What should be done about muslims...

What should be done about muslims? They are more reactionary than your average christcuck and offer no revolutionary potential. How can there be a way to benefit from muslims with regard to leftism when they just want sharia?

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only import kurds

Nothing. Islam is leftist.

From Iraq or Syria?

They are your enemies, now and forever. They despise you because compared to them, you are free. They are nothing more than soldier ants, driven by greed and an exploitation-centric global domination policy. They will pretend to be anti-capitalist, but their taxation system makes the worst porky look like goddamn Jose Mujica.

Destroy islam

You're preaching to the choir, retard. Only faggots like defend islam and they get BTFO all the time.

The real question is why you don't embrace islam when it perfectly aligns with your views?

Secularism isn't actually difficult and as long as we get rid of the americans and their zionist and saudi proxies the islamic world will be fine.

in MENA countries, the left and socialists are always pro-secularism and atheism

Not from Holla Forums. Just want to know what our solution is to this

Islamic fundamentalism is literally a consequence of a network of Muslim Brotherhood-linked and Saudi-linked networks that the US and the UK either finance or support as a response to the threats of arab nationalism and liberalism in the region.

The first two big islamic uprisings of the 20th century were the Basmachi and the Ikhwan, the latter being almost like a proto-Islamic State, both aiming to create islamic empires under Sharia Law, one used by the europeans to attack Bolshevism, the other used by europeans to attack the Ottoman empire (and for the Saudi house). Then you have a history of enduring support for the monarchies that actually advance a conservative interpretation of Islam on a global level, enduring support for the Muslim Brotherhood that the UK didn't rethink even after they were betrayed by them during WW2, and so on.

And let's not forget Al-Qaeda. There were high-ranking Saudi supporters with ties to Al-Qaeda that the US simply chose to ignore, the US and Al-Qaeda supported the same jihadists in Bosnia, even now the much-cheered moderate rebels in Syria are part Al-Qaeda that renamed itself.

When people say NATO created islamic fundamentalism it isn't in the "oh they were imperialists so the arabs got angry" sense. The arab's reaction to imperialism was a secular nationalism deliberately hindered by US-sponsored fundamentalists.

Hug them

There is potential, but I'm against religion. Religion is pretty much inherently reactionary in my opinion, but that doesn't mean I think religious people are inherently reactionary.

Islamic fundametalism has been a thing since the conception of Islam.


No arguments huh?

Muslims living in western nations turn to secular atheists. This is the seed to destroy their primitive religion.

Funny who Westerners didn't think that Islam was a problem 100 years ago, and that it was only with the funding of Islamic extremists as a way to combat Communism that we ended up with this whole mess.

Really makes you think.

Nope, if I have to walk you through the reasons why what you've just said is fucking stupid that means I'll probably waste hours typing long posts guiding into all the little things about the middle-east, islam and just overall basic logic you're supposed to know before having an opinion. So not today.

Muslims have been at each other's beginning since the very conception Islam, that is that.


Ah yes, "our" solution, fellow comrade.

And you're a brainlet looking for easy ways out because processing a modicum of new information would shatter your entire worldview.

ITT: people who have never picked up a Koran

Read it. The text is self aggrandizing and self reinforcing in a way which encourages fundamentalism.

Islam isn't inherently worse than other religions. You have to pretty fucking idealistic to not realize this. The current wave of Wahabi terrorism is a relatively new thing, which wouldn't have been possible without US support during the cold war.

Quit the shitty concern trolling and go back to Holla Forums.

How'd you reach this conclusion? I actually wanna know.


Does anyone have some leftist texts which are written in a way similar to the Qur’an. Because that sounds useful.

Are you saying all religions are equal? Seems like a religion based on war and violent subjugation could potentially be worse than say, a pacifist religion. At least for people that don't adhere to that particular religion.

Just ask him. When OP said he read the Quran, what he really meant is that he learned a few violent/extremist-sounding passages from a website like politicallyincorrectpatriot.blogspot.com, and I'm sure the post below that one was something about about how evil communists are, with similar passages quoted.

Oh but don't he tell him that, because although the right-wing stupidity is blatant and unmistakable, he stills thinks he's "blending in"

Let then fuck our wives and destroy our evil white supremacy

Massive ethnic dipslacment as soon as something happens after the revolution. Every men that doesn't speak an european language, is muslim or is not here since 2 generations at least go back to his country.
This because as soon we take power in europe we will cut off money for every country that allegedly gave money to terrorists

Exclusing non-british dialects.

I have the same reaction when Anglos get killed tbqh

During the junta, Buddhist monks threatened to cease performing things like funeral rites and other necessary religious services if the generals running the government didn't cease their oppressive conditions.

This really upset the generals, or at least the devout among them. In fact, it upset them so much that they started slaughtering monks, and they just kept on until all the resisting monks were dead.

So, no, it really doesn't make much difference. That's aside from the supposedly "pacifist" Christians, that to date have started two world wars, one of them nuclear, heaped upon everything else.

But yeah, Islam, wew, Islam's the really bad one.

The junta in Burma, sorry.

How do we enable that if the society complies to the whims of islamists (Blashpemi laws and building prayer towers.)

Have you no heart?

What normal country has blasphemy laws?

Right, destroy the western world

The only thing needing destroying is the separation. A bit bombing here and there serves as a solid reminded that you can't cause horror around the world without consequences.



296. (1) Every one who publishes a blasphemous libel is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years

(2) It is a question of fact whether or not any matter that is published is a blasphemous libel.
(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section for expressing in good faith and in decent language, or attempting to establish by argument used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, an opinion on a religious subject.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 260.

Oh wow, that's stupid. Although the 3rd part doesn't make it as insane as it sounds first.

How are brown people relevant to this when Canada had it since the 19th century and it was used by christfags all this time?


Not everyone wants to go back to the XIX century.

Well, repeal the laws from it then. Something you had 200 years to do.

hard to call it a blasphemy law when they have caveats like this.
I'd also like to see examples of it being enforced before freaking out about it.

blow it out your ass user, those arent the majority of Muslims in the world.

I see literally no difference between a Muslim and a Christian, just another barrier prohibiting consciousness.

is that cause of your political ideas or are you some kind of devout atheist?

Both, but it's got less to do with atheism and more to do with the various cases of extremism and downright right-wing pandering, making the "Islamic Question" just a lot of Holla Forums tier bullshit rather than an actual discussion.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are Christians in the Middle East and they're far better than Islamists in the same region. Christianity reformed itself over the years, and is pretty damn chill today. Islam did not, it's still the religion/social system of a warlord hellbent on expanding his domain.
Actually Islam did change, but it became more violent, not less, and that was long ago to help out the warlord conquests.

Of course Islam is currently the most violent religion, but that doesn't mean it's inherently more violent than others. I guarantee you if Muslims and Christians were switched, you would see Christian immigrants in a secular/moderate Islamic Europe blowing themselves up screaming "Deus Vult!". People would cherrypick quotes from the Bible to prove that Christianity is the worst of all religions.
And yes, the Quran is quite violent, but have you read the old testament? Fundamentalists of all religions are equally bad. Rational Skeptics who ally with Christians and Jews to defeat Islam are basically cucks who are easily fooled by reactionary propaganda.

Encourage liberation theology movements in the muslim faith as soon as they show up

I couldn't care less if someone is Muslim. People should be allowed to believe whatever. Religious governments and those funding radical Islam(like the US and Europe) are the biggest problem.

That's a fucktarded assessment though. Like above posters said, any reformation of Islam has been curbed by vested interests in the region to move on from the semi-feudal superstructure of the Arab world (SAUDI ARABIA), and you actually see quite liberal interpretations of islamic law in places like Syria. There is no inherent judgments one can accurately make about the followers of the religion itself (this goes for Christians too), rather, you can make them about the institutions which have enforced it and its' relation to class society.

to retain the semi-feudal superstructure*

Who are a minority, hence pretty much irrelevant.

The Christians across the pound are selling weapons and bombing (preferably) Muslim countries while waging economic war on the unbelievers.

It was forced to. Whether it was about to happen to Islam in Iran or Afghanistan, our Christian friends made sure to undermine the attempts by any means necessary.

What should be done with Muslims?
They should be subject to an extensive rehabilitation program.

What should be done with Islam?
Damnatio Memoriae.

Oh no, the poor imperialists couldn't eat themselves to death in peace.

Boy, I sure do wonder why working people are alienated by the left.
It's a bloody mystery.



Then bombing them from above is too. So both sides are terrorists, why focusing on the ones who do much less harm and respond to aggression instead of the ones creating it?

Hijacking passenger aircraft and purposefully crashing them into buildings is terrorism.
Stealing trucks and purposefully crashing them into crowds of people is terrorism.
Strapping a nail-bomb to yourself and detonating it in the middle of a concert hall filled with young girls is terrorism.

Absolutely nothing justifies the purposeful targeting of civilians.

That's what's left if you don't have a military aircrafts, helicopters, drones or tanks to massacre civilians like the other side. Feel free to supply insurgents with military hardware, intel and logistics if you bitch about asymmetric warfare.

Enablers, financiers and profiteers of war? Interesting definition of civilians.

No, that's war. Terrorism would be if bombs were dropped at random targets instead of trying to hit the enemy army. Even when civilians die by accident it isn't terrorism because intent counts (although it may be carelessness).
Because they "respond to aggression" made by someone else by trying to bomb people like me.

That's the normal definition. And the people on the street are hardly profiting from it, they get blown up and have to pay for the terrorists who do it. Meanwhile the profiteers are safe and sound far away from the problems they create, and when the whole country goes to shit they'll simply move.

Well one would hope, roll over and die.
Unfortunately the Islamist insurgent cockroaches have yet to extend that courtesy.

As much as I do object to American military involvement in Mesopotamia.
At no point has the American military objective been to purposefully target civilians.

Unlike the Islamists that in their home country will happily abduct, torture and kill any western civilian they come across.
And in western countries will purposefully target civilians for mass murder in the most convenient way available to them.

If that is what you consider the average western civilian, I can only hope that you are on some sort of watch list.

You are altogether a shameful and disgusting person.

these are some really poorly constructed mental gymnastics

How retarded do people have to be to actually believe that the status quo (selling weapons to places like saudi arabia while essentially being their bitch and destabilizing the entire region) or an increased intensity of the status quo will actually work in solving things?
As far as I can see even burgers are getting tired of this shit.

This. Make islam illegal like in the Hoxhaist Albania. One thing Hoxha did damn right

Lmao apparently Canada made it illegal to criticise islam, "islamophobia" my ass

But in case of 9/11 it weren't random targets, and in case of most of the shit people blame ISIS for, it's usually just volunteers who want to fuck shit up.
Also what about the atomic bombs and Vietnam? Muh civilians were directly targeted.

The intent is to weaken/demoralize/defeat the other side.

When did a country invade the West last time again? When was the West last time placed under economic sanctions?

Oh wait. Just because the profiteers get the big prices, doesn't mean we aren't getting our share, and muh jobs.

Besides again, the majority supported it either directly or with their apathy. How many % protested against war? How many % voted for anti-imperialism parties?

Just like they hope you'd do the same. Only that they have actual reasons beyond brainwashing.

Well, either it's bullshit or their incompetence and naivete is on another level. If you start a war, most people suffering will be non combatants. And that's even ignoring the economic warfare.

They are definitely unique at that, with their blacksites around the world. Oh… wait, you mean Islamists don't kidnap people from another continent to torture them for as long as they want to?

Hey, you're the one supporting mass murder under imperialistic terror and discrimination against billions. All I am doing, is pointing out that shit like that leads to a response, and then you bitch about the response while blaming the victims.

Lol no, in many places leftists actually allied with Islamists against the govt to fight for workers rights.

they need a reformer to come in and return people to the spiritual essence of the religon. its especially tough because mohammed is supposed to be the last prophet. but they need a new prophet basically. just like someone who sweeps over the whole islamic world and affirms the past but tells them its okay to branch off into sects, a muslim martin luther.

Religion changes depending on political and social circumstances. Buddhism and Christianity both have pacifist and egalitarian elements but once they become state religions, the ruling class used them to justify their actions, including violence.

Wahabism is the closest thing Islam has to Protestantism (both are based on a supposed return to the roots of the religion and the rejection of all other religious tradition) and we saw how that turned out.
People really need to stop upholding the Reformation as some great progressive achievement.

IIRC Shias believe a prophet is supposed to return from a well in some small village.

They believe that their 12th Imam is the Madhi (Messiah) and yeah, he's supposed to return somehow.


Stop giving Wahhabists/Saudis money.
Stop bombing middle-eastern countries.
Stop toppling governments.
Go for alternative energy and make less things out of plastic - reduce the usage of petroleum.

The only change to any policy relevant to Muslims on the whole that I'd suggest is to treat religious bigots equally so that right-wingers don't get a monopoly on pretending to be outraged by violent homophobia coming from Imams. In the west, the left (and liberals, if they can wrap their brains around it) need to get out of any illusions they may have about Muslim citizens in the west - they are citizens, and should be treated as such and held accountable for their actions as individuals. This includes incitement. Disavow any wholesale threats against their ethnic groups or religion, and protect their rights as they exist, but treat Imams who cross the line like Westboro.

An amusing tidbit is that, afaik, the Mahdi isn't actually the Messiah. Muslims actually accept Jesus as the messiah, and the Mahdi is pretty much just some guy.

Islam wasn't a problem 100 years ago just like communism wasn't a problem 100 years ago. Neither had any real power, the real power still lied in people of old ways and traditions.

Communists, like Islam, have been on the rise since the West has tore itself apart from war. After WWII, that war has been against communism, which has perpetrated nothing but aggression against peace on this planet. It's fundamentally driven by aggression.

The West is facing a crisis because it's former identity (Christianity) has been dissolved and its integrity and security weakened by cultural revolution and radical left-wing insurrection and perversion.

Currently, communist aggression is reaching the streets in the form of activism against "fascism", a movement that's little more than a vehicle to punish the West and take advantage of any form of ideology and weaponize it. You can find ANTIFA and BLM group websites with clear agendas against police (state) and capitalism; this militant activism is openly Marxist, and they're inclusiveness of Islam is part of their movement against "fascism", which in part resists its pathological spread.

Liberal parties and left-wing activists rally around Islam, its followers, and hotly defend them as peaceful, loving diversity. Hypocritically, those of you on the left that should agree with the Western right in standing up to the Islamic incursion follow your creed and exploit the opportunity to savage your political enemies, who bravely oppose Islamization of our states.

The corruption in funding of Islamic extremists is obvious, but it's laughable to blame a proxy war against communism as lefties currently exploit Muslims to fuel a war they are desperately losing. Anything they can cram into their bloated, all-inclusive ideology against the "reactionary" Westerner is exploitable.

Islamophobia. Homophobia. Racism. hatred of women. Bigotry. Nazism. White Supremacy. These are the sharpening stones for communist sickles. When the Western right tries to mount an offensive, the left cuts them to pieces with virtue signaling for perpetual victims.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Islam is the most powerful conservative ideology on planet earth. Muslims take second to none and people over the world fear criticizing them. What better way to fight the reactionary (conservative) than severe contra conservatism, and simultaneously use it as a shield to advance a progressive, anti-reactionary agenda.

Naturally, leftists have gone too far. Don't think you can so easily stop what you have started. Any weak mealy-mouthed liberals have, over time, been replaced with more efficient workers working on your behalf, and their agenda is clear: open borders, migrants welcome, and the culture must decline. You're useful now, and when your use is exhausted you will be discarded and forgotten.

What really makes me think, actually, is how you sleep with the idea of what you would do if the rightful are gone and you have no one to blame but yourselves. The timeline will catch up with you eventually.

>hurr durr US never funded mujahideen or bombed the shit out of muslim countries because nowadays liberals happily accept the consequences of western imperialism who are actually marxists which is liberalism and the supporters of liberalism are communists (the neoliberal capitalist establishment of today) because reasons I mean it's not like the msm heavily tried to erase the fact that Heather Heyer was a commie or that the german government shut down the biggest anti fascist website there a few days ago to name a few examples and basically everyone i don't like is secretly working against me to destroy western values like liberalism, the basis of today's western civilization which I am trying to defend from muslims and is totally compatible with fascism :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)