Polite reminder

if you don't support Maduro and Chavismo you aren't a leftist

hahaha, no, Venezuela is about as Socialist as Sweden

It is a rough transition but they will get there even if the Venezulean people have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

I don't mind, I'm a communist, not a leftist.

I guess I support Maduro but honestly if he gets toppled you won't see me crying, the gov't has been pretty incompetent

user what are you doing.

I only support Madura because I violently hate the international neoliberal elite trying to coup him out of office

RIP latin american Leftism

All were already dead. FARC started as a petit-bourgeois movement. Cuba had a petit-bourgeois opportunist revolution, and Chavismo should have been dead from the start.

Fuck off m8

Maduro has been a top-notch cringelord tbh

Chavismo isn't even exactly defined. Chavez made up a lot of stuff along the way and kept reinterpretating his own ideology.

i'm pretty much here too. maduro seems like a pretty ineffective leader, but the other side is many steps worse

suppression of opposition is actually existing socialism.


What's so bad about FARC becoming a political party?

Even though there are plenty Chavistos don't like Maduro. I think Maduro is very incompetent, but that doesn't mean that he should surrender to imperialism, and the pro-Western opposition are a bunch of saboteurs who are also contributing to the Venezuelan crisis. Overall, I am extremely worried and concerned about Venezuela's future.

as a leftist who was born in Venezuela then moved to the US, and who still has family there, it's become hard to reconcile my views while having to pack boxes full of basic supplies to send to them.

How can I back up the inherently democratic nature of socialism if Maduro's government selects their own candidates to run for office?

I'm leaning towards being a leftcom, because it seems like the Chavistas and Maduro's government is just a bourgeoisie with red flags

Your lack of any ideological seriousness me dice que no eres más que un liberal oportunista.

For not supporting a succdem with retarded economic policies that were based on exporting oil on high prices? yeah no thanks.

Defending Venezuela will only make you look like the idiot you are.

A bunch of leftists in Venezuela don't support him. what now?

Cómo puedo ser un liberal oportunista if I want to abolish commodity exchange? That's something the Venezuelan "socialist" government hasn't even given a hint of doing.

I'd rather support North Korea

Por adoptar una ideología a conveniencia personal y creer que el socialismo tiene que ver con democracia burguesa. Hay que ser pendejo para creer que el PSUV tiene alguna pizca de socialismo.

What are you talking about? the left is stronger than ever around here


They will never win, they are hated almost by everyone in Colombia except for some tankies and other guerilleros.

And the remnants are getting killed by fascist militias too.