Woke af

woke af

Other urls found in this thread:




big smok


nah youre 1



Nobody asked you dude.



gibbe a smonch

for u

yo wtf you a G A Y nigga

this happened over like 2 or 3 days i guess.

he likes big pictures and "impact" hence the presentations.

he probably thought the job would be more exciting and not reading a bunch of documents and sitting in a room everyday. he also apparently thought he was going to lose so...




would put this sticker on my waterbottle

no shame

no. This is not "fine"



It is fiiiiiine!

mhm !

And they say anime isn't art.

who are these new people?

Eva are you ignoring me cuz I defended sci?

and they say white people have no culture





probably why he spends so much time and taxpayer money going on golf trips.

are you going to read more into politics after this?

post dicko gay-o

beautiful creatures

What anime is that ?

I want someone break my dick like that.



why is cato still posting? isn't he supposedly going for a masters right now?

I'd expect you to have a butthole like that


he has too much free time like the rest of us


I wouldn't risk getting splinters in my asshole.


good call



I'll just get some condoms.

uhhhhh there's All the President's Men which is about the nixon shit. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. i have one picked out on north korea. its all more history than current events. and this is after i go through american psycho or something fictional so i can shake things up

oh shi-

Hot, right?

Jaden Smith's friend is now a girl and he's pretending to date him.


Grim pls respoince

good advice I will follow it closely







that's insane. hope you retain the memories and lessons you hope to retain from this literary voyage.

Anyone wanna cyber me in the thread ?

Everyone else is doing it.


I don't get why but I am super tired tonight. lol

-approaches u menacingly-

how was ur day



*I slowly undo your pants and lift up your shirt. The hem of your diaper peeks through and crinkles slightly as I run my finger around it. The poo smudging out as you squirm*

the old people warned us that the communists were trying to turn us into sissies, but we didn't listen


I see no cybering in this thread.

Sleep with me, then

stop god modding you cant make them squirm squash god

tell me about it


like actually

*I squirt on you*

are you actually a fag irl

for ui

Sounds like a good plan =3=

this anime troubles me deeply and im going to smoke now



Grim is only gay online

I need to pee

open up

have you ever done this until fake climax ?

Look past the post

open your eyes

see the system for what it really is


The perfect plan

that's where your wrong kid.


You think people get to finish with me?


no homo




no, only dogs can.

I'm gonna cum


Did you see it ?

I quit


Make me squirt.

i wonder if anyone has ever fapped to ASCII art


back in the 80s when all you had was dialup

plenty did

There is some websites with very in detail anime ascii. I am not ashamed to admit it.

no i mean in this thread and in the last three years by choice

yea like this guy

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Yeah no problem.

I have a one string guitar

whats up ?

That came out like shit.

wtf is that


maybe ui or magic

I would pee --on-- in wish



tildu squiggilye grim is a furry


Come at me.

Have you ever shit yourself in public ?

I already had sex IRL like a four times this week and I have a headache now.

G-go on...

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oh those are puffy as shit



no, but have you ever read doujins with manaka

Thats all I got.

It's like a saggy butt.

I'll end you.


Can't say that I have.

So what's your issue ?

I don't actually care if you're sad or anything.

I just can't remember pissing anyone off lately

literally nothing

just accomplishing what I set out to do while multitasking


I may or may not have read lewd doujin(s) with manaka

oh shit

Your master plan worked out perfectly.

bard out of nowhere


hi Ui chan whats a happa whichu?





What about elves?

clogged nose from too much cocaine. waiting for tomorrow to see excision and liquid stranger.

Who doesn't?


lol Ui you gotta stop doing so much druggus
just shmoke theheefer

Encourage him to do more drugs so he ODs.

I can't smoke weed anymore. it's like 50/50 chance of giving me a terrible panic attack.

I typically only do mdma rarely, or some DMT/changa

lmao drugs


Ray, post pornography.


only real oldfags remember dsfargeg


mornyan hu awoo

why does she have hair

That tail tho




Tails are good



we got thunder and lightning but no rain



banned.......... sigourney weaver.


I had to delete the megafolder.
I had to sick my lawyers on this cunt that was drugging my underlings and I was worried they would want to see my computer files.

So typical, innit?

there's the rain

Which drugs exactly if I may inquire?

I mean I'd hate to be under the influence of something and have no idea what it may be.



what a repulsive representation

a-anyways t-thanks for the attention



I was following through with the drugs theme.

She dosed some of my members with very high doses of lsd, and another with pcp because I kicked her out for sexually assaulting someone and she was denying it even tho there was like 7 witnesses. I've basically blacklisted her and a few others from every club in portland.

Apples yum!



You will be, but you will not remember it.


Oh, not this fucker.


Where can I find /nerds/ at? Asking for a friend




Holy shit I've never seen such extreme behavior in front of multiple witnesses like this until I moved south down from Washington. It seems as though a lot of females have gone feral in Oregon. I hear shitty behavior like this gets even worse in California.



I mean, the west coast is nothing but lacking even the most basic of sense "progressivism" so is this really a shock?

I want this mouse pad


piic relate me in thread

eh you're right I shouldn't get so worked up over such sorcery as this anymore


This is what happens when you empower women and cuck males into betas. i hate the liberal disease here.


chotto a fucking minute

As a woman, I love the liberal disease.


Wish pls response


sounds like another average day




Would you love me if I wear his mask?


You literally lived in a house of trannies all sponging off the government.

time to crowdfund an owostowfo cosplay


Get a job and buy it yourself.

currently trying to get a job you stinker

if you post your dick i'll pay you a couple dogecoin.

aww don't worry dars I don't love you for how you look

I love you for your money

people have to try to get jobs? when im not working I get job offers all the time without even applying for work.. I prefer Just having my party lifestyle be my job. Fuck working a 9-5 job when I could just go live on a weed farm making 20 an hour without any expenses.

The absolutely lifeless doll modelling it is what makes it 10/10.

When I die, it will all go to you, whatever I did not already spend on whores and whiskey.


being paid to do science is pretty nice, too

do you know where you are? everyone has posted their dick here, including me.

wanna take in a small delusional boy who thinks hes a girl and have him do weed science gardening

its a nice touch


you're lightyears behind me m8

ignore that first quote didnt mean to do that

He housed Swedish Fish, the ravioli destroyer.

That would make anyone lightyears ahead of you, really.

I would never post such a thing here

I housed over 7 traps/trannies


holy cow really

are you serious

i cant find a tranny because ui is hoardingthem all

You don't mindlessly follow the crowd like almost everyone else?

I guess... I mean if you don't like it, sure.

yep... some were reverse traps.

I count 6


Ui himself in a trap

I assume it was a bluff and I was rudely calling him on it because I'm a frigid cunt sometimes.

who did you think C was?

im kinda proud of you for that
that doesnt just happen

or maybe it does
i dunno

nah. I just liked wearing womens clothing sometimes


oh. well before you came there was the tranny that maya and alison were dating. I forgot the name. they basically lived there. So 7




He wasn't actually bluffing. there are a surprising number of poster's dicks floating around from times long ago.

see i still dont know if thats all it is for me

I'm still smug at how assblasted chijo was over the fact that I fucked his brother

I miss Z

legitimately the closest thing I've had to a relationship ever

that's gay. You want to be number 8?

She will never play along with your mind games.

lol. I still go to raves with chijo sometimes. He has calmed down a bit.

renz pls.

american psycho or shadow and claw

haha well you guys were younger and underage back then.

This is why you are gay now.

if you ever saw my dick fro when i was young

just remember that it's bigger now


The Gay Science.

im more trusting of renz to be fair
you dont seem that bad but mmmmm

ill stay here being a leech

How is DBZ Fighterz already completely spoiled on youtube when it's not even released yet. Literally I was spoiled on the final boss because of an asshole's video being in my recommended vid list and this the vid title is literally the ending.

renz is my nigga tho.

Why don't you trust me?

I'm like the most trustworthy secret holder here

Can confirm.

That was.. 5? years ago now

yeah, yeah, this


i dunno its mostly in how you talk is where im placing my trust

i could be wrong for all i know and i am wrong often so ?
i dunno

im avoiding THOSE authors.

didn't he go full trans for a minute there?

yea, with hailey. then he reverted.

Five years ago is enough to make a body photogenic. Five years later... not so much.

god damn now I really miss z

staying at his place for 3 days was one of the best times

also sitting on the couch and playing the last of us while he watched was fun

depends on the 5 years.
early 20s are supposed to be some of the best years.


isn't that the biggest anime trope of all time?

one mtf tranny and one ftm tranny having sex and playing video games together

I'll get back to you if I'm an actual vampire.


Can you see yourself in the mirror?

z was the reverse trap that lived in the trap house

we got really drunk and fucked

he was engaged, his husband now wants to murder me, and chijo (his brother) probably still believes it was rape.

fuck, I wish I had it in real life.

ah, that sucks.
sounds like you're having a pretty interesting life so far, though.


I can see myself but I can't see the soul in my eyes in the mirror if that makes any sense.



I tried texting him for the first time in 2 years but I think he changed his number.

probably best I don't re-open that chapter of my life. my borderline personality disorder was fucking RAGING back then


just keep your hands off my raviolis and my cis girls and i'll be happy. I'm done with gender benders.

It makes sense, but I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

makes for good stories, though.
and if anything, you grew from it.

oh yeah, me two years ago and me now are like the difference between 4 year old and functioning adult

Avoiding the edge associated with it, I do like Nietzsche because it's not even meant to be edgy, just saying that you can, y'know, find purpose without a god.

my net just decided to stop working right in the middle my game

and its not working when i try to fix it

do i watch a film i have downloaded or play a single player game ?

I honestly wish I could say that.
..where the fuck did the last two years go?

what would be the movie or gaem

im going to start talking to you btw

We've had as much interaction as this turnt nigga trying to escape his self induced little midlife crisis, so do watch that movie.



if i was gonna watch something itd be

either my dinner with andre or rentaneko

if i was gonna play something itd be

either everybody's golf kh2 or alicemare ?

do you use letterboxd ?

Sometimes it's better not to have a soul to steal especially when working with demons who would love nothing else but to take one.

I unironically love god.


You're going straight to hell, dogfucking homofag.

i wish more christian posters existed t b h

Yeah, I'm sure any god is okay with copious drug abuse, homosexuality, and believing you've literally talked to demons and ghosts instead of just calling them drug induced delusions.

Do you want to take one?
You said you were a demon earlier.

you sure act like it.

dinner with andre seems the fancier option but thats just me

god is gay

Satanists are technically Christians?

nobody asked for your input on it.

i dont want you to respond to this public statement i jus made mk

There are a couple pretty devout ones that frequent here.

something that's always confused me is

what do you call someone who believes in a god

but chooses not to worship it

not like satanism or anything, that's completely different.

like someone that believes in a religion but is apathetic towards its practices

ui v god

what a concept


Jesus walked among the sinners and the wicked. He forgave them all. You don't hear stories of jesus hanging out with people that are "good" people.

I did used to be an agnostic satanist. I couldn't call what I saw delusions. It was pretty real.

uhhhh ?????

oh i know
i just wish there were more hehe >.>

I would most likely be sacrificing clams or maybe fish in my practices.

People will never understand the beauty of what's within them.

Agnostic or deist.

are you saying you are walking in Jesus's footsteps.

that literally has nothing to do with what I said

wait what does that have to do with anything

I notice the direction my life went after stepping away from satanism and asking for forgiveness. I have a pretty successful life now. You can hate all you want.

An agnostic Christian is someone who generally believes Christianity is more or less correct but doesn't really care to practice it or learn more.

I go to events where there is a lot of wickedness all around me, I show people the light. I save lives,


christ kids in the building what u p

This means honest Abe will not care for you anymore big dipper.

So you stopped taking acid and assumed what you were seeing was real?


may be a silly question, but will you cook the afterwards?

that's why people keep searching for answers, because it is hard to see anything beyond "whatever is inside me, it sucks"

was that before or after the drug induced hallucinations and trannies.

please please explain what that means.

I don't deal drugs. I do work with drugs though. legally.

She's lewdable af

This but unironically.



agnosticism in any form is the belief that there is no way of knowing if any religious concept is real

atheism is the the belief that no religious concepts are real

when I put it like that agnosticism sounds smarter, but I'm still an atheist

A lot of people can compare themselves to Christ if they pick and choose certain things, the same can be done with Lucifer.

Jesus was not just a friend of tax collectors and prostitutes, he called tax collectors and prostitutes to repentance.

I don't claim to have a perfect backstory or a sin free life. jesus forgives us for that. In return we show other people the light and pull them from that darkness they are swallowed up by.

hello everyone my name is liliana i am a girl and a devout christian and i am eating ice cream cake

which one of these is a lie see if you can figure it out

What about the people who just don't give a shit either way

VICARIOUSLY through him.

Is there a word for "I don't really care, and I don't want to bother with associating with a specific group?"

so have you stopped though.

now that is

anyways, I'm going to bed.

gimme ninis for good sleep and nice dreams


All of it

yes... I don't even have porn on my computer.

I don't admit to being perfect, but i try to better myself and lift up the people around me.

I guess I am apathetic toward religion, then

it is fun to talk to people who are into it, though

also again what are you doing where you are going into "wicked places" What is a wicked place to you if trannies and drugs are still on the menu. are they still on the menu? what are you doing there to show the light? what is HAPPENING


s m h

He's saving lives by making sure everything it legit so nobody gets killed.

heh the spirit would probably be pissed if I ate her sacrifice but I saw magicians consume the sacrifice while the spirit is possessing, invoked inside of them

I throw events. like I work for rave companies, and festival companies. I have an event in portland tomorrow even with excision and liquid stranger. I also test drugs and work for companies like erowid M.A.P.S. and others...

Is it bad if it invokes inside them? Hard to control?

i dont see how that just doesnt make you an enabler.

If you throw away mochi just because it's got a little bit of mold on it then you're also hurting the Japanese and basically saying their religion isn't worth believing in.

You work for erowid?

hey my nets back


ecstacydata and others too yea...


people are going to throw events whether it be legal or not dude. Having it legal and as safe as possible with drug testing zones and informed public is what saves lives. Education, harm reduction, and general caring for humanity.

Abstaining from sin is far more important than just doing drugs and saying "yeah, man, jesus 4gives".

I've been literally trying to lose control these past few weeks and they have been putting me through trials and so far I haven't lost control despite all that.

Drugs are bad!


Remember kids, Jesus loves you and forgives you, but all the sin you commit is a burden on him. Try your best to be like him and resist the temptation of sin.

I have cut back a lot, again not perfect. still make mistakes. I don't judge others for their fuck ups though. That's an even bigger sin.

Practice what you preach.

imagine being a smol
stompin in the rain

I am pretty sure control is an important thing to have, though

But space is fun

Come to think about it I can't invoke anything. I can channel energy though.

iunno i get the education aspect and i agree with that. but the rest dude seems real grey i guess. how exactly are these events tied to education.

Matthew 7:1-5King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

are drugs a sin?

Silly cock.

You are literally doing drugs and fucking dudes with the justification of "no man jesus loves me". It's like the born again murderer on death row somehow saying he's found God.

oh i dont believe in god btw

The events arent tied to education. The harm reduction and drug testing is. having people informed of what substances are out there and what they could possibly be putting into their bodies.

Now that sounds much more reasonable!

God is a meme that just stuck because people can't handle being alone. At least it teaches some good morals so that the world isn't full of psychos.

so the events just give a safe place to do drugs.

this is new territory i've never seen before

whenever a new person joins the threads

right whatever. That's not what i'm doing, but you will believe whatever you want.

Literally read a bit more in that exact chapter. We also have the ability to discern what is good and bad.

what are you even talking about

umm. I guess you can look at it like that.

Some of the biggest artists and dj's in the world are involved. it's more about the music the drugs are just a common thing that go with it. Like tomorrow the show with liquid stranger and excision. two of the biggest names in the EDM genre,,, I'll be working with them tomorrow. It's fun

it does sound fun.


*honks you while you're defenseless*



You're obviously supposed to see someone trying to get you to do bad/evil things and just go alone with it!
I don't believe in God but it really annoys me when people pick and choose lines like those, good to see you actually know your book.
I misjudged you and I'm sorry for that, I'm quick to assume things of people these days.

Then what justification do you have for still fucking dudes and doing constant drugs?

If you had any inclination of faith, why would you continue to intentionally sin only justifying it with "no Jesus forgives me for not being perfect".

I was making an ill-advised poke because the only people who have legitimately tried to make an argument that my work was fake and I was making the whole thing up were using the bible as a citation.

At least I get to avoid the conspiracy-theorist.

Maybe he doesn't have a strong will

everyone in this threadbe worshippin

honk honk

to be a fly on that wall

I don't fuck dudes, and I rarely take drugs.. lmao....



I have a few buddies that work with apollo samples and they get the conspiracy theorists.
I do not envy them.

most people in the crowd do drugs because it enhances the music.

People who haven't touched drugs and shit usually don't get it.

There are deeper esoteric circles that can get you to see God himself but the Bible is just surface level practice to unite people under the church/state of the Roman empire.... oh wait there's branches or whatever now. It all seems to be getting pointless now does it.

i guess i'd have to bring my own chair then

it'd be my dream to contaminate them with my touch

Anyone who used the Bible to argue space rocks are fake is outwardly retarded. That has nothing to do with faith.

I only really talk about it when I see a reason to, and even now I'm not trying to be preachy. Just adding my two cents.

yea. I rarely take drugs. only on special occasions.

I dont view drugs like mdma and coke as worse then alcohol or anything.

alright now we're getting to a rough spot

And that's why a large portion of Protestant groups that supported prohibition and still to this day view alcohol as a sin.

but conspiracy theorists are already contaminated

What about the young-earthers?
at least in the rural south where my family lives, they make up a sizable portion of the population.


yea, but im just talking in general how alcohol is viewed as less bad.

i meant the samples bic

you might go to jail.

That's not the point of any of this. The fact you can't even discern the process of "making yourself Christ-like" and will try to go on a tangent about alcohol, ignoring that it too is viewed as sin.


yeah, basically

I can't say anything about young earthers, but a lot of them have a hard time even maintaining that to themselves.

I'm trying to be more christ like. I have been getting better... like I said i'm not perfect.

it's not like you know me irl you don't see the good things I do.

me the left

you only look at the negative. because that's all you care about.

It's mostly because they live in an echo-chamber and the only people they have seen make arguments to the contrary are either outsiders or on TV.
Trying to explain to my cousin how a fossil on the top of a mountain wasn't proof for the flood was an uphill battle.



whats it like being a mouse ?

Hello Cato, will you be remembering this great night as the raves go on and we get mad religious up in the EDM join?

Me the right

I am actually very disappointed that no music has been posted yet.

I've never sent anyone to jail, seeing UI in this state does push me to my limits though and it's fun for him to watch me struggle so I hope he looks back on this and really views what's in store for him.

that sucks

never sent anyone to jail ? huh ?

"Being Christ-like" isn't doing drugs and fucking dudes, two things you would've eschewed completely.

You should get a moon rock

life is generally a disappointment

I'm surprised this guy who used his hidden talents which I ignored is going for the second round, why not you post some.

I like being earnest most of the time but what I meant to say is it's pretty downhill in jail.

It sounds like a horrible conversation.
A lot of that isn't their fault though, it's how they were raised.


yeah usually
how it tends to go

That's going to turn me into a beast isn't it.

it tends to it very well though doesn't it

not always but
usually yeah

I dont want him with my gf

I actually hove no idea who it is.

Let's get this started, I enjoy this song more than I should

Sometimes it's nice to have a good debate, and they tend to put up with it a lot better when you're family so it isn't too bad.

And I guess that second part is true, but still.

I just got my first moon rock and I don't think I'm a beast yet.
my favorite dealer has an unclassified one right now that is going for much cheaper than lunars usually do

Send help I think I accidentally made a friend

Like actual moon rocks from the moon? Isn't that against the law to sell moon rocks?


It is illegal to sell the ones that we picked up on the moon, but there are lunar meteorites

He's gonna ghost around and act foxy though because he hates me now and he's probably seen me do lewd things, he shouldn't escape that mentality so quickly tbh.

Let's go with this;

Ah I see. I have a moldavite that has a ton of energy radiating from it like it has borilium-10 in it or something.

im confused

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