How cool was the DDR?I feel like no one gives it much attention

How cool was the DDR?I feel like no one gives it much attention

Other urls found in this thread: Struggle in Socialist Poland#page/n75/mode/2up/search/East Germany

pretty fuckin shit if you ask me

t. reactionary

Best anthem ever

It failed to achieve socialism and collapsed, like the rest of the eastern bloc. Lets learn from it and move on to a new socialist movement, not tied to old failed revolutions.
It was the best out of the Soviet aligned european socialist states tho.

Oh they do give it attention… but the evidence of DDR being some historically good state is so flimsy it can be blown out by a fart.

only good german state ever


Why is Soviet ball on this?

GDR was a member of the USSR was it not?



The GDR was a member of the Comecon and Warsaw Pact.

Really piques your pecans

I think it was a member of the Warsaw Pact but it wasnt a member of the USSR


It was great, komraden.

And the Stasi are doing a fine job at weeding out Western collaborators and enemies of the revolution!

False flagger detected, east germans didnt say comrade and thats not how you would even write it in german

Read The Triumph of Evil: The Reality of the USA's Cold War Victory :^)

It's written Kameraden (pl.) and Kamerad (sing.)
Also Kameradinnen (fem. plural).

Interestingly enough in the german language, "Kamerad" would be something a a nazi would say. At least in Germany it has a strong right wing connotation, even to this day. The communist pendant to Kamerad would be "Genosse".

Is it true that the DDR was one of the first countries in the world to legalize "gay marriage"?
I see that around a lot and I always wondered if that is true, never found any sources

Nazis were homos so it wouldn't surprise me

the flag is kickass, we should definitely use that hammer and compass combo again to signal unity between manual and intellectual labour

its funny cause the west now has a more expansive surveillance state than the GDR and the USA has more people in prison than there were in the gulags at the height of stalin's purges

netherlands actually, just 16 years ago

The Soviet Union under Lenin did it 100 years ago but Stalin fucked it up

pretty sure lenin just decriminalized homosexuality and didnt allow gay marriage

The only reason why gay marriage is a issue is because it is a economic union. Why did soviet bloc countries need bother when private property had been abolished?

Germany is just as authoritarian now as the DDR was (if not more) i.t's just that they're not in your face now


East Germany was more free:
and Economically stronger (higher GDP increase per year/ HDI improvement): Struggle in Socialist Poland#page/n75/mode/2up/search/East Germany
Honecker was a true socialist and if it wasn't for the failure of Krenz and Gorbachov the standard of living and level of industrial output in east Germany would be much higher than it is today.

Coz you dummy a war had just killed a huge portion of the population and policies to reinstate the birth rate were needed.


East German prison labour was used to create commodities for foreign companies, including Ikea and Aldi. What a cool country!

How is the Freie Deutsche Jugend still active? What do they do?

bumping to save from raid

Easily one of the greatest anthems ever made