Leftists: Ignore the phenomenon of Jews completely dominating the market

Leftists: Ignore the phenomenon of Jews completely dominating the market
Rightists: Ignorantly kill off the Jewish poors and then think that they've gotten rid themselves of le Jewish menace (basically WW2)

What would Marx have to say about this? (Marxist analysis)
Pls don't ban mods, I come in good faith. I honestly want to understand how the Judaic dynamic allows them to prosper in high civilizations.

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I dunno man he probably loved them becoz he was a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Jew🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 (check out this infograph it's such a BASED redpill!!!)

[citation needed]
Also completely irrelevant even if true. We're against the system of production after all, not some ethnic group that profits from it

Why don't we just get all Abrahamic religions to kill each other?

>leftists: sigh



I'm only not saging on the assumption that you really do come in good as you say. I wouldn't know if there's a cultural dynamic that allows them to do so well or not but I would read Werner Sombart on the Jews and Modern Capitalism.

He basically wrote the equivalent to Weber's work on capitalism and protestantism. Apparently Engels held them him in high regard and said he was the German professor that understood their work the best but apparently later he drifted away from Marxism.

I would read it with a grain of salt as I'm not sure if modern historiography has substantiated his findings:


Could you elaborate further? I'm genuinely interested.

It's hard to ignore it because Jews comprise 0.2% of the human population while being insanely affluent

I'm interested in the question from a historical materialist pov and I don't really care that much if its some Holla Forumstard that starts a discussion about it. It's not bad form here to talk about white p.rivilege if its in a nuanced way as long as one doesn't make that the center of their politics, I don't see why there can't be a discussion of it from a left-wing perspective. Marx and others weren't above it.

Not all jews are boojies and not all boojies are jews. Also Jewish master race has a superior Autism Level, jews dominate nobel prizes, is physics a conspiracy to keep the superior white man down?

Cheers lad, but it's kinda long and I'm a brainlet who can't concentrate for shit. How does the author reason?

Believe it or not, I don't actually have a problem with Jews. I just want to understand how they as a people that consist of a meager 16 million came to be so powerful in the world. I wouldn't been so confounded if their population ranged in the hundreds of millions, but.. 16 million? C'mon.

The Covenant of Circumcision

You bring up an interesting conondrum.
Either they have naturally high I.Qs, (which validates HBD and 'race realism' in a crude sense)
or they exhibit toxic levels of in group preference.
Either way, Holla Forums is partially vindicated.

Not even Holla Forums but logically speaking if you want commies to hate Jews for dominating global capitalism you should also concede that they should be hating White gentiles as well. And of course plenty of lefties do hate both. But as others have said, not all Jews or Whites are rich or powerful.

Jews were subjugated into ghettos in most early societies that didn't kick out outright, and basically had no choice to become merchants historically because it was one of the only jobs they were allowed to have. Their prevalence in mercantile occupations is a real trend for a reason, but it wasn't some mystical Zionist conspiracy either.

Jews, Christians, Muslims, whatever. They're all irritating and mostly just use their religions to justify getting their grubby mittens on to whatever they want.

Basically, the trade of the early mercantile centers of Europe were dominated by Jews, many Jews fled repressive monarchies (particularly Spain) in order to go the Americas and revolutionize commerce there. He argues that the Jews as people had the most to gain from the downfall of feudalism since they were barred from entrance into polite Christian society along with their mercantile orientation.

He argues that many "gentile" merchants and bourgeois were crypto-Jews or Jewish converts even if they were nominally Christian or believing Christians. His argument is paralleled by others who argue that Protestantism was a cover for Christians to enter capitalist, particularly usurious activity legitimately given the wealth Jews in the middle ages and early modern times acquired due to the spread of silver/gold bullion into European economic life.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more people who were ethnically Jewish and Christian or who don't consider themselves "secular Jews" or whatever. Like my girlfriend is half-Jewish on her father's side but her grandfather and father are Christian converts etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if many of the "Jews" killed in the Holocaust were Christians as Hitler and the Nazis made it quite clear they were against Jews existence as a race of people and not due to opposition to their religion. They didn't discriminate against Jewish converts to Christianity or secular Jews. ps I am the guy you were talking to just changed my flag

Jews were literally naturally selected to be greedy capitalists during the Medieval era (Court Jew)
I hate the system that put people like them in power, not for ethnicity but for their greed. To act like jewry is something exclusive to ethnic Jews is completely asinine.

He wrote a book called "On the Jewish Question", where he went over what the title implies. Whether or not it's satire and all "ironic" or if Marx means it is up to you to decide. I personally think Marx was just fucking with us by making fun of the irrationality of antisemitism through mockery.

Is this how it starts each time?

Historically? From my limited undrerstanding, Jews made up a large portion of the tellers and those involved in money investment and exchange (usually apointed for the reason that jews were thought at the time to be better with money) during the feudalist/proto-capitalist era (see Venice for example) and culturally had such a focus on wealth within the family that when feudalism eventually transitioned into capitalism alot of the wealthier families happend to be Jewish. In relation to places like America, many Jewish immigrants migrated to places like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago which all eventually picked up economic and media wise. Someone can correct me here for anything wrong or unclear.

if you go even further back, I'm pretty sure the Bible says something against becoming a banker, like it's a sin. The old testament doesn't.

Yes, but I was more referring to the sterotype that Jews were better/thrifty/cunning with money at the time.

You have to understand that even back then Germany was antisemitic as hell. Both the leftists (Proudhon, Bakunin) and rightists (Church) hated Jews.

I'm just saying that the stereotype was the result of religious differences before there was a stereotype.

Ya it wasn't satire imo but tbf most of the "anti-Semitic" portion of the text actually comes from Bruno Bauer whose work he quotes extensively. I don't think Marx was just memeing when he said that the way to liberate the Jew from Judaism was to eliminate capitalist egoism, I think he believed that.

Marx was raised a believing Lutheran and according to Mary Gabriel he never showed the slightest interest in his Jewish heritage, so I don't even think he was defending Jews or attacking anti-semitism but interrogating the problem of Jews, religion, and the modern nation state.

I think he was around 26 when he wrote the Jewish Question, so I wouldn't say he was thinking very far ahead to what post-modern late 20th and 21st century academics might think when they read it.

Yeah, I'd say it's the modern day equivalent of discussing how any other race is affected by capitalism. While it is racialist nobody really thinks anything of it.

What is exactly the Holla Forums concensus on Human Biodiversity? Is it a silly pseudoscience, or can there be some merit to it?

The system that put them there is to blame.

Good. Genetic diversity is a good thing, it's how evolution happens.

He wrote it down for you, you lucky lad!

daily reminder that zionism is white supremacy

No, it's Semitic supremacy with anti-arab/islamic and white nationalist characteristics

daily reminder that Holla Forumsyps are crypto-islamists

Can you give me a reason why it would matter at all whether or not Jews dominate the market? Especially for radical socialists who want to abolish markets any way.

While there are some quasi-decent canned responses, Leftists STILL just can't mentally handle even thinking about it. It's amazing.

Honestly. Is there any rational explanation at all of how you can claim to be fully cognizant of the social, cultural and economic system around you to such a degree that you feel equipped to propose detailed revolutionary alternatives, and not know this?

He asked for an explanation in materialist terms. It's always some suspicious pathological agenda though, right?


What about FINANCE? You know, the number 1 form of Capital in the world today, that holds the entire world hostage, that can and does crash whole economies at the push of a button? That manufactures wealth at the stroke of a pen? That owns the central banks?
Not to mention all the other industries especially those relating to culture. No, no, it's all just textile and spice trading old money families.
Well yeah I agree all sects of Judaism suck, including the 150 year old form of Secular Messianism cloaked in a general theory of abstract economic and historical development many of you have latched onto.
So what? You think people are actually self-transparent?

Two words Holla Forums: False. Consciousness.
Stay retarded.

soon you will all see the brilliance of NAZBOL

I just want you to be able to think about it. Nothing good can come of political programs founded on selective ideological blindness to basic realities, and it is a part of what drives polarization.

What's the materialist explanation for why Beria killed Stalin btw? Shoulda abolished dat commodity form amirite

ethnicity has absolutely no importance

i was not being ironic comrade

Spooks are gonna be spooky


Semites are white.

pls tell us what you think then, oh all-knowing rational skeptic

You're a fucking idiot
I mean, shit, I'm white, statistically I'm in charge as a result. Apparently.
Yeah, a lot of Jews control shit, doesn't mean every Jew is out to get me, the same way I'm not out to get anyone who isn't white. This isn't about ethnicity or religion, it's about economics.


Just a coincidence


Are you operating under the impression that the bourgeoisie are some kind of democratic institution with some kind of obligation to reflect the ethnic makeup of the globe?

Because they aren't.


Is this where the "Jews did French Revolution" meme comes from?

Did you know that in Japan, only about a percent of the population is Christian? And yet of the country's PMs, who were almost a hundred, there were half a dozen Christians. Is this a whity conspiracy to subjugate Japan, or does it merely reflect the tendency that the descendants of wealthy trader families, who converted to Christianity out of pragmatism, are more likely to enter politics?
There is no count to statistical anomalies like that; they mean absolutely nothing but the obvious.

so you're saying its the jews AND the irish?

These threads make me believe that cointelpro is really trying their best to flood this board. But I guess that many people are just mouth breathing idiots who do not understand how social consciousness works, nor how nepotism is built into feudalism, mercantilism, and capitalism.

Arguments against individual groups of individuals never work because people are never willing to apply the same standards to other groups. Some Jews are very rich, but I'm sure you do not give a shit about certain Irish men being extremely rich.

Just admit that you want to fuck up some Jew.


You've never personally checked any of these claims


This. The ethnic group at the helm of global capital is irrelevant, so even if Holla Forums is 100% right and it's all da joos even Jewish proles, we will still gulag the entire bourgeoisie and their classcuck collaborators, so it makes absolutely no difference to us.

If only there were pure white female CEOs

You goyim are funny. We aren't a the helm of the global capital. We are at the helm of everything - the socialism, the communism, the right, the left, the media, the education, the capital etc etc
All the things you witness is just us playing chess with each other. Do not worry, once the world is completely united under one government we will throw you the bone of basic income and let you live out your communist fantasies in safe spaces.

i think its more extreme than that actually. 7 Christian PMs but only 65 or so PMs.

using that logic hitler was just a jewish asset.

Not an asset, but a pawn. He got baited with a pretty simple bait and he played his part perfectly. No one important actually died, but the Jews and the Jewish state can now do absolutely anything. We literally sterilize Africans in Israel and there is not a single peep from anywhere. Not even from the right, because they hate Africans anyway, this is why divide and conquer works.
Putin almost got baited with east Ukraine the same way Hitler was baited with Danzig, but he saw through it and gave up. Pretty smart, but still a losing move. The eastern Jews should really step up their game.