Changes in leftypol in the last year

well, as i see there have been plenty changes here:

only books can revert what massive Holla Forums converts inmigration have caused on this site.

Other urls found in this thread:


except us yugo demigods, of course

The first and last things ars good and it seems the opposition to Rojava mainly comes from leftcoms and reddit immigrants.

Feels good man

i thought it was tankies like RUHE

Seems like things have changed for the better. All we need to do now is get rid of all the titoists.

Indeed, now read these

only dumb fucks do change their opinion through losing arguments.
since we never lose, you will never get rid of us.

Don't forget

What do you think reddit leftists are?

Rojava lost support because the BO sperged out and banned it's supporters


idpol liberals who larp as tanks and like the color red. Real tanks like ruhe dont even like idpol


Market socialists btfo

probably worth mentioning the BO descent into reddit tankieness btw

Literally only one of those things was an improvement

You can't lose an argument, if you have no argument.

m-c-m' dont's apply once you use labour vouchers , go read bukharin nigger.

cockshott? i totally agree

The more I read of capital the more I become convinced of a market socialist transition to communism

I dont mind it, at least they read
neutral, but i dont really like rojava
where? other than that one retarded chick evalion no one is unironic nazbol
no we don't even tankies hate him for being autistic
imageboards were always pretty dumb
also good, mutualists need to read fucking vol 2/3 and critique of the gotha programme to understand why their ideology is whack

thats not the same as market socialism as an end goal in and of itself

It was the influx of Reddit leftcoms that did us in. Every other community banned their autism, leaving only leftypol since we actually allow discussion. We can not force them to leave. But they must be refuted at every opportunity

And DotP is?

Don't market socialists believe in DOTP?

Question for the Yugo fag. How do you hope to address the tendency of the rate of profit to fall?

is the same as market socialism
anti-market """socialists""" think it's some sort of actual, dictatorship

where have you been

judging by your flag, you probably are new here.
a year ago this board loved market socialism and rojava.
now everybody hate us and rojava have roughly the half of the support it once had (proportionally speaking).

Ok, why do you think that happen? with regards to marc soc? Also the imperialist ban / unruhe made people not like rojava? the main leftypol yutubers like batko and socialism or barbarism still support rojava as does like half the population here

There is not a single unironic Nazbol on this board, holy fuck. What is with this board's inability to detect scarcasm and bait?

The people that supported Rojava the most ardently got banned by the BO

thats what you think. We will kill the jewish bourgeoisie

Not him, but in general, the rate of profit to fall and the law of value are progressive forces which socialize production. Under a situation of proletarian democracy and market socialism, the rate of profit would be allowed to fall and not be propped up by the state. As marx mentions In the economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844, when the rate of profit is low, there is great prosperity, it is in times of catastrophe and decline that the rate of profit is high.

The more Holla Forums fags like BPS get triggered by us. The more people will come.

Even retards.

ok, well what about market socialisms unpopularity then

The popularity of ideologies goes up and down. When the board first started it was mostly Ancoms. The number of market socialists hasn't really changed, there are just more people of other ideologies who came

No one has ever read the third volume of the Capital. Stop lying to yourselves.

like what, more ancoms? now the ancoms outpopulate u guys?

Brendan Cooney did.

Fun fact, there's a chapter in it that describes supply side shocks and stagflation

Like leftcoms and tankies

What if the third volume of Capital was the friends we made in the reading groups?

(Well, I say we, I didn't because I don't do friends, reading, groups, or capital.)

I bought a book.
From Roo.

Post pics or gtfo

to bad the Holla Forums reading list is fucking useless now BECAUSE OF FUCKING ALACRITY

Fucking sectarianism won't get us anywhere.
Every leftist's ultimate goal should be COMMUNISM.
Market socialism should be a means to get to communism.

But really we should all be posadists.


what the fuck are you on?

but marcsocs, what about

markets (or any other method of distribution based on productivity) on a certain family of commodities will spontaneously disappear once you achieve post-scarcity in that industrial subject.

The only thing that's changed is the board's population has gone up, and thus the population of wishy-washy socdems, Holla Forumstards, techno-stalinists and other poorly-read redditeurs has risen.

Stalin worshippers and sucdems go away once they start getting btfo
They usually come back as Orthodox marxists

Was that what I was supposed to do?
Thank heavens it hasn't happened yet. :^)


I know that feel bro

Depends on the tendency. Titoists do, because Tito led essentially a M-L revolution in the power vacuum left by the Nazi evacuation of Yugoslavia. From there, he turned SOME economic activity over to small worker coops, which had a size limit.
Proudhonists believe that the spread of the IDEA of socialism should be enough to get people to stop exploiting each other. They're utopian af
De Leonist believe in capturing the levers of the bourgeois state through electoral organizing, and using it to effect it's own abolition and replacement with a horizontally organized workers state.
Wolffists (in as much as you can say that's a thing) want to capture the levers of the bourgeois state through electoral organizing and then keep it in place, subverted to the power of worker cooperatives.
And I'm sure there are many more tendencies that I'm forgetting.

Market socialism is a deep field of socialist thought, and we only get two fucking flags.

well played Holla Forums

You don't. As the rate of profit falls, markets trend toward consolidation. The inevitable conclusion of this in capitalism, when production is undertaken for the profit off a third party, is a monopoly which hyper-exploits the worker through abuses of labor and price gouging.
In market socialism, when production is undertaken for the benefit of the workers who produce, this consolidation yields a higher standard of living and shorter work hours, u til eventually the world's production is under the umbrella of a single, global cooperative - employing everyone. At that point the market withers away, and you have de facto production for use.

Which manuscript is that? I've read the first and second and don't remember it, but that was a while ago

agree. there should be a bukharinist flag and a wollfian one.

There isn't an anime girl smug enough for this.

Flag related is one that fits.

private property prevents markets to allocate resources as it should.

you see, market socialism is not different from the "early stage of communism" lenin talked about.

How much ideology have you been huffing?

Marksucc is just capitalism as wages, commodity production, and the value form still exist.

pic related

it's not ideology you fucking retard, it's the sole problem with property.

yeah einstein only that there are not capitalists nor exploitation.

yugofags are retarded as usual
wanna hear a good joke? M-C-M'

Remember when Yugoslavia used labour vouchers? Me neither. Cause the IMF doesn't issue them.


Don't forget "muh reddit spacing"

That just goes to show how far this place is removed from real life.

This place was removed from real life to begin with.

Rojava didn't lose support just leftcom are whining purists and the BO is a dirty cunt using her powers to skew public opinion, even though all the polls taken at the time suggests overwhelming support from the Kurds.

There has always been unironic Nazbols

Nobody loves unruhe hes just a meme

The discussions of theory and philosophy have been submerged in e-celeb gossip bs and "leftist catgirl" threads and other such irrelevances.

Another change I would note is that we tend not to bother engaging so many pol/yps/ any more. Thats a different point.

There is a prominent section of the board that hates market socialists and mutualists I wouldn't say everybody.

How about those?

There are like me for example but real unnironic nazbols get constantly

I don't read russian and also dugin is shit

Thanks for the contribution

For the Dark Gods?

the NazBol gods

Post the .pdf for "The fourth political theory" and I'll read it.

Still waiting for it to arrive.

The purest of idealism.

What is the "purest of idealism"?

Code for "help, I'm in way over my head".

He literally talks about nonsensical concepts like "spirit" and "cultural identity" and other such spookery as a core part of his doctrine. It's yet more romanticist nonsense that doesn't address the material factors that underpin the capitalist system.

its basically fascism minus the racism + some USSR stalinist nostalgia

looks like you are just not #WOKE enough to understand such complex doctrine

Another thing that turned to shit

Wages are what you get when you work on someone else's means of production. If you own the means of production, then what you get paid is the full value of your labor.

marxism 101

These two don't fit together.

holy shit, you guys know why all this is happening right? We're getting more and more half-converts from Holla Forums coming over here and deciding they have a fetish for the colour red without having read any actual theory.

As a reaction to the shift in board demographics. The majority of tankies here a year ago were already ex-Holla Forumsacks. As more come in, more obnoxious tankies came in, more people were pushed away from their stupidity and started accepted being called leftcoms when they made fun of these retarded tankies.

More ex-Holla Forumsack tankies, more hate for Rojava.

Don't think I need to explain this one.

Only people dumb enough to ever be Holla Forumsacks are dumb enough to like him. Makes sense. A year ago he was pure meme.


A consequence of more tankies.

This probably comes from more tankies AND more retaliating leftcoms.

Solution? Nazbols should had been banned from the fucking start, but we should probably extend that to tankies too. Send them to reddit, where they belong.

They were. Unless you mean the "ironic" nazbols, in which case I agree.

Nazbol gang is stale and socdem gang is the only imitator that is currently funny. We also need the shamrocks back instead the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧



They weren't though, because mods could never tell what was ironic and what wasn't. I mean, how could you?

The ironic ones gave the real ones an opportunity to start actually be serious.

Sounds eerily familiar.

Yea, we've seen this bullshit happen multiple times before. Difference between us and Holla Forums though is we already have a strong left wing presents, while when they had their ironic nazi phase they only had a weak right wing peasants that was easily mutated into what it is today.

Still though. nazbols are cancer and why they haven't been purged from the start is still beyound me.

I still haven't read memeshott, am I missing out on anything?

Here's your you's.


A part of that was due to people crying about "free speech" or "da bantz." Not that people shouldn't be allowed to joke or talk about whatever, but I agree that there just a screen for unironic nazpol.

Well bantz is true, but there is a difference in calling warsie a nigger nazi and saying socialism can only work in ethnically homogenous communities.

Yea I'm up for jokes now and then, but memeing a whole ideology is different. It always, always leads to people taking it seriously.

wew(look who's talking)

Well, just ex-Holla Forumsacks who decided for their next phase to be Stalinism. They were already repressing their racism from their Holla Forums days anyway, so they jump at the opportunity to be a nationalist 'leftist'. Unfortunately these type of people are more and more making up the userbase here.


how many nazbol hate threads do you normally still have per day or is it just because i'm back?

here's the progression as i see it:
great job

They always crop up randomly, it's like some board culture oddity hangover from when they were the peak shitposting meme.

Stop fagging up the flag and use the proper one then, you're less likely to be banned doing that.

After reading the thread, I saw only maybe one poster slightly touch on it.

Everyone uses flags now

Fucking flag fags used to be ridiculed just like tripfags/namefags. Now they've everywhere, you can't avoid them. How has no one said this throughout the thread(or did I miss it? I know there's a lot of sectarianism talk as well, which kinda touches on it). But Holy hell, everyone wants to be special & don their own flag.

Nazbol gang I guess had a hand in it, but tards from other boards I guess didn't realize it was a joke. Some Nazbols wanted to fish on 4/pol/ to bring in converts, but I said from the beginning that was a bad move.

Purging Rojava anons was also a huge mistake, because they're actually knowledgeable about that topic & gave a shit about leftism.

At first, when Holla Forums started raiding, red flags were what they used, because again, they're too retarded to read & just assume "use socialist flag". I assume a lot of red flaggers are also redditors, though - just read any of their posts & it's painfully obvious.

Nazbols please cut down on the memeing. I found it funny at first, but too many can't see the joke in it apparently.

The only serial flag user can stand is Socdem, believe it or not. At least he's knowledgeable & doesn't run it into the fucking ground.

I can stand*
Still haven't fixed my keyboard

Look I (critically) support Rojava/whatever they are calling themselves these days but being openly liberal should not be tolerated.

The rojava posters who actually talked about rojava are clearly distinct from the rojava-flagging shitposters who pop up in israel threads to post zionist propaganda. Notably, the latter weren't even "purged".


There are too many cucks

Ok, I didn't read the rest of your greentext. I hadn't seen any of that which you mention. Are you sure you're not practicing revisionism, tankie?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Fucking nazi flag users should be purged, either way. You guys make the most low effort posts imaginable. Kill yourself.

t. butthurt spic

t. burgerstani

i think what he's trying to say it

Remember to report these idiots. Though you're right, not replying is even better. They usually derail threads once we reply to them.

m-c-m' doesn't apply under labour vouchers.

The biggest change I've noticed is that quite a lot of posters appear to have actually read Graeber's Debt now.

Fuck, I miss the Rojavaposters now. Where did they wind up going? /rojava/ is dead.

I'm still here. Just pressure the BO to stop being an idiot and maybe more will start to post again

Pointing out the absolute cognitive dissonance of supporting imperialist powers merely because they're not burger or not burger affiliated isn't a bad thing. In fact, it makes them better marxists and leninists then you.

inb4 ban

Russia is not an imperialist power (yet). Read Lenin.

nobody is supporting them though?
and no Syria and North Korea aren't imperialist.

literally every Socialist that existed before Stalinism was a liberal in some shape or form


Dugin betrayed National Bolshevism. He isn't even remotely communist now.

Literally no you. Russia seeks to monopolize and consolidate capital as much as any other modern capitalist state.

The tankie poster unironically does, and it's to him that I'm referring and those that agree with him. Never said either were imperialist, but Russia and China most certainly are.

It's arrived, so delivering.

lel. nice 1 user