Why aren't you an accelerationist? If there was one thing that Marx got wrong it was the effect of socdems,reforms...

Why aren't you an accelerationist? If there was one thing that Marx got wrong it was the effect of socdems,reforms, labor unions, etc would pacify the proletarian. You can't have people who having nothing to lose but their chains if they have a relatively comfy life. Turd worldists do have a bit of a point. If the libertarian party ever got power in burgerland for example there would be a communist revolution in a few years.

Other urls found in this thread:


The ideology/movement/philosophy that is supposed to arise during the effects of accelerationism might not be developed fast enough to account for the ecological and global political crises that will emerge until then.

People here are accelerationist in that they shilled for Trump in order to completely discredit America's political system and cause an amusing shitstorm that would likely see its demise as an unchallenged power. There is less consensus on reform, plenty of people here (mostly Americans) are against reform completely and bitch about European attempts, which I think is more because nobody is offering them the reform in the first place and they're pissed off about it.

I was against Brexit, but now its happening i want the hardest most retarded badly managed Brexit ever that fucks the government in the North of Ireland, the Irish parliment and the English Parliment.
I think it gives the opportunity to pave the way for a united Ireland for the worker and finally get the Anglos off the world stage. And it might just allow socialism to gain a foothold in whats left of the UK if it do-sent go full children of men style lunacy.

Could this be considered acceleration-ism?

The unabomber was left



who's in the green?

I recognize Kantorovich and Kaczynski. Who are the other two?
Also, accelerationism isn't what you think it is.

john von neumann

Green is Grothendieck. Aut right is Von Neumann

Accelerationism + Anti-Imperialism is the only logical stance, because they compliment each other.

Accelerationism weakens the imperialist powers that keep global revolution suppressed. Anti-Imperialism protects the global revolution from fascist reaction to acceleration in the first world.

There is no good reason to oppose anti-imperialist accelerationism.

I'm not cold-blood enough to be an accelerationist, maybe one day.

Accelerationism doesn't mean "wanting for things to get so bad the proletariat will revolt" for us that ship has long sailed. Remember Walter Benjamin's train of history? An accelerationist is someone who knows full well the light at the end of the tunnel is another train about to hit us, knows it cannot be helped, and chooses to speed up so that at least our demise might come faster, not only that, but we get pure jouissance out of it.

Why advocate for this? Fuck if I know, maybe the possibility exists that something new may emerge after the catastrophe, maybe is on to something and the third world may be spared from the upcoming mess, maybe we're actually evil and want roko basilisk to come into existence and enslave us all, I'll let you decide.



wasn't the first chapter of his manifesto talking shit on leftists?



The ends don’t justify the means. Reminder that the libertarian party is against environmental regulation and public education.They want to privatize all public schools and abolish the department of education. The damage the libertarian Party would do here is worse then what the benefits of Communism would be.

Irish-centered acceleration-ism maybe.

Unabomber is a anprim who overdosed on redpills


Grothendieck(guy in green) was also an anprim and anracho-pacifist, his parents where also anarchist who fought in the Spanish civil war. He quit his job when he learned that part of the funding for the IHÉS was from the military, he opposed both american and soviet imperialism, not going to Moscow to get a medal at one point and teaching lectures in Hanoi during the american bombing. He also a top tier genius and probably will be go down on par with Euler, Gauss, and Newton

Holy shit, I'll look more into this guy

This is because American workers and voters don't have enough power to demand reform.