Will socialism ever actually be achieved?

I feel like there's no way to escape the eternal power of Porky. Despite all of the internal contradictions of capitalism; stagnant wages as increased technology allows for more surplus value to flow to porky, automation and increased unemployment (with yet more value going to Porky), globalization, massive increases in alienation (NEETs, etc), and so on, there has been no corresponding increase in class consciousness among the workers as conditions deteriorate. The ideologies used by Porky to subvert the working class have instead become vastly stronger. In the past, the left was a major force in the world, even in places like America. Now it's slowly shriveled to the extreme fringes as capitalist (liberal, reactionary) ideologies cement their grip on people. The spectacle has only increased its power and dominating influence. And the capitalists have perfected a weapon to deal with the decline in material conditions caused by the contradictions of capitalism: welfare. By bribing the proles with growing handouts, which will grow to include UBI, (needed for people to have enough cash to consume goods, so capitalism won't unravel), they have effectively crushed any hope whatsoever of a revolutionary movement that could actually end capitalism. Instead of socialism as following capitalism, maybe we'll see a sort of post-automation "consumerist feudalism" where the prole-consumers use allowances given to them by the MoP-owning class to spend on consuming commodities (with spectacle-manufactured demand) for the benefit of the capitalists. This world seems to me to be terrible: nothing but mindless consumption of commodities fueled by equally mindless automated production of commodities. Art, Science, intellectual pursuits of the ego all eliminated and replaced with brainless hedonism among the proles. There is no production of art, literature, and thought by the proles, only consumption of the spectacle. The ruling class also has a monopoly on intellectual property. All "derivative content", threatens that monopoly, and so détournement becomes a crime. All for the benefit of all-powerful corporate technocrats, who may completely eliminate the illusions of 'democracy' in favor of direct rule by megacorporations. With this future in mind, is there any hope whatsoever for socialism? Or are we all doomed?

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Wouldn't that society produce a shitload of alienation though?

We're pretty much fucked but something big is going to happen about a decade or two from now and business as usual can't go on. I doubt UBI will even be a thing, the rich don't want to feed a bunch of undesirables. More likely there will be a mass slaughter of proles and lumpen.

But Porky is always donating shit to charity to make himself feel good about himself. This UBI society, in the end, will just be constructed by the rich deluding themselves into thinking that they are "saving the world" and eliminating poverty. And a mass slaughter would be difficult, because that would lead to a massive revolt. Probably enough to turn the military against Porky.

It hasn't been proven that alienation resolves to revolutionary action. It may simply result in depression, for example.

Or suicide

The camps to exterminate populations are already set up in the US. All you need is a morally flexible group analogous to the German SS to do the killing, and to keep the main military busy fighting wars of aggression so they're not on hand to rebel.

But even if you don't do the mass extermination camps, all Porky has to do the kill off a significant chunk of the population is cut off those social security and disability checks, SNAP, etc. Then render most of the population unemployable with no safety net. Sure, some of those people will take up arms and steal food to survive, and some will dive through dumpsters and landfills to find edible food, but a lot of people are not going to be able to survive.

The death of the Baby Boom generation is already at hand, and that's going to cut population pretty bigly. My mother died because of a neglected heart condition thanks to our shitty burger healthcare system and the way low-ranked proles are treated, and despite how lucky the boomers supposedly were a lot of them are just barely hanging on. Once social security is taken away from them after years of being promised, they're going to be mostly defenseless - senior citizens make terrible resistance fighters, generally.

So maybe Porky won't need a mass slaughter of proles because the proles will instead mass slaughter themselves.

perhaps I should replace "exterminate" with "concentrate", since the official goal of the camps isn't extermination per se, but the US def. has concentration camps to deal with a potential uprising. US interned the Japanese so it's not like they're unwilling to use concentration camps, it's just a matter of taking it to the next level.

It's quite likely that climate change will result in a significantly smaller population and the current mode of production will break down entirely. However it's still likely that porky will work things to his benefit.

LE/Military will fall in line, they always do. American LE are bragging on twitter how they're sniping looters in Texas. The class unconciousness is deep.

But if you render most of the population unemployable with no safety net, don't you have the same situation like in Tsarist Russia where the people are starving and revolt, even by the military, is inevitable? While you could probably get away with exterminating a minority like the Jews, I seriously doubt that Hitler coud get away with killing 95% of his population at will.

How else can we have

Simple solution - employ some of the desperate hordes as police pigs to brutally put down the other desperate hordes, then turn on the temp pigs. US Porky has really deep pockets and the magic of virtually unlimited fiat money.

It is possible the masses will reject this and stage a revolution, and it's possible Porky's magic pile of fiat money is no longer sustainable. But I think Porky knows how to play the game. Porky might outwardly disdain Marx and spread their Austrian School bullshit to gullible schleps, but inside they know Marx very well and how a revolution forms, and subsequently how to crush one.

Who will make the tools ?

Also I don't think the kill rate will be 95%, I think it will not even reach 50%. Porky can't get away from needing workers completely, at least not at this stage of automation. But Porky can easily justify killing the old and disabled, and there are enough people swallowing pure ideology along those lines already. That's why Porky is really keen on pitting Millennials against the Boomers, the disabled against the retired (and the disabled against everyone, frankly), etc.

Who will enslave the animals ?

Who will enslave the humans ?

Both positions pushed by the left today. Their wanton immigration push has only shown a light on it's effect on wages.
Your modified socialism (UBI) is actually socialism without everyone destroying the means of production in a huge riotous revolution.
Art flourishes in people who have free time and freedom of thought. The soviets had basically 0 artistic creation when compared with the west. Their scientific achievements were minimal and even the ones that were groundbreaking were not properly applied. Take stealth technology for example. It was in an obscure paper some russian math guy wrote. Their lack of true creativity or "what if I put this thing here" capabilities made them drop the ball. That is a product of a society which has no ability to think outside the box.
Take in what I said and modify your theorem from there op.

[citation needed]

There are literally no communists on earth that support UBI, stop blaming shitty freidmanite neoliberal policies on your leftist boogeyman Holla Forums

Hi Luis

George Lucas disagrees. And he's right: under capitalism, you can only make movies that are marketable, that will turn a profit. This is why we have crap like the Emoji Movie here in America. Under socialism, when you don't have to make art in a rigid way to make profit, you can make whatever.


Those are liberal positions, not leftist ones
How does UBI equate to production for use? Of course, your definition of socialism is "when the state does stuff". Dumbass. No one wants that as an end except socdems.
The point is to seize them intact and use them to produce directly for use

You just reminded me of what was said about Tasmania's aborigines, but this comes from R.A. Wilson so it's probably bullshit. Anyway, he claims that the British invaders and settlers, never squeamish about murdering native populations and even less so in Australia, reached new depths in Tasmania, where they hunted aborigines for sport. As it was painfully obvious they had no hope of fighting back, they collectively stopped bothering to reproduce.

It's all irrelevant as Porky is perfectly content to continue destroying the environment, which means society will probably collapse before 2100.

You'd be surprised. The bourgeoisie of today are not some all knowing group with everything planned out. They are a variety of various interests who all want different things. Because of this, it becomes difficult for the bourgeoisie to reach a consensus on anything. If they were capable of reaching a consensus, then we wouldn't be dealing with climate change on the scale that we are today as the bourgeoisie would have agreed as a group decades ago that it was a problem that could hinder their ability to produce wealth long term. However, since the capitalist mode of production promotes quarterly profits and short term gains over long term investments, the bourgeoisie only see what is directly in front of them. It is because of this, that any sort of talk over "death camps" is utterly ridiculous. If things were to get so bad to the point that 50% of the population couldn't afford food, then poverty ceases to be an abstraction in the minds of Americans . In that scenario, even some police would defect as poverty on that scale would make the great depression look like child's play. In such a scenario, the bourgeoisie would lose as a revolution would be sure to occur.

As Marx already pointed out, capital itself is the actor in capitalism - capitalists are as much slaves to its inherent logic as proletarians.

Capital may be a dumb animal, but Porky isn't dumb. They are, on some level, working together to protect their class, and have a lot of experience putting down uprisings and class struggle. That's all Porky needs to enact a plan.

Like I said, the concentration camps are already built in remote areas in the US, precisely for the situation where a portion of the burger population needs to be quarantined (according to Porky's wishes, ultimately).

I don't believe it's going to be a sudden shock where 50% of the population or whatever is suddenly killed off in concentration camps solely. It will instead be a gradual process where austerity cuts push people into starvation at a gradual pace. When mere austerity isn't enough, there will be raids to catch people for "disability fraud" and parts of the disabled population will be herded to camps for elimination. The moral justification and hatred of the disabled is already wide-spread in society, and the mainstreamers are not going to weep when it happens. Then the next outgroup is defined by some moral code and they are systematically targeted.

When I went to school, there were these silly exercises where the students got in a group and were told to pick who lives and who dies. Now, what is the point of that exercise? Nowhere in the exercise do they talk about how people are to die, nowhere is any coherent notion of why we're killing these people drawn out. It's just naked ideology, someone has to die and the group, naturally, is conditioned to act like rats on a sinking ship. These are the values that children are indoctrinated with today.

Porky has time on his side, unless something drastic happens in the near future. The people who would be outraged at the affront of eugenicist thinking are dying off, and once that happens we'll see a massive acceleration of eliminations and subjugation of outcaste populations. Porky has been inculcating these values in a whole generation, just as Porky successfully sold Friedman's bullshit.

As far as climate change, whatever happens will happen. If anything, due to the eugenic values Porky holds, they see climate change destroying billions of people as a good thing, especially if it's mostly brown people dying. Porky is safe in their gated communities. As long as a runaway greenhouse effect is averted and Earth doesn't become Venus, they're good.

The short of it is this - I don't believe there is any potential for the proles or the lumpen to rebel, not in sufficient numbers to mean a damn. The people are totally in the thrall of capital. It doesn't matter how bad the conditions get, Porky has every base covered as far as a popular uprising goes. The only thing that can stop Porky is if the house of cards that is the capitalist economy falls down completely, and magic fiat money no longer can function as a medium of exchange. Then the banking system collapses, it is literally impossible to distribute anything, and only out of necessity will a new economic system be established. It won't necessarily be a good one, but if the change happens soon (say within the next twenty years), there is a potential for some form of socialism, even an imperfect one. If it's 50 years out or more, it will be too late because capital will have concentrated to the point where we're all ruled by megacorps outright, and Porky will just implement slavery/feudalism without a break (and the extermination of undesirables will be just a given at that point).

We could go back to utopian Socialism and start our own communes. In a hyper-alinated world people would see us living better and happier and they would become socialist and help in the revolution.

UBI isn’t socialist. Porky still owns the means of production.

Capitalism causes Porkies to compete with one another to betray one another to get in a better situation. We should use this to our advantege.

Burgers are clascucked, but the good thing about American patritism is that for the proles at ,east they don’t tolerate it when someone like them is starving or in a bad situation. Just look at the charity effort and mutual aid during Hurricane Harvey. The mass majority of it came from the proles. Combined with a high rate of guns per capita I think a revolution in this situation is likely. The only way for Porky to win is for them to just use Missiles to bomb everyone and.

That's why Porky has to manage the economy to make sure no drastic events happen (hence why the banks were able to bend America over and fuck her in the ass a decade ago). Maybe they won't succeed and the system will come tumbling down, but as long as they can keep economic events at the level of "recession" (even though the crisis from 2007-present is actually a depression masked by heavy government spending), there won't be any spontaneous uprising of proles.

Also remember that many of those guns are in the hands of people who are loyal to the ideology of Porky, so they're not a reliable indicator of rebel potential. Gun owners in the main tend to be economically better-off than non-owners, so even if they're nominally willing to stand up to government tyranny, they're not the ones on the front lines of any prole/lumpen killoff. The most vulnerable population, the disabled, are already either legally barred from owning guns or incapable of wielding a weapon effectively (or both). Plus, small arms against an American SS won't do a whole lot of good if acting alone. It's going to be pretty hard for socially marginalized and reviled groups to publically form a bloc of resistance.

All Porky has to do is use the power of spreading ideology through advertising to drum up ill will towards the disabled, and they don't stand a chance. Next it will be animus towards urban blacks or appalachian rednecks (both are already groups that are often pitted against the main of society), or a generalized hatred of people who lack an education. The ideology of meritocracy is quite powerful for defining an outgroup, making sure the outgroup is narrowly defined enough so that this outgroup can't form a united block of resistance, and systematically targeting them for exclusion and ultimately elimination. The elimination doesn't always have to come from a death camp, in fact the death camps will probably count for very little; it is simply enough to make sure the outgroup is legally barred from meaningful employment, reviled by the group of "haves", and a general attitude against charity and illicit work is established.

I think a turning point that will make this kind of elimination run faster is the elimination of paper cash as a medium of exchange, and the requirement that all exchange be done through a computerized medium. I could see techbros being really eager to set up such a system to constrain the economic actions of society.

That's why Porky has to manage the economy to make sure no drastic events happen (hence why the banks were able to bend America over and fuck her in the ass a decade ago). Maybe they won't succeed and the system will come tumbling down, but as long as they can keep economic events at the level of "recession" (even though the crisis from 2007-present is actually a depression masked by heavy government spending), there won't be any spontaneous uprising of proles.

Also remember that many of those guns are in the hands of people who are loyal to the ideology of Porky, so they're not a reliable indicator of rebel potential. Gun owners in the main tend to be economically better-off than non-owners, so even if they're nominally willing to stand up to government tyranny, they're not the ones on the front lines of any prole/lumpen killoff. The most vulnerable population, the disabled, are already either legally barred from owning guns or incapable of wielding a weapon effectively (or both). Plus, small arms against an American SS won't do a whole lot of good if acting alone. It's going to be pretty hard for socially marginalized and reviled groups to publically form a bloc of resistance.

All Porky has to do is use the power of spreading ideology through advertising to drum up ill will towards the disabled, and they don't stand a chance. Next it will be animus towards urban blacks or appalachian rednecks (both are already groups that are often pitted against the main of society), or a generalized hatred of people who lack an education. The ideology of meritocracy is quite powerful for defining an outgroup, making sure the outgroup is narrowly defined enough so that this outgroup can't form a united block of resistance, and systematically targeting them for exclusion and ultimately elimination. The elimination doesn't always have to come from a death camp, in fact the death camps will probably count for very little; it is simply enough to make sure the outgroup is legally barred from meaningful employment, reviled by the group of "haves", and a general attitude against charity and illicit work is established.

I think a turning point that will make this kind of elimination run faster is the elimination of paper cash as a medium of exchange, and the requirement that all exchange be done through a computerized medium. I could see techbros being really eager to set up such a system to constrain the economic actions of society.

That's why Porky has to manage the economy to make sure no drastic events happen (hence why the banks were able to bend America over and fuck her in the ass a decade ago). Maybe they won't succeed and the system will come tumbling down, but as long as they can keep economic events at the level of "recession" (even though the crisis from 2007-present is actually a depression masked by heavy government spending), there won't be any spontaneous uprising of proles.

Also remember that many of those guns are in the hands of people who are loyal to the ideology of Porky, so they're not a reliable indicator of rebel potential. Gun owners in the main tend to be economically better-off than non-owners, so even if they're nominally willing to stand up to government tyranny, they're not the ones on the front lines of any prole/lumpen killoff. The most vulnerable population, the disabled, are already either legally barred from owning guns or incapable of wielding a weapon effectively (or both). Plus, small arms against an American SS won't do a whole lot of good if acting alone. It's going to be pretty hard for socially marginalized and reviled groups to publically form a bloc of resistance.

All Porky has to do is use the power of spreading ideology through advertising to drum up ill will towards the disabled, and they don't stand a chance. Next it will be animus towards urban blacks or appalachian rednecks (both are already groups that are often pitted against the main of society), or a generalized hatred of people who lack an education. The ideology of meritocracy is quite powerful for defining an outgroup, making sure the outgroup is narrowly defined enough so that this outgroup can't form a united block of resistance, and systematically targeting them for exclusion and ultimately elimination. The elimination doesn't always have to come from a death camp, in fact the death camps will probably count for very little; it is simply enough to make sure the outgroup is legally barred from meaningful employment, reviled by the group of "haves", and a general attitude against charity and illicit work is established.

I think a turning point that will make this kind of elimination run faster is the elimination of paper cash as a medium of exchange, and the requirement that all exchange be done through a computerized medium. I could see techbros being really eager to set up such a system to constrain the economic actions of society.

Dammit multipost. Sorry.

For you point on Porky focusing on Urban Blacks or Appalachian Rednecks I think Porky is more likely to go at Urban Blacks because Appalachian Rednecks have a higher rate of gun ownership, live in places with less gun control and if unemployed can rut to the woods and live off the land. Urban people are sounded by Porky areas live in pools on concert, much more likely to have to purchase there food, and live in areas with high gun control. Still our best hope is to organize leftist militias to stop Porky from trying to systematically murder proles.

happens to the best of us.

Porky is already going for blacks with mass incarceration, the drug war, etc. It's at a snail's pace, and they can't go out and wage a Nazi masturbation fantasy outright, but it's not like I'm writing a prophecy of the future. Shit, we already have shit like The Bell Curve as a popular, mainstream book.

I think militias are helpful, but guns won't stop austerity cuts. There needs to be a concerted movement against the neo-eugenics ideology and all it stands for, and a lot of that movement is going to have to be at the ground and underground level. In the mass-media, we're up against a propaganda machine that has been working for decades to shape public opinion, that arena has pretty much been lost to us especially with the consolidation of media.

Blacks are reproducing more then there being killed. If this is part of some massive kill off then Porky is failing.

Now this is revisionism.

And this is your brain on cold-war CIA propaganda.

And now, of course, it serves to completely strip the artistic inspiration from art, turning it into a capitalist commodity as liquid and arbitrary as electronic currency markets or gold bullion.

Socialist realism is shit. Check out constructivism and cubo-futurism.

I dunno, I think it's pretty comfy.