Hackobin coming out in full support for the new Black Hundreds in the UCW:

Hackobin coming out in full support for the new Black Hundreds in the UCW: twitter.com/jacobinmag/status/892484583505231873.

Other urls found in this thread:



This is also a good reminder to stop bothering with the defacto SocDems at Jacobin in general; to only take the few good articles they've published (e.g. Reed's take on IDpol, Chibber's takedown of postcolonialism, etc.) and ignore the rest like the plague, and to instead give more attention to less fashionable and non-pop-SocDem mags like Platypus Review, Viewpoint Magazine, The North Star and Charnel House that actually deserve your time and attention. Even the now dead Bunkermag has better takes than Cackobin, or even that new Holla Forums mag the ex-Bunkermag editor is working on, Spectre Rouge, is worth your precious time more than them.

Fuck, even WoosWoos is better. Actually, WoosWoos is great a lot of times despite being a Trot rag and it deserves more notoriety than Jacobin at least. Speaking of, where did WoosWoos/newsanon go to?

jacobin is NAZBOL

If you mean Ushijima poster I'm still here, I just haven't been able to post anything lately.

Jacobin is and has been a liberal rag for a long time. Jumping on the anti-putin liberal bandwagon while pushing socdemshit in the west is to be expected.

Those are some good sources for Leftist perspectives and articles, I'd also like to add Monthly Review and Jehu's blog The Real Movement, which is a genuinely good place to find interesting and challenging theory and economics. I haven't been on Libcom in years, but I remember it being a decent place for news, don't know what it looks like today. C Derrick Varn's blog Symptomatic Commentary is another personal favorite of mine, but I don't know if Holla Forums is aware of Varn.

Eww no. He takes like the worst parts of maximalist councilism as seen in e.g. Nihilist Communism and gives us little more than the worst takes, often not even wrong takes, but little more than basic observations anyone who's internalized Marx can make. Really not worth anyone's time IMO.
Still good as fuck. Recently published texts like this: libcom.org/library/communism-attack-communism-withdrawal-marcel are still great, and libcom is allsorts: you can find anything within the anarchist or left communist tendencies there.
Severely underrated. I recently shared a podcast here where he was featured on a fucking Christian philosophical channel but it was great and he really made the otherwise theocratic host rethink many things just by how good discourse is. He's also frequently on Lain's Zero Books and O'Brien's Alpha 2 Omega. Speaking of the former, he will be on for the next Zero Books podcast (around the same time the one with out Holla Forums user comes out, if all went well on that).

You realise they did a previous article criticising him and calling him "Russia's Trump"?
You people are all sheep.


Girondin Mag

Business is really slow where I work so I just browse the internet all day at work. Last three or so weeks Ive been reading a lot of Jacobin. The quality of the articles us all over the place really. There are some real shit ones, their stuff on the war in Syria being notably trash. Their articles on Venezuela are, for the most part, pretty bad. A recent article on Venezuala was oretty good tho. One article I read called "Voting under Socialism" argued for markets under socialism as a form of decision making, wich is pure insanity. Worst part of that article is that the author has had a book of his on post capitalist society published by Jacobin.

But there are acctualy some good articles here and there. A recent article on the failures of Radical Feminism was quite good. Their stuff on liberalism and the Dems is also ok. Their recent article on Macron was very good in my opinion.

I actualy subscribed to them two weeks ago as I have heard that the stuff that goes in print is much better that the stuff on website. Im not the biggest fan of them but they are at least ok, for demsocs that is.

Derick Varn is great, feel like I learned a lot listening to him just from what's on Youtube. I especially liked his freakout with Tom about MMT a few months ago. There really should be more discussion on the Left of what political and economic structures actually work and should be advocated for.

christ, jacobin really is shit

Care to tell the rest of class what the UCW is and who the Black Hundreds are?

There is the occasional good article tho.

Ukrainian Civil War (the one currently raging on in Donbass), in which Jacobin thinks we should support the politics of a group that holds almost exactly the same politics as a group called the Black Hundreds once did (before it was annihilated by the Red Army): ultra-nationalistic, xenophobic, anti-communist, et cetera.

The Black Hundreds were ultra-nationalists active in the early 20th century and found themselves opposed to, among others, mostly the Bolsheviks and other communist revolutionaries. They precede nominal fascism as was first seen in Italy and I'm one to be careful when characterizing things as fascist but the Black Hundreds are 100% worth the title of least proto-fascist.

Thanks, next time don't initialize the name of a civil war you autist.

You mean the Separatists? Source?

Link please?

I don't necessarily agree with him, but Jehu's always a fun read. I wish he's go on Zero Squared or Alpha 2 Omega, he'd be a great guest, and I'd love to see him get wrecked in a debate with Varn.