Who remembers this neat little game

who remembers this neat little game

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what was the point

this is great

and now i know



shouldnt yo be getting ready for bed now ?

I was.

okay well its time for you go to bed so say goodnight

Go to bed


what's up

I dunno. I feel weird. But like... okay at the same time if that makes sense?

Yan left and never came back



Hm well I guess it does but I don't think I can picture what you mean.

Yan died :c

yes, kitten

don't die

Imagine like... being awake and stuff but like... being lost in an abyss in your mind that you don't know what to do with.


His avatars are broken in Vrchat

Maybe he got upset ?



Ian! If you're still around, get on Steam and tell me about that movie!

I was browsing the Nerve Center and saw this thread. I'd like to point out that if you drink the glass of clean water, then there is a chance that you may end up raising a child, unless you wear a rubber glove inside your mouth so that you have no sensation of the water as it passes over your tongue.

Sounds like you have depression. At least that's probably the most accurate description of mine that I've ever read.

I think he went out or something on an emergency.

And I think you blame yourself way too much for too many things

thanks for the shitpost user, we appreciate it anyways

whatcha doing


Maybe, mysterious stranger.


You're just as mysterious to me, so maybe you're the mysterious stranger.

Do I blame myself for things ?

That last line wasn't for anyone here, I don't know how it ended up here. No you don't, you're fine.


I wished a google soul energy to manifest from the nothing into their bank so they get to play with that.

Thats a weird thing to mistype.

Also its starting to look like you're stuck here.




just here?

It wasn't mistyped, it was mis-sent. It was meant for someone in private.

Am I that easy to recognize? I'm sticking around for a bit, don't get used to me yet.


Who are you?

Youtube too.

At first glance I thought that said mega ass

whatcha watching

A few people have taken to calling me Sucy-Q, so I guess you can call me that too.

I think I pick you out pretty easily.

You're just real talented.

weird ass skyrim mod

What's up, nerd?

So who WAS sucy all along?

I think I can pick you out pretty easily.

Vidya and tutorials.

Who the fuck has taken to calling you that?

Read my posts, nerd and you'll know.

you know what

just ignore my last post

I must be really tired or something

I'm your worse nightmare.
And Hu's future husbando apparently.


Yan, and a few nerds. It was strawpolled as my name.

I'm tired too. Come sleep.

an older poster who's been around here for a while but chose not to reference their previous personas

i can assume this is because they must not like the way they used to act and choose to either put on a new front, or they just weren't well liked maybe

ecks dee
it's a meme now

What kinda tutorials?

I have to get drunk on VRchat again tonight.

been a while since i saw that triptag i think

I can't
I'm too busy watching anime

Yeah but Ban had you figured out.


No come sleep.
You're in no state to vrchat and I need a sleeping friend.

I have you figured out.

you're sick
stop drinking you idiot

I guess I'll get magically drunk and paint without using dark energy :/

But Its only 8pm

I won't get better :(

Sick nasty cool and popular?

yeah if you keep drinking

back to skyrim

Funny how that's exactly your bed time isn't it.

You were saying you knew who they were, I thought.

What does having me figured out entail?

Whatever it is about people where they can't let someone sleep it needs to stop.

That's not funny

I know you're Squiddy. I'm sure of it.

But I had fun.

Is it though ?

I normally go to sleep past midnight

I do

I was inviting you to VRchat

Yup. Bed.


Now I need to find the long version of this

no step on snek

where all the cute boys at


Just 1 more youtube video mom

Oh, I didn't even look at the other because you picked the one I mentioned you to reply to.
Fuck, sure, why the fuck not. I need to watch an episode of anime with a nerd first though.

It's times like these where I must drink.


my intel tells me you are not a boy

Tell them to fuck off

Your intel is Grim and he's in denial.

we are five minutes in already



perfect timing

i dont talk to grim so that doesnt add up

this is the second episode we have watched. I'd watch a third if it wasn't for me not being able to watch a third because of circumstance


i wonder is squiddy is like one of those gross super weebs that GTO makes fun of because he lieks gundam

He is.

No u

I LITERALLY despise everything that isn't japanese
waitu piggu go home

Someone rather run down and get one meme

I think I'd rather walk down and get em all u know what I'm talkin about right


beer thirty?

Oh, who is your intel then?




What dis mean

I think I need to be on drugs to watch this

No u

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pop Team Ebin. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pop culture most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Popuko's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into xer's characterisation - xer's personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Pop Team Ebin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Popuko's absurdist catchphrase "I'll do my best for the whole day today," which itself is a cryptic reference to Camus' philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jun Aoki's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Pop Team Ebin tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

W-Why am I being mocked?

going to sleep. sucy-q out.

i like you spectre. you're a good guy.

you're not, you're very nice and i was just picking a random gifreact

my own knowledge of you

This is not true.

Goodnight, and sleep well.

Good night!

my feet are cold

are you fucking serious

i just got done replaying chrono trigger from the start and i watch the first episode of pop team epic and it references the pendant scene

gimme a manga to read that isn't shit

Are u nerd enough to get all the references tho

What if I secretly get off on pain though >.>;

Then you should electrocute your nipples I guess

maybe next week



Oh, well it's misinformed.

Mitsuboshi Colors

Saving this image.

Not saving this image.

Are those all yuri?

I made the mistake of unlocking my third eye chakra and it quickly started burning out so I immediately locked it again. Apparently there's this constant flux of energy streaming through me and these locks keep me from burning up to a crisp.

Only the last is.

ain't she just the cutest

dammit morty, i told you not to look at the truth turtles eyes, now you're going to know everything!


But I need to know everything to do my god damned job


That's pretty much what happened to the trans plutonians on their moon base next to Saturn yesterday

haha is this like where you trip out and pretend to have some spiritual significant impact on reality that's just invisible?

sure why not

Fake it 'til ya make it.

No probs.

I couldn't do it d00d

Not surprising, trans people are discriminated against even in space wars

Couldn't do what?

just a shitpost, only shitposting haha

I dropped Pop Team Epic

Just marathon it when you're drunk or high some time

its just a 12 minute one shot comedy sketch

and there's only two episodes out

you are weak

Wish isn't ready for the new age of anime

Arguably, humanity in general isn't

But there's no stopping it now

Andromalius thinks we are exceptional enough.

Yeah, but it's bad.

its meh, ill probably only check it out when im really sad and intoxicated, most of the time i just want something engrossing for entertainment

you probably super fried right now though

im not sure what else you were expecting from Stocking :^)

the new age is pretty much the same as all the rest

does anyone here not believe that IQ is a valid measure of intelligence?

go away we're having fun

so i found a 2 liter of mountain dew and haven't had pop in years, time to see where this goes

It's not.

kssssssh, uhhhh red leader, advise, do not engage the target

hey kanra where is your recommended book list

erio can you just post all the IQ related shitposts you have right now, like dump them


my fun is telling people they're wrong

do you know what IQ is?

what makes for a higher score, and what makes for a lower score?

can't stop me now

and that's why people have never liked you

IQ tests are a lot like playing a game of trivial pursuit

kanra dont make me say some violent things that will trigger your 140 iq and quantum energy transfer my words into reality

Telescopes use mirrors so we can't use them to know if there are vampires in space

Goodie two shoes boi

NGNL movie soon

The age is dead

Long live the age

The Pop Team Epic is the only one I have saved other than somewhere in Discord logs I guess

Yeah, but I personally don't think it's a good measure.


is this what sugar highs are like i forget, i hope i dont have diabetes or something

depends on what you want. I can only reccomend the books I've read, which isn't an extensive list.

or rather, why not?

you're right. do you like me now?

oh cmon.

I doubt my IQ is that high.

More than I expect from you :^)

Yes, exactly.

You've proven through your many interactions here with people and with your life decisions that your intelligence isn't as high as you think it to be.

Stop stroking yourself. If you want to try to be met with some positivity here, try to relate with other things we might be able to match and discuss with you.

Just stop. For your own sanity.

The trick is to get one of the main guys to contact you and download all of their intel while they are trying to parlay then execute them.

Do NOT listen to Grim.

shut the FUCK UP DARWIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but do you get what makes for a higher score?

like during the test, they give you patterns and tasks, and depending on how many correct answers you get and how quickly, that results in a number.

in life, there are patterns and tasks, and how many and how quickly you solve them, can be said to be a measure of your intelligence. can't it?

wink wink

some of that psychology stuff they like so much ;) WONK

how smart do you think I think I am, Grim?

positivity... there's more to relating with others than being positive.



I feel like it's more a gauge on your intellectual capacity.
Not just how smart you are.

No comment.

Why are you here?

Hi subby

why are YOU here, Grim?


well, that's all it is. a guage on your capacity.

how smart you are depends on a lot more things imo. so we agree there.

why are any of us here? different reasons at different times.

whos subby? you don't think thats subjectivefag right

Three S's

and Saving

I don't fuckin know
it was a guess

hello my dear hu
how was your exam

look how okay that went.

you people get worked up over nothing.

I can't imagine I have a high IQ honestly.

definitely not subjectivefag

as for me, im just here to see all your smiling faces

no thats literally you

To be fair he asked one question and you guys went at him for no real reason.


those who do not pay attention to history are doomed to repeat it, its not like i plan on needling them until they leave or anything, they are welcome to post but as Grim said try to observe and learn

Whoa, this place hasn't fallen apart yet.
That's a fucking miracle I guess.

also who was totally fucking right about wastelander leaving and everyone forgetting about them

this guy

Hard to get much when you guys go after him any time he posts regardless of content.

we get people like you every other week lmao

Couldn't have gone better. Ended up passing it with the highest possible grade.
How's Grim?

Don't worry Grim. All this is just extra time for us now.

thats not true, he could say hello and ask me about my day and id treat him like any other poster here

thats what most posters do, say hi and ask about me

*I hold your strong paws in my small hands*
Matthew-dono...they are so warm...

same. I know I'm not dumb. but it's not worth thinking about that much. probably useful to know your own capacity, but just as anyone has the capacity to make healthy choices and be fit, doesn't mean we'll try.

high IQ, essentially, means learning things involving patterns, comes easier to you.

easier means it takes less effort.

so high IQ people simply require less effort to understand patterns. just in case you didn't know.

nigga, i might be tripping out on a sugar high but what the flying fuck you doing

I'm only here like once every two or three months, don't expect me to know much of the shit that goes on.

oh come off it i remember the last time you stopped by and we were just as active then, we're making it to 2 million and way way past!!

I can't recall the last time I took one of those tests.

Your tail is so strong and thick.


actually its been absurdly active here all things considered, there's been like 5000 posts in the past two and a half days

Yeah, I think last time I was on I was still working two jobs. Pre-hospitalization I think, though my memory sucks so don't trust me on that one.

And then we ask, "what were you in the hospital for?"

it was only like a one and a half to two months ago tbh, i think you were around close to after halloween but before thanksgiving?


So, yeah, then that was before I spent a week in a fucking hospital... Nice to know.

Side note, whoever though putting the cardiac patients in the same wing, on the same floor as all the elderly dementia and Alzheimer's patients needs to be put through the sleepless hell I went through.

you had a heart problem? that doesnt sound too good

honestly, I can't reccomend it. I've never taken an official IQ test, and I'm nervous of what it'd turn out to be.

I just know that, whether I like it or not, it says something about capacity, and it plays a role in how I see the world every day.

It's not like it suddenly changes who you are.

patterns are all related to how things are connected, getting a more basic understanding of how we ultimately see the most basic of building blocks that make up the reality in which we are stuck can help boost that understanding some

it's kind of funny how Richard Dawkins is credited with coining a term with which he now tries to distance himself from, yet it is the meme that he is most well known for being the "father" of, even though he is not the first to express the idea.

i recommend completely reconsidering how it is you meet and gauge people entirely before you try to set yourself against anyone else. who doesn't want to feel strong? who doesn't want victories over other people. but there are right and wrong ways to attempt to measure yourself, and i think you know that.

memetics is just the field that deals with cultural ideas and how they spread in general, and meme was supposed to closely correlate with the word gene in terms of meaning.

exactly. you're still the same person before and after you take a test.

there are definitely things worth learning and understanding about yourself, that should change your life.

like whether you're predisposed towards diabetes.

honestly, I don't even wanna talk about this stuff. but thanks for talking w/ me anyways.

Essentially whatever head cold I had a week before went south and started fucking with my heart muscles making them inflamed and painful as hell. Spent a week there because I guess that kind of thing is kind of annoying (and expensive) to diagnose.

all ive gotten out of brave new world is that aldous huxley was obsessed with tits

Literally everyone who thinks it's shit has tested low IQ.
Literally everyone who thinks it's good has tested high IQ.

It's all self-fulfillment.
The only logical route is to not care.

Not a problem.
We can talk about whatever.

that sounds super lame :( i hope you are feeling better now!

i tested high as a kid and i still think its bullshit

Don't spoil it for me.

i keep forgetting about things i really want to watch until i already get in the middle of some dumb bullshit lmao

hey guys im trans now. my new name is. liam


hey gyus im trans now. my new name is. logan

there are lots of small things to get out of it.

the further you get in the story, the more you can get out of it.

how do you feel about Bernard?

hes okay

This. Fucking this.

Yeah, feel fine now. The only pain in the ass for me was the medical bills afterwards, but I have most of those paid off now. Just waiting on a couple more for some follow up exams but those are in Insurance Limbo at the moment so I probably won't see those for another month or so.
On the bright side, I'm only working one job now and it pays pretty well.

that is a pretty bright side, im not looking forward to my next medical emergency and i hope it stays nice and far away! on the flip side ive already been sick all winter anyways or so it seems like.

I honestly don't know. maybe in a few days. I've sorta narrowed my horizons immensely. and I'd ask about what you're up to, but I think it'd be more honest to ask you when I really want to listen, instead of just asking.

It's probably autistic to take it apart like that, but at least you'll know I want to know when I ask, and I'm not just asking.

I'm well, but if you want to hold off that's fine.

i liked the dogs with the different shirts on better


to you, maybe. but he's a weirdo.

But yeah. Hospital stay was a wake up call for me. I'm trying to get back in shape, work out more, and focus on what I want to do with my life and my goals and such.
Like I said, I quit my night job, and that was step one. I work at a bank right now, so I make more than enough for what I need. I'm looking into getting another project car, might take a week to go to Japan to look for one to import, also looking into more nerd projects involving custom keyboards and retro Model M SSK's.

yea. I obviously wish you well and stuff. and would reccomend exercise and healthy eating just, as default advice that's always true. I don't know how to take an appropriate interest in people just yet, but I don't think it involves asking how you're doing without really wanting to know.

or maybe it does. I can ask that if you want me to. and I'll probably care about the answer. just maybe not appropriately.

Listen, dude.
If you want to ask you can. I won't bite or anything. If you don't care to ask that's also fine. We can talk about pretty much anything you care to talk about. So if there is something specific you actually care to talk about, however dull or odd, we can talk about it.

3v3ning guys

Sup nerd

getting down on some fortnite with some irl buddies but I died ofcoursecause I suck at thisgame :/ wats up with you tonight?

Not much. My usual friend group is playing Divinity together and I fucking hate that game so here I am because being a normie on reddit on my space time has gotten boring as fuck lately.

maybe in a few days. there's nothing I really care to talk about right now. but I wouldn't want to waste your life with anything too dull or odd. but I really appreciate the explaining and stuff.

It's 1 am on a Sunday.
I don't have a lot to do so the chatter is enjoyable either way.

I'm just playing Ape Escape 3.

thats really neat, im a little too tired to look all of that up and properly comment on it but it's important to keep yourself interested in things and give yourself stuff to work on and learn


im just going around in modded oblivion and watching it crash every few minutes

Isn't that just a regular Bethesda experience?

nice. I'm to get high. not sure how high I should get. mind if I ask you how high I should get? any answer is fine, really. I'm done being productive today.

As high as you want really.

one million

tea more or less

Smoke like this

I'm just sitting around feeling my brain relax.


Everyone please take a moment to let go of any tension you may have in your anus

Fart fetishes r gross

*smokes the weed with kanra and erio and fucking george vaping from his moms thing lmao*

It's a struggle. It's a very real struggle. And my fucking normie IRL friends are all asleep so I can't even enjoy some Overwatch with them either.

Just... Don't reach the point where you pass out and start having nightmares about void faced demon fucks eating you. Trust me when I say this, I don't get nightmares often, but that was just a whole lot of nope.

Don't make this about farts u little perv

His mom has a vape?

How is that not about farting?

I'm not sure how high I want to get. but it's too late to start anything productive. meh.

seems risky. unpredictable. if I take that to mean 'as high as possible'.

smoking just the stem results in headaches.

i guess she does

Um...what. It wasn't me I swear.

Come on Wish

U know what I mean

Do you actually have to keep your anus tense all the way to hold your farts in? That would explain a lot :3

I wasn't sure what you meant by "thing"

I thought maybe he got creative with a vibrator or something

Yes. It matches perfectly

*all the time

yay anime!

hope you're using a vape.

weed has stopped me from dreaming. or maybe I dream but don't care enough to remember them. maybe I'll have one tonight because you mentioned it.

who has a ps4 here ?

i wanna play some dragon ball fighter z open beta

it starts in 50 minutes


Good interpretation

No I'm not going to fart cummies

Saw this and thought of u

I don't know what school of sorcery involves such a thing

do you not like weed?


I can't believe Canaan is a FUCKING NORMIE

No, my ass isn't loose like yours because I'm not a slut and still have my anal virginity.

saw this and thought of u

How high do you normally get?

I do.

saw this and thought of u

saw this and thought of u

i finally lost it and decided to kill all the guards in the imperial city

I know it wasn't you, it was me if I remember right. I looked into a mirror, saw my reflection had a black void where my face was supposed to be, then that thing fucking jumped out of the mirror and ate me, I woke up so scared that it set off the vital monitors I was wired up to (this was during my hospital stay back in November). Spooked me real good, I don't want to relive it any time soon.

Morphine, dude. Morphine. That stuff will fuck you up no matter what.


How u

Just let go of the anal tension and you won't feel the need to make posts of this nature

Don't be afraid

What manner of meme is this

download the beta !! its 2.4 gb

I think that'd fit lili more these days.

But if I lose my anal tension then I'm just going to shit everywhere and I'll make shit posts.

depends on how I'm feeling. and then I forget.

I'm good.

Just don't go overboard.

If you really have to keep your anus tense all the time to hold your poop in, then I recommend just using a butt plug instead

Stop trying to rape me.

So when a man loves another man very much they get together so one of them can plant their seed into the other.

you shouldnt have said anything you big stinker

This response proves you're a female and also that you use Tumblr

i already knew you had a ps4 anyways



I don't know what even a Tumblr is tbh

I know all too well


Do you have one?

we'll see in like, a bunch of minutes.


it helps to hear that. but I won't.

Not the response I was expecting but okay...

BUT if you used the ability called (inferring) you could have told by the rest of my post i was only interested in people who BOTH
have a ps4
wanted to play dragon ball fighterz


It's good for art and memes and stuff

Well the answer will inevitably be that you're good if you just smonk enough

So you're female.

The clarity of your post shouldn't be dictated by my ability to read your mysteries.

BTW I'm trans now.

u caught me

Sorry if I accidentally forget to use feminine pronouns when talking about u as I get used to it

I go by This Old Bitch now.


i thought that was like awhile ago
didnt you already announce it

-sets out a new basket of pears for Ika. Hopes she's eating enough so she can stay warm.-

Oh I think this is from the thing Bart posted

Please understand that this is the real me.

Okay bitch



Okay, one quick question for the petrolheads here before I fuck off for two more months?

Project car. Should I get another S chassis (probably an S13 hatch, JDM 180sx because USDM 240's are all beat to shit), or an FC RX7.
If I get an S13, it's gonna be given the Sileighty treatment and an RB20 or RB25 swap.
If I get an FC, it's getting a 3 rotor swap (fuck LS engines), probably bridgeported, probably gonna keep it NA.

What do Holla Forums?

Ask someone who cares.

FC RX7 so you fuck off faster :^)

Wish made me laugh.

I thought I was filtered.


I am merciful.

i didnt know i had energizer batteries from japan, america, and china

you dont really think about where things are made till you look

also no i am not using a vape lmao

you can't unlock godlocks

Don't worry. I'm here now.

nope thread ded

its just me, you, and the magic fox that keeps making unlinked posts or saying random shit


haha holy shit

