What is the connection between homosexuality and reactionaries? Why are the most reactionary people always homos?

What is the connection between homosexuality and reactionaries? Why are the most reactionary people always homos?

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There have been some famous gay reactionaries I guess

It's simple

Subs need their dom (strong and manly authority figures)

So you're saying all reactionary gays are bottoms? This… makes sense actually.

I don't know what kind of connection do you mean, one does not imply the other, moreover traditionalism rejects rights of homosexuals, it's not perfectly sane for them to embrace it

What is this polyp tier assumption, this is false

Damn right it isn't. Half the alt-right would've been gassed under Hitler.

don't even remind me, this is so ridiculous i can't with these maniacs

i think there was even some meme about this shit

Worthless post.
And the biggest advocates always prove to be homosexuals in the end.

Homosexuality was very prevalent amongst Nazis. Stop embarrassing yourself my dude.

Wrong, stop using pol tier methodology

There is a duality to nazis. On the one side, they are outcasts who wish to accepted into society. They wish for a decent job and house, a wife who loves them, a nice community, and to have children who they can raise in their own image. On the other side, they are "degenerate" (in their own terms), post-modern, compulsive liars, and projectors. The reason for their hypocrisy (wanting to "cleanse" the world of fun and dishonest liberals) is because they understand these aspects, which has been the reason for their own inability to reach their goal of being rehabilitated. By cleansing society, they secretly hope to cleanse themselves, and the conditions which create deviants like them.
Then we, of course, have to economic fascists. They are nothing but spooked idiots who believe that immigrants steal all their money.

It's the truth…the former leader of the christian party in my country always talks that talk. Wealthy family background, pro traditionalism, family values…yet the guy was never married, paints his hair to hide his white hair…i mean look at him, you can see he loves to suck cock.


Good post.

Fascists tend to be very lonely and self hating, and get into politics either to find redemption or belonging.

this man is 100% hetero and definitely not an FBI agent in any way shape or form.

Why is gay intrinsically an insult. Why am I being associated with fascists just because of who I am attracted to.

Remember Rebel? He he came out of the closet as both a nazi and a homo at the same time.

traps and femboys are far left, masc gay men are far right. there are exceptions, but that's generally how things go.

Fucking bullshit unfactual generalization.

Have you been to /cuteboys/?

/cuteboys/ is 85% apolitical libs and the rest is equal part Holla Forumsyps and commies tbh.

What's funny is that Ernst was probably the most lefty out of them. Say what you will about SA and Asserism but Hitler did purge them for being gay lefties.

It's the opposite for me t b h. My bf is sort of a fascist and I'm a socialist.

Here where I live all feminine boys, traps or mtf transgedners are far left, it's very easy to agitte them to join into anarchist revolutionary activity includng insurectionism.

They were planning a coup, and they were arrested. Hitler didn't even want Rohm dead, but there was no way round it. Himmler and the lads used the event to settle other scores and Hitler was pretty miffed. It did show how powerful the party leaders were and the autonomy they had in those days.

also Portuguese
I've heard the stories about it, seems legit, Paulo Portas was a homoboy

Bisexual here. I can confirm that gayfags–especially femboys–are inherently reactionary. My partner is openly a fascist with monarchist sympathies.

These are also correct:

This guy gets it



Like I keep saying, it's always Freudian with reactionaries.

Why the fuck're you niggas puttin' yo dick in retards?
Seriously, do you have no standards? Christ.

Because homosexuals are naturally attracted to fringe political beliefs, in the same way they're drawn to deviant sexual practices.

Plus a lot of it is really, really, gay

REBEL, is that you?

they were accused of planning a coup, but they had not actually done so

Yeah, that was one thing I never got with a lot of the more 'extreme' of the reactionary movements: lots of gays.

I'm not sure if that's true of the more 'moderate' paternal autocrats (Dolfuss, Franco, Salazar), but, there's always some weird gay shit going on in the Nazi-sympathizers. That and all of the weird norse pagan shit too.

For once Holla Forums and (at least some of) Holla Forums agree

every day I have to consciously drive my mind away from reactionaries, and even then I have to indulge in some TERFisms to vent

Extreme left and extreme right has gays. Also, heterosexual normies never change the world. They only care about pussy.

Any gays in the fascist movement didn't stop heterosexuals in black and brown uniforms kicking the shit out of any one that couldn't pass as straight and hide in the closet.

At least communist Leningrad had a tolerated gay culture.

IIRC Franco and Salazar were closer to your standard Latin American dictators than fascism (I think Franco ousted the actual fascists like he did with the monarchists).

*dies of AIDS*

I wish.

He's intelligent in the high-IQ sort of way, just has some very overt freudian pathologies. I'd prefer a reactionary to a liberal or a smashy in all candor, and those are your just about your only options when it comes to femboys. Also, he's cute as fuck and rich.

God damnit, now he's starting to sound even more like rebel…

I am interested in what you have to say but I honestly have no idea what that means.

He didn't oust them (Falange) as that would imply they were in a position of power. He did consolidate them into the new ruling party under his control and eventually gave power back to the monarchy.


what is femboy

If your only options are fascists, smashies or liberals, why engage at all? Call me weird but I've never understood the obsession with fucking that gay men seem to have.

Femboy is shorhand for feminine boy. It is opposed to masc which means masculine.

Young gay guys are often one or the other, and sleep with those of the opposite alignment. Lesbians have something similar–fem vs. butch–although I don't think it has as much influence on who they sleep with. This kind of division is less prevalent among older gay guys. Bisexual males are usually masc.

Because it's fun, you jew.

"It's fun to have sex with and relate emotionally with a fascist" 100% gulag material.
Seriously, sex is incredibly overrated.

Franco was ultimately a pretty standard catholic conservative - a paternal autocrat rather than a fascist or nazi.
also homos are gay

Ehh, I'm dating a rich person right now. If the revolution comes I'll do her myself.

Pot, kettle, etc

He didn't care about them being gay. And they weren't lefties. The main reason Hitler had them purged was that they were rowdy troublemakers who wanted to replace the old German army and became increasingly threatening to Hitler's leadership.

He might have been insane but he was on point with fascism

No its true.

It is that MRA/Sargon """"red""""pill. Those guys would be sent to the schwarzneggerwhatever by Dolfy as soon as possible for promoting rape against women.

Since you actually have him on hand (ayy), do ask him what in God's name leads someone in this day and age to be a monarchist? Is it just a sublimation of the putative "need to worship" that some psychologists ascribe to human nature?

I guess that's related to religious impulses too.

it is a mystery…

People who date other for money are pure cansor.
That explains the reactionary part.
A fucking leftcom

Because being forever alone is bad.

You don’t chose love, love choses you

Is it normal to want to die after reading these two posts?


How on Earth does somebody young enough to be a femboy have enough money to be rich?

Are his parents rich?

Maoist-Hoaxahist is this you?


t. a sexually frustrated straightfag

If I asked him he would probably go on a tirade about how great the french monarchy was. I think it is a combination of a nihilistic obsession with aesthetics, and the subconscious need to submit to a father figure.

Funnily enough, he's actually an atheist.

t. spooked petite bourgeois slave moralist

It's never normal to want to kill yourself comrade. Tell me, how exactly did that post make you feel, and do you have any insight as to why?

Yes. His grandparents where members of the bourgeoisie who fled from Cuba after the revolution.

дерьмо … они это поняли



Is smokinganimegirl.jpg supposed to be your signature you outrageous faggot?

Honestly reading Asser I can't understnad what he really saw in NSDAP. None of his ideas sound fascist in any sense.

I'm about halfway through Germany Tommorow and his ideal Europe sounds like a Confederation of Democratic syndicates.


avatarfagging is bourgeois
and smoking is bad for you

People who are exposed to fun are a lot more aware of what it is. Homosexuals live really fucked up lifestyles and exposure to that gained as a homosexual turns some people off to degenerate lifestyles.

I myself am against the legalization of marijuana but I'm literally on cocaine and high right now. When I was only an occasional smoker I was in favor of legalization but tbh fam I'm almost always high and it makes me a lazy sack of shit and I feel anxious and can't sleep if I'm not stoned. I'm opposed to it being normalized because I've had experience as a chronic user and known many chronic users. It's probably the same story with homosexuals, they know what they're doing is effectively bad for society and their personal health (mental and physical) but they continue to do it because of the physical satisfaction.

Sorry to sum up my point a little more focused.

Most heroin users are not in favor of the legalization of heroin because they know that although it would benefit them personally it's bad for society. Think of homosexuality like drug abuse.

Also the only gay right winger I've ever met was a 300lbs ginger College Republican. Actually chill as fuck.

Also there's probably a higher concentration of homosexuals on image boards because people who use the internet frequently and habit sites like this are usually avid porn viewers. And porn makes you gay.

Nazbol is a helluva drug

Gays individually can be amazing people but if you step back and look at them in mass there a shit ton of issues not addressed. Domestic violence is pretty fucking rampant among gay/lesbian couples. There is a good amount of hard drug use, stds, sex with people you don't even know.

There's also a huge issue I've notixed with monogamy. I've dated one guy and he was really into swinging. I was against that and we eventually broke up. I asked around and apparently it's kinda the norm in a lot of gay communities.

I'm bi and I far prefer women over men but my experiances with gays, the gay scene, etc have really made it hard for me to consider dating men again.

Also Gay pride parades are a fucking mess. I tbought they were just a meme but the whole dildos and lesther is very very real.

Also gay culture seems quite bourgeoisie in origin. Many gays are obsessed with fashion, clubbing, brands brands brands. They often have bullshit jobs I've noticed. "I'm human resources, marketing, etc". Thb their job choices are quite similar to upper middle class women.

Kids crawl around and pretend to be animals all the time.

saved this gem from an old thread

The whole concept of gay culture is retarted. It’s a sexual orientation, not a national identity.

This makes me sad

What de fug is happening in this thread, stop being so illogical, I feel like I'm on Holla Forums

be rational, humane and despooked, homophobia is a very hurtful thing

This thread could still fit in that bed, because this sure is reactionary and gay as fuck

Spook. Seriously though most of the people critiquing gay culture on this thread are gay or bi themselves. Admit it. It’s a shit culture.


I feel u. Its been pretty Spooky on this board for the last month or so.

Being bullied for one identity tends to leave you looking for some identity to be proud of.

Reactionary homos deserve to be bullied user!


Homophobia is a spook. Homosexuality is a spook. Have sex with guys but to define yourself by your sexual preference is to make yourself a slave to a fixed idea, a spook, if you will.

I'm not him, but I envy you and feel as if I'm wasting my youth. I don't have any friends and have never been in a romantic relationship. I'm also potentially bisexual, but I'm not sure how much of that is loneliness, and I'm afraid that if I have casual sex with men I'll wind up functionally gay and unconcerned with long term relationships.

Most likely, that person envied you, had his liberal gay sainthood fantasies shattered, or was crestfallen that some twinks disagreed with him politically.

Well language, food, music, and other cultural practices. Aren’t spooks.

Ye I agree.
Just be yourself. Why box yourself into some bullshit arbitrary identity?

For sure. This board has too many people too invested on shitting on/praising homos

I understand queer “culture” is shit, but I fail to see the problem with homosexual intercorse.

But having a fixed idea of what those things are or were is, and trying to "maintain" those things as some essentially static ideal is more than spooked, it's reactionary.

Would a person of Polish origin attempting to preserve the language and literature of their historical homeland be considered reactionary?

Are you talking about preserving an artifact, like the first Bibles printed in the Polish language, or trying to "preserve" the spoken Polish?

The thing is people will try to preserve culture and language because this culture and language gives people a sense of normalcy. People will try to preserve what’s normal to them.

Cool opinion friend

Both. Let's say a Pole is proud of speaking a local dialect distinct from standard Polish. Would the preservation of that be seen as reactionary or as cultural determination?

And yes let's say a Pole wishes to preserve the Polish bible (religious spooks aside) it is a peice of their linguistic history and they wish to preserve it.


I think we should get back on topic though.

Ahhh yes the age old discussion of where I put my peepee

We're not talking about any culture, we're talking about gays themselves

hardly, treating humanitarianism like other, more abstract forms of moralism is asocial and edgy nihilistic

How does it have anything to do with what I said? You're not speaking of "reactionary homos", you're absolutely ridiculously claiming that all homos are reactionary, or that they have greater tendency to be reactionary, both in a tinfoil pol tier fashion, both are totally abstract and absurd kinds of homophobia

just look at this tinfoil retards, not mentioning OP

Okay, so what is being done in either case to "preserve" it? Because it's one thing to like the Brothers Grimm document things as they're currently existing, and another to force people to conform to this or that arbitrary standard.

The point is that there is no way short of isolation in a feudal Japanese-esque way to stop, retard, or reverse that kind of change, especially in the context of a Capitalist society. If you want to preserve some old book, that's whatever. If you're going to try and eradicate loanwords or neologisms or whatever for not being "pure" Polish, that's completely reactionary. You're seeking to unmake historical processes because of a ridiculous idea of how things "ought" to be or have been, rather than as they are or are becoming, irrespective of the material and social forces creating it.

Morality is subjective. It doesn’t matter if it’s christian or humanist.


Nothing to do with tinfoil. There's many homosexuasl which are amazing, decent, hardworking people with whom i have nothing but respect.
Then there's the gay "culture" and gay pride parades ones. I'm sorry but those people are promoting mental retardation and their problem is that they have too much free time. I can't respect people who are agents of american globalism. Gay pride parades started in USA of course…all the garbage comes from there.

truth hurts eh?


people craving short term affection their contrarian identity brings them from fellow ideologues over long term emancipation

i.e. uncle toms. you see it with women and blacks too

I think lots of young gays are pressured into buying into gay culture because they see no other option. The opposite is also probably true with gay men staying closeted because of what they think you have to be to be gay.

For me I have been dating a guy for three years and our relationship is everything you said gays have a problem with. As in we're monogamous, drug/std-free. Very loving supportive relationship overall. We also both happen to not give the slightest shit about rainbow flags and hate being pandered to.

Many of them hate that kind of stuff. They hate being used to make straight people feel muh privileged, they hate being told that white patriarchal capitalism oppresses them, they hate being thrown in with the intersectionality gang, they hate being treated like victims and children.

I'm not saying gays don't have problems. Teenage homosexuals tend to get bullied pretty badly, and some gay people from religious homes have heart breaking family situations. That doesn't make it any less annoying to be treated like infants by people who think the most important political issue is gay marriage.

Pompous, liberal, twenty-five year old women on twitter are extremely annoying. It's understandable to try to piss them off.

there is one
homosexuals are usually attracted to masculinity. i know, that's a big surprise.
reactionary faggotry like "manlyness" expressed in being a faggot and destroying shit rather than being a "soft" / "feminine" person that is nurishing and productive, is appealing to them.
they also are already inclined towards identity politics, so it's not too big of a step.
but that's really all to it, does not apply to homosexuals per se.

They are too ugly to be gay.

There's this vague idea floating around that the rightwinger frames the whole human experience, not just economy or political power, in terms of hierarchies. He might have a pathological need to divide, typify, and most importantly, rank whatever category he deems worthwhile, such as race, religion, culture, aesthetics or even class. Any truth to this?

Remember traps fail at everything. Including leftism. Gulag all anarchists.


There's nothing "tinfoil" about my post, homosexuals seem to have an inherent tendency towards deviance across all aspects of their personality. Naturally as part of that expression of deviance is the over-representation of homosexuals in both far-Left and far-Right movements - the only difference in Leftist understanding being "our homos are #woke, their homos are just fucked in the head".

Honestly given the overall narcissism, hedonism, lack of self control in the gay community I can't be the only one wondering if homosexuals are just hypersexualised children in adult bodies

Also friendly reminder to all the queers reading my post it's absolutely mind boggling how much time, money, and effort in the scientific and medical community goes towards preventing you from fucking yourselves into an early grave.

:/ the guy was very cute. it's a shame the thread got derailed.

There's so few women on the right they go gay. There's also the hatred of women within much of reaction that sees women as incubators for white babies and as such reactionaries are unable to develop a romantic relationship with a woman. At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether our opposition are castrated femboys or fatfucks, they're getting shot and all leftists should be getting fit.

Yeah, that's never going to happen and we both know it soyboi

The fascination with Apollonian figures, body building, masculinity and so on is so unbelievably fucking gay I feel like taking a shower whenever I read Holla Forums bullshit. They are going to produce the next AIDS epidemic.

Surprised more gays aren’t egoists.

That's very well done. Was it OC? Are you Polish?

Egoism has more in common with Stoicism because it realizes these things and also that they're just not that enjoyable when they're not subversive.
Your post is on-par with Christians saying that "we would be in a state of chaos with people raping and killing and eating each other if we didn't read the Bible!". Watch Zizek's "The Pervert's Guide To Ideology".
Also, see what Stirner actually said:
Stirnero-Zizekian analysis of the relation ideology, personal development, and education when?

I think I've seen that meme before.

the relation between*

Given the various anons ITT that have admitted to fucking reactionary/fascist homos, that next AIDS epidemic will probably do disproportionate damage to the Left tbh

Is this your first imageboard?


I'm sorry to hear that user. That makes sense though.

This very well may be. There certainly seems to exist a drive in many people, not just right wingers, to group ant typify people, animals, and objects. Right wingers may just buy into this more than others.

If I had to guess I would say this drive is a product of a confusion of the precise role of language. The phenomenal world lacks definite barriers or boundaries. The function of language is to impose cognitive models onto our perception of the world, which make categorization by like traits and origins possible, and facilitates communication. There is a problem that arises when people begin to confuse these models with the phenomenal world itself. We begin to think of things such as the self, the state, classes, and races as fixed objects rather than descriptions of transient phenomenon. When this confusion becomes internalized, there is an expectation that sensory phenomenon will match our cognitive models. This expectation will always remain unmet, because the nature of the phenomenal world is fundamentally different from our descriptions of it. When this expectation is unmet, there becomes an exasperate need to make sense of what is perceived of as chaos, and we begin to make even more inappropriate use of cognitive hierarchies. Thus, a cyclical pathology arises.

pls no smoking :(

Stop fucking reactionaries! Providing comfort and AIDS to the enemy is treason!

Your hypotheses are unfounded, thus irrelevant and "tinfoil", that's pure homophobia

Cockshott's got a blogpost about this.


Infantilism. Homosexuality is a developmental disorder first and foremost, reactionaries are usually underdeveloped so the two go cock in hand

he tried to run with the momentum and use nationalism for something good, of course he had to be removed quickly and unfortunately he was a giant sperg, he would eat shit everytime he went on stage unlike addi. Good on you for reading the old fag theres some good shit in there

he was supremely naive about hitler and his brand of thulean nonsense, he probably had no idea the man was a foreign agent and that the whole point of the NSDAP was to pit germany against russia and run them both into the ground

Wait, I remember there being an argument here where it was shown that gay couples have less domestic abuse than straight, and lesbians have the most.

Avatarfagging is a misnomer in this case. Though me thinks you're probably running low on smokinganimegirl pics. Which will probably equate to no longer posting rather than posting without them.
Not that these pics don't totally add a unique and interesting aesthetic to your posts! You certainly stand out from your average Holla Forums poster. :)

what a load of shite, your dad is a trans-phenomenon, what are you even trying to say faggot that words dont mean anything?

I hope this explains it

That's a sweet thing to say. I only have eleven total which I rotate. I often post without a flag or picture.

You would do well to read Wittgenstein.

Individual words do not mean anything, because the most fundamental unit of meaning is sentence rather than sign. Sentences have descriptive meaning, but nothing more. Language itself cannot come close to providing an accurate representation of the phenomenal, and problems arise when people forget this.

It's kinda retarded.

These are addressed within the gay community. The thing with domestic abuse in lesbian relationships in particular, is that there seems to be a bias when they're legally dealt with. The same thing would happen if everybody was talking about this stuff. Drugs and anonymous sex and stds and domestic violence aren't just gay problems, and the people inevitably treat them as though they are when they're discussed in the mainstream. And it wasn't long ago where I am that cops actually got caught in a notorious failed drug sting on a gay bar here - and they still target gays on account of pre-existing biases in more lowkey ways, too, and it goes beyond what stats can actually validate.

I've been to more than one.
The most outrageous stuff is the stuff that makes the best photos, not the stuff that most accurately represents most of what's going on. And I'm still not sure why human sexuality is so horrifying that it can't be celebrated once or twice a year. I'm not even denying how the parades have been corporatized or how cities use them for revenue and it brings gentrification - these things are true and bad. But the sexual positivity, and the overall message communicated by a bunch of people (there are marchers in suits, marchers in bondage gear, marchers in casual, marchers in drag, people decked out all festive like Mardis Gras or pretty much anything besides a funeral, etc.) is actually a powerful humanist one, and effectively the one thing pride gets right and a reason for its success.

Culture in general.

Everyone has bullshit jobs. A lot of the time, this is either what's available or what's successful in capitalist society. I've known lots of gays who didn't have bullshit jobs, but in the circumstances it's basically irrelevant.

I hear "bi" guys make the same complaint about the straight scene all the time.

t. ;)

fucking this. it's democratic confederalism with guilds, that's it. that's what makes the mods who ban asserists look even stupider

Hello left-wing Uzalu. People who debate language semantics instead of using real arguments get the gulag.


Gays are incredible butchers, take Sulla Felix of ancient rome as an example.

yeah no I might as well just cut to the chase and stick my thumb up my ass, miscommunication can be a problem but it sure as fuck isnt THE problem, the last fucking thing I need right now is to read the autistic rants of a fucking sperglord that tore down his fucking house because the ceiling was a few cm too high. Im gonna die soon nigger I dont have time for that shit, might as well tell me to read foucault and get aids

get your head out of your ass before its too late bratte, wake up and smell the willy pete or you too might have to be removed as much as it saddens me to say

yes they do, definitons can change and you can do a lot of nasty voodoo with fancy-schmancy words but youre still a faggot

idk, in my experience gay boys tend far more often to be just centrists. /cuteboys/ is full of them, look no further than above mentioned thread to see them crop up with shit like "Nazis are leftists" and epic horseshoe tier memes. this thread is getting p homophobic tbh ://


As opposed to…?

You should also read Foucault. He is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Post-structuralism in general is extremely flawed (precisely because of the sign/sentence confusion), but it is still worth understanding. The History of Sexuality and Discipline and Punish are both worthwhile.

What are we arguing about? I was responding to a poster who asked what I thought about what appears to be a pathological need to divide, typify and rank, that plagues the right wing psyche.

Because sexuality is a privet mater

Cultural differences originates from isolation of different hunter-gather tribes. Tribes which were considered by Marx to be primitive communist.

This is how I know you’re eather an urbanite or a suburbanite. Please leave whatever city you live in and go to a small mining or farm town.

That’s first-worladists in general though.

It’s literally pedo ancap material.

This doesn't surprise me. Homosexuality is a disease where the only cure is death.

Yet banning various forms of it was public policy for a long time. It's not a private matter, it's a personal one, but there is no real reason to shutter it away. On the other contrary, openness and honesty about sex are important. Besides homosexuality, young pregnancy also used to be shunned and shuttered away - people hold inaccurate illusions about the past, but the truth is that like the economic problems of today, the social problems were covered up rather than being dealt with publicly where they could at least be measured and controlled.

Can you explain how this is relevant to the consumerist culture prevalent in a capitalist society?

Most of the country lives in the city. Statistically, what I said was accurate. You may as well point out that I live in the first-world.

The prevalence of bullshit jobs and the fact that every socially-defined cherrypicked group of people holds them is not a denial that there are also people who work in mines. And as a side, I've known gay guys who worked factory jobs, served in the military (not openly), etc. and it doesn't seem to have any particular affect on how modest they are about sex.

Oh, ok, I see where you're coming from. Know this was directed at another poster, just acknowledging that it makes sense now.

And that's why the Nazis carried cyanide pills.

everything you are banging on about is worthless fucking drivel my friend, we arent arguing im calling you a faggot, an "educated" useful idiot, and im dismissing your entire Weltanschauung which provides absolutely nothing to anyone outside of limpdicked ivory tower masturbatory "intellectuals" and the present unipolar order

The fact that you are using 30 dollar words to bang on about autistic language descrepancies while at the same time calling out the "right" for their "pathological need to divide, typify and rank" is pretty goddamned fucking ironic and hilarious, you are providing fuck all and you should probably be sentenced to menial labor if only for a summer or something

Your original analysis was shit, you are deeply embedded in your own asshole, nobody is perfect obviously but you need a hard kick in the cunt which I unfortunately cannot provide

As to why the right is so wrapped up in different but in many ways similar minutia, well the answer is quite simple and requires none of the wank you have released here:

the "right", much like the faggots you look up to, is controlled opposition. It is designed to get bogged down and lead to nothing outside of self-destruction and divisiveness, it has no real coherent program, this has been the case since its inception and it has been the case on the left since the bolsheviks but more importantly since ca. the 50s when the US intelligence apparatus realized that it can no longer effectively suppress the left and would be far more successful co-opting and subverting it

read this, and try to read in between the lines, its barely a primer it gets way uglier


Why is it a disease? Humans are overpopulating the planet. If anything, it's a blessing

really dont like saying this, its such an overdone bit but this is the rare case where its applicable, have you considered not being a hypocrite and sucking on a tailpipe?

Yeah, it's also why faggots kill themselves at higher rates compared to normal, well adjusted people.

Yeah, niggers and assorted subhumans are overpopulating the Earth and fail to have even the most basic environmental stewardship because they don't know any better. Color me surprised.

It's not only a mental disease, but its a lifestyle that does nothing but spread and incubate diseases. Removing them from society would be a blessing.

But not all fags are Nazis, though. With the suicide stats, it's understandable that some conflate them.

I'm shitposting with a nazi poster on an Holla Forums board my nazbol friend. No need to be so salty

goddamnit im getting worked up on the h8chans, apologies, the population control shit really grinds my gears i see it unironically too often

look at this cocksucker I cant tell if hes fucking with me but hes making me mad im going to take a break

I've never read le crazy bald frenchman but I'm guessing that quote in the image is from him describing something that actually happened in some backwards tribe somewhere rather than making up some pedophile fantasy.

What language is this written in? It's like the braying of a cow.

I have to confirm this (maybe you can) but if you gave every human an acre of land, the entire population easily fit within the the austrailian continent. I too think overpopulation, in some regards is overblown. Obviously it's more nuanced than this when you consider population density, arable land, ect, but using sustainability it theoretically shouldn't be a huge issue.
No worries tho man sarcasm is hard af to detect in text, especially when Poes law is constantly in effect

What do you mean? Homosexuals are disproportionately more likely than heterosexuals to commit suicide, be mentally ill, abuse alcohol/drugs, etc.
Homosexuals still suffer significantly worse socioeconomic outcomes even in the Netherlands, England, and other gay-friendly places.

But let's be honest, there's no point in attempting to convince you otherwise; If the fact that the homosexual community literally fucked themselves to death via AIDS throughout the '80s/'90s can't convince you that "maybe something ain't right with them", I really don't know what will.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

it is, its complete fucking bull, in the 90s you could lay everybody in the world flat into lake eerie or something, we are nowhere near at capacity and thats not even going into all the land here on earth we still have to basically terraform, most of russia is like another goddamned planet f.e.

its a very useful thing to espouse for the powers that be, thats for sure

your hypothesis sounds pretty fuggin accurate to me honestly, especially the bit about them being children i.e. that homosexuality is kind of a developmental disorder

a lot of honest homos have said how it eats them up and makes them feel miserable in many ways, its a tragedy and while they shouldnt be rounded up or anything it sure as fuck does not seem like a lifestyle one should promote, especially as a state

To be honest it's not really mine, most of it is cribbed off other sources (which I'm inclined not to disclose, since it would just make other posters instantly dismiss any further posts).

But the problem (as this thread shows) is that you can't even bring it up with the slightist criticism here (and on other Left sites) without anons like 2055275 simply dismissing your post completely out of hand; obviously my "homophobia" has lead me (and others) to simply find anything that justifies our preexisting hatred of homosexuals, while their homophilia is merely the end result of objective, dispassionate scientific analysis (well, when has the American Psychiatric Association been wrong about anything? CHECKMATE, BIGOTS).

And of course they'd reconsider their views if SCIENCE! came to the conclusion it was a disorder. It's just that SCIENCE! is in their corner, obviously homophobia is the only reason why gay communities inevitably trend towards the worst excesses of gay culture.

Far be it from me to understand why other kids calling you a fag at school makes you want to smoke some meth and take thirty dicks in a seedy San Fran bathhouse

that's why it makes no sense that BO decides to fucking ban it, he can't ever cease to be to an absolute fucking sperg over every topic. not to mention this board is still "raided" every midnight for around 3 hours.

Well it indeed comports well with experience. The Far Right variety could have something to do with their self-destructive tendencies, certainly many seem to have a pretty strong Death Drive and the breakdown could also relate to those who fetishize masculinity, less so on principle but more to do with fantazing about exaggerated caricatures/the hyperreal surface aesthetic they picked up from films and the like, whereas the Left variety might naturally seem more keen on feminization in general. Although I'd say most of the current crop are merely "conservative" LARPers who followed Milo's exact same calculation about their prospects in the Multicultural West, and the splitting with LGBT of course seems quite mutual for the White Males. Where the whole alliance is premised almost entirely on self-interested opportunism, expecting self-interested hedonists to be spooked by "solidarity" past its usefulness to themselves is absurd, let alone caring about Leftism in itself which is essentially incompatible with a Louis Vuitton habit.

i am becoming physically ill

I assume 80% of these posts are just shitposting jokes but I also made that assumption about halfchan all the way until it was 100% sincere and became shit.

I think it more has to do with the amount of resorcces people consume.

Bump. The leftCunt has yet to explain why literally fucking the enemy doesn't make him a traitor. Is this the kind of mindset widespread among leftcoms and other sexual libertines?

Need anything more even need be said?

There are two types gays. There are your pride parade variety which are degenerates who diddle kids. Then there's the gays like myself who you can't tell are gay until we tell you. We're traditionalists and we hate flamboyant faggots because they make us look bad. The reason why we often join revolutionary movements is because we have a better understanding of the glittery rainbow type fags, and we understand the dire need to put them in ovens so that we can live normal lives without excessive and uncontrolled faggotry. This is part of my motivation to do what I do and think what I think. Of course that's just my opinion based on my own life experiences, though I've met others who feel the same. I'd also like to mention that I hate this LGBTASHPT+ whatever the fuck that lumps me in with trannies and whatnot. I have no problem myself or others being gay, though I prefer to form relationships with others based on common interests other than liking cocks.

Two types of gays, m8. Two types of gays…

I agree with this. There's definitely a societal vacuum that needs to be filled. I've chosen to side with my own people and an economic system that I think will work with slight modifications for the 21st century

It's true though. Homosexuality is unnatural because it produces sexual desires which won't lead to childbirth, which means that the genetic line ends. Still, I see no reason why I can't serve my cause. I hope that one day there will be a cure for this mental disorder I have so that I'll be happy with a woman. However, this leftist "acceptance" will only ensure that I will never be normal and that I will never have a wife and children, which is what I really want, but I'm just not attracted to women. What you propose keeps me this way for life, which is shit. It's like telling someone who's missing an arm to just accept who they are instead of developing robotic arms. It's just fucking dumb.


Milo is the exemplar of gay politics in a nutshell, i.e. he's just opposed to whatever he thinks "the breeders" are for - except in his instance he's advocating far-Right political views, not molesting children and multiple spouses

Rolled 17 + 12 (1d20)MODS = GODS

I don't have click this to know that it's trash.

Engaging in gay sex doesn’t mean you’ll not have kids. It’s just that way if you EXCLUSIVELY have gay sex

Read Marx

woah you're right

this is the most abhorrent and ridiculous post i've seen on this board, how can one be so spooked and self-loathing is absolutely beyond me, not to say it's basic uneducated polyp bullshit

seriously what de fug

Literally pic related

As much as you might think otherwise, gayface has been known about for a while - the Guardian wasn't just having a slow clickbait week and thought "fuck it, let's make some bullshit up about the gays"



gay nazis sadden and terrify me deeply
imagine being so spooked against your self-interest, your substantial happiness for some traditionalist delusions

they cannot be perfectly sane, also it's the hardest uncle toming

Gay Nazis are generally people who don't like being used. They rebel against the left because they find it patronizing.

pretentious teenager tier




None . Strong men understand the need for hierarchy and authority. Weak men want to abolish these thing because they're tired of being on the wrong side of justified violence needed to keep them in order.

nice propaganda rhetoric

Sometimes the workers need a good beating. And of course they get mad like a kid who got smacked for being a little shit.

Sometimes porkies need a good trip to gulag. And of course they get mad like a kid who got smacked for being a little shit.

The topic is homosexuality, not hitting the gym.

Wasn't Micah a sexually repressed virgin carpentry, and masonry reservist who got kicked out of the army for sexually harassing female colleagues before being blown up with an RC toy?

That doesn't prove anything. You made tons of leaps to reach your conclusion.

Other than potentially being bullied in school or raised by an ultra-conservative family, gay men are really not very oppressed. Being a gay adult is not substantially worse than being a straight one.

This is the kind of presumed solidarity and mutual struggle that's annoying.


I'm not straight, and your inability to explain how gay adults are particularly oppressed demonstrates that they aren't.

lol this is some telltale heart shit google.ca/search?q=conservative men masculinity threatened&oq=conservative men masculinity threatened&gs_l=psy-ab.3...8042.9418.0.10081.

They never planned a coup. There was no way around it because Hitler, by eliminating Rohm and other leaders would get both the army as well as the industrial elites of that time behind him.

Himmler then used it to justify widespread persecution of Christians, this in return would please the large amount of Christians who despised Rohm for his sexuality.

When you're gay your best option is to date idpol liberal faggots or literal retards. It is very hard to date someone in a relationship sense who you are into, let alone haves similar political views.

Even when Hitler took power Rohm was the one advocating for more socialist policies, and a second revolution ( seizing property to redistribute ).

Define justified. I don’t find it justified that economic conditions force people to sell there labor to a capitalist, as such they rebel.

No, not an argument at all
Also, homosexuality is illegal in many countries
And it's easy to see how homosexuals are treated much worse than heterosexuals even in the west if you think about common approach to matters of heterosexual nature and then compare it to approach to matters of homosexual nature, homosexuality is stigmatized down to the linguistical level and you have to be wishful or normalize worse treatment through strong social norms to not see it

There's a burden of proof to claims of oppression.

How do gay people face oppression or mistreatment in their everyday lives? Faggot and gay being pejoratives does not make their life much worse so long as they don't make their sexual identity into a cause to mope over. It's retarded to say that, because the word 'gay' is used in mean ways by Christians and teenagers, gays are necessarily disenfranchised left wing allies.

Rightwingers are constitutionally attracted to power, either to obtain it or to worship it. And there's no better symbol of power than the phallus. Pretty simple, really.

Fuck yeah, we desperately need technology like that to detect reactionaries.

There's nothing more manly than fucking another man, there isn't even a female in the picture when you're talking about that shit.

I'm surprised no one here said that homos are a product of capitalism or some related bullshit.

Well, good thing no one else here is homophobic in such an insane fashion

But tbh I find it so strange when I see gay fascists or Marxists. Of course they aren't really safe in any political system, as various liberal democracies in the past have shown, but the treatment they've got in fascist and Marxist states was gross (I know there were exceptions in the latter ones).


Why did you drop three google links to three articles getting the same wrong conclusion from the same study?
