So, what ARE the contradictions of capitalism?

So, what ARE the contradictions of capitalism?

Other urls found in this thread:

off the top of my head, one is that an increase in material can mean the loss in the wealth of that commodity due to surplus but it can also mean an increase in wealth because you have more of a valued commodity.
has more to do with a market economy in general than only capitalism.

A big one is that the classes have conflicting and contradictory interests.

The need to pay wages in order to make profit.

Another one is automation. It would make it so the capitalists would no longer have to pay wages but if there are no wages then there would be no money circulation. Socialism doesn't have this issue

The psychosis of infinite growth and the impending doom of climate change. Above all, capitalism is unsustainable and we will come to intimately understand this very shortly.

David Harvey counts 17 in this book and categorizes them threefold:

The Foundational Contradictions
1 Use Value and Exchange Value
2 The Social Value of Labour and Its Representation by Money
3 Private Property and the Capitalist State
4 Private Appropriation and Common Wealth
5 Capital and Labour
6 Capital as Process or Thing?
7 The Contradictory Unity of Production and Realisation

The Moving Contradictions
8 Technology, Work and Human Disposability
9 Divisions of Labour
10 Monopoly and Competition: Centralisation and Decentralisation
11 Uneven Geographical Developments and the Production of Space
12 Disparities of Income and Wealth
13 Social Reproduction
14 Freedom and Domination

The Dangerous Contradictions
15 Endless Compound Growth
16 Capital’s Relation to Nature
17 The Revolt of Human Nature: Universal Alienation

the boss needs to pay the worker as little as possible to maximize profit, but he or she must also provide the worker with enough so that they can reproduce their labor and purchase commodities. This places the two classes in direct conflict with one another as over time the boss will undercut the worker more and more in order to maximize profit which means that the worker will be pushed into desperation and no longer be able to purchase commodities with their low wages.

Like every mode of production before: the development of productive forces is handicapped by the form of the current mode of production (in our case: bourgeois property).

Contradiction isn't the best translation. "Conflict" is more accurate. There are various conflicting forces other people have already listed ITT that make the system unstable and trend toward collapse because the conflict is too fundamental for the system to resolve itself. The conflicting tendencies end up tearing it apart. Here's some examples.

What ends up happening here is the capitalist has enough product for everyone, but nobody has the money to buy. Instead of lowering the prices (and selling "at a loss"), the capitalist will sit on or destroy the product.

What happens here is you get bubbles, where capitalists try to move into new markets, put an emphasis on growth, and grow more than the natural conditions can support which causes a collapse. Similar effects can be observed in ecology if a prey species manages to breed rapidly enough and exhaust the food supply.

Some commodities are created and then destroyed/go unused to artificially raise prices. Food and housing both come to mind as wherever you go, there are several times as many vacant homes as there are homeless people.

The loss of wealth of the commodity never happens due to surplus, because the market divides into levels - entry level generic, brand name, luxury brand name and enthusiast level. It happens with any good, that's getting cheaper due to overproduction. But overall wealth grows, because everyone can afford an entry-level one.

That's absolutely not true. All classes want more wealth, that's their common interest.

Holy fuck, read banking 101. The money circulation of the common plebs is redundant, the real circulation happens between the banks and stock traders.

You are seeing the worker wrong. The worker is just a manufacturing machine, same as a conveyor belt and should be upgraded to a better, automated alternative as soon as it's available.
The workers don't even need to work, after the basic income is implemented all they need to do is sit at home and consume. In the future there will be the corporate caste and the caste of cattle, which is given money by the government and only exists to consume goods.

Define "productive force". Every single worker can and will be replaced by a machine. The property owner can't be replaced by a machine, because no machine can own property. So it looks like that the inferior "productive force" that is holding the capital back, not the other way around.

Tendency of the rate of profit to decline. Crisis theory in general.

Looks like someone took an introductory economics course
Just wait until AIs are recognized as legal persons

The bourgeoisie can only attain wealth by exploiting the lower class, thus they are in conflict with one another.
and in that scenario there is zero justification for the existence of bosses. Full automation will be the death of capitalism, but at the same time companies need to automate in order to increase production and compete with each other. Boom, another contradiction.

Yes and each class gets its wealth at the expense of the other. Hence conflicting interests
Read the rest of the post then come back

No one here knows because people only pretend to have read Capital.

No, it will be the birth of mega-capitalism. You will have megacorporations with the R&D departments with the whole management chain and everything else will be automated. At his point the governments become redundant and the system will transform into open oligarchy.
Basically, you will see the same thing you see in internet now, where 4 megacorporations dictate the rules and can shut down everyone else. And the same way these corporation herd people for datamining purposes you will see them herd consumers. It is probable that citizenship will be replaced with corporate belonging.

The lower class likes being exploited, because they can't take responsibility for their own destiny. You are confusing cause and effect, anyone who doesn't want to be exploited climbs up the ladder, everyone above, who has inclination to being exploited slip into the lower class.
Slave remains a slave, no matter how you call him. There was always a slave caste since time immemorial and there always will be.

The whole premise of marxism is wrong, because it sees all people as equal, but nothing in nature is ever equal. There are always these, who are superior and there are always these, who are inferior.

Me, rational communist gamer Chad: Nazi-kun, I have the sad news that your wife is cucking you with your boss Heinz.
You, being you: Th-that can't be true because my boss and me have the same interest of fucking my wife.

You can stop with the feels>reals.

It's actually the exact opposite. The reality is that the lower class is subhuman, therefore deserves everything it gets. You're all about "muh feels, muh oppressed subhumans, capitalists no fair"

Lenin already mockingly negated your idiotic argument over a hundred years ago and you brainlets still think it's smart.

Society's capacity to produce use-value.

It's funny how you point out yourself to a good illustration of what I've said:

Assuming every single worker could indeed be replaced by a machine, that would be a huge development of productive forces.
But, since machines do not create any value, only human labour does, that would also mean the end of profit.
Hence the contradiction: technically it is possible to develop the forces of production, but the way we produce as a society (for profit) forbids it.

Are you ruling class or a prole with very low sense of self-worth?

He actually writes about nobility there, which has nothing to do with capitalist upper class, because anyone can be a part of it, if he has what it takes. A real human will be born in poverty, yet end up as a corporate CEO, which happens a lot btw, while a subhuman will be born in poverty and will die in poverty.

I am a jew from a upper-middle class family, I'm into politics and I'm aiming for a political office. I can say that I will be ruling class one day.

That's a slow and gradual process, there is no need for any development of productive forces. >only human labour does,
Human workers are the same exact thing as machines - nothing more, nothing less. There is no difference between working class and CNC machines.

Oh so you're like every other American that thinks he's a future millionaire that's just down on his luck. Well that explains it

And the Bourg gets their wealth through exploiting and oppressing the Proletariat


This process IS a development of the productive forces.

Humans create value; machines don't.

so progressive this UBI concept ;->

nazis have always been neoliberals


The nazi in this thread is seriously giving me cancer. Read a fucking book.

If you have time, please read this. (Considering you seem to have no interest of reading Marx)

literally why?
better to recommend Wage Labor and Capital, it is literally meant for people like him who don't want to read.

Christ, you neoliberal brainlets are so insufferable. There is a bigger problem with capitalism than that it exploits the working class. The problem is that it threatens to alienate and exploits everyone. Forcing us to debauch ourselves in an unwinnable rat race, that not only destroys people but also our environment.
Ever noticed how since the 18th century the percentage of the population that can be considered upper-class has been getting smaller and smaller?

Have you actually tried to step off your Randian high horse for once and actually experience these "subhumans"? Contrary to your fantasies, you may find that otherwise capable people are being actively held back by their material conditions.

Do you think Einstein would have had the ability to develop his theory of relativity if he had been born as a dalit in rural India?
Do you think Newton would have been able contribute to the sciences if he had been the slave at the court of some pre-colonial Congolese kingdom?
Do you think Tolstoy would have had the time to write his works if he had been a serf in rural Siberia?
I guess it doesn't matter, these people would just be considered "subhumans" to you.

Take this from someone that was actually born into an upper-class family: You're just another haughty, know-nothing, piece of human trash who somehow thinks he's the hottest-shit, but in reality is just another clueless bottom-feeder.

It looks like Lenin was as fed up with refuting retards armed with logical fallacies as we are. He fucking laid into that guy.

Nah, I'm already a small political functionary. If I play my cards right I'll candidate for the next local election, then after 1 term get into the federal government and cash in these sweet lobby shekels and corporate positions.

It is winnable. The better rat wins, the inferior rat suffers defeat.

Because the artificial "nobility" has been replaced by natural superiority.

My parents actually were poor as dirt after they lost everything in the USSR collapse. They were rich Party functionaries, yet here we are, well off and I will make it to the very top again if I keep working on it.
Same as my great grandparents lost their factories in the Holocaust, but managed to integrate into the soviet system and my grandparents were already in the top brass.

You see, all most of the Holla Forums boogeyman started off poor, yet the run everything now. Soros for instance didn't have a single cent to his name when he migrated to Britain, same with Larry Silverstein, same with Bernanke, Cohn etc etc.
Because the superior people will always get to the top and everyone, who lives in poverty is just a subhuman, therefore deserves it.
This is the whole point of the system and it works pretty fine.

So the Jews deserve to be in charge then?

'I maybe skimmed the wikipedia article on Marxism once'.