New thread time

new thread time

Other urls found in this thread: solo


lol ok blizzard

I don't watch much in the way of current season animes

Got bamboozled

this is BS

just cause I decide what hero I play at random doesn't mean I should be banned for a week lmao

Sorry for being good, you don't get to play

great business practices blizzard

makes me glad i am so dangerously mediocre at the game


this right here is why i hate buying merch and giving companies money these days, you give and dedicate and what do you get for it? fucking shit on

definitely not a fair situation

guy paid money to play a game he likes and got good at it, being apathetic about his complaining his understandable but it's still fucked up

I couldn't begin to understand their reasoning for it

they shouldn't have made it public that they are banning people if enough people report them for not switching just because they were asked to switch. it's going to cause so many salt reports to turn into actual bans it's not even funny.

better not to comment than to shrug in those situations tbh

i dont get why they would do it either


I don't really see why shrugging would be a bad thing in that situation, but then again, I can't into people

this is like being fucking politically correct for videogames and it makes me fucking upset

im sorry you need me to hold back in this fictional environment where i get to vent the frustrations of daily life? why though, is losing and being forced to get better so bad? are you so bad at balancing your own game you have to enforce bans on people who don't switch? which is it blizzard

on the other hand I just got a chat ban in heroes of the storm finally. been wondering why it was taking so long, I trash talk my teammates almost every quick match game lol. and the hilarious part is that it's only a 1 day chat ban and I can still play quick match if I want.

so on the one hand we have a system that is now way too fine tuned to the point where people are getting banned just because they aren't playing the meta and people are crybabies, and another system that's so lax that it breeds toxicity at an alarming rate.

I like the hots system better.

understandable its just showing apathy towards someones shit situation and thats generally frowned upon if it doesnt add anything

i cant really talk i do unnecessary shit all the time

this is the thing I hope changes from all this. I hope they end up just overtuning all their heroes so that every single one is viable always and people can shut up.

It was more a shrug, in the sense that there really isn't anything to be done about it

i disagree i think more people could complain about unfair banning and threaten action, and like cupcake said forcing even more tweaking but who knows how that will affect enjoyability of the game heroes have their spot really

i think people just being bitch ass babies

I think it's more so their attempt to deal with griefing, which is a difficult one to prove from an outside point of view, when you're generally not able to see the chat logs or the voice chat for the game
That's my thought on it anyway

they should have access to all chat logs and game footage in their own games unless its a privacy thing

i bet its an issue of laziness

I actually very much agree with the idea of trying to encourage people to play to win even if it means switching off a hero they really want to play that match to one that has more of a chance of winning, but there are just so many problems with trying to enforce it as law.

just off the top of my head...

the hero they are playing might be getting countered, but they aren't good enough at any of the heroes they are being asked to switch to, and would in fact do even worse, in spite of it being a more viable pick

the hero they are playing is what they want to play, and while there might be more of a chance for winning with a different hero, they paid their money for the game same as anyone else, and if they aren't being toxic or deliberately playing poorly, they should be allowed to play how they like.

the hero they are playing is off meta and seems like a bad pick, but they are so good at that hero they are actually doing a lot of work, and whether the team is doing poorly or great the rest of the team is just meta bitch babies and can't notice the work they are doing and just want to cry and complain all game instead of just win.
^this one has happened to me a lot.

the bottom line is that it's just too nebulous and difficult to pin down guilt in this situation and so banning someone just for not switching because their team told them to is fucking retarded.

at the end of the day its a game, even on a competitive people i wish people would remember that

also whats your blizzard i want to add you

competitive level

sure would be nice.

my hope is that this shit is only really happening at the top levels like high master and above. the really famous examples being held up are basically all top 500 one tricks so far. I'm still in low diamond so hopefully that shit doesn't hit there. although this season I've been playing almost nothing but mercy unless someone else snags her instalock and I don't see anyone bitching about a good healer.


ill add you later tonight when i switch PC's and if you're still on we can play go easy on me i am a bad

you can add me if you want but I don't play overwatch much at the moment. been playing a lot more hots.

thats okay, you can do what you want and we'll play when you feel like it and our interests overlap

your permission is most appreciated

does it really go without saying? how many people have you added that harassed you to play what they wanted to play over and over again?

not really any. anyone I've ever randomly added like that I've removed very quickly.

You could almost say that Cupcake has the hots for hots

think of it less as me giving you permission, and more as clarifying that i won't do it

but let's not.

you realize my post was sarcasm, right?

Why do you hate me?

guess you just aren't cute enough anymore.



Yeah, Wish has been more bland than unsalted rice lately

That trap is best girl

What the heck is that reaction?


I dunno. pls no bully.

It's a girl though


Did you get banned for salting or something?

I personally want to consume Wish with e-hugs

Are you sure it's not a boy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a boy?

what's this reaction supposed to mean?

banned for fukken ur mom and not calling the next day

I've actually seen girls wear those oversized kitty paw things and they're pretty weird




you've never been straight in your life

I unno, the image is like: "Do you like it when I act sadistic like this?"

So that I guess.


The intensity of my e-hugs will utterly devour you

What if I've fucked female animals?

you were acting sadistic?

Bitches have cooties

have you?


Have I?

I wouldn't know.


Sounds painful.

Maybe, I dunno, I guess so.

what, is cupcake talking to Fool, who answers a question with another question

not terribly good at it, huh?

squash is a fool, yes

ay gurl how u

You probably have a thing for pain; that would be pretty consistent with your other fetishes ^^

not nearly drunk enough. I'll fix that tho.

how r u

Weird resin high

I've been milking my pipe for days

What are you drinking? Remember to drink a lot of water ^^

big thick canadian dick

wut wut wut

How long have you been dry hitting your piece for, Erio?


way way too long

sounds like fun.

vokda and cranberry juice.

yes I know to drink water moooom

Like three days

I just rape it with a paperclip to get stuff loose every time hits stop being good and that fixes it

You mentioned drinking that same thing before, I think ^^

Cranberry juice does seem like it would go well with vodka actually; maybe better than orange juice


orange juice produces a much much sweeter drink. makes it very easy to drink too much too fast.

I happen to like the tart taste of cranberry juice, and it's so strong that I can add a lot of vodka before even noticing it, but the way it tastes still compels you to drink slower and pace yourself. I like that because I like getting drunk and staying there for a long time.


Jeez, your bowl must be really fat
Mine builds up a good amount of resin but gets clogged super easy. Then again it ain't too big tbh

3 days is a good amount of time
My friend has made his last like a whole week

yea im just fucking ive done the same thing its just it fucks up your throat a little sometimes

Tastes like shit but it gets the job done

Sounds good

Yeah, cranberry juice being so strong is the main reason why it sounded better

My pipe is starting to get pretty clean and clear

well I'm guessing you've never tried either, but the sweetness of orange juice makes screwdrivers (orange juice and vodka) one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Cranberry + Gin > Cranberry + Vodka

I don't know how you can stomach that shit Cup
I just have HS hangover flashbacks and gag everytime I smell vodka

I didn't start drinking until I was in my 20's so I learned how to drink properly a lot faster.

I've had screwdrivers, but I like putting a ton of alcohol in mixed drinks, so cranberry juice seems ideal :3

yeah same. I put at least 50-50 mix, and sometimes a little more. sometimes as much as like 80-20. at this point as long as there is a tiny bit of some other flavor to take the edge off vodka is easy as fuck to drink for me.

Drink a better spirit

The only Vodka I seem to be able to stomach is Chopin or Belvedere/Grey Goose

I like vodka.

-yawns and curls up on the couch-

Drink beer instead

Or scotch whiskey

beer is gross.

I like whiskey but I don't like drinking a sipping alcohol until I get as drunk as I want to get. it's too slow.

gotta love weird porn

"Full of bugs [Inflation & Infestation]"

-begins writing his letter of resignation as thread maid. Is NOT cleaning THAT.-

what a terrible loss for all of us.

Is that Johnny's ultimate fetish?


pretty sure his ultimate fetish is Gyro

lrn to drink EVEN MORE properly you noob
All the basic domestic shit is gross
You need to try different ones and develop a taste for them

Try Leinenkugel's Grapefruit Shandy, it's sweet and fruity with a bit of tangyness

Eventually you'll work your way up to the Porters/Stouts/IPAs etc

Nigga who even sips on that shit
I take straight shots of jameson all the time
Or Irish Car Bombs for funsies

Beer is gross.
Like, not even a question.

how about this crazy idea.

I keep drinking vodka.

and u fuck urself.

beer hurts my jaw
it's trash


-carefully hides all the bavarian hefeweizen so people don't get upset- ._.

beer is fine and i need it

im like a dwarf i need alcohol to get through daily life

i had circus boy and it was OKAY

I like my drinks like I like my men.
Tall and fruity.

don't you mean short, hairy and on all fours?

I'll stick with my whiskey. You can get some good shit for around 1-2 dollars a drink and personally it doesn't hurt my jaw.



wow rude

On a side note, one of my gay friends bought Smirnoff Peppermint and it was actually really fucking good and minty but then I saw it was 30%
Got me fucked up with that 60 proof lmao

Stop sucking so much dick then

Also a beverage shouldn't hurt your jaw, teeth maybe but not your jaw

Drink a hard cider or a fruity shandy

aka, animals


i had a white russian recently but it was too expensive and i feel like better things than kaluha exist for it

the mouse had a pretty good recommendation in alcohol

So is shit?

wow newsflash soto is gay af

g o t t e m

God I love the taste of my own shit.

mei is the cutest video game character

prove me wrong

spoiler u cant

Ops. Typo.

Thing is, I've only had a problem with beer. My jaw goes numb then starts aching. It's fucking weird.

she's okay


-rilly enjoys chocolate cake shots. Is Frangellico shot, then shot of rum, THEN you bite into a lemon. The three tastes combined somehow = chocolate cake!-

will try this next time i have some good rum around if i can find Frangellico

maybe some Kraken rum



Roadhog beats everyone for best and cutest character.

roadhog is a pretty great cutie

i never play him but most of the time i do things that are bad happen to the scrubby enemy team

she's cute but is she really the cutest?

Reaper says thanks for the free ult

i liked using a reinhardt to suicide people off the circle over and over again, not very efficient but pretty funny

i take roadhogs down all the time with reaper you just have to chase them good

-is regular rum, not spiced. Also may have the rum and lemon steps backwards. Can't remember for sure right now-

His fatass isn't going anywhere

Only mature adults enjoy beer

You just need to stop playing those Nintendo games and grow up and grab a Chocolate Porter :3

You're a little late to the game there Cup

Try a scooby snack one of these days, it's so sweet and tasty
But they creep up on you

It also has whipped cream on top too ^W^


-sheepishly hides his copy of Mario Odyssey behind his sixpack caddy-

now dont under estimate a good roadhog, a good hog will utilize team covering fire if its around and thats more than enough of a distraction to get a few shots in on reapers 250 health, he's dead with just a few alternate fire shots

-is a little iffy about dairy and alcohol together. Also never drinks a lot in one sitting. Doesn't enjoy the feeling of being very drunk, but will try one of them!-

I'm on console, it's a bunch of tards even in comp

honestly a good roadhog should just be able to out-tank a reaper, just don't miss the hook

doesn't matter if you have to hook someone out of mid-charge just don't miss

bless your soul

i was playing with Nezi and they hooked a doomfist mid-charge towards someone and gunned them down

I'd be hot trash on PC

I want to get Sonata drunk and take advantage of him ^W^

What pleasure is there in taking advantage of someone under the influence than to win their heart?

it's a different world, i was doing okay in Ps4 games and i thought i would do okay

start playing and immediately notice a sharp increase in the general skill of most players

but then eventually you start to notice the total newbies or super casual players even in PC and you start either getting consistent gold medals in kills or objective time in quick play and you start to get annoyed when you aren't even that good at the game and you are forced to carry a team or suffer defeat.

Okay well I may not be entirely crap, I do sorta practice M+KB on CSGO

getting those quad kills feels good though

its not a hard game to get entry level good at but the top level players do not do much wrong, even when they die its usually after they got their job done

if you ever get Dorado in FFA, play roadhog and go to the cliff edge near the big health pack. stand on the stairs and just hook people off the map over and over, it's the best.

Have you surfed a Mantine yet?

got it captain ill try this tonight! any tips i'll consider :U

no. I haven't purchased ultrasun or moon yet. money is a bit tight at the moment.

hook, turn 45 degrees, dump off map

if someone is pushing you don't peek or they'll hook you off map, wait it out in the room halfway up the stairs and then ult them off the map

maximum luls

will try this in addition to generally not being bad, i need more good holding points

;_; -doesn't want to be taken advantage of-

You have my pity.

'preciate it

im ready to destroy thine legs

My boyfriend is pretty cute looking

YEAH ?????


wow im jelly

sounds cute

i watched byousoku 5 centimeter and it really wasn't all that great like everyone says

Go get one.

they are


I'm shy and quiet irl

I feel like a background character most of the time

this picture does not match the post but w/e


that show i was talking about is right now
come down to uncle lous if u wanna jam I brought a friend


you could try talking more


the #1 thing I noticed that bothered me was the lack of emotion. the two 'lovers' never smiled, never frowned, no emotion the whole movie. the girl did a half-smile once and that was it.

I'm good at talking but I get nervous irl I guess


Subtlety is its language.

idk just not good entertainment content


You'll get over it

Yes. It was definitely a bad date movie.

I'm gonna bite your face off.

I don't think your mouth is big enough.

you will be consumed in moderation.

-nibbles a carrot quietly-

Kimi no Na wa was unsatisfying.

Not bad, but unsatisfying.

Anyway good night.

late bedtime.


getting over being lonely?
unlikely without a partner

tfw will never watch a movie with darwin

It is nothing special.

but you are special.

to me at least.

-sees bunnies out of the corner of his eyes watching him eat the carrot and nibbles a little more nervously-


well you say that but......

look I'm not a total autistic freak irl i just get some social anxiety when i meet people the first couple times

after a while I warm up to people and I'm totally normal


So stop acting like an autist the first time.

I don't know how!

I get anxious! sorry!!!!!!!!!!

-gives you carrots. You'll know what to do when the time comes- ^-^


what the fuck

-hurries away as the rabbits close in on you-


Why are you telling me sorry ?

Hey Bart good to see ur not dead

Hello my fond ally


I'm scared

idk! sorry!!!!!!!

D: -feels ashamed to have left you holding the carrot and scurries back in an oversized military coat to help you fight off the hungry rabbits-

What do you usually get for a sore throat?



nezi i think most of the nervousness is ur own perception

u seemed good toooooo me

Guess I will have to go out.

wait may i please have some more of your attention before you leave
I've been socially deprived for so long


You may.


rip time to die

well that's good to know at least

Take care of Bard while I tend to my illness.

Thank dars I hope you feel better soon!

D: -believes in you! Pet them all!-

-puts on the Nurse SOnata outfit and scurries over to bard-



-peeks in your mouth and wonders if you've eaten enough taffy lately?-


-kindly puts you back in your seat. Bard's mouth is not for those who aren't nurses.-


-bites into the cyanide capsule-

goodbye, cruel world.

if someone leaves my 5 you should join

D: D: D:

-quickly sets you up on a drip of hydroxocobalamin-

I'm just in ARAM so I can get my FWOTD bonus and level up.

-doesn't know where Bard went and plops down in the middle of the floor- :

to this day I despise that godforsaken game mode

I just can't play it

way 2 unbalanced

newfag here
how do I fit in?

-brings you a cup of tea and a freshly baked cinnamon roll-

It makes me play new champs.
I own them all now.

You should post as this cute rabbit girl

introduce yourself then have a mental breakdown

das a lotta champs

I wanna see your illaoi


I can't recall the last time I played her.
I suppose I can do a normal.

tfw fell asleep at 9pm and now I can't sleep

It's still early, right

What time do you have to wake up tomorrow?

be productive then

hopefully someone dips after this shiet

my norms mmr is like mid plat its awful


thanks I guess

what if I'm not a girl?

anything else monkey man?

I don't know what I rank.
I just play whoever seems fun at the moment.

-is dead-

I suppose so.
I don't have to be up tomorrow.

How tho?


Miki gave me that when I was just trying to find images of that 2hu

Most people who post anime girls are guys

Squash isn't a dog irl either, at least not on a physical level solo


It's fine then; just try to sleep again in a couple of hours ^^

Mm, maybe. We'll see how I feel

Spoilers: It'll be shitty


I assume everyone is a guy. good things girls suck

I feel pretty shitty right now so I'm just guessing.

git gud then

You should set a name; I guess that's the main part of fitting in :3

But posting that premium rabbit girl will help a lot too

Any particular reason?

Fucking hell.
It's 3 hours past my bed time. I have to be at work in 4 hours.

Probably exhaustion.

Go to bed and maybe call in sick

Seems like a solid reason to try to sleep again soon =w=

-hugs tightly- ♥

Do you mind e-hugs? I can stop if you want me to :3

maybe. I usually only come on here when I can stay up late but my dad is only alright with it when I don't have school. maybe tripfagging isn't for me

Just don't tell you're underage



Basically he's a pedophile but he doesn't get arrested because he's part of an international conspiracy

But I tried to fall back asleep and I couldn't so that's why I'm up.

I mean, I don't mind them but I'm pretty much always just going to ignore them.

I'm over 10 and a boy so he would be disappointed. .

that's where ur wrong, kiddo

about what part?

Both those things make it better.

at least he isn't dumb enough to like girls


Nah that's perfect

Yeah. girls suck.

how do you know about what he likes?

are anime girls better?

Yeah, especially really cute ones like this one


Anyway, you can always adopt a name even if you can't post often

Resin highs are kind of weird and unpredictable

Glad this pipe is almost fully raped


that girl is inappropriate buddy

I am bad at picking names

What is this meme


What's inappropriate about her?


sounds nice

only boys are supposed to show their nips

I heard he didn't like it but I didn't know he was that mad

Now just save hundreds of images of Tewi


There weren't any nipples in that picture.

if I save anime my dad will think I'm gay

her hands were covering them but they were still there

Sorry I just responded with "ah"; every other possible response in my head at the time was a trainwreck

He looks at your computer?

Just save it in a folder titled "3DPD tiddies" and he won't suspect anything

I mean, by that logic every picture is indecent because the nips are still there, just being covered by a thin layer of fabric.

It's fine, it's not like I hold it against you or anything.

is bloodchan pretending to be underage again

He uses it sometimes. I don't want to risk him taking it away

only boys are allowed to show their nips

I realized I might have come off as passive aggressive after

Possibly, but usually I can smell her when she pretends to be new

Well you can just copy and paste images on Holla Forums

Well, it's a good thing that they were hidden, then.

Why would he do that, that's a surefire way to get lynks disease.

like urls?

I'm onto you anime girl

Right click + copy image

Then just ctrl+v it into the post box

How so?

He's actually an anime boy

Clay has healing properties. And guess what, it CURES Lynks disease! Impossible? No. because guess what. I HAD lynks. I don't anymore. I used clay as a drug (like a doctors drug) and it WORKED!!! (clay can also cause lynks in some cases too tho.

nice. remembering to delete stuff is stressful

I can tell he is a boy now.



I've never actually used this function before but it makes it real easy to shit things up

oops I thought I deleted it

Please don't stare at his wiener.


*stares at wiener*

Just a reminder, I can say shit three times.
No, two times, I said it once when I was explaining what I could do.

I feel better looking knowing he is a boy. His wiener is a good reminder.

Gay as heck.

But that's immodest.

What do?

You're a lot less rude than you used to be, but you still use a kind of cold tone sometimes :3

Here is your key to success: solo

You're hecking gay.

Well, I don't think I'm a rude person at least, but yeah I can be pretty cold.

It's freezing up here in Canada, you know.

You're not wrong.

we shower after gym and you check wieners to make sure no girls snuck in. Its normal business

stay good


Oh yes, of course.


I'd say you're not rude most of the time

Don't you think you used to be pretty rude, though? ^^

is this a girl?

He was but he grew a penis

He's open to being a penis girl, though

looks like they don't have a penis

I guess so, yeah.

In the image?

The girl in the pic? Yeah obviously it's a girl lol

When are you going to try to sleep again?

Maybe 3 or 4 if I don't get tired sooner.

You said you're exhausted, so that's confusing

yeah. it looks like a girl shape. I've only seen 2 irl though so what do I know

a lot of boys look like girls

Well like, I feel sluggish and when I got up to pee earlier I was having trouble walking in a straight line, but I'm not feeling sleepy enough to fall asleep or anything.

Yeah but the lack of penis was obvious

Just look straight to the crotch in the future

Yeah, all the images I've been posting have been guys.

Try masturbating

sometimes the crotch is hidden

like this

The crotch is just the first test

This guy actually kind of reminds me of Liliana

well that is how I check if I am still a boy when I wake up

I've been masturbating for the past 30 minutes.


I check my Tumblr profile to see what my pronouns are

Really? =w=

No, that's icky.

Keep it going for at least another half hour and then the super orgasm should help you sleep

You actually think it's gross and you're a boy?

Is that weird?


that is a good backup plan

It's just a bikini

It's unusual, but that's not a bad thing :3

It's just kind of hard to believe you're being honest sometimes ^^

Are you Liliana? I won't press the issue but I'm hoping this works like Guess Who or something and that you'll confess now that I caught u

What if Wish is actually a girl and doesn't even like pee

this is my first time on this board. I found it on fast threads or something

You're trying to make the ruse obvious now

I think the bulk of this meme is now over

Oh, that was a lie :^)

I don't know about the politics of your anime board

Thinking masturbating was icky was a lie, or claiming to be honest was a lie?

Thinking it's icky.

its fine to do but bad to talk about

Nothing unusual

We feed christians to lions in a coliseum occasionally; I hope that won't be a problem

Doesn't it help you sleep, then? ^^

Like I said, it's especially effective if you make it last a long time

It's a sin.

Eh, I'm not really eager to discuss my masturbation habits.

as long as they are girls


Sorry, you're open about your fetishes, so I thought this might be fine too :3

The last two were girls but now we have a guy on the plate

boys > ugly boys > girls

Yeah we established that you're gay

Where do u intend to take ur character from here though

if its gay to dislike girls then I don't wanna be straight

the vocalist at the end of the show i was at punched a hold in the ceiling

ive not been in a pit that intense in a while it was a lot of fun a lot of thrashing

my skirt is like a wet towel bc of sweat

This: is you

Why does it only give me one (You) then?

rip legs v2

yeah i am gay


honestly not really. there was only two acts and the first was just an experimental dj set so minimal movement.

holy heck though machine girl. it was a small dive bar as u may or may not know and like
40 people ? maybe. and the entire tiny room is just a collection of people pushing thrashing and whatever else u do in a pit nonstop for 30 ish minutes

so as intense as it was. it was only 30 minutes. im good to go ill just be little sore where i got hit

i did almost lost my glasses i smashed into someone with my face and they dropped on the ground but WOW i picked them up way faster than I thought possible

this post is way too long im ending it now

fuckin velma over here

have you been to Backstage downtown?


i cant say i have..

