Would your communist dystopia have freedom of speech? Or would it be more like communist China?

Would your communist dystopia have freedom of speech? Or would it be more like communist China?

No need to regulate speech when all the KHV Nazis are in the gulag.

All Holla Forums posters must be cucked in front of themselves their moms and their dads by a gigantic silverback gorilla for disobeying the Chairman

Predicting what communism will look like right now is like the ancient romans predicting exactly what modern capitalism will be like.

they unironically want to kill people who oppose them, so no shit they oppose freedom of speech

Sounds a little like projection there Holla Forumsyp



If everyone's needs are met and they're getting what they deserve from their work, why would speech need to be suppressed?

Communist Dystopia
Ah well you see that's the magic of capitalism!

Mostly free, the government wouldn't have to silence anyone, the proletarian would take care of the job, make it a tradition to take right wingers to the local guillotine

oh boy this thread again, this time rephrased so it's convoyed in with the Holla Forums shitposting

And when the word "Nazi" continues to get changed like it has? And you keep sending more and more people to the guillotine/gulag? What then? Just keep sending them until there is no one left?

We would actually educate people to know what nazism actually is


Except the word Nazi is overused nowadays that it gets used on people like Tim Poole and Chris Ray Gun. You're "education" would have to be, don't speak at all, otherwise you're literally a nazi.


Do you have any idea how postmodernist you are being right now?

Rosa is based as fuck, best socialist there has ever been

Socialist societies wouldn't be pulling the same newspeak shit liberal ones do

Fascism is definable.

Except words have changed meanings.

Doubtful. Most "socialists" are just liberals in disguise anyway.

Fascism =/= Nazism.


You truly should change this board to /liberalpol/ if you are getting that assblasted over that :^)

Oh my god, you dipshits really should read postmodernist theory. The shit that you are spouting is straight up Saussurian semiotics. It supports every argument you try to make. But of course, that shit is for SJWs like you.

Nazi is short-hand for "white nationalist fascist" b/c what's what the Nazis were.

Just because someone can apply that line of thinking doesn't mean they are an SJW.

ideally my socialist "dystopia" would be the opposite of free speech. Citizen's assemblies, direct democracy, much like ancient athens, but without the slavery.