Feminist writes creepy poem in which she pretends to have dated pisspiggranddad

Some woke intersectional dipshit has written a poem in which she pretends to be Brace Belden/pisspiggranddad (ex-)gf and accuses him of being fame-seeking, calls him an anarchist (even though he's an M-L), not caring about his loved ones at home, using Kurdish combatants as shields, not caring about justice in the US and not doing the dishes cuz he's a fucking hwhite male dudebro.

The whole poem is just a list of unsubstantiated accusations against a person she pretends to know but actually doens't.

PPG's actual gf's response: mobile.twitter.com/ohjennyboy/status/893734662165716992

the article/poems:



Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus Christ. What is this garbage? It's both moronic and pathetically written

What the fuck is this shit?

And I thought Buzzfeed couldn't get worse.

take this eceleb drama bullshit back to twitter

LOL, what the fuck? These people are fucking insane.

PPG is more than an e-celeb


you are disrespecting Holla Forums's troop

Stop that you fucking BITCH

why do people like this exist in this world

this is how woke people treat people who fly half-way around the world to join a bunch of brown people who are fighting ISIS: they're still selfish dudebros in their eyes.

just imagine this girl or any other woke asshole writing this about a man who enlisted in the regular US military and fought in Afghanistan or Iraq, they wouldn't dare criticise the US military, so they fuck with actual leftists. This is why these ultra woke people are just edgy libs who don't acutally want real change beyond aesthetics

Wait he's an ML, not an anarchist?

just remove mobile from the URL you sperg


Make me

Posting is warfare for radical centrists.

>uses the word "lumpenproletariat" to denote a person of low social standing

I want hipsters to die in a fire

Yes, I think he said so in the Chapo interview or some other podcasts. He also tweeted about it, which this 'poet' actually quoted in her poem, but she still calls him an anarchist. That just shows how little research this bitch actually did.

God I hope to see the day when feminists make slam poetry going on tirades about how awful the left is while making it sound great.

And when you thought it couldn't get any fucking worse, her book of poetry is being published by fucking Lena Dunham.

Facts didn't fit her narrative so she literally made up a story in her mind and presented it as truth.


I'm convinced all she knows about Brace is that stupid Rolling Stone article that got picked up for a Jake Gyllenhaal movie.

Imagine being such a vile person that you are friends with Lena Dunham.

She has done nothing wrong apart from write a bad poem, some of the themes are correct anyway.
I hope RedKahina helped write it.

Forgot my shitposting flag.

I hope RedKahina has a stroke thinking up another dumb ass conspiracy while she cosplay revolutionaries in her inherited porn money mansion.

If this didn't have line breaks, it wouldn't be a poem, it would be a nervous break down.

Tweet her directly tough guy

dumb hipster cunt thinks she has any talent to try and mimic ee cummings

Would if she wasn't a broken brained twitter tankie and didn't have half of the website blocked.

This makes me worry about her mental sanity tbh



What the fuck is a handmaiden woman socialist, why are they sexist and why does Twitter always disappear up its own ass?

I'm guessing they are female socialists that adhere to traditional gender roles i.e. Women that want to stay home, raise children, do House work etc. it's liberals once again showing how capitalists they by making looking down on workers because they labor is not commoditified.

Are you autistic or just looking for things to be mad at? That tweet is painfully obviously a joke, posted because it represents some parts of that shitty poem.

Women who disagree with bourgeois feminists

I assumed it was a reference to this bullshit. Pic related.

You know, if you aren't an out-and-out man-hater, that means you want a brutal theocracy where women have no rights and are only valued for their capacity to produce children.

It's the same logic that says that if you don't adhere 100% to my particular gender theory, that means you want to murder all transgender people and probably all other forms of LGBTQ people as well.

its a tweet making fun of neoliberal feminists you guys


Someone wrote a response that was so devastating that it made the poet apologize.
Read the whole thing. It's fucking murder.

While the vagueness makes it funnier, it's specifically about Katherine Cross, who went on a tirade about "brocialists" and "those women that agree with bros".

Just answering Rojavafag's question

Ugh ironic humor I guess. Can people take a break from that for like a year so I can reset my baseline as to what is ridiculous enough to be assumed to be ironic.

I'd think the quotation marks and roleplay asterisks would make it rather obvious, really.

The handmaidens tale is crap. You could easily have made a story about rigid patriarchies were women essentially are breeding stock, without having to set it in some dystopian "the end of the world means totalitarianism guys" scenario. Plenty of such rigid patriarchies have existed historically and exist today. Setting it in a vapid unrealistic universe only makes it less useful for actually analysing real world gender differences and patriarchy.

What a great poem, especially writing rapey stuff about that guy she never met:

Anyway, here is my poem about Jenny Zhang:

u kick 10k kittens

tumblring down the odessa steps

u smear ur secretions

on the dishes that i cleaned

again and again and so on *sniff*

in chains in

ur underground rape dungeon

u made me sissy-phus with syphilis

u murdered my entire family

and erased all my pokemon

u uppercut me so hard i fell down a pit

mate wot u do 2 me

is so disgusting not even Kurt Eichenwald could fap to it

a non-bourgeois feminist, who doesn't worship Hillary or Kamala Harris. They're accusing socialist women who dislike female centrist of only doing it for the men.

I'm a lit major, the shittiness of this make my blood boil on purely aesthetic level that is one ugly ass set of words

*single tear falling* It's so beautiful

Are women even human?

"Feminists" that accidentally do very woman hater shit are never not funny.

Who knew a shitty poem could bring down a whole natlib movement.
People are being overly hysterical about this, mostly because someone dared speak ill of muh kurds and a e-celeb



She's literally presenting a big schizoid delusion as fact, you retard.

People desperately trying to appear smart come off ad really dumb.


Read this.
Really? No man is remembered for feeding the poor. What about that one very important cultural and religious figure? The one central to most of western canon? YOU KNOW THE ONE BURGERS WILL NEVER STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT

I those who think themselves enlightened are the most ignorant of all.

I didn't realize that we were apparently Chad enough for that sort of thing. Good to know.

why are liberals so self centred, petty and childish? it seems like they don't even have a concept of good and evil beyond YASS QUEEN and muh dudebros

Politics is mostly a sport or spectacle to these people (and in their defense it mostly is, though not in the way they think.)


Why is she attacking him?

When the fuck is the vampire's castle going to crumble?
Is the internet doomed to eternal SJW vs alt-right slapfights until we all fucking die?

As the liberals grow more retarded the bricks are being removed. The growth of the left will stake the nosferatu, the revolution will cut its head off and stuff it with garlic.

is it bad that i hate liberals more than fascists at this point

inter-sectional liberals are unironically turning me into a nazbol

can't wait for cultural posadism tbqh.

No, Liberals are far more of a threat to us currently and of nazis took power liberals would back them.

some of the comments on this are pretty funny

i don't want to be hard on ALL liberals, but the one's that are bad are so insufferable that i want to poke out my eardrums


what's PPG's current twitter handle?

fucking feminists. You ain’t left.

If I'm hard on fellow commies I will be hard on liberals. Every time some well off twat tweets about hating men from her comfortable apartment after being fucked by her well off boyfriend they are fueling reactionary responses. It pisses me the fuck off that these fucking idiots throw gas on the fire then act surprised when there's a reactionary backlash. And on top of that dogging socialists for not supporting liberals against the reactionaries because they don't like capitalism. Fuck liberals, fuck them all.


Imagine my shock

He's banned @ohjennyboy is his girlfriend

Feminism is probably the biggest thing holding back a true leftist movement. The most pro-left candidate we had in decades was defeated by an establishment shill, and feminists celebrated because Hillary had a vagina.



liberal feminism ≠ feminism

unless leftypol understands this it'll always be a joke and since it can barely argue against the lone Holla Forumstard you really are


I believe that most understand this difference. Surely. They must.

currently existing 'feminism' is embedded with post-fordian forms of management.

If 99% of feminists are anti-male, then feminism is anti-male user. Every feminist who has tried to fix the movement has been thrown out.
Unless leftypol defeats feminism it will never be successful since feminism has destroyed the left

are you serious?
this board functions as only a lolicon and "anti-idpol" hub, I'm literally in a "cultural marxism" thread made by a lost Holla Forumstard and leftypol is struggling Holla Forums literally struggling with a fucking Holla Forumstard that is just so fucking sad
I only use leftpol for the lolicon news thread and sniping the occasional meme at this point reddit has better conversions than this FUCKING REDDIT

I'm so sorry r/socialism the cess pit doesn't allow nazbol am so sorry


pick one

Is "handmaiden" the new "house negro?"

Yes, reddit, a place where you can be fucking banned for using the word "stupid", is a better place for discussion. Christ, you're retarded.


why? Because we don't censor like most other """leftist""" forums, which means that not every single person here is a leftist? Allowing other people to come here and debate us is a good thing, I'm sorry you're used to echo-chambers.
Or are you just upset that we rejected your manhating cult unlike other """leftist""" forums, all of which care more about guaranteeing women a variety of special muh privileges than they do about true leftism


You're right user, you've convinced me. #ImWithHer! Fuck that misoggynistic Bernie and his Bernie Bros, true leftism will stand up against those brosocialists. What kind of leftist could tolerate mansplaining or think that men deserve rights too?

capitalism has always been a fundamentally social people managing system. corporate diversity is a multimillion dollar industry with its own implicit political ideology, in which 'progress' is equated with individual advancement within capitalism. pomo philosophers such as Deleuze and Foucault referred to this new paradigm as the society of control.


The current liberal reality is worse than the threatened fascist boogyman at this point, so I would say that is a perfectly rational reaction.

You can do fiction, then it better be exciting. Or you can write about your real experience, and if the story isn't as wild as in the best fictional stories, and what the characters say isn't as wise, that isn't so bad, because you get the IT-REALLY-HAPPENED attention bonus. What is this piece of… ? Is this the "solution" for people who don't have the life for an interesting biography, nor the talent to make a story interesting even when the audience knows it to be an invention? Just do your half-assed thing and make it fake-authentic then, who cares about the real people you drag into this, the collateral damage of your attention-seeking bullshit missile.

Write fiction and be honest that it is fiction. Or write about real people and be real. This poem is proof that centrism in art doesn't work.

maybe not having shity politics that would lead you there???

so many (you)s

Are you trying to be the new Hoochie?

I don't go to those places for the aforementioned reason, genius. The only reason I even know about that is the screencaps I've seen. You, on the other hand, explicitly admitted you frequent reddit, so maybe you should go back there and spare us the entry-level shitposting.

and /r/latestagecapitalism. Only good leftist subs were the Bernie ones, but obviously those died down. And they were good because they saw how much Bernie was being attacked just for being a man and how much Hillary was using her gender as a weapon. So they rejected feminists like you and instead defended Bernie and his "Bernie Bros" against sexist attacks while criticizing HRC supporters for constantly playing the woman card

True leftism doesn't mean saying that we can never criticize a corporate shill just because she's a woman, or that we can't vote for an actual left candidate because he has a penis.

You have to go back


anarchist meme sub and ultra subs (/r/communization etc) are good

the problem with idpol discourse fetishisation is you will always end siding with manipulative neoliberals who have shitty politics but know how to use the right idpol shibbolets and beat people over their heads with them.

This is your "brain" on idpol.

Probably PMSing.

So she does what most men on the internet did at one point in time in their adolescence

Got it.

Yeah periods definitely turn you into a cartoon caricature.

Just like erections and bulging out eyes in a fucking Ralph Bakshi picture.


Not sure what communities you frequented on the internet but none of guys I knew IRL or online growing up were into writing creepy hate-poems about people they've never met. And she's not an adolescent, she'a fucking grown woman.

You haven't been on the internet long have you

That is anti-social behavior and it should be socially discouraged. Buzzfeed did exactly the opposite of that though, they published her creepy poem. Why defend this shit?

See, this totally reasonable approach with no logistical plan and no idea for consequences is why you should be in charge

About 20 years, tripfag. Shit like in the OP is far from common, I assure you. Not sure why you're so dead-set on defending this piece of shit.

Sounds like a long time and you still haven't learned shit

I am just going to leave this here.

Just filter the tripfags. It makes every thread better.

Give the shitposting a rest, you're not fooling anyone.

I have seen men break down over women to the point of this on the internet. If you haven't you've either been selectively ignoring it or not being aware of it.

I'm not making a universal claim about how the world should work you fucking idiot, I'm giving my opinion on online social dynamics. Stop being so self-important, online really isn't that serious.
Obviously there's no way to stop people from being creepy weirdos, but publicly ridiculing someone for being a creep is both funny and moderately effective at getting them to cut it the fuck out.

This is very obvious

Also I'm not defending this cringy shit I'm saying on a basis of gender human beings are quite equal in embarrassing the fuck out of themselves real fast

I think after this tweet I'm going to start hurting good people too.

Okay? I've "seen" a lot of crazy shit too, doesn't mean I'm gonna make some insanely broad assumptions based off just that.

No fucking shit tripfag, hardly anybody was contesting that.

Where did I make broad assumptions fag

She's not just some dipshit posting cringy poetry online though, she's having her bad behavior rewarded monetarily dumbfuck. People would flip the fuck out if a dude writes something this problematiic and got paid for it, didn't act like there's not a double standard.

When said that stuff like the OP is something most men on the internet do in their adolescence?

worst behavior

Everybody does cringy shit about who they like in their adolescence don't lie


Nothing wrong with that. That's cool

No shit tripfag, but we're talking about a grown woman writing a poem trying to tarnish the reputation of some man she's never met over a perceived political slight, not some gossiping teenagers.


Who cares about a bunch of randos everyone mocks, it's the hypocrisy I'm iffy about

I haven't implied that it's wrong, what I've implied is that I wish for PGG to become my big brother.

Nobody cares tripfag.


I don't care

You're such a faggot. Stop posting.

What hypocrisy?


People who have been cringy and mocked in their lives politically or otherwise mocking the very same.

I keep this picture in my wallet and also a sticker on my shirt

Christ you're insufferable. Not everyone here is hypocritical in the way you're saying they all are. But even if they were that still doesn't make it ok to be a creepy asshole who publishes poems that talk badly about people you've never met. You're the worst kind of relativist. Kill yourself.


Not an argument.

Almost every person on Earth would be a hypocrite according that insanely broad reasoning, you fucking moron. People don't stay the same their entire lives and not all bad deeds are equivalent. Me mocking neo-nazis isn't same as me saying some embarassing thing when I was 10.

Every post by Hoochie is a shitpost. Even when she tries serious posting.


This but vice versa

Every post by you is serious, even when you shitpost?

To a certain extent. Yes.


I hate how poetry has become high on its own bullshit.
They have open mic night for poetry at a bar I go to, and all of it is slam. The cadence and whiny tone of that style is enough to make me want to kill myself. All of them are trying to spill their guts out on stage, but somehow it all end up feeling shallow as hell by the end of the night. I can't really put my finger on why, but as an audience member, I always feel like my empathy is compulsory rather than inspired. There's no attempt to reach out, it's "I'm outraged and I demand you to feel something now".

You're honestly the worst poster on here. Even the dipshit incel Yugoslav poster isn't as bad.

You're honestly the worst poster on here. Even the dipshit incel Yugoslav poster isn't as bad.

Well now I'm just disappointed. I had much higher hopes.

Hard to be disappointed about people's actions on Holla Forums


That is what I said

Yeah I know, I summarized your post in a way that highlighted how dumb it was.

You gave a reddit response, thought it was smart, continue to think its smart, and I'm fingering my asshole right now

Haha sick xD

You wanted intellectual discourse

Haha, you're so random Hoochie xD

REALLY makes me think


More than you usually do browsing the board

Haha, what a great reply Hoochie, keep it up xD


ecks dee.

Pol analysis: Ugly Asian woman fantasizes about having white soldier boy friend, creates deeply triggering and problematic male propaganda for famous Jewess feminist white lady who hates white men.
They both probably fantasize about having an alpha white male bf who can control them.


Lel, there's no way in hell this career seeking, social capital collecting Liberal parasite will ever actually respond to Brace's gf or detract any of her statements. These people aren't just being intellectually dishonest when they conflate the Left with the Right, they honestly don't see a difference. Pic related, something she retweeted just a day ago lel.

I've been kind of suspecting body London is a. Psyop

The anarchist that wrote that article "The myth of The White Radical". It has some salient points but over just something off about it.

There's something a little wrong when you take the idea that white people aren't going to help you this absolutely, that you have to take every single white person on the left, no matter what they are doing or their unique circumstances, and denounce them. It's not a good "praxis", and moreover seems satirize the very ideas you subscribe to.

Probably that she esentially makes the arguement that there's literally never a point when a white person can self-educate enough to actually not be racist, but rather that racism is something almost inherent to white people. She isn't wrong to point out that plenty of Leftists and Liberals only talk about race when it can be done in a way to gain social capital, basically virtue signaling, but this is the issue with most people who read Settlers, or take Fanon or Frank Wilderson too seriously, or just most Liberals who don't stop and think about what they're actually implying when they make these claims, which have become so popular in academia through Post-Structuralism, Postcolonial, Queer, and Decolonial studies. The claim is that one's subject positionality essentially determines everything they'll ever think or believe, and while that may be true in the basest sense, in the sense that people will act out of self-interest by default in a society that rewards self-interest, the implication that this kind of thinking is inherent to the human condition is fundamentally reactionary, and a big part of why so many Liberals are so pessimistic and why they reject even the most simple and moderate calls for genuine praxis. The argument here is basically that white supremacy is a sort of "original sin" from which no Leftist, no matter how much time or thinking goes by, can never truly be rid of, and to even think one is rid of this original sin is a heresy even greater then the original sin itself. And this kind of thinking is far more common in idpol circles, Liberal or Leftist, then one would assume.

summerfags need to go away. Come back when you're old enough to not sound like a retard
Hillary Clinton's feminism is the only feminism there is. Just because you wish that feminism was different doesn't make that reality.

when did they take the wordfilter off

kys stupid nigger I will have you know that hillary CLANKton is an anglovite NEGRO LIZARD that will eat your soul if you don't subsctibe to the grorious ideology of BRAUNE(satanic) JUCHE

I'm deeply sorry for this.

Hypocrisy is a spook.

Sounds like an immature reaction tbh

Jenny Zhang is right to remind us that all the foreign volunteers going to Rojava are male. Ivana Hoffmann was a dudebro.

And they say transtrender are a reactionary lie.

Poetry is the lowest form of literature.

kek did you make that

most non whites don't care about what white people think, these attitudes seem to be a product of self absorbed upper middle class white radicals more than anything. there is something perversely calvinist about the whole muh privilege framework. You will be a sinner regardless of what you do, but if you display enough guilt you get to feel superior to other. the system allows them white bourgeois 'radical' to feel superior to the reprobate white worker.

you sound triggered

What, you mean to tell me that someone employed by Lena Dunham and BuzzFeed, attended Stanford and has spent her entire adult life living in San Francisco and Brooklyn doesn't better represent the left than someone who literally put his life on the line? He's white, he can't possibly be a leftist. Her leftist views are stronger because of liberal race science.
