"Is there anybody here who believes in God?"


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Fuck him. Hope his asshole got cancer too.

And that Hitchens' name? Albert Einstein.


He repented and literally made a deathbed conversion back to Marxism.

Was it enough? Did he make it to Marxist heaven, Holla Forums?



Be nice to Elon. He ate too many poptarts. :(

It is. What point is there in discussing whether you believe in a sky wizard or not? It's pointless for both sides.


People like Hitchens make me wish I believed in God just so I didn't have be associated with him.

What could the discussion possibly lead to? At very best you'd get to talking about how you arrived to your conclusions … and avoid going further. Typically it leads to a pointless argument trying convince the other to change their entire belief system.


which is why agnosticism is the only way
but unironically

I'd like to hear discussions on the commonality rather than the differences between the beliefs.

Read Stirner. He BTFO's the Young Hegelians as preserving the notion of God under the name of Reason. Absolutely flawless weapon for arguing against fedoras (but only if you use everyday language - don't use Stirner's terminology in discussions, you autists).

i was unironically a nu atheist at one point

I'm sorry for your brain damage.

well its impact on political movements, culture, and law may be worth discussing. whether deemed good or bad. It's also effectively a drug in the way it affects the mind.

ah, fuck, I'm dying here

t. believes consciousness magically appeared into soup and that little green supermen from space will lead humanity into a new golden age of enlightenment



I always liked him,

I marched against the war, but Saddam was a genocidal piece of shit. Google Al-Anfal.

invading Iraq made everything worse, destroyed the country, destabilized the region, and spread the radical Islam Hithcnes hated to much. If you know your nieghboor is beating his wife and kids going into his house and killing him is going to help out very much.

Fuck the church tbh. Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Is this a thing that actually happened?

I agree that's why I explicitly stated that I was against the war. Not that my opinion made any difference.
But let's not pretend Saddam was an innocent victim of imperialism or minimize his crimes.
I would also add, Gaddafi was a good boy and the light of Africa and a martyr.


sauce or it didn't

Of course not you fuckwit
Poe's Law FTW

I'm a britbong who moved to Texas at age 12. I became an edgy anti-theist at 14, mostly because I think how triggering my environment was to somebody who came from a secular family.

Do you sound like a yank now?

… and that's how it should be tbh.