I realized that i don't have the will or emotion energy to actually *do* anything

i realized that i don't have the will or emotion energy to actually *do* anything
help me choose:
become a leftcom

thank you in advance for pros/cons of both

Read books.

uh yeah but which brand of left lit is what i'm asking
what suits my laziness and apathy the most

Or if you don't want to become a leftcom, become post-left.

Abandon politics please.–And maybe read Jung.You are buying into an ideology because you are miserable.Maybe you should concern yourself less with politics and advising others on how a future society should and could look like and take care of your own problems first.

Marx and philosophy in general. Lenin, Althusser, Žižek, Hegel, Lacan and more.

Don't ever do this.

Read books.
also post-left. You know what fuck labels just become yourself, embrace yourself. Bitch.

Lennin is a good read tho even if he allowed Stalin to become a monster that is loved only by retarded Tankies that post anime all day.

And holy shit you faggots need to fuck off back to reddit together with your Peterson shilling.

I'm actually not, though.

Try Adderall. It helped me.

usually MLs, they take Tanky views when mad af.
Good theory, spooky ideology, they usually think they're the only viable route towards socialism and shit, pseudo-intelectual, doesn't do shit ever irl, NEET that reads all day. But like almost everything it's worth reading.

More free of spooky bs, more edgy, no ideology at all (some might have a little), anarchism, milk, goes out to parties, not as "booksmart" but compensates with streetsmarts. If it ever talks about economics it borrows a economic theory from Marx or the socialists/communists seriously read that shit like it or not, discard the ideology if you want but the theory is good.

Get some energy. Go out and join groups and make friends with them, this will give you the energy. TBH you would better just leaving the left alltogether than becoming a leftcom and encouraging others to do nothing

… Are you retarded?

(some might have a little),

There is no such thing as little ideology. We all have ideologies, and anarchists are not somehow 'more free' from them.

ideology is a spook

ok then fuck off you can't be pleased holy shit stay mad all your fucking life shit dickingson faggot

LeftCom is literally elder god tier

You get to do nothing while simultaneously bullying all other branches of leftism all day for their flaws

If you have to choose between them go with Leftcom. At least they have some useful ideas you can use if you ever get around to joining the left again.

yeah it's the fucker that never does anything. by all means exist and enjoy your life however you want critique all day but don't get bitter when an individual starts ignoring you.

honestly all i really know about leftcoms is the armchair meme and all I really know about the post-left is "Your Politics Are Boring as Fuck" which was good

the ideology of back seat drivers, what literary critics are to great authors

You forgot the leftcom cat

Always conflicted over whether I hate Anarkiddies or LeftComs the most mainly for this reason.

Anarkiddes have fought side by side with many other socialists and Marxists. Leftcoms have literally never done this in history. I hope that should answer your question.