Trump to lift military gear ban for local police

Good job you mindless smashies. Thanks for beating pudgy white millennials, now they get their dream police state.


don't you have some reality TV show to watch, a small business to run or gibsmedats to cash, boomer filth? But you're right, smashies should just let the nazis bring their cancerous circlejerks into the real world after they've already fucked up about half the internet with them. And none of them could possibly be agents provacateurs working to establish the same narrative you're pushing ('pigs need military gear because smashies'), which, again totally coincidentally, is really useful for the establishment.

tl;dr piss off

Don't even see how this would change anything, pigs can still shoot you and get away with it makes no difference if they do it with a pistol or a military grade rifles.

You're right, I didn't read any of that shit. Stop smashing and start organizing you dumb LARPer.

I'm not gonna defend smashies but blaming this on them is autistic as fuck.

Arbeiter, hörst du sie nicht?

The people will learn to see the police as enemies, fear and frustration will lead them to the glorious path of anarcho-smashie-smashieism. Trump is the best president the left has ever had.
I remember the Bush years, how hated he was, ironically it took the left years from the influx of dumb ass liberals, but this time it's different, the idpol-left is losing ground fast, the democrats are already defeated by their continuation of Bush's militaristic foreign policy combined with being exposed as antidemocratic during the primaries.

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerschlagt die faschistischen Räuberheere,
setzt alle Herzen in Brand.
Pflanzt eure roten Banner der Arbeit
Auf jeden Acker, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann steigt aus den Trümmern der alten Gesellschaft
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!

No, and your logic is disturbingly similar to that of the Feds and Joe McCarthy.
Yes, that's useful, actable advice, not vague boilerplate buzzword bullshit.
The fact that you act smug about that insults you worse than I can, so I'll just paraphrase it and leave it at that.

When nazis get their ideas into the mainstream better than we do, the idea isn't to try to kill them or their ideas, it doesn't work.

You push your ideas harder.

OP is based

Antifa and nazis just stood around waiting to get hurt. The side that got the casuality was prepared to make a political statement out of it. Luckily the left got that opportunity this time, but not without cost.

I didn't read this post. Join the DSA or whatever local leftist organization you have, because now the police will be out with military gear and they will start killing you.

Why do you seem to think this wasn't going to happen?

okay so you're an autistic faggot babbling to yourself, got it.
fuck off pig

Because even at the height of the BLM bullshit riots, Obama never pulled the trigger on militarizing the police.

OK LARPer, good luck with your flag and makeshift shield against military grade assault weapons in your next anti-police demonstration.

Also I seriously wonder how many people who have even the slightest doubts about cops in the US are going to stay fence-sitters when they start getting equipped with ridiculously over the top weaponry. The police are going to treat the US as a warzone, it's going to become one.

ACAB forever

Yeah, Obama didn't. I expected this at the very beginning of the Trump presidency.


This. Penning it on smashies is absolutely retarded - Trump ran on authoritarianism and talked about stuff like this from the getgo. Even without that, this shit has been going on for years.


I don't know, it seems killing them could work.
People have surprising amount of respect for people that are willing to kill. I think it's a type of mental self defense, the world has to make sense, so if someone is willing to kill, then they probably have really good reasons to do it, because the alternative is to terrifying.

I already told you I'm not. Nor is everybody else who, unlike you, doesn't want to suck a corkscrew pig dick because it has a DSA logo on it.

soldiers tend to side with the people, pigs tend to side with the bankers. do not talk to police, ever.