Ok Holla Forums, would you rather be stuck in a room full of Nazis or Ancaps?

Ok Holla Forums, would you rather be stuck in a room full of Nazis or Ancaps?

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They same thing thing though.

I'd really don't give a fuck. Nazis, probably, as I've never seen a real life libertarian and I'm not sure it exists.

with both but with my equipment.

they exist and they're weird

One guy I knew would take this girl out to this nice restaurant in an attempt to get her to like him, she went everytime cuz it was free food.

Both but I'm armed and they're not.


Ancaps. They might follow the NAP.

Gand grenades are a little more complex than your training potatoes, Ivan

Nazis can be weaned away from classcucking. Ancaps are far beyond salvation.

NAP, being a purely idealistic concept, doesn't provide any interpersonal security or regulation. Well, many lolbertarians on 4chan would quite unironically suggest that being a commie violates that.

Ancaps won't follow the NAP because it doesn't apply to non-ancaps.

I'm a better shot than you faggot.

Nazis. It would be less irritating to listen to them shout angrily about jews and niggers than it would be to listen to ancaps spout obviously contradictory theory while thinking that they are brilliant.

Austrian economists supported Hitler. There is no difference between a nazi and an ancap. Nazis are just way more honest about what they want. Read Hoppe if you want to see the true face of "anarcho"-capitalism.

The NAP always include a caveat that all leftists are such an inherent danger to property that it's okay to pre-emptively murder them protect your stolen land or w/e.

An-caps. At least we can somewhat bond over our hatred of the state.

Fuck off Bookchin.


Say what you want about the tenets of Not Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

It's ok user. You are safe around me. Words don't violate the nap (unless we get into turbo soundwave territory but then it's not the explicit words that matter).

You are free to say whatever you want. Call me a nigger, or a nazi, or whatever. I'll only cry a bit.

Definitely Nazi.

nazis aren't pedos



I've seen some pretty scary Nazis who actually can and will kill, and are in a good fighting physical shape. I've never seen an Ancap who looks like anything beyond a bowtied little prick or a Mountain Dew fedora sperglord. Even when they post pictures of themselves with their guns they only seem to know how to pose with it and maybe know how to do a bit of range shooting.

That's a sharp point.

Why do you care? Are you a little kid?

Ancaps, provided they're not a bunch of reactionary Hoppean White nationalists.

Ancaps because they're mostly harmless neckbeards. Actual Nazis are usually drug addicted lunatics

Obviously ancaps. Nazis are completely braindead, ancaps just have no idea about economy and politics but might be decent people.

They are both worse

Ancaps. They tend to be smarter than Nazis.

ancaps actually have a basic understanding of economics and don't reduce everything to "muh white power", at least the ones that do not subscribe to Hoppe

Mises didn't.


ancaps don't hate the state. They hate taxes

Very true.

Nazis because even though they're almost the same as ayncraps, you can relate to them and feel bad for them on some level. Ancaps are just horrible to be around.

AnCaps tend to be more snide and intelligent, Nazis tend to be more emotionally devastated and listless. Nazis are also collectivists getting into politics to escape their own lives and find meaning or belonging in something, while AnCaps are individualists whose political engines run on disgust.

If I wasn't white I would say AnCaps, though.

You know, honestly?

I used to be in a black metal band, and the main guy was clearly a serious Hitler admirer even if he wasn't an "open" Nazi in the absolute strictest sense. It was at least entertaining as fuck, and the bullshit was either obvious or at least interesting. He didn't really have much interest in having his beliefs affirmed, though his behavior could occasionally get me concerned about just how 'safe' he was to be around.

I admit I haven't known many ancaps personally. Closest is an ex-ancap who's changed* political ideologies completely with the clusterfuck that is the Trump train. But he and I get on pretty well, I suppose, but we also do 'stuff' together so it's not the same as being in a room of avowed ancaps w/out benefits.

Nevertheless, I have this idea from my very few interactions with still-self-described ancaps that they can be really smug and prone to spewing non-obvious total bullshit with complete conviction and circlejerking onto it. Assuming that that was the room, and that the worst case scenario in the Nazi room was death, I think I'd take the Nazi room.

*As has been pointed out, the "leap" from right-libertarian/ancap to neo-fascist/GOP nationalist is borderline non-existent, so just how much of a change was made is dubious.

At least the Nazis would just fucking kill me and get it over with.

Ancaps are fun.

but they don't hate the stateā„¢

Who would enforce property rights without a state?

I went from ancap to ancom. Thank god I didn't become an NRx asshole.



welcome to an imageboard, where you co-exist with people you don't like.

I've had the great misfortune to know both an ancap and a nazi fairly well.

The nazi was about 20 times less annoying and more fun to talk to than the ancap.

"equipment", I like that.

I guess you missed the trademark symbol.

I dont know a single Ancap that isn't On the Autistic spectrum

They're not bad people. Just well - fucking aspie
So I guess them. All Id have to do is mention anime and theyd argue about which Gundam series was better for 45 minutes while one of them insists Dominion Tank Police deserves more credit.

Nottotally related
My buddy throws a cookout every year at his place and his Far right Uncle is a possibly the most likable guy ive ever met.

For the last 3 years we both wake up hung over before everyone else and drink coffee, have our first cigarette of the day and shoot the shit.
He worked as an Ambulance driver in Baltimore. Among other tings. He's lived quite a life.

Im told his health is failing and might not be there this year.
Which is a bummer. I really liked that son of a bitch

fuck you

Te aspie wouldn't be wrong. It does.

Jesus christ that is the most 80s fucking intro

They are the same shit.
Both will have to walk the plank at some time.

Since I'm a muslim I'd go with my nazi brethren.