What do you think, Holla Forums?

What do you think, Holla Forums?

he won't be impeached
take a look at the senate map in 2018


I think the biggest threat to Trump is his diet, I sincerely doubt he will be removed from office or quit and the way Democrats are behaving could win in 2020. I think this is good in that his fuckups will sabotage the nationalists and create more class consciousness than a liberal could, but slightly worse in the short term for my fellow burger proles.

why impeach him? he's doing an excellent job at discrediting the recucklicans

Not sure what this is trying to say tbh.

Anyways, unless the Dems restructure and become post-Keynesians Trump will ezpz reign shoddily for another 4 no problem and the GOP will win another round with a populist too afterwards.

It's a betting market. I want to know if these shares are a safe bet

I'm still wondering why so many people want him impeached
Mike pence is a fucking neocon while if trump tried to get us involved in Iran or nk most people wouldn't support it


I doubt the yanks would dare fuck with the norks, if they did and failed the entire empire would topple.

No on 2018 will go lower. So I'd buy yes shares for 2018

if the dems keep their shit up he's gonna be president from now to 2024, so strap in, because it's gonna be a long 8 years

This. I've never seen a party want to lose so hard.

The Dems legit need to consistently lose so badly they stop receiving funding.

Is it worth it to buy Republican Yes already for 2020?

Nah, 2:1s are pointless.

Fuck I worded that wrong, but you get me.

He won't be impeached, but he won't get a second term either.

If they don't run another Hillary in 2020, they'll be fine. They'll probably get someone inoffensive like Joe Biden to run and he'll mop the floor with Trump.

This. After four years of Trump, I think America will be ready to elect a fucking houseplant to the Oval Office just to be rid of him.

Way too early. Go play baccarat if you want a coin flip.

This, I want a Anarchist party so we can see how much people vote for anarchy.
This system is rigged.

No, Zuck is the next puppet. If it is Zuck vs Trump, I'd vote Trump immediately.

Not unless people can be stopped from voting with bullets.

If it's Zuck vs Trump, look for other options. Voting for Trump out of fear would be playing directly into the hands of Porky.