Why in hell are Americans so unwilling to help their fellow citizen...

Why in hell are Americans so unwilling to help their fellow citizen? Like I've never seen anyone from another country be so resistant to basic shit like public health care or basically any basic Keynesian social welfare policy.

How in fuck can American right wingers call themselves "Patriots" or "Nationalists" when they would happily see their entire community die from preventable illness if they don't have to pay a cent? What is a nation beyond a community of people?

How can the right claim they are nationalists, when they literally despise collective action and community?

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forget it jake, it's boomers

America is multicultural. There's no cultural cohesion.

muh individualism

Kinda hard when you're always barely hanging by a thread yourself.

America since its inception has been hyper individualistic. It promoted a culture of fending for yourself and you alone, its governments were established on propertarianist principles.
This was possible due to the vast amount of empty land present. In the early days, a family with no land could go to america, claim free land and start a farm. Their sons could start new farms, or hunt the endless amounts of wildlife.

Europe is vastly different. Every piece of land was farmed to its utmost ability, farms were as small as possible while still being able to support a family. Kings and lords formed a strong goverment and enforced laws. The poor couldn't just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, so in order to keep them from fucking up society, they had to feed the poor somehow. This led to the churches (which had lots of economic power) and lords (which had lots of economic power) to feed them in some way or another. The former by charity and chastity monkhood, the latter by employing them as mercenaries to kill the other mercenaries of the other lords.

In america this wasn't the case. In america, if you didnt like it, you could just leave to the next empty place and do your own thing. In europe, the people had to help each other in order to not get fucked over. Their family members were poor, and unrelated poor people are dangerous if they are desperate. The monks and nuns were 9/10 times not extremely religious, but impoverished people who couldn't make it. The monasteries offered a way to live without hunger and violence and with things to do (grow food, brew beer, write books, sing chants). Those who didnt want a life as a monk or nun either became criminals, mercenaries or prostitutes.

America was born out of individualist philosophy. Its entire culture has had reinforced that individuals can and should do it on their own, because there was always new lands to go to. It wasn't until the industrial revolution in the cities that this changes, and then those worker movements were cancelled out again by the new deal (due to fear of the communists uprising), anti-union laws and the big economic growth post-ww2 due to all other economies being destroyed and all the colonial empires falling apart.

For almost all of its history, america have been fed individualist views. Europe has for most of its history been very densely populated, which requires it to have social cohesion and aid to the poor in order for the powerfull to keep their power and the system not devolving into chaos.

Also is that a boy or a girl?

Boomers grew up with Keynesianism and labor scarcity and were told their success was due to muh bootstraps. Then all that went away and the next generations struggled and holy shit did the boomers get full of themselves for how well they did.

just wait for the boomers to start dying off, then they'll change their tune.

Who is this beauty




60% sure its a tranny…


What a meme, Holla Forums.

She looks like a clone of that turkish anime chick. Or that white anime chick who moved to japan.

This girl?

Fuck, why is she so fucking beautiful, this is insane. I would give zero shits if she used to be a man, I would swallow the ocean if it made her happy.

Yeah that one. I can't even figure out who the other chick I was thinking of cuz this isn't her but similar:


Youtube use to pimp that weird white girl's videos all the time where she would just stare at the camera

Sorry* for derailing the discussion, guys. Have this vintage video art from 1975 to make up for it; vimeo.com/38464135.

*I regret nothing

Selfishness as part of the rat race. It's horrible.

Damn she looks ugly.

You wanted to make anime real right? Well this is what real anime looks like.


'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children'*

*And make anime real.

itt. thirsty degenerates

Wrong board lad.
>>>Holla Forums

The post before yours even has degenerate in it:

Inb4 idpol but, I think in this case racism is part of the answer. In the Marxist sense described by Allan. Porkies use race to divide the working class. Welfare is widely seen as hard-working whites subsidising lazy blacks. This was never the impression in Europe, Japan, etc.

Also, when Europe was building its welfare states (post World War 2), America was in the grips of McCarthyism. One of the reasons Europe built welfare states was to reduce the danger of communism. Europeans who wanted socialist welfare systems were voting communist in large numbers. This never happened in America.

I never met people more rude than americans. I have been on vacation in a lot of places in europe and sometimes africa but when I went to america I met the rudest fucking pieces of shit. Ordering things at fast food and they wanted us to tell in 5 seconds or they got angry. One time I asked information at the wrong entry of the park and they called security on me. Fuck this shit, americans always say that europeans are cold and inhospitable but I literally never met ruder asshiles than americans. I went to the west coast so I don't know about the others but what the fuck

Please visit China. The Chinese will ignore people injured after accidents because the idea of helping another person is so alien to them that it is seen as an admission of guilt.

Well, the Chinese don't have souls so they don't count.

This is partly true, the frontier made a difference, it displaced the "surplus population" and raised wages without class struggle. Though, it hasn't really done that for over a century.

However, Europe also had a frontier in the Middle Ages, and again in the post-Black Death era. Germany treated Eastern Europe as a frontier in early modernity. Russia still has a massive frontier. Some countries, such as Britain, enclosed land and created a large impoverished population in the eighteenth century. Also, in the sixteenth to nineteenth century, colonies were used as surplus population sinks. People settled in America or Algeria or Australia, worked for the East India Company and so on.

Medieval systems had proto-welfare states based on the church and Poor Relief, but these were dismantled in the nineteenth century. The modern welfare state wasn't built until after 1945 (except in Russia and Nazi Germany). In the meantime there were poorhouses, debtors' prisons, forced transportation, labour conscription, infanticide, forced sterilisation, all kinds of horrors. The real question is, why did Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada, even Latin America build welfare states after 1945 but the US on the whole did not?

it's what rightists mean when they say "human nature." their view is basically that human beings are naturally wholly self-interested, with solidarity or concern for strangers being an aberration/unnatural behaviour that we are compelled/forced to do by outside forces, particularly the welfare state; akin to something like making wild animals wear clothes and eat with silverware. thus communism is the ultimate expression of this "forcing us to consider others" and therefore the ultimate unnaturalism

social welfare policy has not much to do with keynes. keynes was a right wing interventionist capitalist. he didn't care much about social issues, he was mostly concerned with growth within capitalism and how to stimulate it. the welfare state, universal healthcare and such was first introduced in germany in the late 19th century under bismarck in order to make a concession to the (original) social democratic party because the social democratic party was the strongest party over here back then, posed a serious threat to the reactionary establishment and was the home of all german communists and socialists (including rosa luxemburg, karl liebknecht and ernst thälmann!). the modern european post-war welfare state isn't based on keynes either, it was the idea of ordo-liberals such as walter eucken and alfred müller-armack.

modern medicine was a mistake, they just won't die off

My grandpa always told me to live by the golden rule: he who has the gold, rules.
I don't have the heart to tell him gold is worthless compared to a gun.

I'm not entirely convinced our generation is this "breadpilled" or whatever you want to call it.
One thing capitalism is good at is making you become accepting and tolerant of it over time.
This graph might instead be telling us that classcuckoldry simply comes with age.

China have no Good Samaritan laws, meaning that the justice system won't protect you if you decided to help someone on the street in case of unintenional injury or death, for example: Bob has been hit by a car and Alice went to help, but during that help, Alice accidentaly broke Bob's arm. In a country with Good Samaritan laws, Bob wouldn't be able to sue Alice because it was unintentional and she was trying to help, in a country without Good Samaritans laws, which is the case for China, Bob can sue Alice and get all her money or even put her in jail.
Chinese people are, since birth, teached to not get involved so they won't risk anything.

stop being pleb

My understanding of american history is a bit shallow, but isn't Jefferson partly to blame?

He was a leading thinker of the revolution and continues to be hugely influential, and he's the main intellectual force behind america's stupid federalist tradition, the bourgeois individualism of "natural aristocrats", etc. Both of which celebrate atomization over centralism, and make policies like that difficult.


It's because you didn't go to the south. People in the North and the West are all basically subhumans.


Fuck wrong flag

seriously though, it's a problem

humans are retarded tbqh

Keep your bad propaganda to yourself, Boudreaux.


The south is the worst

This is due to the prevalence of insurance fraud, not lack of compassion.

Yup that's why Saudia Arabia is such a cohesive culture and Europe is a shitty place to live relatively…. But that's completely wrong

I would agree with you if it was 16-24. I think most people are politically set by 34 though

Is this real? I thought the south was worse, something more like central america. I swear even in hollywood we have seen crack heads lying everywhere. During our vacation we were in san francisco and in a cafe in the main square a junkie began yelling at us for money and following us. I swear not even in the worst ghettos where i live you cant at least take a coffee at a bar in peace at like 16:00

I fail to see how a man being jailed for murder with the evidence being medical assistance he gave has anything to with insurance fraud.

It is true though, there have been studies on the negative effects of multiculturalism

Said the ancap, while the price of gold continues to be high just because it is rare, not for its uses.

Western countries used to be united through blood and culture, now its money.
So what happens when the money runs out?

You see it today, intense tribalism, self imposed isolation, neetdom,

Globalism and multiculturalism is unnatural


This, you may not like it, but thanks to shit like Black Lives Matter and all the other identity politics shit, everyone in America hates eachother. Just read into what happened during Hurricane Katrina, blacks were picking off whites left and right, so can you really be surprised when whites hold contempt for blacks? No, you can't. America is fucked, and it will balkanize. Only a matter of time now.

If your worldview is that extremely easy to influence it probably doesn't matter what you think

Lol, name one reason why white Americans, at this point in time, should like black people? Look at Detroit and Chicago, look at Black Lives Matter, for the last decade black Americans have been begging for the KKK to return from the grave. White Americans have been pushed to the breaking point by blacks, and then the media tells whites they are scum for not loving everything they've been getting.

Keep on saying "racist" white people don't matter, that their world view and opinions are worthless, it's your choice. But don't be surprised when white people don't care what your world view and opinions are. You can either choose to understand the other side, or be perpetually BTFO by cause and effect.

But they do t matter. They're useful to the powerful for awhile but then get betrayed on any issue where white supremacy conflicts with the interests of the bourgeois.
Everyone on this board knew Trump would be exactly like Hillary on all the he important issues, the only people that didn't see it coming was pol.
Don't know what your picture was supposed to prove. The MM ignores white supremacists getting caught trying to do terrorism attacks all the time too.

Putnam's work is fundamentally flawed because it's built on an arbitrary concept of what constitutes a cohesive society. Turns out that change isn't inherently bad.

More generally, public perception of society very rarely matches up with reality. For example, violent and property crime have been rapidly declining for years and are projected to reach new lows, but more people are afraid of crime than ever: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_world_syndrome

The picture on the right is a clear example of false equivalence: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartford_Distributors_shooting
It could be argued that Thornton's motives were based on a falsehood, but at least to him he was provoked. In comparison, Lord Beta openly admits that he did what he did simply because he felt like it. Liberal bias exists, but this is a horrible example of it; sometimes a cigar is a cigar.
Doesn't seem to me like you're here for a rational discussion.

Okay, fam.

You see, this is why white people don't like you Holla Forums, a black guy murders 9 people because they're white and you trip over yourselves looking to make excuses. You like blacks better than you like whites. That's fine, it's your choice, but admit that you've made that choice.

No, actually, we don't care. We're just obligated to explain why, which is usually a painful endeavor.
Context matters, because logic doesn't care about your biases. If some poor bullied white kid went to a mostly black school and felt discriminated against I would sympathize with him all the same. Roof wasn't harmed in any sense, he is a bad person and deserves Bubba's prison cock.

That's nothing new. You're threat of a violent white uprising rings hollow when this country has persecuted minorities through out this country's history. Besides white people are a near minority now. White supremacy serves the interest of less people now than at any other point.
You keep saying why should white people act against their own best interests. Well why would minorities and white people with family ties to other races support white supremacy when it doesn't serve their best interests.


This why white people don't like you.

Leftists don't believe in human nature. Also way more white people and honorary white people have been killed by the bourgeois war machine and police then black street gangs ever have.
Don't get me started on how many poor white people have been killed in say Appalachia by rich white coal mine owner and rich white drug makers through pollution, worker abuse, opioids addiction etc. somehow these violent acts against white people never enter your calculations on who is harming white people.

If white people are superior to blacks what are you basing your case on pursecuting them on?

*if white people aren't

such a beautiful Niggress

Public health care is actually pretty popular in the US despite the fact that nobody's even arguing for it anywhere in the public sphere. Our politicians are just unusually garbage.

Welfare is a good source of counter cyclical spending, which is why it gets associated with keynesianism

was she a man?

Thanks for the fap material leftypol

Absolutely disgusting.

Cosplay is about 50% wigs

And cosplay is absolutely disgusting. Even grosser than weebs though, are women who walk around with fake hair on a daily basis. Weaves are disgusting.

This is primo smuggery that I am stealing. Can't wait for "But muh tough love"

Imagine my shock.

bismarck tho


The negative effects are in the short term and he gives an example of a place in Houston (Lakewood church) where there is evidence that suggest its temporary. Read or Listen to the interview.

Part 1

Americans genuinely believe they live in a meritocracy, where the rich people are good people because they were rewarded with wealth, and poor people are bad people because they are poor. Point out a rich person who didn't even have the low cunning to "earn" (steal from the labourers) their wealth, they were simply born into it- the average American will agree, nod their head, and then state again that America is a meritocracy where the rich earned their wealth through being better people. I've known normie Americans who've come to the realization that corporations aren't necessarily run by intelligent authorities who know what they're doing, and this has come as a serious, world blowing shock to them. The man who had this groundbreaking epiphany was in his mid 30's.

Since America believes that everyone who's rich is rich because he's a fundamentally better person then everyone else, that means they believe everyone who needs any kind of assistance shouldn't get any because they're a shitheel who deserves to suffer.


I lived near the church because it was close to the university and I can verify that that's the case. There are mitigating factors to the study and I think I identified one:

The media portrays the world as a scarier place to live in and minorities AND whites are still looked upon with suspicion especially if their media diet consists conservative outlets or Black Entertainment Television. With people who have fewer societal engagement that slanted view of the world manifests itself in fear. But the case with the Church is different. It is a place of social engagement and in that case distrust and "hunkering down" is vastly reduced. So in the short term, yes what he said is true, but that trend disappears when people of different groups engage in real time with one another leaving behind only the merits of multiculturalism.

Nigga please, go look at Europe, almost every village there have different culture and language.

Modern Americans are what happens when you live in the epicenter for capitalism and have porky propaganda shoved down your throat 24/7. America had high levels of labour agitation for a time, but porky and his lapdogs put an end to that with everyone living with the outcome.

Most "nationalists" don't actually love or even like their nation, they just like the idealised version they've made up or been taught to believe existed.

Nations are top-down creations by the ruling class, keep in mind nation-states are fairly new in human history. People have been living in communities long before nations were ever drawn up.

for the love of everything holy plz tell me she has a dick plz plz plz plz

Remember Shin Godzilla reviews from Americans and what the major complaint was?

"Where was the hero?", "Who can we root for if there is no hero?", "Where is the hero?", "Why doesn't this film have a hero character?"

Americans literally could not conceive of a movie about collective community action at all. The movie literally spells it out for you just before the final battle about how the country needs to pull together, how private industry needs to get over it's distaste for Government action and work with the Government and the rest of the Japanese community, how we all need to work together to overcome such a disaster.

Nope, American reviewers simply couldn't get it. Collective action was a fucking alien concept.

Americans are honestly fucked in the head.