Fascist debates Stefan Molyneux


Who won? Personally, I can't stand Molymeme and would support Fascists over Lolbertardians/Ancaps any day. I'm curious what the rest of Holla Forums think.

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They are both worse and I'm not watching all of that.

Ecks deedeedee. Fokin' ded.

Molyneux won

You have to die.

You do realize that Fascism is much more similar to Communism than Libertarianism is?

Fascism is closer to lolberts than it is to us.

Since the OP is related to Fascism, what are Philosophers related to Fascism? I need more reading material and also to stop people from misusing the term Fascist incorrectly.

How is that relevant when the choice presented is between Fascism and Libertarianism? You're being stupid.

There's less chance of lolberts taking power, they may have financial backing but US politics has shown they punch way above their weight-class in terms of popular support.

Because lolberts will become fascists and vice versa. Are you so ignorant to have remained unaware that Holla Forums is a union of them and peel back some rhetoric and there is no practical difference?

You're the ignorant one. Fascists and Libertarians hate each other, they are diametrically opposed.

Where have you been the last decade? They get along well, they both want to preserve capitalism and remove the lolbert hippie facade and they'll agree about physical removal too.

One side wants authoritarian government and order while the other side wants freedom and chaos. How fucking retarded are you?

Retarded enough to look at ancaps siding with nazis because muh commies, worshipping pinoshit because muh helicopters, look at Holla Forums's lolberts and assume these irl examples of them getting along and allying with eachother is how they will act. But I guess the educated thing to do is take lolbert rhetoric at face value and ignore who they travel with or side with.

They agree on white supremacy and commie hatred, that's pretty much it. Look at the actual ideologies and tell me how they aren't completely different from each other. Honestly, I've seen Libertarians and Fascists duking it out with each other on Holla Forums many times, and they DON'T get along. Libertarians want complete freedom while Fascists want to severely restrict freedom. You can't tell me they get along well with a straight face.

They also agree about preserving capitalism, I could care less about their ideology if the end result is them banding togther to fight the left. Which they and will continue to do. Picking which snake you prefer is pointless, you should kill them both.

It's a shaky and temporary alliance against the larger evil of communism.

Some do. Others claim to be allies. Those who claim to be friend with fascists are often "race realists" and will call ancaps who hate fascists "left Rothbardians".

Fascist here. I hate Lolberts/Ancaps much more than I hate communists.

Ah yes, the comments are always a goldmine.

Democrats are the real racists, too.

The ancap on this thread seems to be unaware of the very large strain within libertarianism that is the progenitor of the alt-right.

Hopefully he will do some reading on paleolibertarianism and Hans-Hermann Hoppe and then fuck off.

Evola- Revolt Against the Modern World especially
Oswald Mosley
Hayek trash-tier tbh
Are the few fascist authors you should read to understand. Also look into National Syndicalism which is were fascism comes from.

Speaking of Molymeme, I just found this:

He's such a pathetic manchild. Would he hang up on Trump for supporting the use of force against him? Hell no. Damn hypocrite.

Moly doesn't even *understand* how one could come to the conclusion that there's no ethical incentive in capitalism? Yeah, right. What an interesting discussion.

"Have you ever run a business?"
Spoken like a true philosopher.

This is the only acceptable answer

W e w

they're the same thing anyway

the fascist got woven around a shoehorn with sophistry. The funniest issue is his attempt to stay friendly with liberals by avoiding the topic of an endless spiral cycle of violence being a good thing, something fascists love


So silly

The debate was basically capitalist versus collectivist.
They didn't talk much about other fascist ideas, only that the economy/education should be done in a way where people get the most out of them, rather than in a way that makes the most money.