Why haven't you joined TitoBroz, /leftypol?

Why haven't you joined TitoBroz, /leftypol?
Market socialism is the true way to spread class consciousness and progress towards communism.
To Joseph Stalin: "Stop sending people to kill me! We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send a very fast working one to Moscow and I certainly won't have to send another."

"We will liquidate the kulak, but not because he is a kulak but because he is a fifth columnist … The present struggle is national liberation in form, but class war in essence."

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Join the afroplasm gang and unite the African peoples under one flag

*blocks your path*

I don't give a fuck as, long as the exploitation of the proletariat ceases and we're on a path to communism I'm happy

*works sensibly with other nations, spins 360 behind you*
"Nothing personnel, kiddo"

Who was the black Tito, Afroplasm?


Market socialism in Titoist form can very likely be the first phase of post-revolutionary society, provided that Porky is slain and the dictatorship of the proletariat is established before all else. From there markets would be replaced by central planning soon enough in such a scenario.

Because I'm not a capitalist and alt-stalinism with market fetishization is gay.

If Tito never died then the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc would still exist, i guess he was too good for this world

Because market stalinism is retarded and has nothing to do with communism.

shame stalin didn't succeed

I'd appreciate it if my fellow market socialists read some theory on the topic

Economics of Feasible Socialism by Alec Nove

Contending Economic Theories
by Richard D Wolff

As well as understand that this is only a transition to communism. Capitalism naturally leads to the socialization of production.

What do you mean, yugoslavia actually had the workers controlling the workplace, not like shitty soviet union where there was another ruling class above the proletarian, Tito totally understood communism and knew that in a capitalist world you needed to have luxury production as a phase before full communism

if tito never died he would be 125 years old

They didn't control the state though, and they didn't control a whole lot of other things.

Closest we ever got to a communist society, tho

This is the only good position to take.

I mean… Dude was 87. It's not like it was before his time. He just failed to appoint a competent successor.

I already joined.


Girl on the left looks like Wojak in a wig. Would still fug, but that's beside the point.