Trotsky's White Negroes

Just found this:


"Communism is when you eat white children" - Karl Marx

OP, are we supposed to be mocking this, or do you actually think this is a real quote?


reminds me of that thing i made yesterday

i uh i mean that i found while looking through the news

can we just agree already that Gulags were a good thing and even if they were as portrayed by western propaganda, that'd still not change anything about this?

i guess its true

"Niggers tongue my anus"

t. Hitler



Explain the USSR's antizionist turn.

A riveting read, but I prefer to go straight to the source.

Forgot to scrub the name and sage

kek, got more like this?


The latter two seem to be unironic poll pasta tho.

someone please visually debunk the last pic

my fucking sides

Man, you know what they say, debunking bullshit takes much more time and effort than creating it. Debunking that particular pic seems like plowing the sea.

I thought you hate "Jewish tricks", yet I see you constantly implementing them to further your own agenda.

The amount of fundamentally unsubstantial or full blown disinformative polyp propaganda actually frightens me

From that pic it looks like they are blaming capitalism for capitalism and drawing their incorrect conclusions about the Frankfurt school.

I really wonder what has been the impact of misinformation and disinformation in modern politics. Like, could the German Revolution have succeeded if everyone knew the real deal? Would a socialist coalition have been possible in revolutionary Russia?

Now liberals are so shellshocked by Trump they're working overtime to automatize censorship. I mean obviously, a way to filter out misinfo and disinfo would be revolutionary, but it's neither possible nor their intention. Anyone who isn't a Kool-aid-chugging SJW knows this won't end well.

This is what Holla Forumsyps actually believe.



People are more likely to accept sources that already confirm their views. Using facts to disprove incorrect beliefs makes them more likely to double down on their own falsehoods.

Basically, every socialist will eventually get shaken out of their naivety into becoming a tankie and the correct response to numbers of victims of communism is that they are too low.

It seems odd to me that they included a picture of what looks to be either a typical American-Canadian trailer park or a white south african squatter's camp as an expectation for capitalism. Obviously, it produced what you see in the picture as much as it can be credited with the "reality" in the other picture.

What the fuck is there to debunk? It literally just makes wild, baseless assertions.

Who's actually dumb enough to believe this is a real quote?

Do they really think communists talk like comic book supervillains?

How historically illiterate does one have to be to think Trotsky was a Zionist?

What the fuck does 'we will establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution's funeral' even MEAN?

That is what all Nazi propaganda is based on. They create ridiculous, fictitious narratives and congratulate each other on becoming redpilled.


I was guilty of the same years ago tbh

Use your fucking heads.

i will remind them

every time

Yes, Jews were overrepresented in the KPD (just like in most Euro communist parties), but that's not what they 'all had in common'.

And I'm really not sure how this provides any sort of support for the 'stabbed in the back' BS considering the Spartacist Revolt only happened AFTER Germany was defeated.

And I like the implication that it wasn't a 'real' workers' revolution and rather some kind of elite plot.

Because sailors' revolts not real.

Ruhr Red Army not real.

Popular support for communism not real.

It's also funny considering the fucking socialist in Nationall Socialist was put in there to appeal to the working class

only if you buy into the bullshit that "jew" is some kind of overriding group identity