Why do ``leftists" support this alt-shite icon?

Why do ``leftists" support this alt-shite icon?

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Hey…i know you american cunts drool for world domination, but we actual leftists don't support Assad, we simply support the right to self determination. People in Syria are the ones who should kick Assad out if they wish so.
It's the samewhen you turds decided you didn't want to be an English colony. Although…without the french helping you guys out, that rebelion would have been easily crushed by the mighty british armor, since the revolution was mostly made of farmers who were only used to shoot bears.

No "leftist" except M-L cultists think that Assad is doing a great job leading his country, but taking him down because he stands in the way of burgers making their $$$ is even more retarded.

We support him like we support putin. the enemy of my enemy is my best friend, at least for now

nigga wtf

Tankie spotted.

because hes not an american patsie like someone else in the region

Because if we don't, BO will ban us for "imperialism".

no we don't faggot. if you honestly think Russia still believes in protecting a nation's independence you are one retard.


brainlet detected


Assad is a fucking cancer on the Middle East. Maybe almost as bad as the US.

Because we actually live in the real world where real people with real weapons do real bad things, and in a complicated scenario with a lot of bad actors all around, he is one of the better options to head that nation right now. We realize it's not rainbow fairy land where some magical communist will rise to replace him.

For the same reason they support the DPRK, they make overused gulag jokes, they support Maduro despite he's clearly not a socialist and not even a socdem, the reason they shout "Mao/Stalin/Castro/Pol Pot did nothing wrong" : edgy contrarianism.

Ireland and India had prominent fascist movements during world war two for exactly this reason.


Shiites get the bullet too.

Anti-American imperialist sentiments are big part of why people like B.O. and Jason Unruhe support Bashar Al Assad over The P.K.K. from what I know.

ba'athism is good, also i want america to stay the fuck out of the middle east

Bashar is supported by the type of person that has Syrian, DPRK, Cuban and Venezuelan emoji flags in their twitter bios, along with the customary #AntiImperialist hashtag too. Usually late teens/early twenties. Often mentally ill. You know the type. Wears socialism and anti imperialism as an adolescent "fuck you" aesthetic rather than a set of convictions or beliefs. Praxis is retweeing Fidel Castro pics.

Vulgar anti-imperialism.


did charles lister suck you off to post here or something?

This invariably proves to be absolute cancer in every circumstances. It even drove some Palestinian Jews to support Nazi Germany in the name of opposing British imperialism — that's how retarded it is.


why u mad? didnt cathch the boatride from libya?


good post, drag em queen

Too real.

Is Assad a Nasserist/Ba'athist, or just a generic autocrat?

Why bumplock?

Because mods loves Bachar

Mods can be so reactionary sometimes

Leftypol really is the worst board


Because he resist American imperialism. It's purely out of pragmatism.

Because he resist American imperialism. It's purely out of pragmatism.

I support Rojava.


Hmm, sounds like someone familiar…

kill yourself