Leftist Unity

Why can't we all just get along?

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Let's unite and laugh at anarcho pacifists

I'd rather convert as many "right" prole as possible than gettin along with most petty bourgeois anarsissy utopians. First the label right and left at this point and time is outdated and counterproductive. You have to understand that many fascists think like that just because of idpol they got 0 economic theory.They will shut the fuck as soon as socialist take control. Now who votes right at this point? The rust belt showed how working class preferred a right wing candidate over a supposed left wing. That wasn't because they cared about conservative values or some shit, they cared like every poor bastard who lost his job about working and making bucks so that their family can eat. This is valid for europe especially, we have to drop this divisive antagonism and take power using a "right wing" populist rethoric if is necessary. So we should all unite and get them neo liberal porkys.
1. Left and right are united
2. Fascists are happy because now there are no immigrants and no commodification of culture
3.We bring jobs to hungry people.
The right doesn't have an economic theory, they just got idpol.
There is no more right and left when everyone is fighting for the same fucking thing, the same fucking system and basically agree on everything except idpol and taxes

Anyone without a college education is pretty much incapable of being a leftist, let alone a contributing member of society. You are throwing pearls before swine.

That's the point pal. We don't have to wait for everyone to read marx. We have to just give what people want. No one wants what we have now. Workers want to work, fascists want whites. There are no unironic neoliberals or capitalist that are not borg. It's a win win situation. No one besides the socialist have a real economic theory or plan. We can give to the others what they want as long as they don't oppose our ecomic plans. I can't see the working class opposing us and I can't see fascists opposing us unless we have a open border mentality.

Explain why liberals still won't accept capitalism is the problem.

>uh what's that, class and communist (universally anti-capitalist) unity?

This is so patronizing it hurts rofl. Have you ever looked at the history of workers' movements? Students and the highly educated were the last to engage in any meaningful type of activity, and when they had a role it was in the tailing and aiding of revolutionary activity that was already there, and again there's this fixation on the multifacted and incoherent nominal category that is "leftist". As if you need a university degree to realize you're being exploited.

if reactionaries only wanted whites we'd have socialism by now.

Left unity is delusional, but we can do revolutionary socialist unity. Left wing capitalists GTFO.


Left unity is bullshit.

It is possible and should always be encouraged, but the fact that we will be at each other's throats will always loom in the distance. Those who encourage disunity amongst Anarchists and Communists are playing right into Porky's hands though.

One solution to the schism post-overthrow of capitalism would be to just give anarchists their own free territories and the rest will be left up to the communists. People will be free to go to either ideological territory without conflict. I'm just spit-balling though.

I don't want to associate with dumb Tankies and Anarkiddies.

The left, once again, proved it has no foresight. You were handed an 'opportunity' and foolishly decided to ramp up the suppression and violence tactic.

You've now lost it. You've wiped out your dear antifa with all the antics. Get hurt attacking the right? Whine on the news. Normal people have had enough.

No one is going to listen ti you now. CNN is your enemy - everyone is sick of hearing you spam the world with every 'Trump - evil' you come up with.

You blew it.

I'll support left unity only if we agree that nazbols and tankies aren't leftists.

This, but unironically

+ people whose entire praxis is reading andrew kliman tomes and emptying their nutsack to doujins all day while they criticize any leftists that actually do shit as larpers on cambodian message boards. hmmm think that's about 98% of leftypol whadayaknow


Because most other socialists are sionistas and globalist.

That already have been tried. They were betrayed by the Bolsheviks.

Because Marxists needs to apologize for bulling the Utopian Socialists.

Lefties have a higher rate of autism or autistic tendencies which means interest tends toward depth rather than breadth. People get hyper-focused and become experts in their particular ideology and all the differences between their ideology and the others. Because they spend more time within the left's social bubble they spend more time around other left tendencies than around non-lefties. Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say.

Basically leftists need to get out more.

Because every lefty is shocked at how retarded other lefties' doctrines are


truly we live in a dark age

I think you are completely right. It's high risk but high pay off.

I'd reckon much higher payoff than risk.

Every time whites managed to become socialist, or at least closer to socialism was when they had either 100% white populations with high trust "suburb neighborhood" mentalities, or were like 90% white but wanted to guard against outside (or even inside) threats and UNITED over that threat.

People in general tend to function like that. You need to divide and conquer, but also unite and rule.

Syndicalist unity anyone?
Anarchists, Titoists and Libertarian Marxists unite!

Every time, huh. You must have quite a list of examples to back that up then.

Because the last few times we tried this the MLs fucked over the anarchists.

oh its you again.


Stalin killed more leftists than conservatives.

Because is a crypto-fascist who would backstab anarchists, marxists, and all non-whites for the useless support of a few thousand reactionaries. That's a minority among MLs of course, but most are insufferable sjws or nostalgic grandpas and nothing is gained from an aliance besides some edgy socdems not calling you a liberal. Then we have the majority of anarchists who are lifestylist larpers that will be socdems in 10 years after they get done with squatting or fighting the white supremacist cis-patriarchy or whatever they call their boogeymen. The truth is left-unity is a meme for impoent faggots that results in larpers larping together instead of larping in opposition.

I'm not
No, never
I'm not white myself pal.
When I say giving something to right wing voters or fascists means closing the european border more than anything else

Are you sure about that Mr. Stalin stache? Not even the leftcoms? Trots? Libertarian Marxists?

You can't get more Holla Forums.

Maybe trots. Leftcoms are good for theory but they ain't gonna do shit to oppose.
I'm not advocating for a return to the urss system even if I admire the work of stalin and lenin.

But I'm not a nazi you fuck. Fuck, there is no way on this board for the mods to see if I have cookies from Holla Forums??? You'd be suprised. I've been on that board 5 times and all them where because there was a thread linked here

Sure thing bucko.

I didn't say that but ok. Guess you are just baiting at this point.

You admitted to closing off the European border to give reactionaries something, are you as stupid as your flag would suggest and don't understand the reason they want to close the borders is because of muh browns? You're an imbicile as can be evidenced by throwing away 300 eurobucks on McGregor or you're a nazi, in either case your proposals would be disastrous for any leftist who heeded them. Enjoy your collaboration and getting reported to the cops you retarded classcuck.

The utopian marxist do more harm than good to leftist movement.

IDK, I guess the threat isn't imminent enough, or at least we don't feel it.
The fash are united by a a sense of existential threat. Also this

Closing off the border is not an exclusive right wing stance. I agree on closing the border but for different reasons. Plus how could east europe accept another socialist goverment? Really this is the only way. Plus i'm in no way saying that only closing the border will solve anything.

Plus fuck you, mcgregor had a chance

Closing off the border won't change anything given yuropoor's economic situation, if it was able to be done in 10 years you'd have some yuropoor ethnicity as the boogeyman and another border crisis. It's a retarded move, but it's eclipsed by your desire to collaborate with reactionaries who will get communists thrown in jail or worse when the opprutinity comes. Anarchists are smart enough to know not to talk to, let alone work with, ancaps but it seems MLs have the dunce hat glued on. And no, McGregor had no chance and didn't even last 12 rounds. Now fuck off and go lose another 300 eurobucks you retard.

Like poles before immigrants are hated because they cost less and are in way to become the new working class. All the poor bastards before them already lost their job and they don't want to live on a 2 euro a day salary. I'm in no way saying that this is the immigrants fault but It's pretty obvious that Neo-liberals want them so that porky can make them work for cheap. The working class hate them for this reason and a lot of people vote right for this reason. Look at finland, when the stabbings happened the left lost a lot of votes.
Is corbyn a crypto-fascist too?
Plus they ain't gonna backstab you. They have no theory their only desire is to have less foreigners, give them that and increase the material conditions and fascism will never exist again

And if all immigration from outside Europe were stopped they'd still be making 2 euro a day salary. Immigrants are not the cause of this declining standard of living and blocking them will not fix it.
Well he is a socdem.
You're an idiot. Removing foreigners will not skyrocket the standard of living and fascism will reappear when capitalism goes into crisis. At that point you'll have reactionaries that know who you are report you to the cops, assuming the bootlickers already haven't. But if you want to eventually get thrown in jail by all means go ahead, the less morons like you on the left the better the left will be.

Again I don't think you get my point.
We should use anti immigration rethoric (this doesn't mean in no way anti immigrant or fascist) to get the votes of the people who don't vote left because they don't agree with the immigration policies. Now that you won basically in every european country standard of living will skyrocket. Fascism will not reappear because at this point capitalism won't exist anymore

Denmark, Sweden, Norway. Also Germany, Russia, Albania and Yugoslavia.

Should have guessed.


Your point is shit and that's retarded.

The first 4 were at best capitalist and the last three were not homogenous, with the last one sparking a massive ethnic conflict in its collapse.

I'm all for eventually backstabbing anarkiddies, but adopting right idpol will be just as "successful" as adopting left idpol was. I for one don't want to suddenly get caught in a purity spiral with fascist parties as I'm trying to court the votes of the proles. Christ alive, imagine a socialist minister having to give an interview where has to pander to the chuds, and awkwardly trying to use dog-whistle language, sounding like a Labour character in an Iannucci flick. Either we win without idpol, or we are lost anyway.


it is a mystery

That's my point, they managed to be united under socialism, after that they got fucked.

Because the rest of the species, including you, are almost all barbarians and imbeciles. How can one "just get along" with savages who would never be willing to peacefully coexist with me.

Either you step on others or you let them step on you.

Nope. Never said such thing. Having an anti mass immigration stand is not idpol. What I mean is that we don't have to be antagonist to the right. We agree that mass immigration is a problem. We agree because immigration like this is porky weapon, they agree because joos. You see? It's not idpol for usthe, it is for them. But if this will end mass immigration they'll stand by our side

Nobody here particularly cares about immigration either way and accepts it as part of a functioning capitalist economy. If you're hoping we could try and communicate with the Holla Forums flyovers they're barely capable of not drowning in spit when laying on their back let alone perceiving anything left of Hillary Clinton.

Fuck Holla Forums. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the workers we lost and the people who vote right. Holla Forums is not real life. In europe at least

Trump seems to have completely deflated the Holla Forumsyp tendencies in Europe. I think the problems with Americans in general is they're just not that sharp or politically robust so your best bet is just shilling for the DSA and hoping they'll neuter and contain the USA.

The ones who have actually read theory do, brainlet. We can't get along because of inbreds like you.

Are the rightist parties in Europe even that strong anymore? I can only speak for Belgium, but here the far fight has simply collapsed into the single digits after a high water mark of maybe 25% in one half of the country. Same with the Wilders party in the Netherlands, the UKIP in the UK. In E-Europe, they tend to be stronger, but they are not the countries the refugees are going (to stay) anyway.
Things can't get as bad as 2015 again, but the Europeans are willing to absorb at least a few 100.000s a year without voting in the far right. They are much more angry about neoliberalism. Le Pen only got as much votes as she did because she mixed a heavy dose of welfare state apologia in her program. Just offer old school welfare state solutions and the proles will come. The immigration issue can stay status quo for now.

We haven't had a thread on immigration in ages, brainlet. Go on, give me your hot take.

Because tankies are divisive shitheads.

Also, you know Porky has to be dividing us willingly as to prevent us from fighting back.

Mass immigration is part of neoliberalism tho. And I don' agree with the fact that people are angry at neoliberals. Even before the second turn macron already had a fuck load of votes. In germany merkel is going to win again. People don't see centrism as a threat wile they see right wing extremism as a threat. Let's be real here there is no chance in hell that europe will become fascist. Truth is that this right wing populist imho are the greatest gift to the neoliberals.
My point here is that we have to show the people that neoliberalism and centrism is dangerous, the way I thought It could happened was by riding on the immigrant scare wagon without going in a situation where you are basically shilling for right wing idpol. Keep the left wing retoric but have no fear to throw some populism in the mix. Corbyn made a miracle in the uk but most of his voters were young, were is the middle age working class? Why they didn't vote for him?

It's cucks in the boomers and the coffin dodgers that go out en masse and vote Tory every time.

They are not precarious enough yet, I think. The heritage of the welfare state is that we have a lot of people in their 50s, 60s, who are doing quite well. I myself had three uncles, none of them ever finished high school - worked in construction, for the municipal services, and so on. They all retired before turning 55 with generous pensions. No way will they ever vote for a radical change - they quite like what they have.
What it will take is what happened in Greece: a total collapse of the middle class, a cutting of pensions, and so on. It's coming. Britain already had it to some extent, because of how bare-bones the welfare state had become.

You must be the biggest commie ever because that's one awful crop.

This. I couldn't care less about the fine points of economic theories as long as shit works. I really don't know why you guys don't work with us, we have the same enemies. Radical left and radical right should unite against neoliberalism, capitalism, international finance, and the corporate state. As a Nat. Socialist I believe I have more in common with you than I do with your average conservative patriotard. I respect you because you, like, me, can see that this society is fucked up and you aren't just a blind crusader for the status quo like these so-called "radical centrists" that are popping up.

I just started posting here today because I got banned from Holla Forums for not being hateful enough towards Islam but I already see you throwing around terms like "alienation", which if you don't know, is exactly the sentiment that is driving the sudden massive rise of reactionaries. People are alienated as fuck from society because of:
-wageslaving and all its problems, I'm certain we both agree on this.
-lack of a true national culture, replaced by corporate commodified culture. (eg what is the national dish of America? Big Macs?)
-replacement level migration which is harmful for economic reasons but especially because people shouldn't be replaced in their own homelands.
-a sense of being betrayed by corrupt governments and leaders who only want to enrich themselves.

I don't want to hate you guys and I'd rather be on your side against the "porkys". In ancient times we'd all be living in the same village working together for the common good and improvement of the lives of everyone. We now live isolated and alone in urban hellscapes, working for the enrichment of the few. It's time we strengthen our bonds with our countrymen and work to overthrow those who oppress us, for the good of everyone. As long as I get a healthy national community I really don't care about what form the economics take and would be willing to try your theories.

pic unrelated but I got banned for comparing hijabs to traditional European head-coverings

Kek, not bad.

Woah, careful there Holla Forumsyp you almost sound sane

Anti-sectarians are the leftist version of centrists
centrists bitch about how everyone is extremist and we should have a compromise, anti-sectarians bitch about how everyone is sectarian and we should unite

In the end there's literally nothing wrong with killing your fellow leftists if they oppose the newly established socialist state

You should lurk here moar pal, you are in the righ direction

wtf i love nazis now

Holy shit a Holla Forumsyp who isn't a drooling retard. This is a first for me.

I'd rather die than unite with soccdems, MLs, anmuts and all the other retarded wannabe socialistis, for me the most important thing is that markets are completely destroyed and that we change from production for exchange to production.

Varg, is that you?

"When rightists say leftist men are weak."


I don't see what these other fags are getting excited over. You're a Asserist or possibly Nazbol and don't know it yet. You're still pretty spooked but you should work on that.

Thanks guys, there's no reason for brothers to fight over silly things like economics. We're all part of the same whole so we should all work together for the benefit of our people.

No lol, I don't like Varg because he destroyed priceless historical buildings and murdered his friend.

Don't get me wrong, we differ quite a bit on the cultural side of things since you guys want to destroy everything but economically we basically have the same goals or at least the same enemies. I think a short term alliance would be mutually beneficial.

Spooked in what sense? That I still value "muh feels" things like culture, heritage, tradition, and common blood?

Not the person you're responding to, but yes. Personally I can't bring myself to care about things like that in the age of genetic technology we'll be entering into shortly. Is blood really going to matter when more and more people get into cybernetics, artificial limbs and organs, and A.I.?

I used to be into transhumanism but upon realizing that it will only be available for the ultra wealthy and the average person will become a subhuman slave it kind of lost its shine. Not to mention the CIA, NSA, etc will hack your body and mind to make you compliant with their regime. You should be very worried if that is our future. Imagine Porky not only controlling every aspect of the country through financial dominance but also being super strong, fast, intelligent, and immortal, while we are relegated to slavery and unable to fight back.

Except thats at the core of Marxists thinking. The problem with you nazis is you think you can keep capitalism and just get rid of the bad people(jews,globalists,bankers,etc). As you say we should work together for the benefit of our people but who is "our people"? I'm guessing it s broad case of white people or European people. If you want to liberate the white/european man why not the rest of the world? They are being exploited just as bad if not worse than most whites.

severely underrated

I'd like to see them liberated too but we have to get our shit in order before we can go help other people. It's also not really our place, imperialism was a mistake. It's up to them to free themselves, to think it's our job to help them is just "White man's burden" all over again.

I'm not the other guy with the same flag.
DNA defines your very self. So it matters, a lot, even with perfect artificial cocks the vast majority of the population neither need nor can afford, and with better ways to push useless products on people. You should look up the cost of artificial limbs that actually exist, that shit is expensive and it is nowhere close to the real thing, much less to Deus Ex.
I'm sure you'd love to have a single corporation responsible for molding the brains of future generations, so no point in arguing against it. The first generation will be a very few super-rich Alphas.

its not white men's burden, capitalism is a global system and the proletariat need international solidarity to over come it.

IDK, I'd rather leave it up to them and maybe a bit of funding/supplies from us. The endless US interventionism has really put me off of interfering in other people's conflicts.

well realistically the us will probably one of the last areas to embrace socialism unless if a miracle happens.

Then dude, take off that flag.
Seriously, the left isn't just "against ur culture xdd", most of the places on the Soviet Bloc actually cared about their own culture traditions and identity; i can tell because i grew up in one ex-soviet country and our national identity wasn't "shattered"; the only difference is the fact that we dont really buy into the "scientific racism" bullshit or "degeneracia xdd" crap.
If you belive in socialist theories and actually consider the marxist model as a positive thing for the economy, then i dont really see the point of "being a nazi".
I hope i dont come off as aggressive as that's not my point, im speaking as someone who a few years ago would have waved that swastika flag proudly; that, untill i opened a book.



It beats whatever reactionary shithole you both seem to want to live in.

This, gas the ( ( ( establishment ) ) ). Also funny how the so-called far-left agrees with the mass influx of fresh debt slaves as long as it's disguised in "humanitarian" platitudes.

Shock status = imagined

But I do believe in scientific racism and hate fun, thus the National rather than just Socialist. I think certain groups are biologically inferior but I don't hate them for it, and their individuals can still be good people. You can be a racist without being a dick about it. And while actual ideological communists like this board seems to be might not be on board with the ongoing destruction of culture, most of the left today is only organized around the principle of "fuck whitey", so I'm still wary.

I put that bit about migration in there to see if I got a "one race da human race"-style reaction but everyone seemed to agree with it, I'm getting the feeling that Holla Forums isn't the same as other modern leftists. Maybe they agree with us when we put it in terms of economics?

can you elaborate on how we differ on the cultural side?

whoops meant to reply to this>>2036780

Well generally communists want to destroy the national culture and replace it with state worship. In China they smashed statues, burned temples and books, murdered community and religious leaders, and persecuted religions and philosophies that weren't perfectly in line with Party doctrine, leading to modern Chinese being ultra-materialistic, selfish, uncaring assholes who kick babies to death for fun. By forcibly removing the spirituality and soul of the nation they got what they wanted: a hive of spiteful worker drones that live to produce and consume state products and propaganda and would sell their grandmother to the secret police. In the USSR they did similar things, desecrating churches and destroying tradition, leading to the modern Russian being a stupid, depressed, drunken slob with nothing to live for. In Spain, communists gang-raped nuns, dug up corpses and threw them in churches to terrify and mock the people there, murdered and raped innocents in the thousands, and destroyed and desecrated national monuments and holy sites. Even a few weeks ago in Spain, a young woman was beaten by a mob of antifa for wearing a bracelet with the Spanish flag on it. And in America, communists are fully in favor of starting an actual violent anuddah shoah in the name of "decolonization", critical theory, postmodernism, and whatever other stupid deeply triggering and problematic things the modern left stands for.

I doubt that most on the far right actually care about economics, as long as it works who gives a shit. Most of us would probably agree with you if you phrased it properly. What we care about is the culture war: preserving tradition, heritage, spirituality, race, societal cohesion, and all the other "muh feels" things communists think they need to destroy to achieve their ideals.

The thing that saddens me is that you are italian and you can't see how your idea has been exposed to be total bullshit exactly by italian politics. It's not about closing the borders to sandniggers, because guess what, at the very moment the niggers are out it will be the romanians, and when the romanians are out it will be the southerners (remember the anti south italy lega nord? Of course not, rightist dindu nuffin) in an endless divide and conquer. And how can you believe the right won't backstab? Quit the simple man noble ignorant bullshit. Let's say you build a movement that says 1 no niggers 2 end capital nobody would vote you because reactionaries see you say whew fuck off commiejew. Do you think the image of commies being sjws was pulled from thin air? This shit is pre packaged. The thing you fail to see is that the people in rust belt will ALWAYS vote for repub until the very end because higher interests will always accuse leftist movements until the very end. Also I have seen in other posts by you how if communism was imposed "by force" than people would shrug. Well you remember that time where slavery was taken away from americans by force? Yep everybody accepted that.

I hate the dumbass word filters you guys have btw.

"annudah shoah" should be whit.e g.enocide, I don't even remember what got replaced with "deeply triggering and excellent".

wtf your word filter text gets fucking filtered as something else reeeee

The left-wing and right-wing definitions of "capitalism" are widely different. How would you define capitalism?

Huge surprise.
What do you mean by "at long as it works" exactly? Corporatism was arguably successful at destroying independent workers movements and controlling the population in the name of national unity.

yes but 90% of the time this isn't the case, also the "fuck whities" is just a reaction to the rising white nationalism in america that is not working in favor of the left

also i'm still not convinced by this """scientific""" racism.
maybe races do exist? but i don't think you can actually say one is superior to the other, i don't see on what bases you base this "superiority"

Careful there with that _unkosher_ opinion, you wouldn't want to oppose the God Emperor™ and his _based_ cabinet right?
True Patriots™ only do as asked and support tax cuts for _based_ job creators such as Kushner and Gary Cohn.
And don't forget: Ivanka Trump 2020~!!


I never really thought about it but I suppose the textbook definition is exchanging goods and services for money. I don't see anything wrong with that but what I actually hate about the current system is the slimy middlemen who get rich through doing nothing. Like bankers who profit off of interest which is just skimming off the top and making money from nothing, or the managerial class who exploit workers through the workers' dependence on the company to just be able to live. I hate the decline of small local businesses and the rise of national and international corporations that crush everyone and rule our countries through their immense capital.

I'd consider it working if people have a good quality of life where they don't have to worry about the economy and can just live their lives. These big corporations ruin people's lives. The only thing wrong with workers' movements is that things are so bad they arise in the first place.

You have to be joking, I've been hearing deeply triggering and problematic shit my whole life, as have most young white people. We're finally fed up and starting to stand up for ourselves and we get blamed for instigating? My parents always told me that if I hit back I'd be the one getting in trouble and I guess they were right. I've always been extremely interested in history and even before I was exposed to any right wing ideas I ranked races in hierarchies based on their past accomplishments. These turned out to be the exact same hierarchies shown by intelligence tests and every other metric of performance. But even if whites were the worst race on the planet I would still be on their side, because they're my extended family. I think any sane individual from any race would choose his own group over another, that's just basic nature.

I don't actually give a shit about him, I dropped that lying fucker the instant he bombed that Syrian airfield. He said no more foreign interventions and I believed him like a retard.

Oh, an.ti-w/hite is replaced by "deeply triggering and p.roblematic". How do you even talk about anything with all this filter bullshit?

aka I read wikipedia articles and Holla Forums infographics
you have to go back

It's easy. We don't talk about idpol bullshit id/pol/ is so concerned about. The filters are specifically designed to make discussions about muh identities difficult.

It's also amusing that you talk about this polyp idpol shit so frequently, you start to think it's hard to "talk about anything here"

There's actually not that many filters, just the usually idpol cliches. Basically >2038595. It also sort of encourages people to talk actual grievances (mass unemployment, exploitation, etc.) rather than the impotent screechings of some limp-dicked pink-haired liberal.

Welcome to the club. There are actually quite a few former Holla Forumsacks here. I left after the board turned into neocohen-central. Outward they still try to appear as "Gas the kikes, Ràce war Now.", but the reality is that it's just another kosher republican neocon cheerleading squad.

You've already lost

Well I've already made it clear all I care about is muh feels. Idk how you talk about economics all the time, that shit is so boring I've never been able to care even when I was on Holla Forums.

Yeah it definitely feels different now. I think there's a lot of buyer's remorse about Trump so people try to desperately justify it rather than face the fact that we did all that work for more of the same. I get attacked for defending North Korea and the Middle East now when it was common opinion before. If Trump keeps up his jingoism I expect them to turn on Syria, too. Pretty depressing.


Kek, nice pic. I tried reading Evola but his writing style was too rambling and halfway through the first dense chapter I still couldn't figure out what he was going on about so I gave up. I'll just say that as humans, we aren't the soulless worker drones communists want us to be. We have emotions and things we care about beyond just work so I think feels is almost as legitimate a concern as reals. Feels are a major part of most people's lives.

Wrooong. It's the opposite. You should try reading at least the communist manifesto, it's really simple

So you pretend to "oppose capitalism" without having ever thought about what it even means. You don't know what capitalism actually is, you're just upset with some of the shapes it can assume because it conflicts with your politico-cultural project. You really do not oppose capitalism and therefore do not have anything in common with us.

This is so vague, it could mean anything. Capitalism with a Keynesian consensus-era welfare state would qualify.

Well, that about sums it up.

The whole point of communism is increasingly shorter working hours until unrewarding labor can be abolished entirely.

I'd suggest the resident Holla Forumsack reads this first instead. It's reasonably short (~30 pages) and explains the basics.

this meme is bad and marxist leninists need to stop forcing it

I mean, that is very hard, but we already do sort of "unite" against the right. We all have similar ideas on class struggle. I might be ancom and dislike tankie ideas, but they are still comrades (to an extend), hell, even nazbols are better socialists than social democrats and lefty caps.


No we don't unless it's harmful bourgeois culture, forced marriage for example in china was abolished, you just need to stop it with this stereotyping shit, also look at north korea's they're doing a very good job at preserving their culture and it hasn't been degenerated by western culture yet. as for the soviet union they did a good job at preserving uzbek culture and religion youtu.be/Z6x1ml0yj4M and they weren't being totally anti-religion as you described it.

yes yes you'll all of these things as long as they do not harm the proletariat, bad traditions will have to be abolished ofcourse and good ones get to stay, for heritage i don't have problem with preserving heritage as long as it stays non harmful, as for spirituality all religions will be allowed but the state would be secular and no religion would be allowed in politics or in the education system, as for preserving race it really depends on what you mean i'm all for educating people to preserve their race but enforcing it would be harmful, and for societal cohesion i don't see why you would think we don't want that.

Alright I'll start with that, thanks.

All the existing and former communist countries are examples of the exact opposite, though. You can't really argue with the many examples I listed in . Regardless of what theoretically should happen, for whatever reason it doesn't turn out that way and all the things I care about get fucked up. Also I was under the impression that North Korea's Juche was a form of Nat.ional Socialism that used communist aesthetics to secure funding and supplies from China and Russia, kind of like Vietnam's nationalist revolution.