What is /leftypols/ opinion on psychiatry?

I've noticed that in most "radical" leftist circles, people are constantly told to "take their pills" to stay healthy. Not just because so many of us use psychiatric services, but because of a pro-psychiatry attitude.

What does Holla Forums think of
1. the monoamine hypothesis of psychiatric disorders and whether psychiatry has enough evidence to back up it's serotonin/nor-epinephrine/dopamine claims.
2. Whether the invention of the drugs are coming before the invention of the diagnoses
the diagnoses are the correct and only framing of the of clusters of symptoms contained in the diagnoses, and should be treated as they are defined

This isn't anti-science vs. science, but about the amount of evidence and the creation of the diagnoses

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm on Zoloft, and I can't feel a fucking thing.

Corrupt. Always remember the US pharmaceutical masters who rule over their psychiatrist field agents are only interested in one thing: your money. If they solved your problems, that would dry up their income.

capitalists have an incentive to eliminate the political and reduce everything into a purely technical issue. Psychiatry works from the assumption the system as a whole is fine, only the individual parts are defective. An 'objective', 'scientific' psychiatry is impossible under capitalism. The APA is basically a trade association with links to the pharmaceutical industry, diagnostic constructs are embedded within a specific treatment model and a specific model of society.

So I am a neuroscientist, personally I'm inclined to be very skeptical of psychiartry and drugs in general. Not drugs in the recreational sense, but in reference to substances such as adderal, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (and their various offshoots targeting other neurotransmitter systems), and benzodiazapines as well.
As an example, adderal is prescribed to patients with ADHD and the like, a disease in which the organic origination isn't entirely understood. I think small things are starting to be elucidated, so I may be behind in some regards, but last I checked we're not really sure what causes it, and if its even an actual condition or disease. Adderal is an interesting chemical with is 1 methyl group away from crystal meth (its chemical name is amphetamine), and we don't really know why it helps. If anything, I don't even think it does, it certainly doesn't help my attention issues, it exacerbates them. I can go own but don't want to bore with details, but a lot of the various hypothesizes in regard to how a lot of these medications work ended up being rejected, thus it seems somewhat dangerous to start prescribing meds in which we have no idea how they work, or what they are doing.

This . Even if mental pathologies were to be blamed on purely "chemical imbalances", this says absolutely nothing about why these pathologies come into being into subject's psyche. It is like I ask why a plate is broken in my kitchen and someone tells me that Joe did it. This says nothing about causes.

Psychiatry should be recognized for what it is, an ISA.

Why should we even be making broad brush pathologies? Maybe our desire to lump together symptoms of manifestations of problems isn't helpful at addressing the underlying problems?

Doctors definitely over-prescribe medications and, in general, the field seems to have a poor understanding of the mechanism of even the simplest mental illnesses.

That said, I still find anti-psychiatry people to generally be nutjobs.

Look up Irving Kirsch and his 60 minutes interview.
He pretty much exposed anti-depressants as harmful placebos. Their only consistent non-placebo, statistical effect is sexual dysfunction. Literally 1984 shit.

the only pill you need to take is the REDpill

Psychiatry is a huge danger. I think our stance will change a lot about things like schizophrenia, autism or aspergers. I think you just have high potential adults and because of how they live their life, some kill themselves after getting depressed, some never really get anywhere in life and turn into bitter, sad old people and few others actually get to express their potential.

1. Oskar Lange wrote a small book outlining that any properties of elements forming a system do not determine the properties of the system, the interconnections in the system are also important.

So for depression (any low amplification of neural circuits) to occur, not only the amplification of individual neurons can cause it, also a neural circuit formed with low amplification regardless of the amplification of each neuron can also have the same effects.

In essence, unless you map the neural circuits you have no way of knowing. You can tweak the amplification or damping using chemicals, but this has no effect on interconnections, unless you can also influence the chemical signaling that makes these interconnections.

2. It is far more easy to come up with a new chemical than it is to model complex neural networks to observe patterns of depression arising from low amplification of neurons.

Personally given the fact that no man is an island, and that mainly in isolation do these illnesses occur mainly. How was mental illness prevalent in the Iroquois? The Hopi? Any other indian tribe? Sure there were aberrations, but nothing on the level today.

Personal anecdote with using copious amounts of caffeine to deal with the lack of concentration. It made me more attentive to my distractions. I suppose meth would not make me concentrate on hyper learning for exams, only be hyper at vidya and tv series and memes and other distractions.

Or worst case, not bothering to study for physics exam and instead read about electronics or just binge on wikipedia all night.

mental illness doesn't exist, only neurodiversity does.

Contra has a brilliant video on this that'd I'd recommend checking


Take a look at /r9k/

It's a scam. Personality disorders are treated like disease yet it basically ammounts to culturaly-inappropriate/behavior. Psychiatry has little basis to attain valid diagnosis and even less probable is that it has any chance of curing anything.

They're really not.

If you want to take so many people off their own medical care for their mental health I would certainly call you a monster.


They're better off educating themselves, and having peace and quiet to get their shit together.

Psychology is good, don't get me wrong. But sometimes people do need prescriptions. Taking them off it would be cruel.

Someone with a serious mental condition is better off educating themselves? Do you know how stupid you sound?

This is what scientology preaches

I have never said anything about banning anything. I am highly doubtful of medical potential of many of these pills. I know, I have exp with wenlafaxine and escitalopram. Withdrawal symptoms from the former were pretty bad, almost as debilitating as opiates, but it lasted 3 fucking weeks, and I got over the junkie-flu in 3 days.

I'd be fucked without Adderall. I don't like it but that's how it is.

besides therapy this is something that they really really would benefit from, no one but you yourself can untangle your spookery. Actual psychosis or paranoia attacks, the 'physical' afflictions caused by chemical unbalance and overstressing the body can and should be treated by medical intervention, including prescriptions.

I never knew you were an expert on the subject. You do know how different psychiatric problems can be, do you? From the front of the brain to the sides, the cerebral cortex to the primary motor cortex

Indeed, physical trauma can cause mental health problems that can be caused by different means altogether but effect the same basic region of the brain.

You're doubting it because of Big Pharma, and really, I understand that. I do. But too many people rely on themselves for their problems already and it makes it worse. And too many people rely on these drugs to make a difference in their lives, no matter how big or small.

The last time we said "Mental Health didn't matter" in a legal context, it was under Reagan, and guess what it resulted in? The homeless population spiking, confused people not knowing where to go, and drug addiction sky rocketing despite his smug smile saying he would fight drug use.

Beware of believing in simple solutions, there are never any when it comes to the mind. The mind is not mystical, it is not philosophical, it is an organ. It is effected by your health just like your stomach or your kidney or your liver.

And some people need help with their health problems. And that's that. All I've ever seen or heard, to enforce this line of thinking, has ended in misfortune.

That's part of it. People don't just send these people with drugs and throw them out, therapy is encouraged.

No, I don't doubt it because of some conspiracy. I doubt it because it didn't do shit to help me. In the end I was alone with my problems, and had to pull myself together. That's how I lost all trust in mundane presumptions about the workings of human brain.

oh and btw - brain - is an organ. mind is quite a broad term and a lot of pseudo-science and outright bullshit fly around it, since there is no scientfic framework to really explain how this shit works. It's XXI century, and we're still on the level of shamans not knowing what the fuck are they doing, how does something work and if it does, why.

stirnerism has ironically become a spook, used to push all sorts of platitudes and inane ideologies. By this point talking about spooks is the edgekid version of those preschool posters with the words 'just be yourself' scrawled below a cutesy drawing.

I hate to be rude, but that really doesn't matter. I could recommend some prescriptions that could help if you tell me what's wrong, but I doubt you would.

We really aren't. We know so much about the brain at this point, it's amazing

the sheer triggering spookshaming causes is worth it. Really can you not get anything better than "hurr durr it ain't hip enough for me"

The people who know the least speak the most in buzzwords

Well I could use some good book on the subject if you have any to spare. No need to hold back, I'm educated.

Similar experiences here as well, caffeine and adder all also function in regard to very different neurotransmitter systems as well, with caffeine being an adenosine receptor antagonist and adderal being some sort of reuptake inhibitor of noradrenaline and dopamine (forget the exact mechanism of action). Point being though these pathways are ludicrously complex, caffeine is well understood and thus generally regarded as safe. Adderal? Not so much. IMO it's nothing more than pharma industry sponsored amphetamine dependency.

I agree with the sketchy nature of Adderall but some people do need it. What I'm more afraid of is people pulling the scientologist route and saying "ALL PSYCHIATRY IS AWFUL, TAKE THE PEOPLE OFF THE PILLS"

That's just a initialization of what Reagan and the following presidencies did by shutting down institutions because they seemed mean.

Look what happened. People ended up confused on the street without medical care and took to drugs or died. In New York, the population of abandoned subway dwellers almost tripled I believe.

There is always the risk making mental health care in America worse can make health care in America worse.

I find how we deal with mental health almost eugenic like, and it's sad to see people agree with that mindset, even if its in the right place

You don't need to be an expert in pills to be legitimately suspicious of their effectiveness.

The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the current opium epidemic along with a host of human rights crimes like human experimentation on humans as young as infants.

All carried out by so called experts such as yourself.

lol hoochie the motor cortex and its components are part of the cerebral cortex.
Glad to have you back though

I meant and ;)

1. That's not the real hoochie
2. The real hoochie wasn't even in the medical school and her "expertise" amounted to pop psychology.
3. The population of the mentally ill homeless spiked during Regan's time because of the deinstitutionalization movement and a shift to "community mental health care" centers which didn't force schizos to take their meds unless they were caught committing crimes and court ordered to, the person you're replying to not only isn't hoochie but doesn't even understand basic shit (though the real hoochie didn't know basic shit either)

And Psychiatry isn't responsible for that. And I've never heard of infants, care to give me a link? That would violate a fuckton of medical rights.

And none of this is carried out by people like me.

Most of the stuff you're thinking of is done by people in Central America looking for cancer cures off the backs of fungus growing off a particular sloth or howler monkey in a paricular place, a kind of fungus in ant nest only located in Ecuador. It goes on and on.

They do not devise chemicals out of whole cloth.

Indeed, there are risks to all medications TO ALL parts of the body regardless.


He destroyed institutionalization forcing people to not know where to go creating a larger impoverished group of homeless people

Digits check. And I agree, as I was saying earlier I am a neuroscientist, not a psychologist, but I think mental health is way to stigmatized in the us and U.K. Fuckimg shame.
And agree that some people really do need adderal. However there are way too many people who are prescribed that shit that don't need it tho, I have a friend who's fucked up on that shit,mad addicted
However to be frank, and not to be predictable, it I think capitalism is a primary fault in this regard. Capitalism forces pharmaceutical companies to chase profit, and they make it off drugs. The result is overprescription. Similiar issues occurred in regard to opiates. So I think your concern in regard to Scientology is warranted but also worth considering that we need to remove profit motive and have better diagnostics. Currently only thing that exists is questionnaire type shit that is not even remotely scientific

a bit unrelated but everytime my mother is in my presence I feel like she's raping me and I want to fucking bash her skull in.

What should I do?

Agreed, there are people who are misdiagnosed with ADHD who had Autism, and were given Adderall. That was not what they needed



They are two entirely different developmental disorders.

The problem isn't even us as it is misdiagnosis. That can be far more catastrophic than people give credit.

And I agree, 100% about pharma. But there are people trying to make a difference who aren't fucking mad scientists.

What I'm implying is that psychiatrists don't cause mental illness, Capitalism does. With stress, expectation, and conflicting information and trauma in childhood, Capital creates mental illness more than any "evil psychiatrist" could ever dream

Reagan hacked down medical aid in its entirety, I only object to treatments and diagnoses that aren't some muddy "we'll put you on this and if it doesn't work try something else" and "well it could be caused by a mix of enviromental and genetic causes but it's all oh so subjective so we can't be certain" and "ohh he's behaving in an unusual manner and is bad with some social skill that we're zealously convinced to be supposed to be learned automatically and isn't at all inherited from social relations in family unit and childhood interactions"


They knew were to go there was simply no way to force them to go there after the state mental hospitals were emptied. They WERE covered and medications and services WERE available to them they simply weren't sane enough to function in the outside world after living in long term state mental hospitals their whole lives. The deinstitutionalization movement was a mistake and mostly peddled by big pharma.

Hoochie or not, you lack knowledge while trying to pass yourself off as an expert, just like her. Please stop.

Can't have both.

Play this fantasy in your imagination, and try to get to the bottom of things. Follow the why's and you'll reach the point where language doesn't provide much help anymore.

There's a bit right to what you're saying and a bit wrong. People look for symptoms more than family interactions and trauma and such. That can be good, and that can be bad.

What I think, despite what the internet mocks it as, is there is a real epidemic of PTSD in our youth from parents who weren't there, or abusive grandmothers, grandfathers. Abuse runs deep, and as financial tensions rise, it gets worse. And often times goes unreported as it is just family history. Believe me I would know.

Abuse can range from the physical, to the mental. To kids as young as five.

It's an example of both what you're saying, and how the tendrils of capitalism can ruin lives in a psychiatric way

Reagan knew that institutionalization is just capitalist disciplining.

Do you think the institutionalized were there because they were cogent? What the hell?

Yes yes keep deflecting that blame, never take responsibility you filthy little shill. Your time will come.


I don't even work, I'm just a student.

Also you're the worst namefag and a sad excuse at my replacement I've wanted to say that for a long time now.

No one wants to blame their family. Well, children do, but that really bad shit - they don't have words for it, and adults prefer to move out and move on.

What's better, that or mass homelessness? And you call yourself a socialist when you encourage something like that to happen

That doesn't follow. Unless Capitalism is simply the name for the wretched earth, which makes the use of the term a linguistic mod-and-bailey delusion.

The push for deinstitutionalization started in the 60s with the introduction of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers with the belief that the mentally ill would continue to take them outside of the hospital and continue to function. It turned out not to be true. Now the majority of them in up in jail. The mentally ill ended up homeless and psychotic not because they didn't have access to medications but because they usually stop taking them outside of a controlled environment. Your "expertise' is a complete joke.

Stress to make your offspring successful and abuse them to do so does follow, and it follows fucking more often then you think

I'm not Afroplasm. I was just making fun of the boring, useless faggot. Nevertheless, if you run cover for evil for free, despite being fucked in the head yourself, you will pay.

And there was science behind it. There still is.

In some cases. But your understanding of this whole thing is even worse than what you claim mine is.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

This is the saddest attempt to dismiss a medical field I've ever really seen.

You can say that for any field. Americans are irresponsible about their health, dipshit



Shaking in my black boots. I thought diagnosis was over rated?

I'm on mobile so I can't source but I did see a study which look at suicide in London during the industrial revolution. Fucking skyrocketed. There's so much evidence to validate that claim, but all you get is bootstrap bullshit. Conform to this sick system or die

I've been here for fucking months

Hoochie I know you're just doing it to piss people off because I don't remember you doing it before, but please tone down the reddit spacing. It's not annoying anyone because everyone knows you're doing it on purpose but it makes your posts hard to read.

Homeless are useful for porky, at once they're dehumanised and in your face as a symbol of what will happen to you if you don't work.


*green text was accidental

I would blame financial stress regardless, call it what you will, these factors exacerbate.

I don't even know how to respond to this post. Most people who were kicked out of the state mental hospitals were completely covered for their crazy pills via Medicaid. Your whole post is nonsensical. The profession you hope to join (when you finish premed that is) simply got bamboozled by big pharma nothing more. And now you're trying to cover up the mess you made.

It's phoneposting more than reddit spacing. Plus I've always done this on imageboards. This whole reddit spacing shtick is only a recent phenomenon to me.

You're a Soc Dem

Through and Through

Silent genocide of the sick could have been averted, but when all you can do is street struggle and suffer from condition while being treated by everyone like nonhuman such menial bulshit as taking your meds gets delayed further and further

If Medicaid covers the cost of the drugs entirely it obviously refutes your claim that they couldn't afford the drugs. I'm starting to think it is you. Seriously why did you come back here? You drag this board through the mud with your fifth grade level of argumentation.

I know it's new but it's a good way to bully redditors because they frequently do it, it's less "people on imageboards have always typed this way" and more "we should type this way because redditors love doing it the other way and they're fucking shit".

This overlooks the fact that financial stress if often a result of mental defects, I know a lot of mentally defective people with financial problems, all of them results instead of causes.

A 100 years ago nearly everyone was poor, following your logic, we should all have been batshit back then.

Why do you complain about his character? At least he has principles, unlike you, who will end up working for and ideological state apparatus without a single ounce of shame

Medicaid has been cut over and over, and beyond that, these people were not cogent enough to accept jobs, they ended up homeless. This is history, this is fact.

You cannot make excuses for it you little succdem worm

I didn't know being a socdem was part of someone's character, but I do agree.

Be smug all you want, your time is coming and you know it. The great thing about the internet is pieces of shit like you can't help themselves, revealing your true nature over and over again. It's like watching the Hindenberg. If you really gave a fuck about psychiatric illness you'd be talking about IM ketamine or something, but nope, you're a bought and paid for parrot, like the rest of your ilk. "Just a student", yeah, yeah, just following orders. Not to mention how 90% of what you say about your field isn't even remotely accurate. How revolutionary of you, you larping lib, diversity quota, Agent Orange afflicted parasite. Now stop shitposting and at least read Stahl or something jfc. How do you even pass any exams at all ;^)

Unfortunately batshit is the word that describes human behavior in every century so far.

Epic shitpost, idiot.

True. But then, my point still stands. It's also a very cultural issue as well.

Thanks Bernard


Still waiting for some book on the amazing shit we know about human mind.

Still love you bb

[citation needed]
Even if Medicaid covered all their "crazy pills," pills alone aren't anything resembling a complete or useful treatment, especially for those rendered irrational by their conditions.

What topic about the mind are you interested in particular

You only had to ask, my friend:

1997 -> 2007 -> 1995

Psychiatry is (a) a money making scheme, and (b) eugenics, basically. The whole point is to mark a part of the population as invalid and make sure they're kept out of any socially important position. Actually helping people has nothing to do with it. Any actual basis in physiological causes is irrelevant and scientists don't even try (psychiatry is actually quite militant about making sure actual physical causes aren't tied to a diagnosis, because duh the whole point is to police behavior).

Even better, if you get a psych diagnosis, your whole family is now suspect and faces discrimination. Isn't it obvious the whole enterprise is for eugenics? How come the elite class is never questioned about their mental health, even though they show obvious signs of derangement (for example, Hillary Clinton is obviously a psychopath by any objective measure and shouldn't be anywhere near power). But there's psychiatry for the underclass, psychiatry for the worker drones to keep them productive, and a class of people who are above the psychiatric law who get to dictate the terms by which the underclasses live.

That some people actually need their medication to function is irrelevant. There's a legitimate reason to practice psychiatry as a science, but whatever this society is practicing is for purely political purposes.

Read Oliver Sachs "the man who mistook his wife for a hat". One of the best on the subject

By the way, I'm glad to see you all too

Straight from the mouth of fucking L Ron Hubbard

Shut the fuck up

The brain is an organ that can fuck up like any other

That's the point I'm arguing you shit for brains. Psychiatrists were 100% complicit in the deinstitutionalization movement, now most schizophrenics end up spending time in jail while most psychiatrists go into cash practices charging $250 an hour to treat the worried well and peddle anti depressants.

Yo btw what was your old trip back in the day? IIRC you had a different trip then some user called you hoochie Minh and you adopted it

How? I talk to professors who argue that it was a gigantic mistake all the fucking time

Fuck you too bitch.

Are you illiterate? Psychiatry as it exists is practiced for social and political control. Any connection to real problems with the brain and mind are irrelevant to what actually happens.

Idk, but somehow it changed because of board hacking drama or something, someone already confirmed it's me

How decision-making works. How subjective values are established. How does creativity work.



Thank you, comrade.

Sanity is always particular and temporal, therefor the insane can only be judged as so within this particular and temporal realm. Otherwise I can only conclude that the Chinese are a constitutionally pathological race.

Your point is that capitalism is the singular state to which it all can be relegated to, this is a massive over simplification that only really appeals to the wretched earth sentiment, scoring ideological credits. It doesn't help with any actual understanding of peoples problems even if it were true anymore than stating that it's just how the universe works, so that it is universism that is at fault.

That's quite a lot of Lacan, I'm somewhat familiar. Thx for complilation.

don't leave us hanging like this again.

More than 250 an hour. I know psychiatrists that cram $200 med checks 4 times an hour and bill insurance for far longer. It's a corrupt system.

I'd rather be in a jail than one of the old style mental institutions, but really they're the same sort of thing, except jails are more overtly used for prison labor (slavery). Oh, America, what a fuckup you are.

Are you playing dumb? Big pharma and psychiatrists were at the forefront of the deinstitutionalization movement, I'm not going to spoon feed you, psychiatrists who advocate for the reopening of long term menta hospitals are definitely in the minority and continue to throw up their hands in the air and not really give a shit as the severely mentally ill end up in prison en masse. As long as they can charge another $250 a session for a slightly neurotic house wife and peddle the latest $2000/month antidepressant™ they are perfectly content as a professional body.

That's some vast shit with a lot of differing opinions. We know a lot but these things are specific.

And there are a fuckload of sources I wouldn't know where to begin.

I would say, that all these things come through emotional development, which goes hand in hand with cognitive development. One grows with the other, you lose one, you lack the other. So many people confuse emotion and logic as separate when they're really just the same beast.

It takes stimuli, emotion, to make a decision. Creativity is an emotional activity, subjective values are made from decisions.

I'm half assing what I know here a tad, but the point is that much of this comes from emotion. Most of this is from textbooks, I know there are sources, I just can't name any at the moment

That doesn't follow at all. Capitalism is not a fact of life, it is an unnatural form of organization.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You don't have to play dumb to end up believing in reformism and social democracy

Still waiting on a citation, faggot.

I have a differing opinion on emotion. I consider them to be a language. It bears all semblance of a language, it serves informing function internally, and has corresponding symbolic representation in social situations.

You describe capitalism as the fact of life, encompassing any and all suffering due to it being the whole of it. Any fantasies of completion to undo it, a new Jerusalem, only accentuate this.

Just stop posting, or at least stop trying to pass yourself off as an expert, some of our stupider posters made take some of your "insight" to heart.

And on the subject of decision-making, I think they cannot be fully dependent on emotion or logic.

Emotion is far more hard coded than that. It can be a language, emotion can be learned, and therefore, so can cognition. That's all developmental stuff.

Stop projecting boo

Well at least you attracted me back, and I'm a way better poster. Did you see the """alt-right""" actually went ahead with the NazBol meme? My sides holy shit

I've been here user for a while, it spread like malaria along with the board's quality.

Naah, it just takes some skill to rewire. Most of them are in fact learned in cultural context. Take notice how different local communities could develop vastly different emotive codes, to the point where in feudalism aristocracy and commoners didn't consider each other truly human.


Glad to be of service.
I mean IRL. They have their agents shilling it. The ride never ends

It's still emotion. You can't separate emotion from logic because it requires emotional stimuli to make a choice. It develops hand in hand. Even if you try to "rewire" it, it's still there. It's inseparable

Decision is rooted in emotion and logic. Those processes are integral to it.
Think of the choice to jump out of a plane. Your amygdala screams not to, you could get hurt. Your frontal cortex reminds you that you have a parachute and will be ok. Somewhat crude but you get the idea. And the limbic system system rewards you if you take the plunge with a shot of adrenaline and dopamine

You got it wrong, decision is based on desire, not emotion. Otherwise we could be 100% controlled by fear. Even totally emtionless people have desires.


And what is desire? Separate from logic and emotion? No, it's emotion. It's also a very specific emotion

Desire is not emotion. Emotion is a reaction, desire is creative - it creates emotion not the other way around.

Read Lacan.

Desire is a creative? And emotions aren't? Why is it then that musicians write songs inspired by sadness or grief?

I miss her

So much

That's not how it works

They didn't write songs because they were sad. they desired to express their grief in a form of art.

I suppose we can politely disagree and move on. I don't have time to post anymore but it was pretty entertaining, and civil. May we see again.

I enjoyed this too.

Why did this board have to drive away catgirl though


As to the pills, they are what they are. Some like SSRIs have been proven to be actively harmful, and they certainly were detrimental to me. Most of these pills, they have no idea how they're supposed to work, but that they just "do" somehow, which they determine through studying behavior. That they have horrid side-effects doesn't matter, because psych patients are automatically viewed as less-than-human.

It doesn't matter whether it exists in capitalism or socialism, psychiatry is an instrument of behavioral control. Getting rid of capitalism would remove the perverse profit motives that encourage really bad behavior on a captive population that by definition can't make decisions for themselves (and that decision making is forced by law). But even in socialism, psychiatry becomes a means of behavioral policing, the substitute for the existence of the State to exert power over others. That people have real problems or not is irrelevant - the internal state does not matter, only the observable behavior matters. That has been the principle of psychiatry for a long time, trying to guess at a patient's internal state is a chaotic mess and psychiatry and psychology gave up on that a long time ago.

The only way I helped myself was to do my research on the drugs, and ask the people who take them rather than the people who prescribe and the people who are outside the patient underclass. I've heard enough horror stories about SSRIs to corroborate my own experiences and fortunately no one is forcing those horrible pills on me again.

Fuck off Foucault

I guess this is what it sounds like when cats cry.

Fuck you dude

t. fascist

Literally means the same thing. By attaching the word desire to it, your creating this thing called desire and making it into something more than it really is. It's an emotion.
Humans are primarily motivated by dopaminergic systems, one I mentioned is the limbic system. Take these thing away and you lose motivation. It's not some abstract concept, from a materialist perspective these things are derived from tangible processes. What you claim to be desire could be nothing more than chasing happiness. Why else to dope addicts desire to ruin their fucking lives? Because they found a chemical which hijacks the systems that make them feel good, they chase it. Point being though that the distinction between desire and emotion is irrelevant and largely arbitrary

It's a trial and error process, you need to try out combinations in order to get the right mixture.
Zoloft and Wellbutrin XL works for me, but I had to try a couple of others first.

I don't think the new Hoochie is Hoochie.
I demand to see the mirror in which she reveals her cankles.

It literally is me

Forgive me for not wanting to bloat to 250lbs, sweat profusely, and spend my day and night constantly agitated because a psychiatrist forces me on a drug with purely negative effects. I'm not going through that shit again because of scientific malpractice.

Of course it would take extra time and money to actually study the physiological effects of these drugs in a meaningful way, to tailor the drugs to the body of each patient. Far more money and effort than the state is willing to pay on such a large class of undesirable, unwanted people.

If mass institutionalization still existed and the judgements of psychiatry still held, we'd be seeing millions of people imprisoned for psychiatric illnesses. Some of those people, somehow, manage to live productive lives today. Most do not, but many of those people are still not an active harm to society. They're more the victim of discrimination by normals, whose only crime is being unwanted by society.

Read second paragraph of
It would be nice and dandy if people could figure out what works and what doesn't on a case by case basis, but the reality is that if you're in the lower tier of the psych patient order, you're quickly processed and dealt with. Part of that is capitalism at work, but really I wouldn't expect better in an ideal socialist world (and I definitely don't expect socialism to be so utopian).

Buddy, you didn't need a psychiatrist to dot hat

Read Heidegger. That was the whole point of NazBol btw, to ruse nazi's/leftoids into reading him, and the counterintel running the altright actually took the b8 irl. When any of you Lacanian fags accomplish similar through shitposts let me know (Zizek doesn't count. You will never be Zizek.)

it worked didn't it?

oh grow up. you cunts merely bleat impetuously about reading, i got the deep state apparatus to shill my favorite philosopher. get on my level faggots


Rape threats from rebel.

This is an advanced post-shitpost. You almost had me for a moment.

All I have to say is you can pry my SSRIs from my cold dead hands, they help me and I don't care what anyone says about it.

Holla Forums had regular Freud and Lacanian-posters just a year ago shitting all over the pharmaceutical industry, most people here don't care.

They were also pretty good at triggering stirnerfags.

This is really, really last post and it's a long one. I'm stating my position on how decision making works. Emotion is action in itself. You may say that for example you are afraid of a man with the gun threateing you at point blank. What makes you afraid in such situation? Losing your life? If you did not possess desire to live, you would perhaps feel relief or happiness. In fact you can feel however you can including "happiness" and still every single one of those feelings is not the cause of WHY you decide to feel this or that way. If emotion steers action there would be no body movement without emotion. You'd have to feel like walking to start walking.
Another example. Let us consider that since emotions do not have power to control us, what then does. As some user metions "addicts" have a supposedly bad desire that again arguably ruins their lives. And supposedly they seek happiness. See, theory of addiction is surprisingly naive. It posits that there is a common ground between users, that every junkie takes for the same reason. If you know anything about real world psychology you already bang your head on the keyboard in despair. Underlying desire is not something that a bad drug inflicts upon you. It's always personal, individual desire for something that requires drug use to obtain. In fact the chemical factor and the rush aren't such hot shits that are worth destroying life for. Here we must get behind pain/pleasure, and seek out the real motivation. It may be something as trivial as genuine curiosity, boredom, or something so roundabout as destructive binge as a means of self-punishment or an excuse to pretend to meet and talk with people.

Distinction between desire and emotion is crucial. You don't feel it and you cannot understand it directly. We develop emotions and reason to understand and fulfill desires. Desire is the reason why you like one food but not another. Desire is the reason why you prefer one theory over another. Desire dictates whom you trust and whom you don't. Desire is that invisible system of values that is only yours


He's got it so backwards. Identity is false ego, it is a thought construct. Wanting what others want means relinquishing yourself and submission to social pressure, fakeness of existence chained in roles. Desire is the real ego, It is indifferent towards the Other.

Why is Holla Forums one of the last places on Earth where psychoanalysis is taken seriously

Psychoanalysis is really only useful to understand in its performative meta-psychological aspects and how it was utilized in mass psychology from Bernays, Reich and on. Lacan is a meme

Besides Jung of course, who was the real deal, but because not Jewish most of the plebs here can't into i guess

Fucking namefags are ruining Holla Forums.
Stop crying for attention. Filtered



You're an awful shill that is promoting prescription drugs when even into today a ton of drugs get pulled off the market in their first seven years.

In addition to that you completely ignore the role that capitalist alienation plays in mental illness. Alternatives like democratic schools instead of forcing children to rote memorize a ton of facts without context and that they'd have no interest in.

I'd say your getting paid by the pharmaceutical industry for all this if your behavior and posts weren't so irrational, no way they'd pay for such unprofessional shilling.


What does that even mean.

I'm what you'd call a gifted child and I had to deal with all sorts of professionals of mental health, none of which really knew what they were doing, AMA.

The most putrid thing about this dreary weasel of a dyke kike is her only argument is "t-that's scientology" when her hopeless incompetence is revealed, and thus must merely cheat her way through life, as her subspecies is reknowned and rightly reviled for, and as if whatever gobbledygook passes for her worldview puts her in better company. The other thing is in these threads she's always saying "the brain is just an organ", perplexing to most that have experienced this thing humans know as "consciousness", except when you realize it is just coming clean about not even being sentient. Just a loathsome, empty little robot minion of the enemy with no soul at all. Makes it a lot easier to dehumanize it when there's no lights on upstairs, making ending its disgraceful tenure as a burden to humanity no more distressing than pulling out a weed.

And why do you think psychiatry/capitalism and the general ruling class are separated? Read Foucault you fuck.

That's a hot ant

Do you have a better suggestion? Just let people who cannot care for themselves go unprotected? Don't be fucking naive, time again that has shown to be a bad idea. Especially in America.

I think I've read enough of his work to know I agree with his idea of society as organized as a Panopticon but his ideas about mental illness are at best medieval. Would it be great if we could all just get along and not acknowledge that people have health problems?

Sure, it would, but that's not a realistic world nor is it the world we currently live in. Capitalism takes advantage of them and puts them in low paying tasks faster than it exploits most people.


literally Holla Forums tier jews did it reasoning just because. clearly not listed as etiology in your Astra Zeneca brochure of a degree. so you just made it up. wake up, YOU'RE capitalism, you're the system.

hahaha. it's cute when you try pretend to be smart. try skim more of the wiki next time

mental illness is constantly increasing as quality of life goes up in the highest HDI countries. how mysterious. it's almost like there's more at play than your bargain basement, barely coherent understanding of how society and economy functions.

giving women any position of authority was a mistake, that's why your only "intellectual" movement of note, feminism, quickly metamorphosed into a horrifying fraud, was backed by the CIA for like 5 decades without any of you noticing, and now currently crashing and burning as everyone sees what it really is. what women intellectuals even contributed to leftist theory? basically none. Rosa that's it. That's all you have and no one even reads her rambling about councils except leftcoms, who'll read anything that makes them seem smarter.

Useless. Money sucking opportunists that make no real difference in anyone's lives

0 to 11

What can I give a source to what I never said or implied?

oh who can follow your xannied out horseshit anyway

Which pills do you take?

like what are you even saying, besides trying to insist psychiatrists aren't universally terrible people just because SOME psychiatric medicines are vital for some people, which is besides the point, but more importantly you happen to want to get paid as one, and are congenitally incapable of understanding the consequences of your actions or taking any responsibility them? ok fine. it's just your shitty chromosomes. you can't help that i guess.

do you want me to switch over to defending psychiatry? because you always do such a fucking piss poor job of it lel

What can I argue over what I never said?

That the human brain is no different an organ from a kidney, only this particular organ can impair judgement. So, it is the responsibility of medicine to treat the organ.

What are you implying? That there's more to lose taking psychiatric medication than regular medication? Face it that's not true. Every medicine produced by pharmaceutical companies is potentially hazardous, and yet we still use them. They're not an ideal, but right now it's what we have in America.

Getting rid of even more healthcare in America, especially for the mentally ill, leads Capital to take advantage of them. The last time we cut down significantly on mental health care was under Reagan, and it lead to a spike in not only homelessness,

but drug use

and suicide

And why would that happen? Because of the material conditions they can't meet under Capitalism.

I don't know why you're confused or being so rude. This is all pretty simple to understand.

I just can't fathom why you keep saying stuff like this unless you're literally a philosophical zombie. Is anyone denying consciousness is related to organic brain function?

What the fuck does your broken ass health care system have to do with it? The world isn't America, fucking burgers.

That's a deliberate mischaracterization of what I'm saying.

Are you saying your kidney is no more complicated than taking a piss

Mind and Body duality is a joke. The mind is the body is the body is the mind.

You didn't answer my question. Also do you got the hookup on some scripts?

It's not about a simple risk / benefit either. No one expects any drug or medical intervention for that matter to be completely safe.

Unreal and fucking baffling unless they really do straight up brainwash this absurdity into you at these universities. Is your asshole conscious right now? What is the inherent color of physical matter?

You're more hyperbolic than Paul Joseph Watson

It seems yours is.

Why does the extent of your consciousness end at "the body"? Your normie ass Richard Dawkins tier scientism is frankly embarrassing.

The brain.







Also if you want to be particular, the spinal chord as well.

He doesn't take prescription meth.

No it isn't. It's fascinating actually. I've never even watched that faggot btw he's too annoying looking. Why are you so obsessed with the gayest literal controlled opposition ecelebs on the internet? Aren't you like 25?

Did you take off the flag and the trip to write this post?

Yes it is. You are loaded with hyperbole it's really annoying me.

No, believe it or not multiple people find your shit irritating.

Nice circular reasoning you borderline invalid. What is different about the nervous system? What makes it special? How would you know it's conscious just by looking at it, as opposed to every other biological function?

Why would you? I didn't reply to you.

Are you one of the Hoochie fanboy team?

How am I a borderline invalid for saying that your cognition is housed within your brain

That's a good name

Because you are a general fucking nuisance.

Fuck off back to reddit faggot.

Since you've dignified me with a response milady: Which pills do you take?

It is the part of the body responsible for transmitting nervous electricity and signals throughout the body, primarily housed within the spinal chord and brain.

At the cellular level, the nervous system is defined by the presence of a special type of cell, called the neuron, also known as a "nerve cell". Neurons have special structures that allow them to send signals rapidly and precisely to other cells. They send these signals in the form of electrochemical waves traveling along thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. A cell that receives a synaptic signal from a neuron may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The connections between neurons can form neural circuits and also neural networks that generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior. Along with neurons, the nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells which provide structural and metabolic support.

The only living animals that have no nervous system are sponges, placozoans, and mesozoans, which have very simple body plans and no mind at all.

Like you.

Good. Hopefully I make you feel lots of unpleasant emotions.

You're too stupid to see how stupid you are, and this is the shit that's rife in your whole god awful field, in all of bourgeois science really, you think is just fine and normal.

What about "cognition" makes it conscious? You do realize most of cognition is unconscious right? Are you aware of the calculus your brain is doing right coordinating your motor movements now as you type? Are you doing the sums in your head? Are you watching yourself retrieve memories?

Did you copy and paste this? Do you really think I don't know what a neuron is? Pathetic.


That's a good question. What would something look like with consciousness but no cognition. Might it be, you?



How come you say you'll recommend some pills but you won't even tells us what you take?

I knew the shrinks were keeping the good shit for themselves…

I don't know if you even pass a Turing test at this point.

I never suggested you take pills. I never suggested you tell others what you take either :v)

Where did I say No U

Literally the same insult I used earlier. Cut down the alprazolam toots, it's really chewing through that swiss cheese hippocampus of yours.

I hate to be rude, but that really doesn't matter. I could recommend some prescriptions that could help if you tell me what's wrong, but I doubt you would.

Dis you right?


You're a weird person.

It was nice talking to the equivalent of the anfem flag for a while

I am aware.

Hoochie Minh!!x0nKSJseGQ Viet Cong 07/30/17 (Sun) 10:00:31 No.1917066

Trips say yes but dubs say no. So confuseding.


What are you doing to those poor quotes? Stop that and stop your reddit spacing immediately.

What's reddit spacing?

When you figure it out you're free to start posting again. That's the nature of the beast.


* should be

If that's why there was some confusion.

Still waiting on the list of great women leftist theorists. Will I ever find out?



Emma goldman was pretty cool.

not invoke Holla Forums but its jewey in nature