I have a confession to make

I used to be an anarcho-capitalist neckbeard.

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I used to like Sargon so, no worries buddy, we all have to read a book someday

did you post in 4pol/8pol too?

Its ok. I used to be an angsty anarchist teen.

I was never full ancap but I did buy into the libertarian meme.
I think it's a logical conclusion to come to if you know basic economics, but after understanding advanced economics you realize how annoying a neoliberal "utopia" would actually be.

I'm worse tbh I used to be a true blue liberal. Still can't give up the free speech thing…at least not in public cos i've gone on about it to everyone for such a long time

Not an ancap though. Proper angsty anarchist

What did he mean by this?
The basics of keynsian economics dictates that ancapism cant work.

I think he means Micro 101 economics, where you just learn about supply and demand and the basic types of markets and stuff. If you go by that ancap shit seems logical.

I don't think we should. Freedom was important for both Hegel and Marx. That the right wing is exploiting "free speech" as a meme now (when they don't actually believe in it) doesn't change its value for us.

Good thing im not a dumb teen anymore

Theres only one?


I mean like the whole perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, etc.

That's nothing. I used to be a pro-imperialism, pro-israel sucdem. Being 14 wasn't easy.

imagine ACTUALLY believing we could just abolish the state immediately and rely on militias to defend the country from imperial powers


this is something that I think is very important to address for the left.
Thanks to a combination of both the SJW movement and the Marxist-Leninist regimes it's not common to find a leftist who's "against free speech" according to the arbitrary terms of the right wing.
But they (the rightists) don't care about free speech, they only care about their version of free speech. They want to be allowed to say "nigger" and "kike" but they have no inherent opposition to McCarthysim or "le Holla Forums raids x^D" on pure principle as you can see by the state of Bat'ko's channel on YouTube.
The problem is that not only do we have anti-free speech "leftists" who think that it's okay for a Google to undemocratically fire an employee for voicing his concerns about the work place (as sexist as they may be), but they extend it everywhere by being anti-free speech in places where it's not necessary. When you have people asking you to identify them as "They/Them" it completely turns people off from any potential left wing movement. And when you look at the dictatorship of the USSR it only confirms that fear of a non-free society. Ironically the authoritarian left has been noting but a detriment to the leftist movement.
But the right and the "left" completely fail to understand the kind of Free Speech that America was founded on; it's not about being allowed to say whatever you want, it's about being allowed to criticize people that control you. Saying "we should burn all niggers" is not the same as "f*ck the establishment XD". Nor is saying something like "believe in muh cultural tolerance". I can tell you which two of those three paraphrases doesn't sit well with the founding fathers. Everyone else should be able to do the same. Sadly, this is not the case for such a reactionary opportunist country as America. It's sad really.

Tbh if any nation could, it's the US. We have enough guns and enough Rambo fantasies that the rest of the world would probably just build a wall and let us be the ancom containment zone.

Are not related to free speech either way, but yes pretty hypocritical.

Not related to free speech in ANY way. Every company has rules for their employees to establish the right climate. Image being black and having to work on a project with a white supremacist. That shit will affect your cooperation and lower productivity.

Though your main point is correct, it was always the right who pushed for political correctness, avoidance of certain topics and censorship in the media.

I used to be a socdem with a daddy fetish, fortunatly I grew out of ML before 16.


Your point reminds me of the old liberal/libertarian meme that corporations forbidding certain types of speech online has nothing to do with free speech because the government isn't doing it.

Which is true. Corporations having the power over public discourse is a problem and should be addressed but it's simply not a free speech thing and needs its own name.


just because a dictator did the right thing in one particular scenario that doesn't give him any more the right to be a dictator.

Used to be a fascist before i became a fuckin' commie.

Tell us your story

Sure but we don't talk about that. A corporation has the goal to generate profit and negative team climate affects the productivity of workers, hence measures to improve it are only logical, and right. Corporations should be able to hire and fire as they see fit, as long they contribute to a social net with their taxes, it's better for both sides that way.

I mean, I believe in it in so far as I believe in direct democracy and those channels should always be no holds barred discussion, but we don't have those yet, and we don't have free speech either. I think silencing capitalists, preferably by killing them, is perfectly acceptable. I realized that I would be okay with the killing of somebody like Pinochet or Batista no problem. If I would kill them, its sure spooky to say I wouldn't censor them if I could.

CAVEAT I believe 100% in direct worker democracy, not even in a moral sense, but because I think it is the most efficient way to provide feedback for distribution of resources according to need. I just think that, to get there, we are going to have to curbstomp some motherfuckers

I got tired of seeing well constructed arguments being made against my beliefs met with "kike shill" "kike lies" Took a break, self-reflection helps. I can't honestly point to a single significant event which made me reconsider. I always preferred other fascists who i believed made more appeals to the working class than Shitler, surprisingly didn't go through the Nazbol route like some do. Visiting Holla Forums now just makes me cringe.

I was a nationalist until i remembered i live in brazil

I used to be a nationalist but then I realized I was nationalist about the most stupid country in human history. Possibly.

that's a really shitty justification. so if he hired a guy with a whip to force the workers to work faster, would that be right?


it took 2 years but I'd say I'm fully rehabilitated now, not one bit of spooks left. If anything I'm now actually able to enjoy museums, old churches, greco-roman architecture etc. (the shit Holla Forums claims to like while I've gone to more churches than any deus vult LARPer) cause I don't look to the past as a way to confirm my reactionary beliefs.

I can happily say that I've never been on the right. Closest I've ever been was when I was a succdem for a month or two. Started out as an anarcho-syndicalist when I got into politics at 13.

I used to be a socdem then a anarchist

We have a huge problem with ancaps here tho.These cucks want more capitalism in a country already ruined by it

It was during the Red Scare. Would you approve of workers being fired for left-wing beliefs during communist panics? After all, his beliefs would also "negatively affect the group climate."

yup, me too

It'd be perfectly reasonable from the POV of the company, so pretty much expected in capitalism, even though the reason itself would be silly and artificial.

Assuming a safety net exists, what's the problem? The worker doesn't have to work with people he dislikes and the team climate would be improved.

RIP Brazil

How do you even have ancaps there. Do you not learn economics in school?


Dude… what?

You're assuming there's nothing more to work than just the money and that the social safety net is roughly equivalent to what the person will lose when fired. Neither is the case right now.

what does the map mean?

Why I am not surprised at all?

Brazil basically is what ancapistan would become. Thus why Hoppe and the crypto-nazi ancaps believe in the whole "physical removal" meme.

I used to be quite far-right until I started being open to different views/theories from the other side of the spectrum.

I think I'm having more leftist views on economics and social class. It now sounds silly that "black people are violent cuz they're apes". We're almost exactly identical deep down, and what makes us all different is something happened to make us the way they are. No one chooses to be violent "cuz genetics"

there is plenty of reasons to be a nationalist if you are brazilian
Larga de ser vira-lata porra


Estamos na melhor time-line


Perdão pai

abandonar o marxismo-leninismo foi o inicio do fracasso da esquerda no Brasil

Why should it be? The point of a social net is that no one starves. While should a guy that doesn't get along with society get as much as people who do?

They have """"basic economics"""".

Half of this board used to be retarded Holla Forums neo-nazis. Don't worry we all have been there.
without the neckbeard tho

top lel

you can make a small society away from these powers. you don't have to fight anyone if you know how to hide keep that in mind.

Not nearly as bad as thinking you convince anyone into establishing a single party state and expecting the vanguard to not be corrupt, actually attempting to establish socialism, and without purges.

Retard, the reason you have purges is to prevent corruption.

I'm a laissez faire minarchist and I am comfy

I used to question the holocaust but never completely denied it.
I still think there's some bullshit in it but it's not really something that concerns me anymore.

That worked out well