You find yourself as a ghost in 1930s Germany...

You find yourself as a ghost in 1930s Germany, and the only thing you can do to influence the world at all is speak to this guy and his brother; they can hear you for some reason, but no one else can. What do you tell them?


To leave the country immediately and use the SA forces loyal to him to assassinate Hitler.

tell him to partner with rohm and ernst thalman then use the SA to kill hitler

forgot to take off the shitposting flag

No offense but who is this?

Tell them that Hitler plans to kill them. Also I tell them to use the SA to do a coup and kill Hitler. If it fails then I tell them to flee.

If Asser had killed Hitler and allied with the USSR would we have FALC by now?

We'd have fucking Star Trek by now

K I L L H I T L E R !

Hitler wasn't a "traitor" as in he betrayed anyone, he was always meant to be a pro-capitalist shill. Look up his early years before joining the party with Mayr. He was always meant to prop up the party into a staunchly pro-cappie party

This. Asser was just an idiot who didn't understand what Hitler really wanted.

~real nazism has never been tried~~

Tell him Marxism is not that bad
Partner with Röhm to take Hitler out
Create European Federation
Invite Russia
Peace in our time

iirc Asser actually tried to convince Hitler that Marxism wasn't so bad by pointing out that Engels wasn't Jewish

That's some seriously intellectual debating.

fuck this guy, let me speak to thalmann instead

I'm reading Germany Tomorrow, his brother doesn't like Marxism because it's too liberal and ( ( (alien) ) ).
In his view, class struggle, internationalism, and so on, are tools of liberalism to destroy national spirit.

For Asser, Socialism = Conservatism. That's why he doesn't like Marxism. He stays a "fascist" at heart, inasmuch (he seriously like this word) as he advocates reducing class differences rather than abolishing classes entirely.

His arguments for abandoning Marxism is how it has failed utterly in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, and how the strongest Communist parties are the ones who advocate nationalism the most.

He does recognise that Marx did a lot to advance the cause of workers, in the form of trade union, strikes, and theory. He does not advocate the killing and/or suppression of Marxists, but he doesn't want them in his new Germany.

God they're all fucking brainlets aren't they?

We wouldn't have FALC because both Stalinists and Strässerists were not interested in worktime reduction.

He doesn't want them in his "new Germany" but he somehow does not advocate their suppression?

Sounds exactly like Spengler in his 1919 essay Preussentum und Sozialismus.

TBH, who's to say he didn't have the ghost of a future NazBol whispering into his ear all along?

Fug, shitpost flag

Basically they could exist as a party but not be in control.
He makes a point of saying that "Death to Marxism" is a dangerous slogan, because Marxism has helped a lot the workers.

He also says that for him at least, the question of Marx being Jewish is irrelevant. But he wrote that in exile, so he might be lying.

Strässer promoted totalitarianism. There is no way he would allow Marxists to exist as a "party".

I might have misread him, then. At any rate, he doesn't seem to want them dead.