Save me from this ideology

So, President Putin is visiting my home country, Hungary and the liberal opposition's facebook page posted this. It reads: "Hungary is haunted by the Russian past. We can't let it happen again!" above the picture, below it it says "We can't let it happen again! Momentum is giving Putin a worthy welcome."
The picture itself is referencing how certain streets and sqaures had soviet inspired names during the cold war. Most of them were changed after 1989 tho.
Oh, and by the way, this is the party I'm supposed to vote for if I want the crypto fascist rule of Orbán to end. My other option is the actually fascist, holocaust denying disgusting Jobbik party. Imagine being a leftist in this shithole of a country.

Not too different from being a burger tbh. Just give up on electoral politics like we have

Woops didn't mean to sage


We need a munkáspárt

Marx the russian



we have one. They are a bigger joke than CPUSA

That's saying… a lot.

Why has this been hijacked by reactionaries? It's a perfect phrase for proletarian self-defence against the forces of capital and the state.

Te vagy az Bede?

Jaj ti utolsó patkány komcsik. Miért nem tudjátok ti is minden szerdán (mint minden rendes ember) nézni a Szulejmánt. Sokkal békésebb lenne minden.

Cuz the leftists want to take muh gunz.

because it sounds a lot like 'moron label'

Because if you take lefty sentiments, and give some to the "left" and some to the right and make them fight each other, you do a good job of stopping a leftist movement coming back.

what hasn't yet been hijacked by reactionaries?


Ki az a Bede?

Eddig én is azt hittem, hogy nem, de mostmár tudom, hogy te shitpostolsz ide megállás nélkül.

A holokauszt talán német múlt?

igen, Ha Merkel jön legközelebb újramatricázzuk a Kodály Köröndöt Hitler térnek

A fidesznek takarodnia kell!

Hmmm régi szép idők.
Na megyek mszp-s nyugdíjasokat verni.

Együtt, barátom, együtt.

Te meg miféle újbuzi vagy?

Mi van? Szalonképtelen szavakat használok? Bocsánat, hogy ezzel rongálom a széfszpészed

Nem értelek titetek…
Anyád, nagyanyád ott szopta a retkes faszt kádár alatt, te meg visszasírod?
Orbán nem elég kádárista nektek?

Az szarposztolás magyarul…

Szarpostázás több kedvelés.

oké, Holla Forums, először is, Kádár meg a szarrakás államkapitalista rendszere megbaszhatja magát. Kettő, a hozzád hasonló fasznyelőgép, aki Vona "orbán vagyok csak kevésbé ráncos még a fitymám" Gábort akarja megválasztani ne mondjon inkább semmit.

Jól van igazából egy részt megnyugtat a tudat, hogy a leftypol az tényleg ugyanaz mint a sima. Mondhatni egyik kutya másik eb.
Igazából egyszerűsítve amíg ők erika marchot hallgatnak, addig ti kalinkát. (amúgy mind a 2 kettő kurvajó)

Rossz lehet élni a te bipoláris világodban, ahol mindenki vagy jó fiú vagy náci.
Megláttam a magyar fonákot, mondom az nem lehet, hogy igazi magyarok sírnak a kommunizmus után, azok után ahogyan az tönkrebaszta az országunkat. De tévedtem! Mégis vannak még ilyen emberek.
Nahát. Mindennap iskolanap.

Have you been a part of a political organization?


Nem értem mire gondol itt a költő.
Ja de!
Egy kép mögé bújva relativizálunk dolgokat.

A revisionist turanist Hungarian honvéd and a Gárda member was teaching a class on Ferenc Szalasi, known hungarist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Holy Turul and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Szent István!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, morbidly obese senior SNS member who had survived 19 years of independence and understood the necessity of state language law and fully supported all legislative decisions made by the Slovak National Assembly stood up and held up a valaška.

”What do you know about Slovakia, boha ti?”

The arrogant Magyar grinned under his thick bajusz and smugly replied “It has no history, even I am older than Slovakia. Can you name a Slovak king, you buta Tót?”

”Svätopluk I.”

The Hungarian was visibly shaken, and dropped his lángos and copy of Szabadság, szerelem. He stormed out of the room crying those turanist crocodile tears. The same tears revanchists cry for the “Hungarians in Slovakia” (who today live with such muh privilege that most can enjoy signs in Hungarian language) when they jealously try to claw justly earned independence from the autochthonous Slovak ethnicity. There is no doubt that at this point our gárdist, Csaba Feketepatkányi, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a fascist paprika guzzler. He wished so much that he could pledge his allegience to the Slovak nation, but he himself had denied its existence!

The students applauded and all rejected double citizenship that day and accepted Ján Slota as their leader. A golden eagle named “Orol Tatranský” flew into the room and perched atop the double cross and shed a tear on the chalk. “Hej Slováci” was sung several times, and Ľudovít Štúr himself showed up and re-established Great Moravia across the Carpathian basin.

The turanist lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He nearly died of pálinka poisining and was sentenced to live in Rimavská Sobota for all eternity.




Khrushchev did nothing wrong.