The Rebel media is starting to die, how do we kill it off for good?

The Rebel media is starting to die, how do we kill it off for good?

They do have 800 000 subscribers and are a real force of the capitalist right here in Canada.

One of their longest serving reporters and co-founder Brian Lilley has quit today.

Ezra Levant was forced to start saying he isn't alt-right suddenly, two prominent Conservative politicians are disavowing them, and a few more are likely to follow.

What can we do to push them over the edge?

can we get this cancelled?

Spam nigger in their comments.


a torpedo, preferably

let's go on the cruise!

They've become pretty pro Israel recently so they get a pass.

sink the boat

kill yourself Holla Forums

Get out of here poltard, I can't stand you anti-semites.

have you tried going to back >>>/reddit/?

False flaggers will be crucified like the great proletarian hero Spartacus.

let it happen. get /ourguy/ on the boat to take pictures. show the world that the only people who believe in aut-right bullshit are manlets.

they're their own worst enemies.


we are more anti-israel than Holla Forums you idiots

Look, I'm just saying that Rebel media has started moving in a better direction, they used to publish a lot of anti jewish articles.

Do you not know what a vpn is?

which one of you is going on the boat?

there is nothing even remotely in the right direction about supporting Israelis and their genocide of Palestinians. I hope liberals like you eat shit, choke, and perish from this earth.

Do you know what a ban hammer is? If I find you are a dirty Holla Forumsyp raiding than your ass is grass.

and this redeems them how?

i'd get too triggered. im hyper allergic to autism.

Fucking mods….

So, you don't understand what a vpn is then? ok

Not hating israel doesn't make you automatically a liberal. They've done some things, but everyone gets their hands dirty know and then.

Oh idk, less hate speech maybe? If they change their stance on the jewish people, they might change their stance on capitalism.

they're only changing their stance because of financial/capitalistic pressure. there's no chance they drop capitalism. none. im having trouble telling if youre trolling at this point.


late capitalism is so surreal

I feel like you're just trying to slide the thread into israel vs palestine so I'm not going to respond.

Maybe you're right, I thought it was from complaints of extremism. I don't know, they seem to respond to criticism is all i was getting at and they might be susceptible to change even away from capitalism.
They had a lot of anti-semitic viewers but they still changed their stance pretty quickly after complaints.

complaints of extremism=threaten their business. same reason those aut-right protestors got fired from their jobs. extremism is bad for business.

So we should complain about their capitalism then? If they think it's bad for business then they'll change

I know this is bait, but I can't help responding. I understand your opinion but you should be more sensitive to your jewish brothers and sisters fighting along side you.

extremism is bad for business, they will always be pro-business, but at this very moment there is an opportunity to shut them down entirely and ruin everything they built up.

You don't worry about them being too extreme or not, but it is a pro-capital media source that is currently in a vulnerable position.

(If I could shut down the NYT tomorrow over some shit they did I'd try to do that too, but nyt is a lot more savvy than some scummy leaf rag)

media outlets are a dime a fucking dozen. killing it will do nothing as another shithole will form in its place
also they do a good job committing suicide themselves by not being far-right enough for their shit-for-brains audience. look at the comment section on their "white nationalism is bad, as explained by a token black conservative guy" video lel

they have like literally 800 000 boomer subscribers and are all over old people fb in a way that doesn't compare with other media outlets at all in canada.

plus they created lauren southern and proudboys is a serious offshoot of theirs thru Gavin.

Btw, Didn't Gavin get enough of a pay-out from his Vice money? Why the fuck does he have to go on a cruise with literal autistic and geriatrics?

You forgot add this chick.

i want to pick her nose

Does she have anything to do at all with The Rebel?

Do you not know what idpol stands for? Do you think that's what we refer to Holla Forums, the board, as?

David Duke is really useful

it would be funny if we got some comrades to infiltrate

This guy is a 100% certified CIA spook imo, literally fighting the alt-right and Trump from the inside.

Yeah it's been pretty obvious for a while. Still funny. Nice to see reactionaries getting a taste of the CIA's subversion for a change.
