefags and tripfags.

It's a meme, you dip.-_-

If you're a Stalinist then you're anti-Communist.

Found some more good quotes

-London Letter to Partisan Review, The Art of Donald McGill
-Review of The Sword and the Sickle

Because he ratted out communists to the British government.

Daily reminder that you should find a version with at least the first appendix.


People we don't like should be handed over to state authorities.

t. anarchists


mostly just Stalinists who cant grasp the fact he had the gull to imply Stalin did anything wrong

This. They basically twisted his writings into anti-communist propaganda, which he never intended for them to be.
Here it's mostly tankies that give him shit.

you guys need to read grover furr

The Road to Wigan Pier>Burmese Days>Coming Up for Air>A Clergyman's Daughter>Down and Out in Paris and London>Homage to Catalonia>>>>>>Nineteen Eighty-Four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Animal Farm
Prove me wrong you can't

I forgot "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" between down and out paris and london and homage to catalonia

literally nazi hypocrisy tier

imma read the road to wigan pier, thanks for the advice fam

Every time Orwell comes up Tankies refer to this like it's some fucking ace in the hole. Considering Orwell took a bullet to the neck for the red banner and his side lost specifically because of Stalin's refusal to arm left wing groups in Spain it seems pretty fucking fair for him to try and send a few soveitaboos to the capitalist gulags.

This is actually the right order. I guess not all tankies are so bad

Same mentality if you criticize Trump, or Hitler on Holla Forums.

Right Wingers are big pussies and salt mines.

this is what smashies really believe


The list wasn't for people to imprison, but to prevent them from making state propaganda. That's literally everything he did. Nobody got sent to prison or spied on.

Only scumbag tankies hate him.

We like Orwell, pol hate him.

Orwell isnt that bad.
Thou his stories are like childrens stories compared to Huxley.

No, we don't. He uses show trial evidence as proof of defendant guilt. You can't take him seriously.

Oh please, he only lists the books that aren't 1984 and Animal Farm on top because he hates any criticism of Stalin. He's a triggered SJW who needs a safe space to pray to Daddy Stalin. Fascist.

Oh, but you see, this is exactly their strategy! Remember when they kept spamming that Bookchin article where he said that Palestine has no more right to exist than Israel and calling him an "imperialist" while saying that he loved to kill Palestinians in order to silence the communalists? Remember when they kept spamming the piece of text about Bordiga being inactive in fascist Italy to attack leftcoms over any point? Both arguments would be used if you so much as brought up Bookchin or Bordiga's name. It's a pattern! They try to do the same with everyone! They're more interested in justifying their side than in having a real discussion!
This is their basic argument structure:
you: [argument defending person x]
tankie: Oh yeah? What if I told you they did/said [unrelated thing y]? Hah! BTFO!
It doesn't even matter if you refute it once because they'll come back and post the same thing the next day. That bunkerfag isn't smart. He just has enough time to repeatedly spew the same stuff over and over again with these tactics.
It's blatantly illogical and SJWy, designed to silence opposition to their own beliefs first and foremost. You can't let them get away with this!