This is why the more I grow up and the longer I remain a NEET, the less I want to work for a living...

This is why the more I grow up and the longer I remain a NEET, the less I want to work for a living. I just want to live secluded for everything and everyone and shitpost my life away because nothing is really worth it and none of us will ever make a fucking difference on this pile of shit we call Earth.

Other urls found in this thread:

Unironically try getting some help. People here are going to say psychiatry is evil but is staying like this any less harmful for you? There's a medical profession dedicated to things like this and maybe with time you can help it.

Don't listen to the Scientology tier wackos who think Psychiatry is the root of all evil.

I love that video.

How's he gonna pay for sessions?

I don't want to assume he's American. But if he is American yeah it's basically fucked, access to mental health care is a gigantic problem.

I'm already getting mental. It's not making much of a difference. Although, it it weren't for the Effexor, I probably wouldn't bother getting outta bed and do anything at all.

I'm Canadian.


I hate to say it but try working up to Xanax if it isn't working. Just don't get addicted to it. It sounds like a terrible solution but there's a reason why it exists.

Just try explaining that the solutions being presented to you aren't working. And you can work a plan from there.

Not everyone here is from America

I know that feel, user. I'm just waiting on the opportunity to try to self-medicate and hope that that will make the prospect of living for the sake of living to cease to be unbearable. Unlikely as it might be, the alternative, finding a reason to live, is virtually impossible.

I do self-medicate on beer and red wine though.

The fact is user, if it helps. You're not alone. The world is becoming more impoverished, and property values are basically impossible to manage without just renting an apartment, even then.

You're part of a phenomenon of Capitalist financial and market exploitation and alienation and you really aren't alone.

That may sound more depressing, but it's better to understand you're part of something larger than blaming yourself for your current predicament.

Xanax is that good? My doctor won't give me back my Adderall because I'm NEET and don't need it apparently. So every task, including reading, are still extremely tedious and tiresome.

I know, many Americans struggle with this fact.

I know. That's precisely when I realized I had been alienated by the capitalist system whole fucking life I became a communist, and it wasn't so long ago.

No, I mean actual, chemically-active medication. Ketamine, LSD microdosing and others. Literally more effective than anything on the market, and not because of the high.

I would really love to try psilocybin, LSD and DMT. However, I can't since I'm on Effexor and using serotonergic psychedelics with an SNRI could cause a serotonergic syndrome.

If you have depression and anxiety, in general regardless of the kind, Xanax is that good.

It offers temporary relief of those problems. It just depends on working out the correct dosage so you don't get hooked from the feeling, or not enough where the feeling of relief is minor.

It's basically a chillaxitive. And it's not even a last resort chillaxitive.

Xanax works, even I take it for my anxiety and depression issues that aren't too dissimilar to yours. I'm just not a NEET, so I can say you probably deserve it much more than I do.

If you're self medicating with alcohol however, you would have to stop and ween yourself off of it, as Xanax and Alcohol are a dangerous mixture that produces drowsiness and shallow breathing. One of the most common accidents is drinking too much while taking Xanax innocently, only to fall asleep and have trouble breathing.

Alcohol is a depressive anyways, and it's not making you any better. But I know from self experience that's easier said than done.

Hope this helps.

Also don't take coffee or caffeine with your xanax, that'll fuck you up worse.

Yeah. I'm not that hooked on booze anyways. I'm sober right now and have been for the past few days. Although, I would definitely have a bottle of red wine right now.

I guess addies are off the table too, huh?

Well I'm not talking about tripping for the sake of tripping, tho it's a good bonus I guess. You don't even need trippy doses of K and LSD in order to treat depression and similar disorders.

But yeah, drug interaction is a bitch. I think selective reuptake inhibitor negate LSD, but K should be more reliable (but never mix with alcohol). There's academic studies that even say what dose they gave to test subjects and they were symptom-free for days.

So basically you're isolating yourself, running away from responsibilities, refusing to do what a regular working person has to do and so on, all coupled with a nihilist contempt for society at large.

Fam, you might tell yourself there's a rebellion to what you're doing right now, and you might be right, but remember that you can also wake up one day feeling the pressure of social expectations, the desire to fit in and belong, the need of drive and achievements vastly outweighing the worldview that sustained your lifestyle up until that point. Then you might try to fall back into line, realise you've wasted your years, that it's not that easy to fit in and belong anymore, that you're permanently an outcast, etc. Add this to a bad mental state and an unhealthy lifestyle and god knows what sort of crisis you have coming your way.

Politics can be the source of an endless amount of self-delusion, and that self-delusion can go away one day. I'm not saying you aim normalcy at it at any cost, but as a depressed loser myself I've had moments where I thought my lifestyle corresponded to a set of beliefs and ideas, then I started rethinking those beliefs and ideas, then I was left with nothing back to fall to. Not really a sentiment I want to meet again in my mid-30s or some other period of my life where I might feel there's no reset button and no way out. It can be a trap, is all I'm saying.

First of all it's depressant, not depressive.
And it's a depressant in the sense that it depresses, or inhibits, CNS activity.
Xanax is a depressant too, because it is an GABA receptor agonist, just like…alcohol… Alcohol is a dirtier drug since it also affects the 5HT-3 receptor among other things, but they share roughly the same psychotropic effect profile.

I thought someone who is studying to become a psychiatrist would know better than this. I mean, seriously, I learned that shit from Wikipedia and Bluelight. Step up your game.

I don't disagree with this completely, but anything can be a source of self-delusion, even one's participation in mainstream society and ideology. Midlife crises wouldn't exist otherwise.

Xanax and Adderall aren't as toxic together as caffeine and xanax can be in making your anxiety worse, but that depends honestly on whether you have ADHD or not. If you do the reaction should be normal, if not it should be off the table.

Regardless of if you have an amphetamine or not, caffeine and Xanax go together terribly and make your anxiety worse. This is just advice in case you make a future ploy for a prescription to Alprazolam.

I would say in your case, you definitely fit the description and should work on getting a prescription for it, even if it takes time to work up to that.

Well in my defense the two words go together in casual conversation about the topic.

I never denied that. In fact I didn't go into the chemical ins and outs because I thought it wasn't necessary to explain beyond just, don't take Alcohol and Xanax it's a bad idea.

Also I did say that alcohol is worse for you. And it's not just the effects of the mind either, it's also the effect it has on the rest of your overall health to take into account.

Alcohol can make problems worse beyond the brain.

There's nothing I'm saying contradictory to what you're saying beyond you underestimating my point about alcohol. I fail to see why I should go into the ins and outs of every single issue, as 1) I'm just a student 2) this is just a casual recommendation for Xanax for OP since he's terribly depressed and already found help.


I'm an unironic proponent that medicinal cush is actually a good idea. Unfortunately I'm not in charge of America's pharmaceutical companies.

Hoochie minh is a joke. Responsible psychiatrists make have not been prescribing Xanax since the 90s. Do not listen to a word she says she has no clue what she is talking about.

Which country do you live in because that's not the same as in America.

And you do? What, did you take a psych 101 course in community college buddy? The amount of energy I'm putting into pretending to be a psychiatry major and trying to help OP seems like a waste of god damn time.

In fact, even if I was lying, I'm doing more to steer OP in the right direction than you are.

Words out I'm Sanjay Gupta

I actually dropped out of college due to unbearable anxiety and depression as well as daily panic attacks due to social pressure and perfectionism. I have also been unable to maintain menial jobs due to severe ADD, bouts of depersonalization/derealization, poor hand-eye coordination as well as dexterity. In short, all the odds are stacked against me. I don't really see a point anymore. I'm just miserable 24/7.

Have you ever considered seeing a neurologist? These issues might be related, and not just comorbid problems.

It's worth checking out just in case. And remember, always have a second opinion, or even third.

Bupropion helped me quite a but after being on a ton of different ssris and an snri that all made me feel even worse. You can't smoke cigarettes while on it though.
Weed helps too but I kind of wish I could quit.

Feel the same way op.
I work two dead end jobs to pay the bills and have long given up on retirement.
This point I keep a gun just for when I get tired of shit and want an easy way out.

In before people come in with defeatist bullshit and spam about hurr take out a politician or some other useless bullshit.

The problem is America's medical system is already downright fucked and its medical care for mental health is down the shitter even worse, and even taboo.

Mental health issues are just that, health issues, but with it come all sorts of negative connotations. That doesn't just establish itself in the collective minds of Americans, but the culture of Washington as well, who have non stop tried to destroy the mental health care in America far before any of us were born.

It's social darwanism through and through. Big pharma begging for less and less restrictions and oversight, makes the problem worse.

If you are telling to take Xanax you obviously don't even have a community college understanding of psychiatry. You have spent months trying to pass yourself as having "expertise" in this field but the more you post the more you expose just how little you actually know. You're a complete joke and unhinged person in general. I am simply posting to protect some of the less informed members of this community who may be bamboozled by your "expertise".

Be gone.

Ok, sorry, I thought you fell for the "Alcohol can make you depressed because it is a depressant !" meme, which never fails to make me mad.

That said, I wouldn't recommend Xanax for someone depressed, assuming they don't have anxiety disorders.
That stuff should be kept for panic attacks due to its short duration and potential for addiction, leading to the worse kind of withdrawals you can get, in my amateur opinion. Benzos are better than alcohol from a physical point of view, but still, they suck, and people should avoid using them as much as they can.
OP should try to get some ketamine instead, maybe.
>t. an alcoholic loser

They don't know how to deal with people like us.

How? Alprazolam is a legitimate prescription medication that deals with these issues OP described. It's not perfect by any means, but it was a mere fucking suggestion.

I know your typing style and I gotta say change it up.

I agree, I was saying if the depression/anxiety combination was severe enough, Xanax should be on the table.

Again, my plots to improve people have been foiled, the mask comes off, Sanjay Gupta appears

I fucked up this post, the last part was for

I unfortunately agree. A lot of people don't know how to treat America's mental health issues.

Bupropion didn't do shit to me and Celexa turned me into a zombie.

I have, but my doctors considers my concerns to be the result of hypocondria and everyone else for excuses to be lazy fuck.

I always was those things.

This is true. I've been to several psychiatrists and most just put me on different SSRIs and sent me off feeling worse than I already did.
There's too much of an emphasis on shilling pills and there really isn't enough being done to address the shit that makes us like this in the first place.
Just give 'em prozac and get 'em out because there's a long line of sad saps who need help too.

Celexa, cymbalta, prozac, they all made me feel like shit. There was a point of time when I had resorted to buying research chems like tianeptine online to try and treat my depression. It helped for a little while but it stopped having a good effect and I wasn't willing to risk taking an amount larger than what was recommended because you can get really bad withdrawals.

My opinion? Get a second opinion, and a third, the only issue with this is really just how expensive it is in America, which leaves these issues untreated.

This is just a feedback loop that makes the unemployed, the minimum wage prole.

It's expensive.

But if you have the money, and your parents are willing, try try, try again. If you have depressive issues combined with apathy, and motor function faults, that sounds like a possible neurological problem. Not to set you off, but it's better safe than sorry.

Yep. Failure is all I've ever known and I was never in a situation in which I had the option to win. I was constantly put down for everything I've ever done.

When you're not good enough for the bourgeoisie, you will be left alone to rot in your misery and the rest of the proletariat will spit on you. That's how it works.

I mean that there is literally no treatment program at all for NEET hikkikomoris. And even in Japan where they do have it, there's a low probability of it working.

I knew I shoud've been seeing a neurologist. There is something wrong with me. My brain is broken, I know it.

It's a topic that the medical community has to but is unwilling to tackle.

Hey, don't take it personally. A health issue is just a health issue and it doesn't make you any less than anyone. Despite the cultural bias, you're still no better than anyone here in America with all the problems that pester them, mind body or otherwise.

I really think euthanazia should be legal for people like us. Nobody wants to live decades like this. If we can't make it out in the capitalist system, then at least have the decency to put us out of our misery.

I'm honestly thinking of going all-out shit-lifestylist if something doesn't happen soon

What can a neurologist do any way? They can't rewire your brain, and you wouldn't want them to either.

just start a religious cult and live in a commune bro.

Medications to make the problem less severe? I can't say for certain, it's not my major. But I know that physical therapy can also help.

I probably would let them crack open my skull and rewire my brain at this point.

Allowing eutanasia in a depressed person is like officially admiting that the country in question has something very wrong. The issue won't go away but if they keep it illegal they can play dumb by saying that people who kill themselves are sick, so it isn't society who is at fault.

That's exactly why the Ruling Class doesn't want to shatter the Just World illusion to the proles yet.

Euthanize the capitalists instead.

I feel the same way. I'm used to it by now. Been NEET for over 10 years now.

I'm trying to "do something" with my life now but it doesn't really matter. Capitalism doesn't want me, socialism doesn't want me, so I'm stuck. When the revolution comes I'll probably off myself rather than be sent to a gulag / deathcamp (most likely it will be the latter due to all the population control ideology floating around).

Dunno why people are so hyped about psychiatry or psychology as an answer. Most NEETs have been processed by that system already, and it's probably why they're NEET.

Because even on here most people buy into the just world fallacy when it comes to individuals. They want to feel there's something to help all the hikkikomoris, and any failing is their own. Even if there isn't anything to help them in actuality.

There is something to help them. Give them a job were they can feel that what they do matters and bring back the sense of community that cities have lost.

Well to be fair there would be something if there was an effort at re-education and an actual task waiting for them. The education system we have right now is fucked up beyond all repair and is basically designed to fail most of the people who pass through it. That's why I think the next mode of production isn't going to be socialism or communism, but "meritocracy" or "scientism" where the ruling class will be defined by our presently-fucked-up education system. I figure that will happen around the time world markets collapse with another Great Depression-type event, which given the debt timebombs set to go off will be within my lifetime.

Right now the really fucked up thing is that many poor-NEETs that don't have family to pay for their upkeep, are actually prohibited from finding work due to filing for disability, and therefore needing to stay legally disabled in order to survive. It's a perverse system that could easily be fixed if the law allowed for more generous allowances for disabled workers, but there are also vested interests who don't want the disabled to work and the pure ideology of eugenics is dominant in intellectual circles (right and left, sadly).

To all NEETs, how do you live without having money from a job?

Small, under-the-table jobs that pay a few hundred bucks every few months.

If you work you're not a NEET.

I still live with my parents.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, Marx was technically a NEET…

How long do you think you will live like that? What are you planning to do next?

Not a NEET here, but the years of shitposting on imageboards have led to a point where my social life has diminished (due to fact I can't relate to normies that much) to imageboard interaction. I am aware of this and actually taking some actions to change this, but I have a feeling that I'll be forever tied to Holla Forums in one way or the another, largely because thread like OP's which are really honest insights into somebody's inner condition.

I've been actually diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and in my eastern european country, this also meant that these diagnoses made it so I didn't have to go through conscription in my country.

My greatest source of optimism comes from people like OP not necessarily finding employment, but perhaps finding a reason to live for, something in particular that is non-imageboard related, or even internet-related. I would unironically endorse some form of getting a piece of land in the countryside and working to build a nice home there, coupled with getting a girlfriend who can accompany you through this. If you interact even a least bit with your local community, you can find a girlfriend who would be thrilled to become one with you, since this is exactly what is considered as "traditional lifestyle" (spare the Holla Forums memes, they are just misguided liberals) because you show some form of independence that is attractive to many.

Sorry for ranting and sounding insane but one of my life's missions is to interact and help people like OP to make them see that for this sort time given on earth, you should ideally strive for a way of life that provides you with a sense of fulfillment, even if it's jerking off and watching anime all day at first, but dedicating at least hour per day planning or preparing for some way of life that you'd envision yourself to enjoy.

Not much longer.

What are you planning to do next?

Don't kill yourself user
I love you

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that causes appetite. Goodvibes you get from consuming tell you how much you're enjoying the thing. Simple.

If you expect a reward and always get it, it's less interesting. If results surprise you, it's more exciting. Thus, you should do things for their own sake and let the rewards come and go as they may. If you plan things in great detail, work your plan, and achieve what you wanted, you'll get bored. You need chaos to have real fun.

Dopamine is made from the amino acid tyrosine commonly found in protein-rich foods. Eating a diet high in tyrosine will ensure you’ve got building blocks for dopamine synthesis.

A strong link exists between obesity and dopamine dysfunction. Fatasses have fewer dopamine receptors. Their brains behave like a drug addict. Since dopamine is in charge of the brain’s pleasure center, fatasses receive less satisfaction from eating, making them want to eat more. If you're a fatass, you may be in a vicious cycle. We are not designed to experience non-stop dopamine buzz. Hunting for your next dopamine boost turns you into a “wolf on Wall Street,” driven by addictions, greed, and lust.

Our distant ancestors were on a constant quest to survive. They got a dopamine surge every time they spotted a new patch of berries or a better fishing spot. You can forage for new music, specialty ingredients to cook with, a bargain, a hard-to-find collector’s item. You can engage in quest-oriented hobbies like geocaching, genealogy, bird watching, and collecting. These hobbies are ideal for keeping up dopamine levels since there is always something new. Each discovery provides a dopamine boost.

If your goal is to get organized, break it into small goals. Each goal simple. Every time you cross one item off, it gives you dopamine. Your goal should be hard. The harder your goal, the more accomplishment you’ll feel. That translates into more dopamine. Get a calendar and cross off each day you’ve worked toward your goal. This “don’t break the chain” concept is a proven way to rewire your brain. Acknowledge and savor your victories. When you’ve met your big goal, break out the booze.

That's my legal status because I'm not officially employed.

Done that. Doesn't work.

Same here, my dopamine receptor thingies are fucked from bad lifestyle choices. I'm just lucky my body chemistry prevents me from getting too fat, although I've overweight.

You won't die instantly and you might fail. I wouldn't go through with it. It doesn't sound very pleasant to die this way.

I'm down to only a single pound above the healthy BMI limit.

I never really had bad lifestyle choices. I was just dealt a bad hand in life that pretty much prevented me from playing the game right from the start. It's crippling. You don't recover from being denied everything that normies take for granted.

Don't get me wrong, I was pretty much doomed from the start too. Normal kids don't feel like killing themselves when they're 5-7 years old. Still, I fucked with my brain with copious wanking and watching too much femdom porn, so I basically can't ever have a normal sexual response ever again (not that I had anything like a normal upbringing, either, but at least I used to have satisfactory wanking).

I don't have access to guns, to high places, to chemicals/gases and I don't want to throw myself on a train track to not bother people. Hanging is my only and best bet of relief. I've read a lot about it and I'm confident I can do it right.

I'm 5'3". I make pussy drier than the Atacama Desert. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm a permavirgin.

I've been there user, slightly different but generally the same; chronic pain that you can't even imagine mixed in with lesser pain in joints, constant fatigue, fainting, GERD, anxiety, depression, PTSD etc., I know it's hard but please just hold on even if it's just something like a fuck you to the capitalists or just for us, I understand exactly what you're thinking because I've been there. Also everything is meaningless so fuck it and do whatever you get the idea, but while we won't make any significant changes alone together we are extremely strong.

First you absolutely need to stop isolating yourself, you need social support, physical contact with other people like hugs (chemicals n shit) and someone to talk to, this is extremely important and can be one of the hardest accomplish. Next exercise won't cure your MI but if you're physically able then do it, not only can high intensity stuff activate your endocannibinoid system (runners high) but starting off with something small like walking also gives you time to think about everything and clear your mind, you can think of it as preparing for the revolution or to run away from cops, after you build your fitness up you could also take self-defence classes. Find ways to spend your time and distract yourself, bonus points if they allow you to build up useful skills. Finally try not to get caught up worrying or getting depressed about huge things that you can't conquer on your own because you'll just burn out, don't get trapped in black and white thinking or ideological/cultural shit either.

Please don't, I know it helps but keep it to moderate levels because it's really easy to become an alcoholic and that's just gonna make things a hell of a lot worse and mess your body up at the same time.

Yeah, not only is it not a depressant in the way they're using it but it's also thought to behave in a similar way to ketamine and other fast-acting antidepressants that inhibit NMDA receptor function.

Weed really helped me, would recommend. Easy to form negative habits and if used too much can make certain activities like learning more difficult and some strains or environments can cause paranoia and panic attacks but overall I've got a really positive opinion, saved me from suicide and chronic pain more times than I can count.

I know that feel. As long as you work toward it you'll probably be in a better place in the future.

That can always change

Same here, they really fucked me up but apparently they work for some people.
100% this, filling people with SSRI's then telling them to fuck off and leaving them to die on a huge waiting list and then kicking them off when they're too sick to attend if they even get there is the pretty much norm in Britain.

Please don't kill yourself user, people like you are gems who make life worth living.

What the fuck, is this manlet thing a meme or are you for real? I'm 6'0'' myself, and I'm considered average height where I live, not even particularly tall or anything.

I actually know one manlet from childhood who actually was into wrestling and made a nice successful hobby out of it.

So many people on imageboards fail to recognize how important this is. There is actually mounds upon mounds of science to back this up.

also want to add it doesn't even have to be your own mother or whatever, it could literally be just a fucking therapist and you can still reap good effects

About SSRI's - a substantial part of the population has adverse reactions to them. Are the ones who have a bad reaction simple life unworthy of life? Until someone can figure out why this adverse reaction occurs, I wish people would stop shilling for SSRIs; and as far as I can tell the adverse reaction occurs far more often than experts let on, yet people - including children who are literally forced into compliance by schools - are fed these pills without a second thought.

I believe SSRIs literally fucked up my development, and it took until my teens before I was able to express just how much they were fucking me up. By then my development was irrevocably destroyed, and I had bloated to a 250lb fatass. Thankfully once I got off the shit I dropped to a normal weight, many others aren't so lucky.

(not OP) I literally recoil at the thought of touching anyone, and attempts to do so have not helped in any way whatsoever.

It's not like I loathe all social contact either, but physical contact or even eye contact is gross. I much prefer bitching on imageboards and (gag) reddit.

What conditioned you to ever become like this? Did you have abusive parents or are you an orphan or something? It seems insanely unreasonable for anyone to think like this.

I live in a small village of 500 barely literate proles. The only one I can hug is my mother. Other than that, all of my small friends circle have moved on, being successful proles. The isolation is partly forced on me.

I dunno. Guess it's just an autism thing. My mother did the occasional hug and it was less bad than a stranger.

As far as therapist, my past experience with them is mostly them interrogating me on behalf of the school district in order to justify putting me and my siblings in foster care. After that, I will never trust another theRapist.

I would literally sacrifice the rest of my life for my oneitis to hold me for 15 minutes and quietly and peacefully die in her arms. I would fall asleep happy for once in my life.

I don't know about other countries but in the UK there are restrictions that stop most children from being prescribed them because of how much more likely children are to be suicidal after taking them so at least there's that I suppose. I think the shilling is a mixture of them not wanting to admit that they don't know as much as they're letting on, huge issues with research because of legal issues and the general life-death severity of mental illnesses that make people think taking them is worth it.

Most women tower over me. I've been excluded from that area of life because manlet disgust women.

I've never experienced the "oneitis" thing. When I started liking girls I learned never to get too attached to any particular one for long, because in all likelihood none of them like me and people are transient anyway. I've seen too many people move on and figure that's just the way things go in this day and age. Me on the other hand, I stay stuck and don't like any change in my routine.

Why would you want to be with women who're like that anyway…


Wait until you really fall in love. It's violent and you have not control over it. It'll fuck your shit up. I hope you don't go through it man.

(not AnCom flag) When all women are like that, it basically isn't a choice.

And it is virtually all women.

*will of course

99% of women are like that.

It hasn't happened in almost 34 years, so it's highly unlikely that it will ever happen, especially considering my contact with available women has cut down dramatically thanks to my NEET lifestyle. It's probably better not to love than get caught in that particular trap, anyway.

Uphold Marxism-Betaism

I'm disappointed that beta virgins on /r9k/ and /v9k/ fail to realize their beta revolution is the proletarian revolution. Their hatred of Jews and communism is baseless.

I'm glad to hear it. It's truly agonizing.

Some great normie tier advice here. If people actually wanted to be around us we wouldn't be isolated. No one chooses to be ignored.

Maybe it's just me but there seem to be a lot more horror stories than success stories with SSRIs. There isn't anything like empirical data that can be trusted tho. I heard stories (granted it's from anti-psychiatry people) that mice tested with SSRIs almost uniformly exhibited aggressive and psychotic behaviors, there might be something to that.

Don't worry about the normie advice fam, social interaction and touchy-feelies are overrated in my experience. It took me a long time but as I got older a lot of the shit I used to worry about in my teens and twenties just seems ridiculous in hindsight. Unfortunately that doesn't help my life now, and how it's bitch-hard for someone in their 30s or older to start doing something with their life. But yeah, if I could have gotten an in somewhere when I was younger, I would be doing just fine now most likely, unless I were doing something morally reprehensible like working for the CIA.

Right now I'm trying to get into making vidya games. I don't have a particular passion for it, but it's basically the only thing I would know how to do. It's also a crowded field so it's unlikely I can translate vidya into a job (and vidya pays really badly and has shitty working conditions).

I wish I could go back and do something actually productive and useful with my life, since all doors are closed to me now. But then, the priorities of this society are really fucked up, it's all about loyalty to the regime and upholding dogmas now.

I'm not a neet I have a (shitty) job. Wish I could find a gf. Last one was pretty clear she was only using me for money and that pretty much destroyed my self confidence because that was conformation that I'm worth even less than my own meagre paycheck.

It hurts

I just wanna be loved and accepted for who I am like I love and accept my oneitis for who she is.

Dude. I'm all for people going to shrinks or even taking appropriate meds for actual issues, but being disgusted with an exploitative system is a healthy response. Capitalism is abusive, and telling people they need to respond to abuse by rolling over is sociopathic.

makes sense, sociopathy is how you survive in this world.

I know, that's why I wish I had understood communism sooner than I did. Biggest regret is not having a clear idea of what value is, and how it is distorted by capitalist and particularly neoliberal ideology. It's not exactly easy for someone in their teens who was being prepped for STEM drone work (badly) to get into philosophy and economics, but I should have made the attempt.

It's not easy to know what is important, especially at the stage in your life where you're being bombarded with YOUR FUTURE shit and have a high workload and stress level. I knew a tankie in high school and he was constantly trying to convert me, but his arguments sucked, what he advocated sucks, and he sucks. So that turned me off communism for years. Every time I considered looking into it out of interest I remembered him.

dude you are literally the worst poster

Psychiatry is a tool of social control. Their pills have literally sucked the personality out of everyone I know who has taken them.

I got into revleft as a teen and now I'm a 30YO NEET who's been deeply depressed for his 20s. Ignorance ultimately would have been better since there is no meaningful way to resist capitalism as individual, and most people just aren't concerned with these issues like we are.

Holla Forums has basically the same percentage or virgins/incels/betas as 4chan, and probably more, and we aren't going anywhere

Go back to leftbook "anarchist".


The shitty thing is that as much as they put the responsibility on your shoulders, YOUR FUTURE is more or less preordained by the school system when you're under 10 years of age, and the function of the school system is to keep students in their assigned caste. I hated the whole caste system which I saw all too well, so by default I was placed with the retards and eventually into a failed vocational program. Anything I ever learned I had to learn on my own - it was only thanks to the intervention of my mother that I even received a fucking textbook to learn anything, when the school was trying every trick to make sure I had no education whatsoever. Then they fucked up by jumping my "education" all over the place with no coherent plan, since they were going to dispose of me as a lost cause anyway.

Anyway, I hate school and the whole education system with the fury of a thousand suns. The whole academy is a bunch of back-biting scum as far as I care.

My exposure to commies as a kid was very limited, beyond standard school propaganda and a teacher who apparently spent some time in Soviet Russia, back in grade school. Oh and I got to see an old Soviet computer in 8th grade. At the time I was too fucked up to really comprehend a system other than "humanity is eternally evil because they're evil", circular logic reinforced by people who acted, well, eternally evil because they're evil.

Honestly it would have been better if I could have home-schooled everything past grade school, go into school to take a standardized test, and possibly receive some vocational training in an actually useful field like electronics. How anyone can learn anything in the school environment, I will never know, because it was profoundly traumatic with no real purpose whatsoever.


I'm probably inbetween Chris-Chan and Elliot Rodger.

I think people are going to be concerned soon whether they like it or not. There are too many timebombs set to go off in the late 2020s if not earlier, and the old social-democratic solutions are no longer viable. People will have to choose between socialism or barbarism, and while barbarism seems to be winning now (its advocates are the most vocal), it remains to be seen how effective the police pigs are when their paychecks start coming late, especially if the left starts arming and is willing to engage in asymmetric warfare.

I've never had a girlfriend, experienced joy or friendship as an adult, wanted to live, or enjoyed anything that didn't end with me eating, drinking or ejaculating but with the help of capitalism, I'm on my way to working 80 hours a week to cement my place in the petite bourgeoisie, and I'm on enough mystery drugs to not give a shit.
Thanks capitalism!

hyello comrades xDDDDD

le join my le discord for le discussion with le
rightits and leftetits!!! xDDDD if u don't join it will turn into echo chamber fugggg

Trump is already cutting funding to the police. There was some anti-terrorist fund that police were using to militarize that he cut.
I know those MRAPS the police pull out whenever BLM marches look intimating, but they require ENORMOUS amounts of maintenance. I'm surprised any police department has them, you'll notice they usually only have one.

Why I'm I laughing, this is sad.

I feel like civil war in the United States is close.

Fucking gender double standards.

I dunno if it will take the form of a full-fledged civil war, but there will definitely be a crisis of faith in the US system, and it will likely trigger a constitutional convention. (The right wing is already trying to call a convention in order to pass onerous neoliberal bullshit like a balanced budget amendment.) When the right wing tries to go apeshit and make the capitalist system even worse, amidst an already-existing crisis of capitalism, there will be revolts as most people will not accept the new right-wing constitution, and we might get another France 1792 and yet another constitutional convention, and that's where things get interesting. Obviously we'd be at an impasse, probably a Great Depression-tier event, where the viability of the capitalist system is thrown into question. Last time America was able to dig its way out of the Depression with war spending and massive deficit spending, but that option is closed off to us now. I think the model is closer to what happened in French Revolution than an actual civil war (altho that did trigger civil wars and uprisings so…)

This is all assuming the madmen don't start WW3 in which case all bets are off.

For anyone who might be actually considering "it", please read this before.

I've heard about the anti-depressants effects of shrooms and LSD. Apparently, they are also studying ketamine as a potential fast-acting anti-depressant as well.

Apparently, CBD is a fast-acting anxiolytic and anti-depressant as well.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

How old the fuck are you?

Dude, if it wasn't for Effexor, I wouldn't even leave my bed and do anything at all.

Almost 34, obviously.

Basically, after 30 most men should just pack it up if they've been unsuccessful. If it doesn't happen by then, it's never going to happen, and life is too short to waste on stupid, pointless BS.

Looking back, I have to ask myself what the fuck I was even worrying about. There's so much more to life. If only I weren't such a fuckup, I could be enjoying it a lot more than I do now. At least I don't have a bastard kid that I need to pay child support for.

(cont.) Of course, I really think people should stop fucking altogether and welcome asexual reproduction and the coming of the socialist-transhuman future. We'll get far further by bio-technical enhancements and better machinery than any amount of selective breeding will ever do. The fuckers will simply fall behind if they persist in their fucking.
The only problem is that so far transhumanists are absolute fags and buy into ancappy horseshit, and want the future to be awesome for rich white people only. That makes actually useful progress excellent, because people choose to be fucking retarded assholes.

is excellent autocensored and replaced with excellent?


Unless you're as fucked up as I am this kind of life will most likely just leave you severely depressed. I've spent a lot of time reading boards like Wizchan and almost all of them are suicidally depressed.

I'm depressed and fucked up.

Holla Forums here, don't listen to leftist losers in this thread.

Get out of your house and walk on the street.

Walk until you sweat, then walk home.

Observe the world and its beauty.

You don't need drugs to fix your mind. Your body will generate testostorone and adrenaline once you have worked out and sweat.

I've done that the last 3 days and I still don't believe your retarded shit.
You're fucking retarded, fuck off.

Did that. Doesn't work.

I don't believe you suckers.
But in any case, don't get addicted to drugs and lose yourself even more.

You have literal, actual brain damage if you are literally incapable of differenciating between your ephemeral states of mind and your political opinions.
This is

Xanax is gonna fuck this niggas life up even worse than it was before. 5 years from now, just remember this post.

Whatever nigger, just remember that Holla Forums tell you to take drugs while Holla Forums tells you to lift.

Fucking ungrateful bastard.

Lifting and exercising do literally nothing to improve my depression.

Me too, except that i want to accumulate enough capital so that i can live off the dividends. As long as you don't have wife and kids to feed it's possible to live that way. Family is the biggest scam. Don't fall for it and you'll be fine.

I'm an antinatalist. Having a family is the last thing I want.

Fucking this.

I'm gonna say, spending your life shitposting on the internet is probably going to end in depression, although during the time you shitpost you are distracting yourself enough from reflecting on your life that you don't get depressed. But take away internet and all other sources of distraction for a week and see what happens then.

I already did that for a month and nothing changed. I was still a socially retarded sperg without the ability to make friends.

I wouldn't say this. My brother lost his virginity with 38 and is in a happy relationship since 2 years now.

Leaving the Internet isn't going to change that. The only way you're not going to be socially retarded is by going out and learning to be social by interacting with people.

I started off in my teens with social anxiety disorder, over-analysing social interactions and constantly worrying about every little social interaction and what impression i make on others. Later that morphed into something far more insiduous: Total apathy and anti-sociality.
Some remain stuck in social anxiety, but many become apathetic and anti-social in their 30's, because it's less stressful if you simply stop caring alltogether what others think of you. It is however an overreaction of the ego that attempts to protect itself from being vulnerable to humiliation. When you're at that point, you somehow have to relearn how to care about social relations. So it's weird. It's like a reversal of social anxiety. The socially anxious have to learn not to overanalyse and care so much. The socially apathetic have to learn to care again.

There's nowhere to go where I live. And no one wants to talk to me anyway.

To be honest even after my huge depression cleared up, I'm still convinced part of psychiatry - especially just about not wanting to work or socialise - is basically just gaslighting you into enjoying normalfag life that you're right to want to avoid at all costs.

In some cosmic sense, wanting to work under capitalism is in itself a sign there's something not right with your head. I mean, wanting to do nothing but consume is bad - but you can do non-profitable creative work online as a NEET and still find fulfilment there. (Personally I'm skewing towards trying to nepotise a job in politics because I don't trust our welfare state, but hey.)

you're saying there's a connection between forcing you to buy meds that will make you want to work like a slave to afford those meds?

Most of these problems aren't due to "Normalfags and NEETS" it's due to brain chemistry reacting to stress, and set classification.

I agree Capitalism is hardly the system for to thrive in, but ignoring these things and labeling it a scam helps no one at all.

The mental hospitals in my area have all literally been renamed to "behavioral health centers". Like they don't even hide the fact they are just trying to make you useful to capitalism in some way and that's it.

Also, the way that psychiatry gets you to fit into a normie life is by numbing the fuck out of your emotions. It's really creepy and sadistic. I bet like a over a quarter of the professional class is numbed to hell on legal drugs, and also a good percentage on illegal drugs or alcohol.

It would be the same in Socialism. It isn't choosing random people, it's helping people with strict behavioral problems that are ruining their quality of life.

And not everyone is just treated for depression and anxiety.

I'm not a right-socialist, I don't believe status should be tied to work hours.

Also, psychiatry "treats" the behavior at best, not the underlying issues.

I'm in the UK so meds are free for everyone but the English, and iirc prescription charges are waived for low income english people.

"It's due to brain chemistry" is of limited use when you're getting at what I'm getting at.
You don't have to be depressed to not want to work an objectively shit job in an objectively shit system. That's a perfectly rational response, it's just not socially acceptable. If you try and "cure" it, you are running a scam - and that's the least dystopian word I could use. I mean, that's due to brain chemistry too - but it's the chemistry that makes me like chocolate ice-cream and dislike strawberry, it's not deviant chemistry telling me to feel suicidal without any justification.

When you're talking about suicide, or too depressed to do things you ordinarily enjoy then yeah, that's a medical issue. Even if you can't put it out of your head at all and feel all the problems of the world on your shoulder at once, that's probably a medical issue. But it's not a medical issue to just take a "fuck this, I'm out." approach and NEET. That's a social issue, and it's society that ought to change.

I mean, when I actually bothered being medicated I found that the dampening down of good times was far more life-ruining than the troughs of bad times.
Theoretically you want to solve a specific issue, but in practice it's often giving off the impression of "Well, how can we make you stable so you can work" rather than "Well, how can we ensure you most enjoy your time on this earth?"

Totally. I've complained about that to providers, but it's hard for them to change their habits.

Psychiatry isn't just about "Depression".

You're accusing it of being far more heinous a field of medicine than it actually is. And I hate when its being twisted because it legitimately does good in people's lives when it works.

You're just saying fuck it stop taking pills? Think about that responsibly. Who does that effect, more than mere anxiety and depression.

I do that when I'm too neurotic to do anything but stare at the walls. It's terrible.

He's a very rare exception to the rule.
My brother got married just before 30 specifically because he knew what would happen if he didn't get on board. Dunno how happy he is with the situation, but I know that they have no biological children and are unlikely to conceive one. It's probably for the best.

psychiatry needs a much higher burden of proof of proof for drugging people than it currently does.

This includes psychotic patients. And yes there are some psychotic patients who will be a harm to others without sedatives, or people in such immense pain that they'd rather be numb than in pain, but these are a very small fraction of the people psychiatrists treat.

That's a big if, especially when dealing with children and young teenagers who either can't give informed consent, or are under severe legal pressure.

I know my teenage psych reports were basically written by the school so they can justify putting me in special ed for that sweet sped money, and deny me any sort of meaningful future. The shrink practically admitted as much and put on the report two diagnoses that are basically contradictory, one that the school wants to read and the other that he probably thought was closer to the truth.

Coercion and legal control is built in to the system, and probably always will be. I would never, ever consent to it no matter how bad my life was, if I had no history. It's only because I have a history and my life is basically ruined that I consent to the extent that I do now, and the shrink I visit today is basically in it for lots and lots of money. At least this guy isn't ruining my life more than it already is, that would be quite difficult. But I've had to go out of my way to avoid any therapists who would destroy the one thing that is keeping me alive at the moment and not give it a second thought.

Psychiatry has an overlap with neurology, and both have more than enough of a single textbook of fucking proof about the study of the human mind.

You give the mind far too much credit. It's organ just like any kidney. It can succumb to health problems.

It's not as big as you think.

Fucking hell, I've had ancoms take what I've said more charitably.
I'm saying you don't give people pills just because they don't want to stack shelves in Tesco. If they're talking about killing themselves, pills. If they're talking about devil dogs chasing them down the street, pills, if they're talking about voting Conservative, institutionalise, but if they just can't be arsed working a shit job, that's not a mental health issue - that's the very embodiment of maintaining one's sanity.

It sure as hell isn't working for most of the people I knew, who were consigned to their social caste and their lives destroyed. How much of that I can pin on psychiatry I can't guess, I would imagine the majority of that is their social situation and the legal trap of being forced to live in a lower social caste. But it sure as hell wasn't "working".

Even now, the treatment isn't "working", I'm every bit as miserable as I was before I voluntarily bit the bullet. The only reasons I'm taking the drugs are essentially not the reasons I'm telling the shrink, and most doctors and professionals would immediately discontinue treatment if they knew my motives. If there were an easy way to score what I want out of this illegally I would take that route instead, but being a social illiterate I have no experience in jonesing for drugs and I highly doubt there's a market for the drugs I'm taking for the motives I have.

The only thing that helps me is that I had to do my own research on these drugs to know what works, and know how to manipulate the shrink so that he doesn't prescribe bad drugs. Fortunately, if he did prescribe bad drugs I'd just not take them. I don't want to bloat to 250 lbs again and suffer constant irritation and pain because of the supposedly correct diagnosis. I've tried repeating over and over that these drugs are poison to me, guess how well that goes when dealing with shrink types.

Dole, occasional cash in hand construction work. Live with parents but lived for a year away from home with dole+housing benefit, I then spent ~£20 a week on food probably more on alcohol, now I spend less on alcohol, basically nothing on food and occasionally buy a bag of coke.

I haven't been in education or work for more than a month for the last 5 years. I wouldn't mind a shitty job but never apply for one even though I see ones I could get. I don't leave the house, vidya or online chat/social media with anyone 5 or 6 days a week then go out and get drunk on weekends. Worst part is I'm actually happy and don't mind it. Any other apathetic non-suicidal NEETs out there?

I'm the 10-year NEET guy and I'm not suicidal at all any more. I do keep a method to kill myself at hand should the need arise but that's something everyone should do imo.

I never brought that up. I said that it has much more of a problem with more severe problems of the brain than depression, anxiety. There are people that rely on its form of medicine.

In combination with capitalism, big pharma, and the US Government prioritizing mental health issues under basically all health issues, these problems exist.

It's 3 pronged problem Psychiatry has to deal with, but writing it off as voodoo is nonsense.

If you want it to work, don't blame people like me, or my major. Blame the state, blame the market, blame the United States for functioning the way it does.

Without Capitalism in the way most of these problems related to medicine would vanish.

I mean, the post I replied to ( ) skirts close to "You think that jobs are bullshit and want to NEET, seek medical help."

While there are hints OP is depressed, their basic case is correct. Jobs are bullshit, normal life is too much effort, you won't make a difference. All of these are true, and those feelings have a far stronger root in a diseased society than a diseased mind.

If we're going to judge the validity of something by how much is written in books, there's a lot of stuff you don't like that'd become mainstream.

Yes the brain is deterministic. But scientists don't know enough about how mood works in the brain at the "circuit" level. It's just messing about with neuotransmitter channels.

Saying that modern psychiatry understands the brain good enough because it effects mood with it's drugs, is like saying someone is a good mechanic because they can top up engine oil by closing his eyes while pouring oil all over the hood of a car fucking everything up in the process.

There's more to it than that, but I'm under the assumption there's far less to it than your selling me. For all we pride ourselves on our own ability to have a self, that self is still reliant on chemicals. Other organs, parts of the body's overall health and chemistry eventually effect the brain and vice versa.

We are just a particularly developed mammal and trying to assume, that there's much more going on upstairs than chemistry is good for a layman but ultimately naive.

As I've said before psychiatry shares a lot with neurology than it might psychology, and both fields have explored all the brain is far more than you give them credit.

We can see how it grows and develops in a human being. Just because the brain is complex does not mean we don't have the power to understand it any less.

I'm not so sure about that. The MH code or something similar would persist in a socialist system, no one is going to let us "crazies" roam free and there will definitely be an element of coercion for the severe cases. It's not as if affected people are suddenly going to trust the system again, especially after medical mistakes lead to disastrous consequences. I got off lucky in that the pills only made me temporarily fat and itchy, others suffer from lifelong tardive dyskenisia or are driven off the deep end by a bad drug and commit suicide.
Until we have a perfect understanding of how these drugs affect the brain, and how the brain works in general, I believe it's folly to place faith in the science alone. That's why I have to be vigilant about everything I'm prescribed and cross-check with user reports about what these drugs do before I put anything into my body, and have to gauge the effects of the drugs myself. So far, two of the drugs I'm on have basically no effect and one kills my sex drive and flattens my emotions (which is a "side effect", but actually the intended goal for me).
You're simply not going to stop the people like me who are gaming the system for their own purposes, and given my history I have every right to game the system rather than place blind trust.

Look, almost all the current drugs are based off of some variation of a hypothesis that almost everyone dumped all their faith in (serotonin hypothesis), and now any honest person in the psych field is disavowing that hypothesis.

You can keep picking new neurotransmitters or different combos of neurotransmitters, but you haven't found any neutotransmitter I'm aware of that isn't involved in like 70 other processes that you'd rather not tinker with.

How do you feel after you work-out?

Fuck, how do you feel playing vidya?

At least some andrenaline (read: excitement) should flow out.

If it was as severe as you say it was, we would be having much more comorbid cases of mental illness due to that factor, and not stress under Capital. And I'm seeing more evidence for stress under Capital, as the numbers coincide with people developing depression and anxiety regardless, than what you're suggesting.

Besides, the rest of the inside of your body effects how your mind works rather more than you'd like to admit. Particularly your diet and how you live and if you stay active.

Choosing to be a NEET as a teenager, for example, can cost one much more developmentally than just the drugs prescribed. And yet I see no one using air of caution to this degree on relying on being a NEET regardless of age, and its own effects on the mind.

The fact of the matter is that the brain is far more simple than you're giving it credit, pharma is a problem but then again so are our lifestyles, and while pressure is put on psychiatry as a field of medicine on all sides when it just seeks to find cures for health problems related to the brain. The problem is self perpetuating in Capitalism.

So, I find it rather hard to believe that outside of capitalism it would be at all a risk, as push for mental fitness would be much more freeing. You're correct at your criticisms, but you're not seeing the grander whole.

And that is the US Government has decided that private companies have control of this field of medicine I'm studying, and the results are clear as day for anyone to see. How it influences the rest of medicine is clear.

As well, other prescription drugs can effect the brain, but I don't see you damning other fields of medicine.

Go on a mass shooting and kill as many normies, righties, and porkies as possible.

Yea, exercise and diet beats the hell out of most psych drugs for most people, especially before psych drugs make them dependent on psych drugs.

I agree that being a NEET can be very unhealthy. I'm employed, but I was much healthier as a NEET. Can't say that would be the same for everyone. And yes, a worker revolution requires workers, so I'm not making prescriptions. People who are able to work should be given the best possible incentives, but don't disincentivize for not working.

Socialism isn't a panacea for anything. But there are ways for our society to address isolation, unhealthy living environments, bullying, etc without exclusively relying on talk therapy and drugs. You can solve the root problems pretty easily actually. But very few like to take up that task. We have a reactive instead of proactive health care and social support system and psychiatry is a great example of this.

Because they have a scientific way of diagnosing (which psychiatry doesn't, it's just politically motivated ever shifting clusters of associated symptoms), and people get much better than placebo with the remedies which isn't true with depression and psych drugs watch irving kirsch, the author of those famous meta-analysis address the criticisms of the meta-analyses

Are you accusing all findings of Psychiatry to be a fucking placebo? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

And I'll add the diagnoses are being made to fit the drugs, not the other way around, that just doesn't happen in any other valid field of medicine.

Yes, it actually does. That's Capitalism for you.

I was just referencing depression and anxiety, check out that vid I linked with the author of those meta-analyses you don't like addressing it's criticisms.

For disorder outside of depression and anxiety, you know that's just outside of my knowledge.

I am a NEET, technically, but I am a man of hobbies. When people ask me how can I be unemployed and not feel terrible, I tell them what I do. That strawman cartoon about having a lot of free time is right. I'm hardly ever bored. I can do 99% of what I want (and in order to pay for it delve into my other hobbies to make a bit of money) and I'm happy with that. There is so much to do that doesn't involve being a gigantic consumer and pumping money into ridiculous things.

It genuinely makes me sad that people think there is nothing more to life than making money for yourself or someone else. I don't work, but I do work for myself and others that interests me.


My only hobbies are shitposting and drinking.

If that makes you happy then don't worry about it. Most jobs are just capitalist busywork now. They don't help anyone and exist to either keep the slaves busy and/or just sell garbage that people don't need.

They don't. They just numb the pain and misery of having to live.

You can change all the everything.

I feel really melancholy when I see this particular screen from ff1

Not that user but I always felt that there is a special kind of cruel hypocrisy in the pity to the suicidal (I am not accusing you in particular, just ranting). Isn't it like keeping a beast in a cage and checking only when it's dying? You make sure it's alive and there you go. These word always begin with "please" as one is doing a favor to not kill himself. I get particularly mad because I remember the time where I came very very close to suicide, and when the people around me treated me like I was joking (even the counsellor I went to dismissed the thing mostly) I finally realized that at least those people had some balls to not hide behind some meaningless string of word that is almost always karma points. As I imagined dying I figured them, all crying for that good boi who was treated like shit in the very most important moment. The same people who told me I was a failure, or that I was a horrible person for not having a job, people I have seen a couple times crying at my tomb. The pity for the suicidal is the pity for the dead, it resolves when one dies because by keeping on living you are as struck in the limbo, by the time you put the pistol down everyone is ready to abandon you.

Ketamine is being studied right now, but no one wants to touch because of the drug war. So one group is looking into HNK, which is horribly early in research. Still, some people self-medicate with K, but HNK isn't available any damn where at sne prices.

Psychedelics seem to have a universal property of helping against depression and similar mood disorders, even in sub-trip doses. But again, research is very slow, if existant at all, because of the drug war. Some individuals however self-medicate anyway.

But I confess I hadn't heard about CBD being a possible treatment for depression. The damn thing might acually be legal here, so fingers crossed. Thanks you.

Please don't. The board needs good posters, and if shit should go down in the near future, sticking around to help out in some fashion would probably get all sorts of good vibes and whatnot firing off, dispelling general shittiness.

wtf have you been smoking nobody (sane) here wants actual deathcamps

The girl I love and that I thought loved me called me a baby because I haven't found a job despite looking for one. She is getting onto me about having no ambition.

I am in a shitty situation with restrictions on employment because of not having a vehicle and I am feeling a bit angry because she doesn't empathise with me at all. It is disheartening to hear that from her and also to fail to find someone I can sell my time to.

I am feeling low.

is this test bs because i feel as if it is

All relationships are transactional under capitalism. She must be pretty desperate and fat to deal with you. I empathize however, I have never had an easy job search. I have been looking for work since last year September. I am simultaneously overqualified and underqualified.

Don't worry, even after finding a job dating is a PITA. It's easier with a job obviously, but it always sucks.

Women in the US will usually consider having a job and a car as minimums, so….

I dunno, try lying. Lie that you have a great paying job.

I was homeless from 13 to 18 then got a GED. Then I got my guard card and worked as a security guard for 5 years. Then I threw away my career and appartment when I found out my GF did porn. Now I live with my grandmother, dont work, dont pay rent and dont mooch off her since I get food stamps and general assistance to the tune of $336 a month. Im going on year 5 of this lifestyle. Also I take kratom and smoke bud every single day so i dont loose it over the fact I ruined my future.

Oh I almost forgot, im still not a fucking lefty faggot. I still believe in hard work and I acknowledge that im a fuck up. I take responsibility for my own failures and dont blame anyone else or some system.

My nigga! I've also been homeless but only for a couple months. Right now I work as a line cook and it's really a thankless job.

I wouldn't live paycheck to paycheck if I had normal parents that would let me live with them because rent takes a good one quarter of my paycheck

But I'm saving up to start a bakery. I have 6k saved up right now although that isn't really enough, I'll need to take out a loan. But bakeries have like a FORTY percent profit margin can you believe

Also have investments in crypto that are going good. Really diversifying here. Things are looking up.

Don't lose faith my friend, if I knew you irl I'd help you out

Self hatred is no substitute for self sufficiency user.

that makes sense to put some responsibility on yourself, at least so you can improve yourself to the best of your ability,
but to put 100% of it on yourself is… unecessary guilt

We don't have free will.

People around me always accuse me of LARPing at depression as excuse to be lazy and LARPing at being suicidal as an excuse to get pity and attention.

It probably is.

Exactly what I'm going through. She accused me of the worse things before abandoning me. I've never felt such agonizing pain in my entire life. I love more than everything.

Capitalism requires the cattle to have very little empathy.Othewise they wouldnt be swayed by a poster and AD or wartime propaganda, and instead turn on the blatant liars.

I've noticed that most people have a level of empathy dangerously close to actual sociopathy.

That's more or less the ethos of liberalism. The appearance of empathy and fraternity, not the substance.

This bit from Angola prison's Wikipedo page jumped at me:

Psychiatry is full of well-meaning people who like to think they're helping but actually don't have the first clue about how the brain works or how to solve problems like depression. It isn't evil - just grossly incompetent and ineffective (much like everything else humans do).

I'd be genuinely interested to see a comparison between the effectiveness of professional therapy sessions and "therapy" given by random people who have a functioning sense of empathy. I doubt there would be any great difference in the success rate at treating of things like depression.

In a lot of cases - including mine and probably OP's - depression is caused by real problems in the world. Hell, if I told you my problems you'd probably encourage me to commit suicide. You can't fix real problems by telling people to "just practice smiling" or "learn to see the world as it really is". Drugs can work, but at that point it seems like giving up. Is there really any difference between drugging yourself so you can't feel anything and killing yourself so you can't feel anything?

There are good psychiatrists, but they are few and far between and even they can't actually solve real problems. The most they can do is play the role of a friend and reassure you that someone gives a shit that your life is a living hell.

typical. also nice blogpost faggot

I can't agree more. "Saving" someone from suicide isn't a good thing if you then abandon them in exactly the same situation which made them suicidal in the first place.
The cruel, primitive part of my brain wants to take every person who thinks like that, torture them for a few decades, and then "save" them from suicide so I can keep torturing them. It's a sad state of affairs that I've even reached the point where I'm having thoughts like that…

You have to keep in mind that empathy is not an objective, fixed number. It can be a vital self-defense mechanism to detach yourself from the suffering around you; this is generally seen in any place with poverty, but it's the most stark where the divide is larger. You have to detach yourself so you don't keep suffering on and on, pointlessly.

And here's the key part, the materialist conclusion: it's not your fault for dehumanizing yourself. It's a rational, unconscious way to shield yourself from suffering-by-empathy, and asbolutely no one does it on purpose. It's the environment, the system that causes that victimizes the first person that's to blame. Just as it causes that someone else else pain, it also causes you to dehumanize yourself. Deaden yourself so you feel less. Kill a bit of you to keep it from suffering for no one's sins. It's capitalism killing you, one tiny bit at a time, more slowly than it's killing the first victim.

I think it was John Dolan from The Exile who gave a magificent simile about how the environment can shape a man's mind. He talked about a family man living in Stalin's time, and how that man, afraid to talk openly in front of his own family lest they narc on him, could shed tears, genuine and heartfelt tears for the plight of the African-American he might have seen on some propaganda movie. Just like it can be snuffed out of someone, empathy can be fanned. It's all in the environment. The environment makes the man.