Parental Authority

I don't know if this fully counts as leftist political discussion, but what are your thoughts on authority when it comes to parents of adults or adolescents?
Personally, I don't believe that a parent should possess any meaningful authority over their child once they've reached adolescence.
I constantly see people in their mid twenties who listen to their parents word as if it came from god, even if it runs contrary to their best interests, and when asked why they do everything their parents say, their responses boil down to "because they're my parents".
Even worse are those who're forced to live with their parents due to economic circumstance, and must follow their parents word absolutely or run the risk of angering their parents, or even being kicked out of the house and facing homelessness.
And no, I'm not just an angry teenager, luckily my parents raised me with an emphasis on my personal freedom, and allowed me to do as I liked growing up, as long as I treated them with respect.

Other urls found in this thread:

I luckily had a good upbringing myself, never had problems with my parents being too strict and such, and I think I turned out rather fine now in my mid-twenties.

Personally, if I would be a parent, only thing I would do is to get my kid to pursue some kind of hobbies actively. I would be kinda disappointed if my kids were to grow up as NEETs who play vidya and watch anime all day. Other than that, I really wouldn't care if they were different from me, and beyond adolescence, I would let them do much of the decisions they feel free to make.

Politically speaking, I'd try and guide them towards some form of anti-idpol leftism if I could, or at very fucking least stop them from becoming alt-righters.

My mother chose to accept the spook of the maternal duty and so I chose to accept the spook of filial piety

I really hate people who don't respect their parents and abandon them in nursing homes. Muh personal freedom is an idiotic libertarian tier idea. We should all take care of each other and look after each other.

It's hilarious, my mom mentioned that she's spanking my baby brother when he does things wrong now, and I just didn't have the heart to tell her that it didn't work on me at all.

This thread is going to be good. White parents are so fucking soft in the states.

Hoochie, I hope you were beaten every night and locked in a closet. It's the only explanation for why you're such a vile, horrible tripfag.

Nah. Just restricted from being on the computer when grades got worse enough, over physical punishment, belting, the like. But that's only a C or lower.

You get used to it by actually fucking trying.

I got those for making B's. Sounds like your "tiger parents" are a couple of fucking kittens, darling.

I basically agree with this.

I consider youth rights to be a serious issue. It's overlooked because few are minors forever. But it's quite genuinely a luck game. If I grow up with good parents who don't take "too much" control during my teen years, good for me. But for others, it will be the nightmarish period where they're discovering their sexuality and their parents are cracking down on it.

The fact that "troubled teen" camps are an actual industry in America shows that there is a problem. Also "teen escort" (lol) services whose job is literally to come to the house of rich parents and abduct their children as a service to the parents (who are also the customers).

Even when it's not as extremely harmful as this, parents still have legal authority to hit children through adolescence. And as teen sexuality develops, some of that stuff can start to feel like incest.

Actually, I diverted there - I was going to say, even when it's not as extremely harmful as hardcore Christian upbringings (which also contribute to youth homelessness), it can still stunt the growth of young people. For instance, a lot of liberal approaches to parenting are still very heavy-handed as well as being relatively conservative when it comes to sex (not on sexuality, but on sexual activity in general and porn and the reality of adolescent sex), and the overall culture right now really still caters to parents who want to keep their children "children" for an unreasonably long amount of time. This also applies to jobs, habits, everything. We allow parents to "shelter" teenagers, which is really just wrong. And teenagers know when they can get away with certain things due to this culture, too - which encourages development of really horrid behaviors just because they're taught (incorrectly) that they aren't old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.

Sucks to be you.

I disagree, kids going through puberty in Capitalism are going to be completely irresponsible, it would do more damage than good.

But they already do stuff like this:

We don't help them by making them feel unaccountable in every day life any more than such attitudes help with regards to campus hazing. The reaction in the current culture is to only ever try a minor as an adult when it's too late. We have to at least make them recognize that they are responsible for their own decisions, and telling them the exact opposite and insisting that their entire moral compass be authority-based achieves the opposite.

I totally disagree. Going through puberty is when the mind is still growing through the second biggest change from toddler to child, mistakes are easier to make. And in capitalism, mistakes can fuck you over

real bad

Putting adult responsibilities on people going through puberty, within Capitalism, doubtless ends in far too much financial, emotional, stress related tragedy.

Parental abuse is inexcusable but so is neglect.

It doesn't mean dire mistakes should be permitted as though they were committed by an actual toddler. They can fuck them over, but the thing is that this isn't entirely clarified. We wait until they've done something horrible (and been caught, importantly) to instill in them a true understanding of the consequences of their actions. We shouldn't have to try them as adults - once they've had a year or two of puberty, their decisions regarding adult things should be given legitimacy within the context of their age. Decisions regarding sex (not necessarily consent in general, but at least consent within their age peer group if they're under 15 or so), violence, purchases, and labor should not be deferred to their parents because they're at an age where they're developing a natural need for autonomy and experience.

See the problem with this is, that doesn't happen in Capitalism. If adults can thrive in Capitalism today, what makes you think we're ready for the pubescent to be ready. Shoving them into responsibility they have no way of handling properly, puts not only a risk on themselves financially but a risk on others.

Frankly, I think the idea teenagers should even "get a job" ludicrous because they should be focused on studying.

I get what you're saying, but I just think it's unrealistic in our present time. Teenagers need to focus on their education, primarily.

Kids should be able to drop out of school at age 14 and pursue some other form of work or apprenticeship early on. Elementary school should be the only thing that's necessary, and high school and higher education should be kept for people who are legitimately interested in learning and not just extending their childhoods.

As for parents, they should have authority in the household since children tend to be stupid and impulsive. However children should be allowed to have personal freedoms in the decisions they make.

Parenthood in our society is inherently fucked up. Two people aren't enough to properly raise a kid. It's too much work and stress. Single parents have an even harder time. And the unbalanced (and unchecked) power parents have over their kids means that a person's worst biases are likely to come out in their parenting. The temptation to take advantage of a captive and moldable audience is too great. People's experiences vary, but it's usually bad. For my part I had a horrible time that I'm in therapy trying to overcome.

This part arguably fucked me the most (not allowed any control over planning my future out of high school) but parents fucking up their kids starts really early. Consider how much of therapy is about fixing the ways parents fucked up their kids in early childhood.
A lot of parents (mine included) make it a point to keep their kids dependent so they don't have the ability to break away from them. Power actually gets people high, and the power that adults have over children is vastly greater than anything else most people ever see.
It's good you see this, but you should extend the view back to earlier ages. A lot of kids have to keep their parents happy to be allowed basic personal freedoms or necessities (if the allow such a thing at all).
Even that's pretty shitty. The idea that kids have to respect adults is fucked up. Respect is something you have to earn. Being able to bump uglies and pop out a kid is like the most basic criteria for being human (disorders/diseases aside). Being a parent doesn't merit respect in itself, and the idea that kids should feel indebted to their parents is a diseased view. People have no choice in the matter of coming into existence. The choice is entirely on the parents, and they should be seen as responsible for the life and its needs that they chose to create.

Spanking doesn't work at all. It's been studied and consistently it just makes kids hate their parents and close off to them, which is pretty much the only appropriate response to that behavior.

Child abuse isn't a competition but if that's all you got, you're nowhere near a position to gatekeep people on it, you narcissist.

And justifying even "mild" child abuse is scumbag behavior.

Is hoochie asian? Also no one here got a photo of her?


Don't get me started on the fucked-up cunts who go out of their way to defend spanking, claiming it's an act of "discipline" and "teaches respect" and other bullshit like that. Not only can spanking children be classified as physical and psychological assault, but it's also pretty fetishistic, depending on how it's approached. Between consenting adults, I have no problem with spanking, and even encourage it if it breeds heightened sexual engagement that can contribute to a strong and healthy relationship. But with that fetishistic nature even remotely implied in spanking children, that's just plain wrong, and can really fuck a kid up.

Spanking aside, I have plenty of issues with my own parents I'd be happy to share in this thread, if anyone is curious. They actually never spanked me since they don't believe in the practice, but that doesn't mean they didn't have their fucked up moments. That also doesn't mean they were in any way abusive… They just sure as hell weren't perfect. Not that I ever asked for perfection, but they could have done so much better in so many areas. It's really a mixed bag with them. In a sentence, I love them and I'm more than grateful for so much that they've done for me, but plenty of times, it's really hard to respect them when they're either dumbshits, assholes, or both.

Fucking THIS. I could go on for hours about how fucking spooked my parents- and even my brothers- are about this insane, asinine concept that I've literally always been skeptical of since day one. Fuck, I feel like the stories I could tell could keep this thread afloat for weeks…

At the risk of derailing this thread and fanning Hoochie's BPD narcissism, aren't your parents South Vietnamese collaborators?

the fucking autism this thread has provided is actually driving me to fascism.

It's not your fault

If the selfie ostensibly belonging to her is anything to go by, she's pretty thicc (for an asian)

Their Autism Level is higher there though

You have no reason to use physical discipline on a kid unless they themselves are violent. And even then it should be done in such a fashion to limit the damage to the bare minimum needed to get them to understand they can't use violence themselves without getting their shit smacked back.

If you do otherwise you're an objectively shit parent.

When you say spanking do you mean physically holding a kid down and belting them over and over? If I was being a little shit I usually got one big skelp on the arse and told to go to my room.

I shied away from bringing it up earlier, but this so much. I was approaching my teens the last time my parents tried to do this and had already started fetishizing it (comfortably, in my head, without any thoughts of them) and ended up resorting to violence myself to avoid being forced into a situation which, to me, had come to resemble incest.

Fun fact about spanking: it sends blood to and stimulates the genitals. It's inherently sexual and arguably a form of molestation if done to someone who doesn't consent.

Both forms are bad but for different reasons. The former is much worse because it often involves humiliation and stripping of agency (and clothes). The latter conditions kids to expect and normalize physical violence in response to social offense. A swat seems small but it's still violence, especially between people of such different sizes. Some parents do the same but on their kids' faces or even genitals, for a point of reference. Also see above about how spanking is inherently sexual. If you had only rare swats, you're in the minority. Parents who spank dramatically underreport every measurable aspect of the punishment - frequency, duration, intensity. Even if what your parents did was comparatively mild they probably thought what they were doing was much milder than that.

can I go """"idpol""" for a minute and say how fucked up I think it is how gender and gender roles are so deeply forced onto children from such a young age? Why? What is the point?

NAP says children are property until they hit puberty

If penis does not into vagina babby no form. Tranny can no make babby.

Why do children need to care about babbyforming?
When they're ready to have kids they'll figure out how to put benis in bagine :DD

Yeah but not if their genitals are mutilated and they're chemically sterilized with hirmones meant to "change their gender"

There's no such thing as perfect parents. Like, not even in the abstract. For the vast majority of history kids were brought up by the community. Even pretty recently, it was at least the extended family doing the job. The closest we used to get to parents being the only ones raising a kid was in very early childhood where someone has to mind the baby basically all the time. That's not a two-person job by any stretch. Babies would usually get passed around to multiple caretakers, and there wasn't the modern issue of constant interrupted sleep and difficulty with normal functioning. Once kids were old enough to not have to be watched all the time, they pretty much wandered around the community and would interact with whomever was where they were at the time. Parenthood as a social role as we understand it now is specific to modern family life where every "breeding pair" is expected to own a home and live apart from their neighbors and family.

Part of it is just herd mentality. Children who don't conform slightly can experience pretty severe embarrassment, because society in general conforms. Even parents who don't think it's necessarily right will be reluctant to expose their child to a world of other children raised by other parents who either enforce gender heavily out of conviction or concern for their kids.

And then they become worthless!

Children are raised primarily by the State now. They are packed together with a thousand other kids, ground down until anyone different from the group kills themselves or is labelled mentally ill and seperated, and this repeats until they are no longer individuals but are mass produced cogs. Dog bless gapitalism

Don't forget they are forced to learn shit they don't care about to turn them off from their natural tendency to absorb information. And it's done in such a way so that even if they do study something interesting, they feel like learning itself is miserable and alienating.

I grew up with people both leftists, and right wing people, who did shit like this. I currently know somebody who at age 25 won't disobey his fat christcuck mother, and it's so fucking cringe. I try explaining to him that he's a GROWN fucking man (at least physically), and if he wants to fuck a girl, or smoke a joint, then go for it, yet he cucks out every fucking time cuz "Mom knows best, it's best not to upset her". I was raised with ZERO parental authority, and I believe its what led me to my anarchist beliefs. I've noticed that liberal idpolers, reactionary morons, and Holla Forums type motherfuckers have all been subservient to an authority figure in their life. Do your kids a huge fucking favor developmentally, and stay the fuck out of their personal lives/choices, all you should be is a supportive figure, not an athority figure.

Tbh it's a little sad. I only went to school till grade 8 but people with masters and phd's often have less general knowledge than I do. We live in a society of idiot savants, people who can do what they were specifically taught and largely little else.

Your friend is dumb. Stupid people love authority figures, they NEED an authority figure. That's why monotheistic religions are so popular. Worship your daddy or worship your sky dady, someone to tell you how to act, feel, think. I mean god knows it's too fucking hard to think for yourself. Though The State has largely replaced religion as the focus of modern worship.

It's isn't even "much idpol!", since I was 13 before I even read theory, or called myself a leftist, I was disturbed how we put young children we set them in these social constraints that end up molding their personalities, and parents do this without even realizing it. As much as I despise """progressives""", these motherfuckers got it right when it comes to this.

Eh, I was raised by extremely authoritarian parents (reported me a missing person to send cops after me while I was in college because I didn't call frequently enough) and I'm also an anarchist. People who were in the middle are anarchists too. I think it's more about how you react than what happened to you.

Bad parenting can fuck you up. Good parenting has no impact on your development. A good parent just raises a child without trying to live through them.

Holy fuck, I want this on a coffee mug or something.

im talking about how all these cringelords are talking about the brutality of their poor first world childhood because mommy touched my butt. The other ones are getting outraged that some kids are raised with discipline since apparently it's damaging. I've never seen such bitchery in a single thread.

This is what conservative burgertards actually believe about muh godless gommunism. The irony in this whole thing is an absolute mindfuck.

epic meme

Same, fam.

Discipline is healthy, and we should all have a proper understanding of it. It's tragically ironic that so many "disciplinarians" out there have such a piss-poor understanding of what discipline actually is.


that sounds kinda normal tbh
like those trump supporters constantly getting attacked with violence by antifa

Is it ethical to cut off contact with your extremely emotionally abusive mother and let her rot in her own shit because she can't afford an old folks home?

Yes, I think so. Any abuse your parents have dealt you should be met with at least permanent distance.