How do you reconcile with the fact that communism has killed so many people?

How do you reconcile with the fact that communism has killed so many people?

We all know that Neo-nazis deal with the number their ideology has killed by not caring and even saying the amount killed was not enough. It's obvious they don't care about the common people and only care about a certain section them (white people); this is ironic considering their ideolgoy killed a ton of white people. By the same token though, communism stands up for the common people yet the ideology is responsible for the most amount of civilian deaths in the 20th century. I understand the "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" mentality, but that can't justify the number of common people killed under the name of communism.

oops forgot I was shitposting with that flag sorry.

I'm not a marxist-leninist or maoist so I don't have to apologize for stalin or mao

How do you reconcile with the fact that the Republic has killed so many people? Or America's even existence, is born from at least some genocide and forced labor. Civilizations aren't more moral than others, it's out warped perception of the past that romanticizes what's good and what's evil.

Not what's productive to our current context v what's counter productive.

Most of the hundred gorillion had it coming tbh


Easy, I say Stalin and Mao were stupid cunts. Then I dispute the sources you use for your numbers.

I don't get this. You have to look to the past in order to determine what is counter productive now. We know that Nazism is counter productive because of this.

Capitalism kills more. They had to do it. Then I dispute your numbers

nice assumption you got there :^)

Cheering because we're going to kill many more.
You get to go first.

What exactly do you think we're doing

I"m not saying capitalism doesn't kill but people aren't killing in the name of capitalism like they are with extreme ideologies like nazism or communism.

to be honest I don't know what you guys are doing and I don't know if I even want to know.

yes we are


Being villainous and trying to end the world, of course.

The only kind of people I have heard say that kind of thing is the ancaps. Normal people aren't that uncompassionate that they think it's fine that someone starves to death.

killing is badass

I do not support those who commit mass slaughter but will look to their actions as lessons on what to do or not so do, just like how we can look up to Sun Tzu without becoming a conquering maniac.

and you think "normal" people in communist countries were fine with purges? ideologues are the ones that have their voices heard, and at least here in the US you have no shortage of think-tanks whose job it is to justify the deaths and suffering of people from capitalism and imperialism