Jimmy "Cops are Socialism" Dore

When are we going to get this idiot to watch one of the four or five Wolff videos out there explaining what socialism is already? Or, alternatively, meme Wolff onto his show already?

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This is Uygur tier

How can I help?

Ben Dixon is much better and more radical.

But nobody has ever heard of that guy. Jimmy is prime target for radicalizing.

Fuck, he was so close. He was even talking about Marx, class economics, the nature of markets and capitalism, and similar shit too once. He could of been the #1 comrade.

I really want to believe that he knows what socialism actually is, but he knows that if he doesn't say "socialism is teh government doing things!!!!!" on his show, Cenk Uygur will fuck him in the ass.

Notice how he phrased it this way. He's putting it in terms that Texans use. When you talk to people with extremely different views, and whose political language means different things, you have to adjust how you speak. The point he's making here is the hypocrisy of muh small gubbermint types. He's not claiming that this is actual socialism. It's clear from his other content that he knows the difference between capitalism ans socialism isn't "how much the government does". They're taking the piss out of a specific group of people by turning their rhetoric around on them.

I might believe that if it were a one-liner. But he kept going on and ruined the "joke".

Have you ever seen his comedy?

Yeah I've seen all his specials. This joke sucked.

It was a joke, i doubt Jimmy believes that nowadays.
He's also part of Young Turds, Cenk probably has someone pointing at his balls during his shows

Okay, how do we meme the Wolff into the show?

But Wolff doesn't know either. Or pretends not to, anyway.

The Jimmy Dore Show isn't targeted at convincing the left that police and social services are necessary for a functioning civilization. The Jimmy Dore Show is targeted at independents (I'd say right-leaning as well as any flavor of left independents) who rightly detest both of America's political parties, disenfranchised liberals who are starting to wake up, and Bernie voters who got screwed over and don't know where else to turn for news anymore but desperately want to hear someone else externalize their frustration with how corrupt the democratic party is.

I thought this segment was rough to get through, but understand that Jimmy is probably trying to give burgeoning lefties talking points to share with their peers and family members when they start talking about small government. That's the best case I can make for that segment.

I want to turn him into a MLM

someone tell jimmy about the common ground collective and the austin common ground relief


what did he mean by this

We trusted you! You were the chosen one!

he has been hiding his power level

I think he's merely pretending to be retarded. It's youtube after all.

Oh fuck he's doing this gubbamint=social shit again today. Who will stop this madman?

There's a variety of videos of Wolff of him speaking where it's pretty clear he's not a huge fan of markets at all. He tones down that side of his rhetoric in some cases so as not to spook the normies too much but it's pretty clear that deep down he's not some market socialist.

I wonder if Jimmy is alright. Or if this is some kinda bad joke gone wrong. This is so odd.

People need to remember, that at the end of the day, Jimmy Dore is nothing more than a succdem.
