Is Big Boss /ourguy/?

Is Big Boss /ourguy/?

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By most far he seems to be a right libertarian like every vilain in the MGS séries.


I don't know about Big Boss but Vic Boss was.

No, Solid Snake is /ourguy/

I always wondered what Kojima meant by the MSF logo. It looks like ancap/mutualism depending on the lighting.

Big Boss' dream was to make an army without country and ideology and so on. Wdhmbt? In Peace Walker, they are literally supporting the communist FSLN with help of the KGB overthrow the puppet government.
Perhaps Kojima trying to imply the irony of trying to make an army without an ideology, since both MSF and DD are embodiments of 'pure ideology', since they promote the current capitalist free market system.

Furthermore, the Boss could have been an analogy to Adam Smith - she had principles such as world peace, one united nation, veterans being supported and her followers (Zero and The Patriots) end up creating a very different world loosely based on her principles in which the economy revolves around PMCs in constant warfare, funded by countries where soldiers are just a commodity. Zero and The Patriots only pay lip service to the Boss.
I remember the Codec call by Otacon at the start of MGS4 where he says something along the lines of 'The war economy is horrible! But we need it to keep the economy afloat!'

MGS is a really interesting story and I want to see some autist like Marxist Media do a good analysis of it.

I want to jack off onto his thighs.

No homo tho.

outer heaven/msf/zanzibarland are all fascist states


I love MGS but I've never really been convinced Kojima has any coherent political message. He's probably more like a politically ignorant american "libertarian" if anything.

I would agree with you, but I don't think he's a libertarian, maybe closer to an (actual) centrist. I don't think he is particularly pro-free market since he includes the 'War economy' in MGS4 and the African PMCs in MGS5.
I think he might be slightly left but hasn't put much thought into it. Also, I don't think that he would support the Sandanistas in Peace Walker if that were the case.

It's very frustrating to make a political analysis of MGS since the writing is very random and my interpretations are contradictory based on what game of the series you look at.

That's exactly my point. He'll incidentally make a politically charged statement based on something he might have seen or thought about but he doesn't really have anything in mind in particular.

I might be remembering it wrong, but isn't Che Guevara talked about in Peace Walker in a positive light?



Replace the manji with a hammer and sickle and we're in business mutual aid using the common modes of production.

Basically this

Kojima's work embodies the disease of post-modern pop-art in that respect you can say any radical thought you have off-the-cuff in your work as long as you follow where it leads to logically as long as its back to the regularly-scheduled programming afterwards.

Really, the games that follow Naked Snake are only backstory for the titanic struggle and storyline that takes place in the post-modern 1990s-2010s. Naked Snake is after-all, the bad guy of the MGS series but Kojima perhaps aware of how few people play the early games or perhaps aware of the necessity to have a compelling villain when it came to storytelling painted Naked Snake in a very sympathetic light.

Rather then being deviations from the main MGS storyline the Naked-Snake/Venom snake games are the most compelling in the series because they are deconstructions of the post-modern bent of the MGS storyline itself.

The plotline of MGS 3 could've come out of some edgy far-right fan fiction magazine or some other edgy "zine" from the 80s or the 90s written by an author now in a mental facility rambling about computer-God-communist-gangsters-Dark-Side-of-the-Moon-New-Jews.

However, we sympathize with the Soviet characters in the game despite ourselves, Kojima induces us to question whether what we think about the Cold War is reality because Snake's reality is being turned upside down. I would be remiss if I didn't point out something another user said previously, that the events are presented from the perspective of John and his friends.

Yet why does the game almost seem like a left-wing game? Aside, from the questioning of the Cold War, the questioning of all identities aside from that of the human, the game "pulls a fast one" by making the real evil, the real enemy, the capitalist US. So, by the end we can see that Snake has transparently turned his back on the CIA and the US government. But to me its not a twist because it tells the player what he already feels deep down that the bad guys may have won the Cold War–most media revolving around the Cold War simply stops short of ever going there.

Portable Ops and PW are sort of Snake's rebellious moment he's standing against the government that betrayed him, standing in favor of revolution both in Latin America and on both sides of the Cold War blocs but its clear that by Peacewalker he is much closer with the USSR and its communist allies then any other power even if he keeps it at a distance.

In the end, he rejects the revolution as an artifact of the old world, and focuses his efforts on how to oppose the rival efforts of Zero to fulfill the Boss's radical centrist vision. MGSV:TPP is Kojima's way of revealing to you that Big Boss was a traitor and a false-prophet Venom Snake being nothing but a puppet of Big Boss/Zero's collective efforts, this is why all of Venom's enemies are themselves more or less puppets of greater forces. Venom continues the anti-imperialist dream that Big Boss following Che had attempted to achieve in the 70s. Venom fights Soviet imperialism in Afghanistan, Western/Apartheid imperialism in Angola-Zaire.Yet these struggles mean nothing aside from being another way for Zero/BB to spread the meme of Big Boss and to contain nuclear proliferation which might threaten their visions of the future

The game is heavily post-colonial/anti-colonial, that is in my opinion, the most Kojima really allows us to dwell on our deepest proletarian fantasies. It is not without significance that three of the game's main characters are adrift, as if to say, even Western identity is completely unmoored in a post-modern, post-colonial world.

*three of the game's main characters are white africans

Tbh i was mostly talking about his actions. Tho Boss looks to have a more respect for Che soldier Side and the fact that he tought against the US as an inspiration. If you see what Boss ideal world you would see it feels alot like a right libertarian thinking them anything else.

The last game really returns to where the series starts with as well, with Angola-Zaire being the proxy domain of apartheid South Africa, which was arguably the last extreme-right, or fascist, regime in the Western world. On the other hand, the Soviet super-power falls apart not long after Afghanistan.

-The first game was set in South Africa (1987)
-The second game (1992) was set in a Central Asian nation that split off and is now Soviet territory (it is widely believed that "Zanzibarland" is Tselinoyarsk from MGS 3)

Neither the Soviet Union, nor Apartheid had fallen apart yet, so in this way Kojima's choice of setting and storyline seems prophetic. Basically sets up how Outer Heaven came to call these places their home but it also narrates how world politics began to move towards the center but beneath that is the feeling that beneath what's viewed as a net positive in bourgeois terms there is something darker going on then what meets the eye. I feel like Metal Gear Rising is the logical development of the problem posed by the series, Raiden is of the imperialist world as a white soldier who served US imperialism but also as someone who is deeply victimized by it who comes from the Third World. Raider's psychology is closest to that of the average person according to the Patriots and that makes him better suited to take up the cause of the common person. Raiden in MGR starts to criticize capitalism and First World imperialism, his team are half Soviet-bloc personnel and his robotics are of East Bloc origin. Even with the destruction of the Patriots, it turns out that the world is not free because Raiden must come to realize that its the system that's part of the problem and not merely bad leaders or a bad computer program. Raiden in his own way is of all three worlds, the Third World, the Western world, and the former Communist world but will Raiden's path lead to communism? I feel like there will not be a follow-up game for this reason, or if there is it will be really lame, but it is a logical assumption of where Raiden's path must lead. Raiden's path must lead in this direction because Big Boss was never really cut out to be Big Boss.

The Boss, and her successors Big Boss/Zero are not libertarian-radicals in the American-style but rather radical centrists, post-modernists, I think it would be correct to say that in the MGS universe they are the parents of that paradigm of seeing the world. That is why they are radically skeptical of everything including their own intentions but can never really come to a solid conclusion about anything.

Miller is the only real right-libertarian "radical" and the duo of Vic Boss/Big Boss and Miller is an example of how cultural/political radicalism (Big Boss) and economic conservatism (Miller) can go hand-in-hand in the neoliberal era.

-The Boss wanted a world without war, countries, or borders

-Snake, as Vic Boss, pursues roughly the same agenda but understanding that soldiers are abused by their governments, especially those of the super-powers, he tries to create a paradise for soldiers, in the process he seeks to use his skills to defend countries and movements that can't defend themselves from the super-powers, particularly the US. His ideas increasingly gravitate to a kind of permanent revolutionism but without any particular class-character, it doesn't matter whose shit gets smashed up as long as its that of "the Establishment". When snake learns about the pacifistic side of the Boss's philosophy he considers this a personal betrayal and rejects the Boss original vision. He later seeks to control war and the world oil supply; it is believed by most that Ocelot's quest to destroy Zero and his Patriot system stems from his fidelity to Snake's vision, which is never fully-disclosed. His real motives maybe his own.

-Zero wants to see the creation of a peaceful, one-world government under 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧American🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 super-vision, utilizing the novel communications technology of the time he feels like the world can be brought to bear under this vision by creating a kind of hegemony that can be likened to Patriotism, people participate within the system thinking that its of their own free-will without knowing their being coerced

- Skullface's vision is perhaps the most radical of those claiming to adhere to Boss's vision, but also the most insane, as he plans to destroy the hegemony of the English language by unleashing the English vocal cord parasite and wiping out the influence of this immense cultural force that is following close behind global capitalism. In addition to this, the Metal Gear system and its nuclear weapons will render all of the super-powers powerless but the cost will be low-level ethnic conflict that can only be managed by the metal-gear system which is controlled by Skull Face himself who will reign supreme as the world dictator

To me none of these visions really sound like right-libertarianism, but rather futile attempts based on crackpot reasoning to manage world capitalism and all of its embodied contradictions that it has inherited after WWII and the Cold War.

He was literally an Egoist. He didn't have any ideology, he just wanted to put his skills to use to create a free and independent life for himself and his soldiers.

pick one

Big Boss is an anarcho-militarist.



No. But she was /ourgal/

Think about it. The storyline revolves around an all-powerful, all-seeing cabal of secret rulers called the Philosophers who were the secret guiding hand behind both capitalism and communism.

The main powers controlled by the Philosophers (US, USSR, China) are all powers that fascists and far-rightists accuse of being secretly run by Jews.

The Protocols of the Wisemen of Zion is the title of famous conspiratorial text authored by Tsarist intelligence that initially claimed to out Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. The meeting of the first Philosophers in the game universe was also called "The Wisemen's Committee"

I think Kojima plays with conspiratorial lore in part to make
the crackpot reasoning of the characters sound reasonable or he actually is a reactionary

I still like Solid Snake.

The guy at the bottom sorta looks like Leorio from Hunter x hunter.

Underage detected.

I know what yu-gi-oh is I was talking about the black and white guy that was pasted in.


